Fatal Exposure

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Fatal Exposure Page 15

by Lia Slater

  Holding back tears, she watched as his paling expression transformed from loving to another emotion altogether. Disappointment, maybe? Did he know?


  She stood, found her pants and shirt, and tugged them on over her oily skin. The only thing keeping her from breaking down was ignoring how he struggled to dress, stumbling and bumping into furniture.

  What could she do to help him? Something. She hurried into the bathroom and wet a hand towel, then ran back out to wipe his hands free of the lubricant. “There. Is that better?” As if that was hisproblem. Stupid.

  “What did you give me, Ava?” he asked, startling her. Of course, he knew. He wasn’t an idiot. She finished cleaning her own hands and faced him. She owed him that much. With his jeans and boots on, he sat on the couch with his elbows against his knees, fingers intertwined.

  “I’m sorry, Kade. I’m so sorry.”

  “What was it?” All color drained from his face, and his jaw visibly ticked.

  “They were in the bathroom, the pink and white pills.” She brought her hand to her mouth, both trembling with regret and fear. “I panicked. I

  thought you only wanted the money. I thought you were going to let me die. And I can’t—I won’t die.”

  He clenched his eyes shut and seemed to have a difficult time reopening them. “Okay,” he said, calmly. “It’s okay.”

  Really? He wasn’t losing his temper? “Aren’t you angry with me?”

  He shrugged one shoulder as he looked up at her with heavy, reddened eyes. “No time, sweetheart. Have you ever shot a gun?” His words were slurred.

  “Only once. It was a part of my self-defense class. I was supposed to practice longer, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. It was super powerful and way too intense. My instructor—”

  “Ava,” he said, breaking her nervous chatter.

  “We have to concentrate, okay?”

  She bit her lips and nodded her head.

  “Let’s get your shoes.”

  “Where are—” She stopped short at the sight of him attempting to stand. His legs wobbled and his hands shook.

  When he finally stood to his height, he pointed to his shirt on the ground. “Can you hand me that?

  I’m going out to the shed.”

  “The shed?” Why hadn’t she thought of that?

  She shook the silly question out of her head. All that mattered now was getting out of this alive with Kade. “I’m going with you.” She picked up the shirt and handed it over.

  “No, it’s too far out. Your feet won’t be able to stand it.”

  She started to argue, but Kade’s attention went to the ceiling. Ava followed his gaze and noticed a blinking light on one of the speakers.

  “Damn it.” He turned toward his monitor on the desk. “The alarm didn’t sound. Moreno’s close.”


  “Goddamn Jax must have messed with my equipment.” Kade held a shaking hand out to Ava.

  “Come on. I’m not going to leave you alone in here. I don’t know how long we have.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The old wooden shed stood at least thirty feet away from the back door. Ava could see it as clear as day under the full moon that projected off the white snow.

  “It’ll be a cinch.” She looked up into Kade’s dazed eyes. It killed her to see him so out of sorts because of the stupid mistake she’d made. He shook his head. “Get on my back. I’ll carry you.”

  A nervous laugh erupted from her throat, but she quickly squelched it when Kade narrowed his eyes at her. “Sorry. It’s just that, well, you know. You’re kind of out of it.”

  “Get on, Ava,” he mumbled. “We don’t have time to waste.”

  She figured it probably wasn’t a good idea to argue, considering Zack could show up at any moment. She grasped the back of Kade’s shoulders and jumped up, wrapping her legs around his lean waist.

  He stumbled slightly but gained his balance. They began their trek through the snow and Raven followed at Kade’s feet as if she knew her master were in danger. Smart cat.

  “I’m sorry, Kade,” she whispered into his ear as she clung to him.

  “It’s not your fault,” he said through heavy breaths. “I didn’t give you a reason to believe in me, but I hope you do now.”

  “I do.” She kissed his neck. “If we get out of this alive, I’m going to make it up to you.”

  He stopped to hoist her farther up on his back and then trudged the rest of the way.

  “Here,” he said, breathless, and set her down at the threshold of the old, dilapidated building. He grasped the doorframe, which didn’t appear strong enough to hold itself up, let alone a man his size. The moonlight beamed in from two broken windows on each side of the shed. Ava wandered in and spotted her tennis shoes on a shelf next to a jar of rusted nails. “Finally. I’ve never been happier to see a pair of tennies in my life.” She grabbed them and turned toward Kade. “So, what did you do with my heels—”

  The six and a half foot man fell to his knees in front of her. The wooden floor shook and the jar of nails tipped over, spilling onto the shelf.

  “Kade!” She knelt down in front of him and grabbed his shoulders. “Kade!”

  His eyelids lifted halfway as his body swayed.

  “Oh, fuck,” he murmured. “I forgot the gun.”

  “It’s okay. We’ll go back and get it. But you have to get up.” She grabbed his bicep and attempted to lift him.

  It was pointless. He was deadweight.

  “Come on,” she begged him. “I need you.”

  “You have to run. Take the truck. Leave here.”

  “No.” Ava let go of his arm, and his body buckled and fell to the side. “Kade,” she said, panicking. “Oh, God, don’t give up on me.” She bent over him and cradled his face. “I’m so sorry.” Her eyes blurred

  with tears. “But I love you, and you can’t just quit on me.”

  Nothing. No response. Barely a breath escaped him.

  Ava leaned over his unconscious body and whispered into his ear, “I’m not leaving without you. Dead or alive.”

  Fuck surviving if it wasn’t with Kade.

  But she wasn’t dead yet. Neither of them were. Holding back the urge to break down and sob, she shoved on her shoes and then softly pecked his lips. “I’ll be back.”

  That wouldn’t be the last time she kissed him. She stood and headed toward the cabin.

  The back door was still open. She closed it behind her and jogged over to the hidden weapons. With as much force as she could muster, she pushed against the secret compartment until she heard the click. The drawer popped open, revealing an array of handguns and two rifles.

  She picked up a small pistol, the least intimidating. Her heart pounded fast. Guns killed people. Ended their lives. Kaput. Over. And here she was holding one and contemplating how she was going to shoot a living, breathing person. In the head? In the heart? Did she want to maim or murder him? And who knew if the bullet would hit where she targeted. The one and only time she’d shot a gun, she’d been way off.

  “Drop it,” an eerily familiar voice said from behind her.

  Ava jerked around to see Zack standing in the shadows in the corner of the room with a revolver aimed directly at her head. A crooked grin adorned his wickedly handsome face. He looked the same as

  the first day she’d laid eyes on him. But now she knew his outer charm was deceiving. Pure evil flowed through his veins.

  She took a slow breath and attempted to steady her shaking hands. But the pistol dropped to the rug below.

  “Good girl,” he sneered and stepped toward her.

  “It’s about time you started listening to me.”

  “What do you want?” She could smell his strong cologne as he neared and stood in front of her. It brought back memories of him on top of her, naked, having his selfish way with her and not giving a damn if she was satisfied. Nausea rolled in her belly. She should have known he wasn�
�t the man for her then.He pressed the gun to her temple and stroked her cheek with his free hand.

  Her churning belly caused her mouth to water. She gulped but couldn’t think. Couldn’t breathe. It was as if Zack had taken her wits and thrown them into the dying flames of the fireplace. His thumb rubbed against her lips. “I’m very disappointed in you, Ava. I hear you’ve been a naughty girl. Taking off your clothes for money?” He smirked. “Fucking my employee?”

  “He quits,” she whispered and swallowed down the bile rising in her throat.

  “Nobody quits me. Not Gavin. Not you. No one. You understand that?”

  The barrel prodded harder against her head.

  “Get down on your knees.” He kicked the pistol underneath the couch and out of her reach.

  “Go to hell.” She had a better chance standing than bowing at his pathetic feet. She’d given enough pieces of herself to this man.

  Zack shook his head and grasped the hair at the base of her skull, slamming her body down. Her knees gave way, and she fell to the floor.

  “You always did have a big fucking mouth. I thought I had beaten that out of you.”

  Her forehead was pressed firmly against her bent knees. She couldn’t move. He had a tight grip, keeping her under control. Anger pushed past the fear, and she flailed her arms, attempting to either free herself or knock the gun out of his hands. But neither worked. He lifted her up by her hair and threw her onto the couch. Her head hit something hard, and she turned to see a black briefcase.


  Poppy zipped up her jacket all the way when Jax returned to the truck empty-handed after searching Zack’s SUV. They had parked behind it, close enough to the cabin to walk but far enough away so whoever was inside couldn’t hear the engine.

  “I can’t believe he took it in with him,” Poppy said. “It’s like it’s his second dick or something.”

  Jax glared at her. “Are you going to do this or not?”

  “Of course. All I have to do is sneak in and quietly—who’s that?” She watched a tall brunette slip through the shadows and scoop up a black cat.

  “Shit. What is she doing here?”

  The woman glanced their way and then headed toward the back of the cabin.

  “That’s Lucy Quinn. She’s a friend of Kade’s, and she’s one of us.”

  “One of us? What the hell are you people anyway?”

  “Don’t worry about it. Just get the money before she does so we can get out of here.” Jax handed Poppy the gun, and she clenched it in her hands.

  “Okay. Here goes nothin′.”


  Ava sat up on the couch and shot Zack her best glare.

  He didn’t seem impressed as he chuckled and waved the gun at her. “I can’t believe I was ever attracted to a whore like you. You see that case beside you? That thing is filled with cash. Do you know why?”

  “‘Cause you’re a pussy who couldn’t catch me on your own?” She snapped and then bit into her tongue. It wasn’t exactly a good idea to antagonize a madman with a gun, but she couldn’t help herself. Zack Moreno was an ass.

  His face reddened as he moved closer, straightening the gun. “Wrong answer, bitch.” He shot a hole in the couch beside her head. Her breath caught in her throat, too frightened to move.

  “That money spells revenge,” Zack said. “Did you think I was going to just let you run out of my life?” He raised his voice. “I warned you, Ava. People don’t leave me. I leave them.”

  The sound of the gunshot and the smell of the burnt leather forced Ava to realize this situation was completely out of her control. “So what do want?

  What do you want me to say?” she asked out of desperation.

  “You can’t say a goddamn thing. It’s too late for you. You could’ve been my wife, but you fucked up. And now I have to make good on my promise.” He held the gun pointed directly between her eyes.

  But the sound of the front door opening distracted him.


  Still in a daze, Kade heard the sound of a sharp slap and felt a stinging sensation on his cheek. It repeated over and again until he finally forced his eyes open to see what or who was causing it. Lucy was sitting on him, constricting his airway and bringing her hand up to strike him again. He tried to grab her arm but couldn’t move. “Get off,” he managed to croak out just as her hand made contact again.

  “Finally,” she whispered loudly and swiveled to his side. “What the hell are you doing out here? Your target’s in danger.”

  Ava. “Where is she?” He lifted his throbbing head and attempted to gather his wits.

  “Thank God the cat led me to you. The woman’s inside with Moreno. I just heard a gunshot, but I don’t know whose gun it was.”

  “What? A gunshot?” Blood pulsed against his temples, and he forced himself to sit up. “I need to get to her.” He prayed it wasn’t too late. The whole situation had blown up in their faces, and it was entirely his fault. How had he expected Ava to trust him if he hadn’t given her a reason to?

  “Where’s your gun, Kade?” Lucy asked. “How many times have I told you to always carry it with you?” She stood and held out her hand.

  “I know.” He accepted her help and slowly stood up on wobbly legs. “I fucked up. But I need to save her. Let me borrow yours.”

  “No way in hell.”

  “Please. You have to help me out. I can’t lose her.” Kade took in the way her hard eyes softened as he spoke. “I’m in love with her.”

  “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” She reached inside her jacket and pulled out a black pistol with a pink handle. “If you lose my gun, I’ll kill you.”

  Kade took it from her. “Thank you, Luce. I owe you.”She shrugged and grinned with those beautifully-painted lips. The woman was a knockout, he couldn’t deny. Why he hadn’t fallen for her was a mystery. All he knew was how much he desired Ava, the one woman who ignited him from the inside out.

  “I’m sorry about us,” he whispered as he gripped the gun.

  She rolled her big brown eyes. “Please. You weren’t even that good. Just go get your woman. I’ll take care of the problem out front.”

  “What problem?”

  “Jax Cullen. He’s probably got his eye on Moreno’s money. I’ll get rid of him.”

  Kade nodded and headed back to the cabin, watching Lucy sprint away in the other direction.


  “Poppy?” Ava narrowed her eyes at the blonde as she walked in with a gun pointed toward Zack.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m here to collect. That man owes me.”

  “I can’t believe this shit.” Zack laughed. “How the fuck did you find me?”

  They knew each other? Ava watched on, confused and relieved at the same time. “Shoot him, Poppy,”

  she urged and jumped over the couch to stand next to her friend.

  The gun shook in Poppy’s hand, but there was a determination in her eyes that gave Ava hope. This wasn’t the same woman she had known at the strip club. No, this was someone strong and unyielding. Someone on a mission.

  “Shoot him before he shoots you.”

  “Shut up!” Zack yelled. “Neither one of you bitches is going to take me down. I’m the goddamn man here.” He rushed at Poppy before Ava could blink.

  Poppy shot. And missed, hitting the wall behind him. He grabbed the gun from her hand before she could shoot again and lifted his arm to strike her. No. Ava jumped on his back, attempting to save her friend from the familiar assault. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck and squeezed as hard as she could.

  But he was too strong. Zack grabbed Ava from behind and heaved her toward Poppy, sending them both to the ground. With fury in his eyes, he held Poppy’s gun in one hand and his in the other. One pointed at each woman.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jax was giving Poppy two more seconds before going in after the money himself. The more he contemplated
, the better the idea sounded. Why he had ever thought that petite-sized whore would have a chance against Moreno was a mystery. Time to get the job done right. He reached under his seat and pulled out his backup gun.

  The sound of his passenger door opening forced him to aim it at whatever unlucky son of a bitch was on the other side.

  Lucy’s red-painted nails gripped the door handle as she lifted herself into the cab. “Long time, no see,”

  she said, with her signature dazzling smile. Ever since Jax had first laid eyes on the woman, he’d wanted to rip that condescending grin off her face by jamming his tongue down her throat and his cock up her pussy. She was a good PI. Too good. In fact, she routinely turned down the assignments Jax and Kade were more than happy to take.

  So what the hell was she doing here?

  “Why the sour face, Cullen? I thought you liked me.” She scooted up close. Her short skirt bunched up, showing him the inside of her thigh. Jax dropped his gun to nudge the barrel against the creamy skin of her blushed cheek. “There’s a huge difference between liking a woman and wanting to fuck her brains out. I didn’t realize you were so naïve.”

  Her arched brow rose as she crooked her neck and licked the tip of his gun with her pink, slick tongue. “You know this is more exciting than frightening for me, right?”

  His cock hardened. “Really? You like it rough, eh? Have you ever had one of these inside of you?”

  “Fully loaded,” she said with a smirk.

  He licked his lips. The woman was surely up to no good, but who the fuck cared? He had a few moments to waste. And if she tried anything, she was going to get a hole in her head.

  “I bet you’ve never had a man like me inside you.” He grabbed her hand and rammed it against his hard erection.

  She rubbed against it. “No, I don’t think I have.”

  “Do you want it?”

  “Why don’t you tell me?” She guided his free hand under her skirt to the heat between her legs. Jax grinned. Having Lucy Quinn in a screaming orgasm under his control was a fantasy he’d played over in his head more than a few times. “We should get together sometime. I can show you what it’s like to be fucked by a real man.”

  “Why not now?” She slid her leg over his lap and straddled him. “Just a quickie to take the edge off while we wait to see how all this Moreno business plays out.”


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