Tomorrow's Too Late

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Tomorrow's Too Late Page 10

by Nicole Edwards

  “You get any reading done?” Kye finally asked when Dani was quiet for a while.

  Her head snapped his way and he recognized the suspicious gleam in her eyes. “How did you know I was reading?”

  “Um…because you’re always sitting on the balcony with a book in your hand?”

  She smiled but turned away quickly. “You’re spying on me, Joe.”

  If she only knew. “I’d rather use the word admiring. It doesn’t sound quite so devious.”

  “Speaking of spying,” she continued, “what is it that you do for a living?”

  “I manage a chain of sporting goods stores,” he lied. If Dani decided to do any research, she would find it to be true. RT had worked his magic to give Kye a solid cover should that happen. Joe Davis did, in fact, manage a chain of sporting goods stores out of Kansas. Never married, no kids, Joe was an uninteresting suburbanite who spent his spare time reading. In a word, he was boring.

  “Really?” She didn’t sound convinced.

  “Yeah.” He sighed heavily. “I’d originally intended to go into the military, but my hearing impairment eliminated that option.”

  Dani frowned at him. “Really? They’ll keep you out for that?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. With only thirty percent of my hearing, I couldn’t pass the physical.” That much was true. “Same with becoming a cop.” He forced a smile. “So, I ended up with a business degree.”

  “Hmm. You don’t look like the business degree type.”

  Yeah, well.

  More minutes passed as they lay there beneath the darkening sky, watching the stars come out. The beach was practically deserted by the time Dani spoke again. He thought for sure she was going to head back in, but she surprised him by turning toward him and propping her head on her hand.

  “Tell me about your brother.”

  Kye hid his surprise by staring up at the sky. He was shocked that Dani had decided to pick up the conversation where they’d left off two days ago. For whatever reason, Kye had started talking about his family and he’d mentioned his brother had died, but he hadn’t elaborated on the subject.

  “What about him?” he asked, keeping his tone level.

  “How did he die?”

  “He was murdered,” he admitted, still not looking at her.

  Dani’s soft hand touched his arm and he felt the smoothness of her skin. He couldn’t keep from looking her way. Kye knew what she would see in his eyes. Regret, remorse, even anger.

  “What happened, Joe?”

  Sighing, he decided to give her some of the details. Considering it had been a public case, he knew he couldn’t give her too much. Should she choose to research, she would easily find out he was not who he claimed to be.

  “He got in with the wrong crowd.”

  “How old was he?”

  “Nineteen.” He still remembered that day like it was yesterday. Two detectives had showed up at his parents’ door to inform them that their youngest child would not be coming home ever again.

  It had hit Kye hard considering he’d been close to Toby. With only ten months separating them, they’d been practically twins, spending most of their time together.

  “Gang related?” she asked.

  Kye shook his head.



  He wanted to tell her everything, wanted to get it off his chest, but he knew he couldn’t. The death of Toby Sterling had made the front page of the Dallas Morning News. His brother was gay, and according to the police reports, he’d been murdered because of it. Kye had spent months trying to find out who had brutally tortured and killed his brother, never coming up with any answers. Whoever did it had gotten away. It was now a cold case and he doubted anyone would ever be brought to justice.

  And that was part of the reason he’d ended up at Sniper 1 Security. He knew if anyone could find who was responsible for his brother’s death, it would be them. Which was the very reason he’d shared those details with Hunter back when he first started. He’d seen the sympathy in his eyes, knew he wouldn’t be able to let it go. One day, Kye would learn the identity of the people responsible. And he would put them down like the dogs they were.

  “I’m sorry,” she said softly.

  Kye turned and realized Dani was close, her face only inches from his. If he wanted to, he could’ve easily kissed her, fused his lips to hers and explored the sweetness of her mouth. And oh, how he wanted to. Unfortunately, that wasn’t an option. His goal was to gain her trust, and getting his hands on her probably wouldn’t help him achieve his goal.

  For several long seconds, their eyes remained locked and he wished like hell she would close that gap, but she never did.

  Dani was the first to look away and she must’ve realized they were practically alone on the long stretch of beach, because she shifted until she was sitting up. “I should go.”

  Kye didn’t try to talk her out of it. He wanted to get this woman to feel comfortable with him and he knew pushing her wasn’t going to help.

  “Tomorrow night then?” he asked, keeping his tone teasing. “Same time, same place?”

  Dani smiled as she looked down at him. “Maybe if you’re lucky.”

  Kye could’ve told her he’d never been lucky in his entire life.

  But for some reason, he was hoping Dani was going to be the one to change that.


  “Goin’ somewhere, sweetheart?” Hunter asked when Dani nearly face-planted into his chest as she was running out of her apartment.

  She figured he already knew the answer to that by the bag thrown over her shoulder.

  “I’m… No,” she stated adamantly.

  He didn’t look convinced.

  Hunter motioned her back into the apartment. “Does Max know you’re headin’ out so soon?”

  “Hunter, I can—”

  “I don’t need to hear it,” he interrupted, closing the door behind them, taking a deep breath as he did.

  Dani knew he didn’t want to hear it. He never did. No matter how badly she wanted to tell him the truth, she knew Hunter would never listen. He hated her, and she feared he would always feel that way.

  She glanced around her apartment, feeling his presence overwhelming her. This was the first time they’d been alone since before their failed nuptials. She wasn’t sure she liked it. Not only was she uncomfortable, it brought back painful memories of all that she’d lost.

  While he stood there, Dani could tell he tried not to look around, but she wasn’t sure why. He seemed intent on staring at her, keeping a watchful eye as though he expected her to disappear into thin air. God, she wished that was a talent she had learned long ago. It would’ve made this so much easier.


  He didn’t look at her.

  “I really think this is a bad idea,” she finally said.

  “Bad? Or ironic?” He smirked, glancing at her over his shoulder. “Never thought you’d be the job, did you?”

  She sighed. “You weren’t a job.”

  “Right.” He turned away from her. “But that’s the past and right now, I’m here to keep your ass safe. So, if you’ll be a good little girl and go…” He motioned toward the couch.

  “You’re such a jerk.”

  “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, sweetheart.”

  “Come on, Hunter. You know you want to be here even less than I want you here,” she said, desperate for him to hear her out. “So, what’d’ya say we pretend today never happened and you go about your business so I can go about mine.”

  This time he turned to face her. “Sweetheart, I’ve been pretendin’ a lot of things never happened. But your family hired me to do a job; therefore, I’m gonna do my job.”

  “I’ll tell Max that you’re keeping an eye on me,” she said in a rush. “He doesn’t have to know. If he talks to you, just say… I don’t know. Say whatever you need to say to keep him happy. I don’t need a babysitter, Hunter.”

  The man re
mained silent.

  “I’m serious, Hunter. You don’t want to be here, and I don’t want you here, so why can’t we pretend that you’re doing what you said you’d do? Max will still pay. I won’t say a word.”

  “Sit,” he commanded, his hand snapping out as he pointed toward the couch. “I don’t want to hear another word outta your mouth.”


  “I said shut it,” he ground out, “and sit down. I need to have a look around.”

  He started toward the kitchen but then suddenly turned.

  “Better yet,” he said, motioning her toward him, “show me around.”

  “I seriously doubt you need an escort,” she grumbled, not moving from her spot.

  “No, but I’m not willin’ to risk you high-tailin’ it while I’m checkin’ out the bedroom.” He snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor in front of him.

  Dani flipped him off.

  DANI BOLTED UP IN HER bed, her eyes bouncing around the room.

  The beach.

  She wasn’t in her apartment and Hunter wasn’t there.

  Dani fought to catch her breath. She’d been having that stupid dream for a while now. She figured it was her subconscious’s way of doing what she felt she should’ve done the last time she’d left. If she had, where would she be now? Still locked in her apartment with Hunter there watching over her? Or would they have caught the bastard who was threatening her?

  When her heart finally resumed a normal beat, Dani forced her legs over the side of the bed. She grabbed her gun and headed for the kitchen. There was no sense living the what-ifs. No matter what she wanted, she couldn’t turn back time.


  Dani hated that she was looking forward to spending time with Joe down by the water. She knew it was only due to the fact that he was the first human interaction she’d had in so long. Someone who actually wanted to spend time with her.

  Honestly, Dani was tired of being alone. For so long, she’d been depending only on herself, trying to come up with a way to save herself from whatever danger was lurking. No matter how hard she tried, she failed over and over again. Whoever was after her never failed to find her. She knew this time would be no different. It was only a matter of time before he showed up on her doorstep and she was forced to flee again.

  It was a pathetic life she was living. Alone and afraid all the time.

  And here she was, once again sitting on the balcony, the warm breeze blowing over her while Joe went through his exercise routine out on the deck. She wanted to join him, to force him to go down to the water with her. Maybe spend some time frolicking in the surf.

  “You’re an idiot,” she mumbled to herself. “And you do not frolic.”

  Her thoughts drifted back to her dream of Hunter. Her heart constricted, the pain stealing her breath. Hunter Kogan was the only man she’d ever loved, and she missed him. She missed what they’d shared, how he’d made her feel. Safe, cherished. But it had all been a lie, one Dani couldn’t live with, so she had run away, leaving him behind.

  She didn’t blame him for hating her. She deserved it.

  “Hey, gorgeous.”

  Dani’s gaze flew down to the walkway and she noticed Joe standing there, staring up at her. She forced a smile and caressed the gun hidden in her lap.

  “You wanna catch some sun today?”

  Her eyes darted out to the water, then back to him. Could she? Could she really spend an afternoon not hiding, not thinking about who was trying to kill her? Maybe laugh a little?


  “Come on,” he said, motioning his head toward the ocean. “Just a little while.”

  Once again, she peered out at the water.

  “Yeah. Okay.” Feeling lighter, Dani forced herself out of her chair. “I’ll meet you down there.”

  The smile on Joe’s face warmed her from the inside out. She wasn’t sure what it was about this man, but she enjoyed his company. Oddly enough, she felt safe with him. As for whether or not she believed he was a sports store manager, she wasn’t sure, but there was something about him that called to her.

  Of course, that could’ve been her libido trying to pull one over on her. It had been six years since she’d had sex. And Joe was hot. So freaking hot.

  Even as she ran inside to change into her swimsuit, Dani tried to talk herself out of going down there. Getting close to this man was stupid. She could be gone tomorrow, and she would never see him again. What would she do then?

  What if she developed feelings for this hunky guy and she had to run? Where would that leave her? With another broken heart?

  “Don’t be silly,” she muttered to herself. “You’re not gonna fall in love with the guy.”

  She wouldn’t. She knew she wouldn’t because there was only one man she would ever love.

  By the time she made it down to the water a few minutes later, Dani was second-guessing herself. She was an idiot who was looking to get herself killed.

  No. No, she wasn’t. She was simply tired of being alone. That was all it was. She was only looking for a little company.

  “Hey,” Joe greeted with a grin. “I figured you’d go inside and hide on me.”

  “I thought about it,” she told him honestly.

  He studied her face for a few seconds and Dani fought the urge to look away. She worried he could see too much. What if he figured out she was on the run?

  “Are you finally gonna tell me your name?” he asked.

  “Dani,” she blurted before she could think better of it.


  “Is it short for something?” he asked, still staring into her eyes.

  “Danielle,” she admitted. She was already in too deep. Might as well jump all the way in the hole she’d dug.

  “It’s a beautiful name.”

  She smiled shyly and glanced at the ground.

  “You wanna take a walk? Or get in the water?”

  Dani peered down the beach. There were only a few people out, but enough that she would be able to get someone’s attention if necessary.

  “A walk would be nice.”

  They fell into step together, though Dani could tell Joe was pacing himself. Considering how long his legs were, he would likely get wherever they were going twice as fast as she could.

  “Where are you from, Joe?”

  “Kansas,” he said without missing a beat.

  “Really?” She glanced over at him. “I didn’t think anyone was really from Kansas.”

  He chuckled. “Well, I am. What about you?”

  “Texas,” she admitted.

  “Ah. So not far from home?”

  Oh, she was a long way from home. She always was. Even if she was in the same zip code as her family, she was still a long, long way away. Or at least that was what it felt like these days.

  “Not too far,” she answered.

  When Joe reached for her hand, Dani paused briefly but then allowed him to link their fingers together as they continued to walk. Her stomach did a flip at the contact. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone had held her hand. Hunter had never been the type to hold her hand. Sure, he would usually have his hands on her, but handholding was never his thing.

  “When are you going back to Kansas?” Dani asked, trying to make conversation.

  Joe shrugged. “Supposed to leave on Friday.” His eyes dropped to their hands. “But I’m not sure I’ll be ready to go at that point.”

  She knew how he felt. It hadn’t taken long, but for whatever reason, Dani was relaxing around this man. Getting comfortable. She didn’t want him to leave, because then she wouldn’t have anyone to talk to, to walk on the beach with. To hold her hand.

  Her eyes strayed to the water once more.

  Perhaps it was time for her to move on. Getting comfortable meant getting killed.

  And no matter how much she liked this man, Dani knew her life wasn’t worth the risk.

  “WHERE IS HE?” HUNTER DEMANDED when he stepped into RT’
s office.

  RT slowly turned to look at him, obviously disturbed by Hunter’s outburst. Not that Hunter gave a shit. Something was up; he could feel it. There was an itch at the back of his neck letting him know he was missing something crucial. He got the feeling RT knew exactly what was going on, which was what had led him here. He was tired of questioning it. He needed some fucking answers.

  “Where is who?” RT questioned with a frown.


  That frown only deepened. “What are you talking about? Kye gave his notice back in February, remember? He left.”

  “Yeah?” Hunter wasn’t buying it. “Did he really? Or is that what you want me to believe?”

  “He really did,” RT stated firmly, his hand going to the top drawer of his desk. “Why would I lie about that?”

  Hunter watched as RT retrieved a sheet of paper, then passed it over.

  To whom it may concern,

  Thank you for the opportunity, however, I am no longer able to fulfill my obligation as an agent with Sniper 1 Security due to personal reasons. Please accept this as my resignation. Unfortunately, I cannot give two weeks for you to find my replacement, but I figure with the overwhelming abundance of new employees, this will not be a problem.

  It appeared legit and was even signed by Kye, but Hunter still had his doubts. Or was that merely wishful thinking?

  “Why would you accept that?” he questioned.

  RT frowned. “Why wouldn’t I? He insisted he could no longer work here. I’m not in the business of keeping people against their will, Hunter.”

  “He was one of the best fucking agents we had.”

  “Maybe so, but clearly he had an issue. He said it was personal. I wasn’t going to invade his privacy.” RT’s gaze never wavered from his face. “Was there some reason you think I should’ve forced his hand?”

  Hunter didn’t have an answer for that. If he said what he was thinking, he would give too much away. Although RT had come out to his family long ago, Hunter wasn’t about to reveal his own secrets. It was no one’s business what Hunter did behind closed doors.

  RT’s expression turned inquisitive. “Why do you ask, anyway? He’s been gone for months. Are you just now noticing?”


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