Junkyard Dog

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Junkyard Dog Page 20

by Hunter, Bijou

  The thick head of his cock slides easily into my mouth, coating my tongue with discharge. I suck once, twice, and finally a third time before sliding my tongue down the tender underbelly to his heavy balls. Hayes makes a pained noise when I suck gently at the flesh. My hand continues to pump the length of him while I make him squirm by teasing his balls with my tongue.

  By the time my lips return to the head of his cock, the slit leaks thick cum. I lick it off and glance up at Hayes. He feels vulnerable, exposed, but unafraid. My man trusts me. The rest of the world might come crashing down on him, but I never will. I’ll always be at his side.

  I feel Hayes’s balls ready to explode. Stroking his cock with both hands, I suck steadily at the head, enticing it to let go. My earlier fears are gone, and I only want to hear Hayes’s groans as he finds release.

  The first spray of cum against my throat startles me for only a moment before I swallow the hot liquid. Sucking more from him, I close my eyes and enjoy the wild moans of a man completely under my control. He’s lost in pleasure as I drink down what feels like gallons of pent-up need.

  Hayes’s body is spent long before his cock softens under my touch. My tongue circles the head, licking it clean. I stare up at a blissful Hayes watching me. He doesn’t look even a little bit arrogant. No, I’d say his expression is more grateful than anything else.

  I finally relent and gently rest his relaxed cock against his thigh. Crawling up to Hayes, I lick my lips.

  “Want to taste what I accomplished?”

  Hayes grips the back of my head, and his sudden touch startles me. His kiss is hot and desperate. He’s a man afraid he’ll lose something important if he lets go. I wrap my arms around his neck and straddle him. He needs to know I’m not going anywhere.

  “I love you,” I whisper when his lips leave mine.

  “You survived,” he said, attempting to joke, but his expression remains too panicked to sell the humor.

  “I think your dick and I have come to a mutual understanding. That means you won’t go through the rest of your life without blowjobs.”

  Hayes understands how I mean to keep him. Even after the proposal, he worried I’ll change my mind. Trusting people never came easily to either of us. I doubt it ever will, but we’re not people. We’re Angus and Candy, and I’ve trusted him from the beginning. I couldn’t always deal with his bullshit, but I always knew where the bullshit was coming from.

  Hayes isn’t a mystery to me. I hope I’m not one to him. If I am, he’ll have a lifetime to figure me out.


  White Horse doesn’t change while I’m on vacation. As Moot puts it when I return, “the world didn’t end without Asshole Hayes telling it what to do.” I’m relieved to know I can relax without the place going to shit. With a woman and kids in my life, I suspect I’ll relax a lot more often.

  On the flight from Orlando to Nashville, Chipper sits next to me again. He explains how Candy said we’ll live half of the time at my house and the other half at the rental place. At first, I’m unimpressed with this plan. I believe in tearing off the Band-Aid fast rather than prolonging the pain.

  Candy calmly reminds me how Nightmare won’t be thrilled with sharing the house with two loud kids and a skittish cat. Splitting our time will allow the dog to adjust. I realize what she's saying, and she has a good point. If the dog has trouble with change, so will the kids, and they’re slightly more important than my beloved pooch.

  Also on the flight back, Chipper gives me a long explanation about how public school sucks and he needs more individual attention to “unlock his potential.” Candy wasn’t wrong about her kids being sneaky. They’ve clearly done their research on how to sell homeschooling. I don’t disagree with them, though. They’re weird kids, and public school will try to make them normal. I know since I was weird too. Despite the best efforts of my teachers, I remained weird yet turned out better than anyone else I knew growing up.

  Candy says she’ll think about starting homeschooling after the Christmas break. I know she worries about teaching them wrong. We both worry about how she’ll handle the office and schooling the kids. Plus we’ll barely have any time alone, and Candy is excited about practicing her new blowjob skills.

  Donna at the Waffle House gives us a solution. Her sister was a homeschooler. Now Leslie’s kids are at college, and she’s looking for a job. Candy likes Leslie a hell of a lot more than she does Donna, and we find our nanny/teacher for the kids.

  “We learn with the lady during the mornings,” Chipper explains to his grandparents on Skype. “We stay with Mom and Hayes in the afternoon.”

  “At work, we’re learning life skills,” Cricket adds, really playing up the entire thing.

  The grandparents nod in unison. Watching their weird rich bullshit, I tell Candy I don’t like them. She only laughs and says life never promised me a rose garden, so I need to stop my whining. The grandparents love the twins and we’ll need to deal with them for a very long time. Much like we will with Balthazar.

  When my father returns to White Horse and Gladys the Cat, I expect him to fall back into his old routine. He surprises me by wanting to meet for weekly golf at the nearby course. I’m wary at first, having gone a long time without a close relationship with him. In fact, I’m more comfortable being uncomfortable during my visits. Now he wants to be friends, and I feel a little lost.

  Balthazar acts less like my disgruntled father and more like a guy shooting the shit. We play a few holes, stop for lunch, and finish up before he’s ready for his nap. He talks a lot about Mom and him when they first married. I like hearing the stories. My mother only died ten years ago, but I feel like I’ve lived most of my life without her. Now she’s alive again with his stories. Balthazar even mentions their infidelities and how marriage was difficult with him on the road.

  “She was my love, and I never loved another. Maybe we weren’t the perfect couple, but I was never unhappy enough to consider leaving. She might have gotten lonely, but she only loved me.”

  Balthazar never admits I’m not his biological son, but whenever he makes a point to say Gladys was his only love, I feel like he’s telling me I wasn’t a mistake created out of a bad marriage. I also wasn’t why they stayed together, and he never regretted having me around. Spelling it out in more detail wouldn’t be our style.

  Upon our return, I find my office perfectly renovated. Moot shrugs when I look surprised.

  “You don’t believe in no one but yourself, Angus.”

  “True. Nicely done.”

  Candy walks around and shakes her head. “You took too much space. Now my office space is cramped.”

  We frown at her, but she only smiles. “Just kidding. I’m going to organize your office now.”

  I look at Moot and shrug. “She likes to organize.”

  “Good thing he met you,” Moot says to Candy, and I instantly frown.

  “Don’t talk to her,” I growl.


  I glare at him until Candy clears her throat. “What if I’m falling off a cliff and Moot is the only one who can save me? If he offers me his hand to pull me up, can I take it?”

  “How high up is the cliff?”

  “Pretty far,” she murmurs, sizing up Moot. “Can I take his hand and then hug him super tight when he saves me?”


  “So I should just plummet to my death?”

  “Or don’t fall off the fucking cliff in the first fucking place.”

  Candy smiles wider. “Okay, but then you can’t have women touching you. Oh, and don’t even fucking think of cheating. If I catch you cheating, I’ll cut the bitch’s face off and sew it onto your face. That way, if you want to see your bitch so much, you can just look in the mirror.”

  Candy sounds genuinely pissed and threatening. Her warning makes my dick hard.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” I say, and she walks into my office to begin organizing.

  “You found the perfect w
oman for you, man,” Moot says. “Not just anyone would look you into your scary eyes and threaten to sew someone's face on you. That takes a special brand of crazy.”

  “Don’t call my future wife crazy. With our money, we’re considered eccentric.”

  “I stand corrected,” Moot says, laughing as he heads out for another site.

  With us alone for the time being, I lock the doors before cornering Candy in my office and bending her over the desk. She pretends to be annoyed even though two orgasms. The chick knows how to commit to a lie.


  This first time Dreamy visits Hayes’s house, she ends up under the couch with Nightmare trying to smoke her out. The kids attempt to coax the dog to play outside, but he’s too busy watching the cat. Whining frequently, he pushes the couch with his nose. Everywhere the couch scoots, the cat goes too.

  “He wants to eat her,” Hayes tells the kids.

  “Not cool,” Cricket mutters, crawling to the couch and talking to the pets.

  They’re unimpressed with her pep talk. We finally drag Nightmare away long enough to grab the cat and stick her in the carrier. These two don't appear capable of becoming friends.

  By the time we officially move into Hayes’s house just before Christmas, Dreamy uses Nightmare as a pillow. The kids get accustomed to Hayes’s house too and soon use one spare room for their beds and the second one as a playroom. We finish unpacking stuff from the rental house one week before the wedding.

  The weather gives us a break, allowing the sun to break through the clouds on our winter wedding day. I wear a simple white gown, short enough that I don’t need heels. Chipper and Cricket walk me down a white tarp in our backyard to where a pastor and Hayes wait. We have white chairs set out for our few guests. Grandpa and Grandma Eddison sit in the front row with Balthazar and Lizzy Anne. Moot wears his fanciest jeans for his role as best man. Honey is decked out in a summer dress and a winter jacket as my maid of honor.

  Hayes wears black slacks and shirt, looking like the devil to my angel white. In fact, we’re somewhere in between on the evil to holy scale.

  I’m not the only blushing belle on my wedding day. Reunited with her old beau, Honey goes goo-goo over Moot, who stares hypnotized by her. An hour after the ceremony, I wonder if either of them remembers she’s married. Even with four loud kids running circles around them, Honey and Moot can only see each other.

  Hayes watches the flirting couple and shakes his head disapprovingly. “Why can’t people make sense the way we do?”

  “We’re special, boss.”

  Hayes gives me a knowing smile. After all, he’s the feared Junkyard Dog, and I’m his not-so-sweet Candy Girl.


  Contrary to the rumors around town, marriage and kids don’t turn me soft. More than once, I am forced to remind everyone I control White Horse. Moot acts as my muscle while I play family man. He also puts together a team of trusted men to help him do my dirty work. Moot might not be as scary as I am, but everyone knows he's backed by my money and power.

  Candy gets pregnant six months after we marry. Every day, I tell her she looks beautiful even when she gets bigger with my one boy than she did with twins.

  “I’m giving birth to Sasquatch,” she complains while rubbing cocoa butter on her stretch marks. “He better be gorgeous.”

  Our baby is born in the afternoon on a stormy Saturday. I stare at him in absolute awe. I mean I know what babies look like, but this is my kid, so he’s fucking special. Candy keeps playing with his thick, dark brown hair.

  “I don’t want to be mean,” Cricket says, staring at her little brother, “but he’s not cute.”

  “Did he fall out of you and land on his face?” Chipper asks.

  “I will cry,” Candy warns in a quiet, sing-songy voice to keep the newborn from waking. “I will cry a lot, and there will be snot, and I will use you two as giant napkins for all my boogers. Do you understand how much snot I can produce as a new mother? Gallons and gallons. Now let’s try this again. What do you think of Casper?”

  The kids look at each other and then their brother. “He’s beautiful,” Chipper and Cricket say in unison, playing up the creepy twin angle.


  “Why Casper?” Balthazar asks the next day when he visits the hospital.

  “I wanted to honor you,” Candy says, grimacing from her C-section as she tries to get comfortable in bed.

  “Why me?

  “I figured you were trying to make a kickass statement by naming your son Anus but then chickened out and added the ‘g’ at the last minute.”

  Balthazar frowns at me, but I can only roll my eyes. Candy’s reasoning for the name is bizarre, but she gave birth to my fourteen-pound son, so I’m not arguing with her.

  “Get it? Anus and Ass-per?”

  “You’re a strange woman,” Balthazar says and then smiles at Casper. “But you make beautiful babies.”

  Candy grins until she moves again. “I forgot how much C-sections suck on the second day.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say, feeling rather useless standing there.

  “For giving me everything a woman could want?” she asks, smiling brightly.

  Just like that, I feel like a fucking king.

  On our first anniversary, I give her something she’s too afraid to ask for. Candy opens the gift box and finds a newspaper clipping of a woman’s grisly death. She frowns for a long time, and I wonder if I was wrong about her wanting Peat’s murderer dead.

  “And I only bought you a sex toy,” she finally says.

  Candy always has a way with words. She never says anything else about the dead woman, but I notice less anger in her eyes whenever she mentions her brother. After everything Candy’s given me, I’m relieved my gift brought her an ounce of peace.

  Until her, I never knew I was lonely. Until her, I never figured I’d have the patience to be a father. Until her, I hated change. Until her, I never truly knew how it felt to be a man.


  Something magical happens at our wedding. Honey’s independence, with an assist from her libido, awakens. I knew she dated Moot years ago, but Hayes made their relationship sound one-sided. Apparently, my sister still holds a flame for the bad boy.

  While I enjoyed my honeymoon at Disney World, Honey kicked Douche to the curb. By the time I’m pregnant with Casper, Andrew is past tense and Moot is her current beau. Both free after too long locked up, Honey and Moot go wild for a few months. I constantly tell Hayes how I don’t approve of their partying ways. I never say anything to Honey though. I love seeing her smile.

  Eventually, Honey and Moot settle down and become a family. By then, I’m knee-deep in giant baby madness. Casper, or Cap as I get to calling him, loves his mama. For the first year of his life, I can’t leave the room without him losing his shit. The twins view Cap as their enemy. He isn’t fond of them either. He only wants me. All the time.

  “I can’t believe I’m jealous of a baby,” Hayes says one night while we sleep with Cap between us.

  “He’s a baby. He’s barely crawling. The world is a big place, and he needs security.”

  Hayes grins slightly in the dark room. “I’d want to climb all over you if I could.”

  “Right back at you, big guy.”

  Cap is a perfect form of birth control until he turns one and learns to walk. Suddenly, he’s Mister Independent. He chases his siblings. He chases Nightmare and Dreamy. Best of all, he chases after his daddy. Cap runs himself into exhaustion and begins crashing early each night.

  “We’re free!” I cry the first night Cap sleeps without hours of cuddling.

  Hayes yanks off his shirt and shivers. “What’s fucking like? I have vague memories of liking it.”

  I nearly injure myself in the rush to the bed. Hayes isn’t much more coordinated. Too long without sex has left us rusty. I don’t know what to do with my hands. He nearly dislocates my hip, trying to find his way inside me
. We’ve become clumsy virgins. By the next night, we’re aces again. Practice makes perfect after all.

  Cap has my big mouth and Hayes’s trust issues. He never wants to play with anyone outside his family. He’s wary of his cousins and watches them the same way Hayes watches twitchy people in his territory.

  “Anti-social runs in the family,” Hayes says, gesturing toward Cricket and Chipper who always keep their distance from outsiders.

  The twins warm up to Cap when he begins smiling at them. That’s all it takes. They crave applause, and he finds them hilarious. Once he’s mobile, the twins become triplets. Everywhere they go, he wants to go too. Cricket teaches him to throw a fit on command. Chipper teaches him to do the pouty face that turns Hayes to mush.

  My man has no resistance to the children’s trickery. All he can do is force me to play the bad guy. I throw the blame on the po-po when I can, but most days I’m cool with being the scary parent. There’s no denying Hayes makes a very sexy softie.

  Disney World becomes a bi-yearly event for the family. As the kids get older, the trips become more relaxed. Balthazar and Lizzy Anne join us on each trip. Occasionally, Honey, Moot, and their brood come along too. My favorite moments are when Hayes, the kids, and I watch fireworks. No matter how big the kids get, they ooh and ahh like when they were little. Hayes also never fails to laugh at how no matter how old I get I always ooh and ahh too.

  While Casper might be the official heir to the Hayes organization, he’s as laidback as his brother. By the time she’s a teenager, Cricket causes fear in White Horse. Her favorite hobby is showing up unannounced at work sites to scare the lazier employees.

  None of the kids show any interest in going to college. They take a few business and accounting classes at the community college. Otherwise, they learn everything they need to know from Hayes. He expands his main office to give each kid their own space. Doling out more and more work to them, he’s officially retired by the time Cap turns eighteen. Even as his kids become the public face of the Hayes organization, my sexy man will always be the Junkyard Dog calling the shots behind the curtain.


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