Rebel Lover

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by Lacey Carter Andersen

  Angels with white wings circled the dome like vultures.

  Vultures? Where had that thought come from? Angels weren’t vultures. They were eagles of justice, protection, and honor. They guarded Caine and ensured that no one disturbed his important work as the judge of all of humanity.

  She rose from her crouched position, looking out at the landscape of red rocks between her and Zudessa. I wish I’d worn shoes.

  Those red rocks were polished to a hard edge and they would hurt. She’d been in such a rush to escape the demons that she hadn’t even taken the time to dress properly. She needed to be with her brothers and sisters, the angels. She needed guidance, but more than that, she needed answers.

  Nothing to do but get moving.

  She started forward and goose bumps erupted on her skin as she stepped through the protective barrier. She hadn't walked ten steps when she felt the wind stir from wings beating high overhead. A second later, an angel landed hard in front of her.

  “Brother,” she greeted, feeling a wave of relief. She knew this angel. Somehow. “Frink, I need your help.”

  His long dark hair fell in front of his face like a curtain, but as he slowly stood to his full height, piercing green eyes glared at her. She took a step back as his mouth curled in disgust and anger.

  “Frink?” she whispered, her voice shaking.

  He cocked his head in an almost animalistic gesture. “You’re here to ask me for help?”

  She had to stop herself from recoiling from him. Why am I suddenly so afraid? I have nothing to fear from another angel.

  “I awoke in a field. My memories are gone, my wings stripped. I need help remembering what happened.”

  His expression froze, and his gaze seemed far away. “You don’t remember anything?”

  “Just becoming an angel,” she confessed.

  The smile that slowly stretched his lips made her nerves crackle. “Then, by all means, let me help you.”

  Chapter Ten

  W hile his brothers searched the streets, Daniel went to the one witch who could help. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on her shop door.

  Summer opened the door herself and the beads over the windows jangled against the glass. When she saw who it was, her brown eyes widened and her painted lips spread into a wide smile.

  “Speak of the devil…” She sounded out of breath. Aroused.

  But then, that was exactly why Daniel had come to her. Not only was she powerful, she’d been clear about how badly she wanted him.

  Time to use my abilities.

  “Summer,” he leaned in closer. “It’s good to see you.”

  Each word held a power that few but another demon could sense. His words would move over her flesh like a caress, easing her mind like a few too many drinks. She wouldn’t have to do what he asked, but she’d want to, and she’d enjoy every moment of it.

  She gave a little giggle and leaned against her doorframe. “Is it? And here I thought you’d been very clear there was only one woman for you.”

  He stepped closer, resting his forearm on the doorframe just above her head. “Maybe I’ve changed my mind.”

  The witch practically melted beneath his gaze. “In that case, why don’t you come in?”

  She moved out of his way, just far enough that he had to rub against her as he passed. Revulsion shivered beneath his skin.

  Even flirting with another woman felt wrong. Surcy was the only woman he wanted to touch. Unfortunately, he'd never forgive himself if something happened to her.

  Do this. For her.

  Moving through Summer's small shop, overwhelmed with the scent of incense burning, he sat at her little table. His gaze slid over the crystals and amulets lining the walls.

  I hate this place.

  Her hand rested on his shoulder, then slid down his chest. “What did you come here for, Daniel?”

  “To see you,” he lied. “And to get help finding someone.”

  “Your angel again?” her words came out an angry hiss.

  “I already found her. And she no longer wishes to be with me.” He hated that the pain in his voice wasn’t feigned. “But even if she can’t love me, I need to ensure she’s safe.”

  Summer was silent for a long moment. Then, her fingers began to graze the muscles of his chest once more. “So once you find her, you won’t be with her?”


  Another long pause. “Fine, I’ll help. But I have expectations in return.”

  He had to hold back a shudder. “Of course.”

  She swung her hips in a movement he knew she meant to be seductive and sat across from him. He could feel her power building.

  He held himself stiffly when she took his hand and her power sparked against his skin.

  “Let me in,” she whispered. “Let me see her as you do, so that I may find her.”

  It took everything within him to drop his guard and let her in.

  In his mind's eye, Daniel stared at Surcy’s face, memorizing every line: her flawless nose, her high cheekbones, her eyes, always so wide, and filled with emotion.

  Running his fingers along her face, he watched in absolute wonder as she gasped.

  “Did I hurt you?” he whispered, pulling his fingers back.

  She shook her head. “No. I—I just forgot what it felt like to be touched. To feel. Being an angel… it’s so cold. So… lonely.”

  “You want me to keep touching you?”

  Very slowly, holding his gaze, she nodded.

  He ran his fingertips along every inch of her face, his touch little more than a whisper. Her eyes closed and her breathing came in and out faster and faster.

  “It’s like coming to life.”

  Every muscle in his body tensed and his cock hardened. But he did nothing more than touch her gently. Because even though he was touching her to remind her of what it meant to be human, this moment was for him just as much as her. He wasn’t sure he’d ever truly been alive until meeting her, even before his death.

  “Will you—kiss me?” she asked.

  Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t have refused her. Moving closer, he brushed his lips against hers. Her breath tasted sweet, oh so sweet.

  When her head tilted, her lips slanting to give him better access, he deepened the kiss, his tongue slipping into her mouth. One of his hands moved to her hips, drawing her closer.

  He stopped himself, even though it took every ounce of control he had. He shifted back from her, one painful inch after another. More than anything, he wanted to kiss her until her entire body hummed with need.

  He wanted to feel her melt beneath his touch as she clung to him, her thoughts scattering. He wanted to know she was wet and ready. He wanted to reach beneath her flowing skirts and touch her. To feel her rocking against his fingers. To hear the sounds of her moans of pleasure.

  But he needed to be sure that’s what she wanted too. Because, somehow, he knew, if he ever touched this woman, he wouldn’t be able to stop.

  She opened her stunning eyes and stared right back at him.

  “Until now, I never understood why my brethren lie with humans. I thought being an angel was the greatest form of life that anyone could hope to be. But it isn’t, is it?”

  Daniel brushed her hair back from her face. “No, there’s nothing in all the realms like being human. And when we touch, when we love, it brings back our humanity little by little.”

  Her gaze held his. “Will you make love to me, Daniel?”

  His breath caught. Could a demon truly make love to an angel?

  The memory tore away and a new image replaced it. He saw Surcy walking in a place without life, a desert that seemed to stretch out all around her. Someone was moving ahead of her, and he could sense her nervousness. When the person paused ahead of her and looked back, Daniel recognized the angel named Frink, one of their enemies. An enemy who wanted to kill Surcy. He was leading her to Zudessa. A place he recognized from Surcy’s description. And the place Daniel had gone when he
died briefly before being thrown into the demon-realm.


  Inside the fortress was The Soul Destroyer. A thing used against people Caine didn’t want to be reborn. If she was taken to it, Caine would take her immortal soul, and she’d be lost to them forever. But how do we reach her there?

  The vision disappeared and returned him to the witch’s shop.

  “Did you find your answer?” she whispered, turning aroused eyes onto him.

  He sprang from the chair, knocking it back. “I need to go!”

  Rushing out the door, he heard her call after him, but now wasn't the time.

  "I'll come back," he told her. "She's in danger."

  He would find a way to thank the witch later, but not when Surcy needed him.

  Not when her life hung in the balance.

  We’re coming, Surcy. Somehow.

  Chapter Eleven

  S omething isn’t right.

  Surcy hadn’t been able to shake the feeling. The way Frink looked at her sent goose bumps racing down her arms and had every hair on her body standing on end. Hatred rolled off him in waves, but why would she feel this way about a fellow angel?

  I felt safer with the demons.

  The knowledge chilled her to the core. She had to turn back, before it was too late.

  She stopped walking and waited for Frink to look back at her. “There’s somewhere else I should go before I return to Caine.”

  His eyes narrowed. “And where is that?”

  “To further investigate what caused the loss of my wings. Such a thing is too small a matter for the Great Caine.”

  Turning, she started back toward the border. They hadn’t walked far. If she hurried, but not so quickly as to alert him, she could cross it and teleport back out.

  She sensed him behind her. “What’s the matter, Surcy? Your memory coming back?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” She increased her speed.

  “You don’t.” He spoke, too close behind her. “Then, you don’t remember helping a certain traitorous Hunter and her demons escape?”

  “Escape?” That can’t be true.

  “Oh yes,” he said, his voice cold. “And of course you remember what happened when I tried to stop you?”

  Her heart had been pounding so loudly in her ears she could scarcely hear anything else. “I can’t even imagine.”

  Wind whipped around her and suddenly he was standing in front of her, cutting her off from her escape. “You killed me.” His soul-blade appeared in his hand. “And now, I think it’s my turn to return the favor.”

  Her own soul-blade appeared in her hand. “I don’t want to hurt a fellow angel.”

  “Then this will be even easier than I thought.”

  He swung at her, and her blade met his. The sound of metal hitting metal filled her ears, and her arms shook from the impact. He swung at her from every angle, but each time her blade met his.

  They circled each other, her palms sweaty against the hilt of her weapon. She couldn’t remember learning to use a sword, yet it felt natural in her grip.

  But am I better than this angel?

  Inching backwards toward the border, she kept her blade in front of her. Something within her burned at the thought of running from a fight, but a louder part of her still felt weak and lost in her own body. The last thing she needed at the moment was a fight.

  A shadow fell over her and she glanced up to see angels circling above them.

  What will I do if I have to face more than one of them? I won’t survive it.

  Frink came at her again. She leapt to one side, slicing his arm, and rolling.

  He swore. Using his free hand, he touched the trail of blood and glared at her. “You’ll pay for that.”

  She opened her mouth to respond and two more angels dropped from the sky in front of her.

  “What is it?” a beautiful golden haired angel asked, looking between Frink and her as she continued moving backwards.

  “An enemy,” Frink answered simply.

  Blades formed in their hands.

  Her pulse sped up. I only have one choice.

  Leaping back, she crossed the border and teleported to safety. When she appeared in front of the demons’ house, she collapsed onto her knees.

  Tears trailed down her cheeks, and she set her blade down in front of her, staring into the darkness. How can this be? My own brethren sought to kill me? They call me an enemy.

  In her heart, she felt that she was an angel. And yet, it appeared that she was a friend and champion of the demons instead.

  What am I to do now?

  Chapter Twelve

  T ristan read Daniel's text message for the millionth time, helpless rage boiling within him. Surcy was near The Realm Creator. The place all souls went when they died. Caine’s home and the birthplace of angels.

  If the angels found her there, they would kill her without question.

  And then my reason for living will be gone. And the streets will run red with the blood of the angels.

  “How do we save her?” he asked, feeling his need to protect tightening every muscle in his body.

  Kill. Fight. Destroy. His instincts screamed. He needed a target for his anger, or the consequences would be deadly.

  An angry demon is a dangerous demon.

  Mark shook his head, his helpless radiating from every inch of him, irritating Tristan. “You know we can’t get to Zudessa, not without an angel to teleport us there. If we could have, we would’ve saved her when she disappeared.”


  Tristan stared at his eternal-brother, his heart in his throat. “There has to be a way. Before we weren’t certain where they kept her, and Summer couldn’t detect her location, but now we know.”

  That has to mean something!

  Mark collapsed into the chair near the fire that had died out hours ago, defeat in his expression. “If others could get there, Caine wouldn’t be so difficult to take down. So unless you know an angel who can take us there, I think all we can do is wait and hope.”

  An angel? I might not know one that can help, but I know ways of making one help. Even angels had weaknesses.

  Clenching his fists together, an idea began to form. “Then, we find an angel. And we make him take us to her.”

  We’ll go far from our home and use our demon magic to call the winged bastards to us. We'll make them take us to her.

  Mark looked up slowly. “Do you have any idea how insane that is? I want her back as badly as you do, but—“

  Tristan would have none of it. “If you have an idea, I will listen. Until then, we go angel hunting.”

  Turning, he headed for the door. This might get us caught, but I am nothing without my Surcy.

  I am nothing if I cannot protect the people I love.

  “Should we wait for Daniel?” Mark asked, hurrying to keep up behind him.

  I wait for no man.

  “If he isn’t here by the time we reach the car, he’ll have to catch up to us.”

  Each second felt like years. Already their Surcy could be caught. Hurt. And they weren’t there to help her.

  His instincts roared at just the thought of his beautiful woman injured, and his vision swam with red. He could sense death shadowing his every step. When he unleashed his fury, no angel would be safe.

  “Uh, hello.”

  Her voice came to him from the living room. Tristan froze, his breath still. He turned and saw Surcy standing there, looking lost and confused.

  His fury melted away. His need to save her gone.

  Unable to help himself, he ran to her and pulled her into his arms. Her body felt small and cold, the way it had when they’d first met her. But she was safe and alive. And in that moment, that’s all that mattered.

  “I’ll text Daniel,” Mark said, his voice shaking.

  Releasing her, Tristan stepped back, searching her face. “You’re alright.”

  She moved away from him, her expression uncomfortab
le. She folded her arms over her chest and rubbed her upper arms before she spoke. “I’m sorry I left, but I…”

  “You went back to your own kind.”

  Her beautiful gaze met his. “I couldn’t believe that I would choose demons over angels. I thought you must be lying to me.”

  “But now you believe us?”

  She sighed audibly. “Let’s be honest with each other. I don’t know that I believe all of you. This is scary for me, and difficult to wrap my mind around. But now I know the angels want me dead. So, I reached a decision.”

  Tristan held his breath. Is this good or bad?

  “And what’s that?”

  “I don’t know if I’ll ever get my memories back, but if I run away from you, I’ll never know why I made the choices I made.” She frowned. “And since I'm not welcome among my own kind anyway…”

  You’ll remain with us. The thought breathed fresh life into his heart.

  Mark moved closer to her, smiling. “So, you’re joining our side?”

  Her jaw tensed. “No, but I won’t stand against you.”

  Everything must begin with a first step.

  Silence stretched between them.

  Mark was the first to finally speak, his excitement clear in the way he fiddled with the chain to his necklace. “That’s wonderful! And with time, I’m sure you’ll come to realize that even though we’re demons, we’re not bad.”

  She gave them a hesitant smile. “I hope so. And thank you for understanding.”

  Oh my Surcy, you have no idea how much I understand.

  Tristan just hoped she had the strength for what was to come. Because if his many years of life had taught him anything, he knew this, their struggles had just begun.

  Chapter Thirteen

  W hen Daniel came home, no one said much. His brothers had already filled him in by text. But still, guilt ate at him. He had almost gotten Surcy killed. And for what? His own foolish pride? His fear?

  I really am a broken, fuck-up.

  Surcy went to bed and fell instantly to sleep. Thank god. He didn’t think he could speak to her after what he’d done. He needed time to rip his emotions off his sleeve and shove them deep inside.


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