Coonts, Stephen - Jake Grafton 7 - Cuba

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Coonts, Stephen - Jake Grafton 7 - Cuba Page 49

by Cuba (lit)

  objective is the lab and the cultures: that's more

  than enough to keep us busy. You've been there before and know

  the layout. Will you go back with us tonight?"

  Tommy Carmellini nodded slowly. "I

  appreciate your asking, Admiral. I'd be


  "We are planning a military assault. It is

  going to be a holy mess, I think. Vargas will

  probably ambush us on the way in or

  booby-trap the lab to blow up" we've fought our

  way in there. Maybe both."

  "He's that kind of guyea"...Carmellini agreed.

  "Hector Sedano's brother is aboard ship.

  He was-picked up floating in the ocean north of

  Cuba two days ago after the boat he was on

  sank. Everyone else aboard drowned or was a

  victim of shark attack. This kid is either

  Hector's brother or a liar of Clintonian

  dimensions. They call him El Ocho. I want you

  to talk to him, feel him out. He impressed me as

  an extremely competent, capable young man. Talk

  to him, then come back and tell me what you think."


  Toad Tarkington was in the Air Intelligence

  Center studying satellite images and radar

  images from an E-3 Sentry AW ACS

  plane flying a race track pattern over the

  Florida Straits. The University of Havana

  science building was at the center of all the images.

  "What's happening in Havana"..."...Jake asked.

  "The streets are full of peopleea"...Toad said.

  "Especially around La Cabana Prison. Do you

  think they are there to break Hector out?"

  "They're there because he isea"...Jake muttered, and used

  a magnifying glass to study the infrared images

  of the science building.

  Toad pointed at the picture with the tip of a pen.

  'Tankea"...he said. "Vargas is going to be waiting

  with his guns loaded."

  "Is he taking cultures out of the building? Do

  any of the specialists in Maryland have any opinions

  on that?"

  "No one has seen any milk trucks. He'd be

  a fool to haul that stuff through Havana in a

  regular truck."

  "Desperate men do foolish thingsea"...Jake

  Grafton said, and laid the magnifying glass

  back on the table.

  As the sun was setting, Jake received a call from the

  White House. "I just watched that tape of

  Fidelea"...the president said over the encrypted


  "It's impressive. We are going to deliver it

  to the woman who gave it to us, see if she can get it

  on television tonight."

  "Maybe that will pan outea"...the president said. "The

  American Interest Section in Havana says that

  the crowd outside the prison is restless. Local

  police are nowhere in sight."

  A wave of relief swept over Jake

  Grafton. "That's the best news I've heard

  today, sir."

  "I'm really worried about those viruses."

  "Sir, we'll do what we can."

  "Just what are you going to do, Admiral?"

  "Improvise as I go along. Do you really want

  to know?""...I guess notea"...the president said heavily.

  Alejo Vargas was in the office area across the

  hallway from the lab in the University of Havana

  science building when General Alba came in with

  old General Rafael Zerquera, the titular head

  of the Cuban armed forces, the chief of staff. The

  old man was at least eighty-five,

  probably a bit moreea'and he walked with a cane.

  With the two military men were several ministers,

  including Ferrara and the mayor of Havana. Behind them

  were six young officers, all wearing sidearms.

  "Sefior Presidents,"

  General Zerquera began, and looked around the room

  for a chair. He found one and his aide helped him

  to it, though Vargas had not invited anyone to sit.

  The general looked around slowly, taking everything in.

  Through the window one could see the air lock across the

  hallway that led to the sealed laboratory.

  "I called your office, called the Ministry of

  Interior they could not tell me where you were. The army

  knew, however."

  Vargas said nothing.

  "I saw a missile launched last nighteveryone in

  central Cuba saw or heard it."...The old man

  shook his head, remembering. "Weapons to destroy

  cities, kill millionsFidel knew that if the

  Yanquis ever found out about the missiles, they would

  seek to destroy them. He was right. And he knew that

  if the missiles were ever used on the United

  States ..."

  Zerquera cocked his head, looked at Vargas.

  "So you launched at least one, and it never

  reached its target."

  "What's done is doneea"...Vargas snapped. "How

  do you know the missile did not reach its target?"

  "Because we are still aliveea"...Zerquera said. "If you

  think the Yanquis will not retaliate, you are a

  dangerous fool."

  Vargas had to restrain himself. Zerquera had many


  friends; it would be impossible to stop tongues from wagging

  if he were shot here, in front of these junior


  "And then there is this labea"...Zerquera continued blandly,

  gesturing at the window glass and the laboratory beyond.

  "Here you grow the poison to murder Cuba. If you

  use this on the Americans, they will retaliate.

  If it escapes, Cubans will die horribly."

  Vargas took a deep breath before he answered.

  "We are moving the cultures."

  "Moving them where?"

  "To a place where they will be safe."

  "Excuse me,

  Senor Presidente,

  for my failure to understand. What other place in

  Cuba has the sealed ventilation system and

  biological alarms and other safeguards

  that exist here?"

  'There are none."

  "So there is no place safer than this building."

  "Tonight the Americans will probably attack this

  building in order to destroy the cultures. They

  burned several facilities last night that contained

  cultures, and they will probably burn this one. I

  am not a prophet, yet I make that prediction

  with a great degree of confidence."

  "The president of the United States can destroy this

  building and everything it contains with a telephone

  callea"...General Zerquera said softly, "and there is

  nothing on earth we can do about it. In my opinion the

  viruses should be destroyed, if it can be safely

  done. An escape of the polio viruses from whatever

  containers they are in will kill vast numbers of our people

  unless the containers are housed in a specially prepared

  place, like this laboratory."

  Vargas looked exasperated. "You exceed your

  authority, General, when you"

  Zerquera stopped him with a hand. "No, no, no!




  authority when you endanger the Cuban people in

  order to gratify your ambition."

sp; "Do not cross me, old manea"...Vargas snarled.

  "I am not going to interfere in politics, Alejo.

  I never

  have. The Cuban people will decide who they want to lead

  themneither you nor the exiles nor Fidel nor the

  president of the United States can dictate who the

  Cuban people will choose. For forty years they wanted

  Fidel, a loquacious eccentric with much personal

  charm and too little wisdom, in my opinion. Yet a

  new day has come."

  Vargas gestured angrily. "These others have brought

  you here with lies about me."

  General Rafael Zerquera got to his feet.

  He leaned on his cane, examined every face, and ended

  with his eyes on Vargas. "A nation matures much like

  a man does. Youth makes mistakes: with-age and

  experience comes wisdom."

  "You waste our timeea"...Vargas said through his teeth.

  "You will not remove the cultures from this building. The

  risk to the population is too great."

  Vargas stepped forward to slap the old fool, but one

  of the aides stopped him with the barrel of a pistol

  pointed right at his face.

  "Another step,

  Senor Presidente,"

  the young man said, "and you are dead."

  Zerquera turned and headed for the door. He went through

  it, then took the elevator up to street level.

  The civilians followed him. Alba and the young

  officers stayed.

  "You, Alba? You have betrayed me?"

  "I obey my conscienceea"...Alba said, and posted his

  men in front of the lab.

  "Kill anyone who tries to remove anything from that

  roomea"...the general told them.

  As the last of the daylight faded, a helicopter from


  United States

  crossed the southern shore of the island of Cuba flying

  northwest. The helicopter stayed low, just above the

  treetops. In the cockpit both the pilot and

  copilot were wearing night-vision goggles. Behind them

  in the bay sat Tommy Carmellini and Ocho

  Sedano. A .50-caliber machine gun was mounted

  in the open door. The gunner wearing night-vision

  goggles sat on the jump seat, looking out.

  Overhead EA-6But Prowlers and FirstA-18

  Hornets with their HARM missiles ready crossed

  the coast at the same time. These

  airplanes were there to attack any Cuban radars

  that came on the air tonight. So far, all was quiet.

  Above the Prowlers and Hornets, F-14

  Tomcats patrolled back and forth.

  One of the F-14 pilots was Stiff Hardwick.

  He and his RIO had ejected last night almost on

  top of silo one, so they had ridden home in an

  Osprey. The RIO, Boots VonRauenzahn,

  sustained a fracture to the left arm; he was

  sporting a cast tonight and couldn't fly. The junior

  RIO in the squadron, Sailor Karnow, drew

  the short straw and was sitting behind Stiff tonight.

  Stiff had had a hell of a bad day. First the

  shoot-down by a Cuban fighter pilot, then he

  endured a day of razzing from his peers, all of whom

  had a great laugh at his tale of woe, then tonight he

  had to fly with Sailor, a quiet woman who never

  had much to say around the testosterone-charged ready



  On the way out to the plane this evening, Boots had

  put his good arm around the shoulders of his pal, Stiff.

  "Sailor will take good care of you. Don't fret

  the program, shipmate."

  Stiff snarled something crude in reply and

  stomped off.

  He was the sole victim of the entire Cuban Air

  Force fighter pilots generally ignored

  helicopters, so the Osprey and choppers destroyed

  by the MiGo pilot didn't register on Stiff's

  radar screen. He was never, ever going to be able

  to live down the ignominy of last night. His

  squadron mates would probably tattoo a

  ribald memorial of his disgrace on his ass some

  night when he was drunk or chisel it on his

  tombstone. His skipper had almost put somebody

  else in his place on the flight schedule tnStiff

  begged shamelessly: "You gotta let me flyea"...he

  sobbed, "give me a chance to redeem myself."

  "You aren't going to do anything stupid out there, are

  you"..."...the skipper asked, his voice tinged with


  "Oh, no, sirea"...Stiff assured the man.

  So here he was, off to slay the dragon if he

  came out of his lair. And that goddamn Cuban

  fighter jock was probably still swilling free beer

  on the tale of the damned Yanqui who pulled up in

  front of him and lit his afterburners.

  Actually Carlos Corrado hadn't thought much about

  his aerial victory. He awoke in the

  early afternoon with a blinding headache and treated himself

  to his usual hangover regimena cup of coffee,

  a cigar, and a puke.

  He felt a little better this evenin'g but thought he should

  forgo food. He would eat after he flew, he


  The powers that be didn't call the base today, of

  course, because the telephone system was hors"

  combat. Alas, a desk-flying colonel drove

  down from Havana.

  "Please stay on the ground, Corrado. I would

  make that an order, but knowing you, you would disobey it.

  So I ask you, please do not fly tonight. Please do

  not allow yourself to be shot down. Please do not shame


  Carlos Corrado told the colonel where he could

  go and what he could do to himself when he got there.

  Tonight he sat on the concrete leaning up against a

  nose tire of his steed, which was parked between two gutted

  hangars. The troops had worked all day getting the


  29 fueled, serviced, and armed. It was ready. Now

  all Corrado needed to know was where the Americans were

  and what they were up to. Of course there was no one

  to tell him.

  The walls of the hangars were still standing and magnified the

  sounds of the sky. As he chewed on his cigar butt,

  Corrado could hear jets running high. The growl

  was deep and faint.

  The planes were American, certainly, and they had

  fangs. If he went heedlessly blasting into the sky,

  his life was going to come to an abrupt, violent end.

  Where were they going?

  Havana? He thought they would go there last night and

  they never got near the place.

  Of course, the headquarters colonel knew nothing.

  At least, he had nothing to say. Except that

  Corrado was a fool. Only a fool would

  attack the American war machine head-on, he


  Corrado got out a match and lit the butt. He

  puffed, coughed, chewed on the soggy mess.

  Well, hell, we're all fools, really.

  Does any of this matter? And if so, to whom?

  Rita Moravia settled the V-22 onto the

  flight deck of the

  United States

  and watched as Jake Grafton came trotting out from

  the island. Toad and a d
ozen marines carrying

  aircraft flares followed him. The

  marines had their rifles slung over their shoulders and

  wore their Kevlar Helmets. Under the red lights

  shining down from the ship's island superstructure, the

  shadowy procession looked like something, from a dream, a

  vision without substance.

  She felt the substance as the men trooped up the

  ramp in the back of the plane and the vibrations reached

  her through the fuselage. Soon Jake Grafton was

  looking over her shoulder.

  "Toad says you're okay. Now tell me the


  "I'm okay, Admiral."...She turned and flashed

  him a grin. The disbruise on her forehead was yellow

  and blue now.

  "Whenever you're readyea"...Jake said, and strapped himself

  into the crew chief's seat.

  It was a rare summer night, with a clean, clear

  sky, visibility exceeding twenty miles. A

  series of rain showers had swept the Florida

  Straits earlier in the evening, cleaning out the haze and


  Major Jack O'Brian sat in the cockpit of

  his F-117 looking at the cities below as he

  flew down the west coast of Florida, out to sea a

  little so as to avoid airplanes on the

  airway. O'Brian had one radio tuned to his

  squadron's tactical frequency, which he was

  merely monitoring in case the mission was scrubbed

  at the last minute, and on the other he listened

  to Miami Center. He wasn't talking to the air

  traffic controller either. His transponder was off.

  He was cruising at 36,500 feet, 500 feet

  above the flight level, so he should miss any

  airliner that he failed to see. Of course, an

  airliner going under him would not see him because his plane

  was midnight black and the exterior position lights

  were off.

  The stealth fighter was also invisible to the controller at

  Miami Center, who had his radar configured to received

  coded replies from transponders. Even if the

  controller chose to look at actual radar

  returns, the skin paints, he would not have seen the

  F-117, which had been designed to be invisible

  to radars at long distances.

  This feature also hid the stealth fighter from the

  American early-warning radars that were sweeping these

  skies looking for outlaw aircraft that might be

  aloft in the night, such as drug smugglers. And in just

  a few minutes it would

  hide it from Cuban radars probing the sky

  over the Florida Straits. If there were any.

  Completely unseen, a black ghost flitting through the


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