Sharing Freedom

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Sharing Freedom Page 15

by Harley McRide

  “You know me?” one of the men said and she looked at him closely. No, she didn’t know his name, but she knew who they were, she saw the tattoo on his neck and knew he belonged to the Diablos.

  “No,” she groaned.

  The man snorted and leaned over, pushing her to her back. Now she could see she was lying on a bed in a small cage. She blinked and looked around; there were dozens of cages, some empty, some full with women.

  “You gonna,” the man said and then laughed with his friends. He stepped back and kicked the bed. “Tell the cunt to get her ready. We gonna get real close, bitch. You have something I want and you are gonna give it to me.”

  Freedom frowned and then said, “What do you want, you can have anything, just let me go. I know my father owes you money. You have an insurance policy out on me. Just give me some time, I will get the money.”

  The man snorted. “You think I am talking about a measly fifty large. Bitch, add a few zeroes and yeah, maybe we are on the right track.”

  Freedom’s eyes widened. “What?”

  “Your old man fucked me over. Supposed to be using the restaurant to clean my boss’s cash and the little fucker took it. You gonna find it,” the man growled.

  “But I don’t know where it is,” Freedom cried.

  “Don’t worry, we will help you remember.” The man laughed and tuned. “Thirty minutes, have her ready.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Damn it,” Easy roared to the room, throwing his cell phone against the wall. “Nobody in this fucking town knows where the main house is.”

  It had been three hours, and so far they had found two houses the Diablos used and both had been abandoned, apparently overnight. The neighbors and locals had no information on their current whereabouts.

  “How did they know she was leaving?” Raven said quietly.

  Creed stood and looked around the room. They had locked down the clubhouse and currently the main room was being used as the meeting room. All of the girls had been ordered back to the apartments.

  “Only ones who knew were the six of us,” Easy said and looked around the room. They had held a private meeting yesterday at the club. Creed, Fork, Raven, Rock, Numbers, Poke, and Easy were the only ones who knew exactly what was going on.

  Rock stepped up and ran a hand down the back of his neck. “Yeah, but you played it out in front of everyone. Whoever was in the room would know.”

  “Who the fuck was in here when she left?” Easy yelled and looked around the room. Several of the men nodded and stepped up.

  “Candy, Trick, and Treat were also here,” Magnum announced.

  “Get them the fuck back here,” Poke barked. “No way a brother sold us out. Had to be one of them.”


  “Just tell them what they want to know.” The woman who came to clean her up whispered. Another girl who was lying in the cage next to her rolled over.

  Freedom looked at the drugged glaze over her eyes and noted the yellowish tint to her skin, and said, “What is wrong with her?”

  “Meth,” the woman said briskly and Freedom noticed the collar around her neck. It looked like a dog’s shock collar.

  One of the men had dragged the woman back to the cage a few minutes ago and ordered her to get her cleaned up. Laughed and said they needed a clean canvas to work with. Freedom had seen the terror in the woman’s eyes; she was a prisoner here as well.

  “What about you?” Freedom whispered and the woman shrugged.

  “They need to keep one of us clean to make sure when one of them makes a mess or dies, they can get it cleaned up fast. Learned the first time a girl laid there for a few days and started smelling,” the woman said hollowly.

  Freedom’s eyes widened. “How long?” she asked and the woman shrugged again.

  “Year maybe two, don’t know anymore,” the woman said. “Took me from a party.”

  “Why?” Freedom said.

  The woman laughed sourly and looked at Freedom like she was crazy, “Who gives a fuck why, they can do what they want to do.”

  Freedom made a noise of pain as she wiped her leg with a wet towel. She had gravel buried in her leg and the woman had been plucking it out for the last few minutes. Freedom didn’t say a word; she just laid there thinking about Easy and Poke. They weren’t coming for her, they had sent her away. Just like her father, they used her for what they wanted and threw her away when they were done. Maybe they would kill her quick, it was easier to think about instead of the alternative.

  “Bring her to the room,” a man yelled and Freedom flinched. The woman stopped what she was going, and wiped her one more time before standing up and stepping back against the bars.

  Freedom sat up, and watched as two men walked down the aisle and opened her door and stepped in. They ignored the woman, obviously not worried she would move. They had trained her, Freedom thought. Was this going to be her life?

  She was grabbed and forced to stand. She stumbled, staying silent behind the lead man until they were in front of an actual door. She had counted eight cages on each side, and half of them were filled with women who were obviously drugged. The smell of urine and vomit made her want to be sick as well.

  When they shoved her in the room where a steel table sat in the middle, she knew she was going to die. They strapped her to it making sure her legs and arms were tightly held in place.

  Freedom turned her head and saw the small table in the corner. It held a variety of scary instruments and Freedom cringed.

  “So are we ready?” the man who she figured was the leader said from the shadows of the room. She squinted and saw him sitting in a huge comfortable chair with a bottle of beer and a pack of cigarettes on a small table next to him.

  “So, I will give you one chance to tell me what I want to know. Your father said you were his accountant. When did you transfer the money?” he asked.

  “I told you, I have no idea what you are talking about,” she yelled. “I started doing my father’s books five months ago, that is it. Everything I saw looked normal. I never even knew he was in debt.”

  “That is not what he said,” the man growled and nodded to the man standing to her right.

  He stepped forward and punched her in the face. Her face exploded and she screamed loudly feeling the blood running as a throbbing pain pierced through her head. She was surprised even to be conscious after the blow.

  “He said that you were the one who did the transaction. He said the life insurance policy he took out against you was part of the plan. You and he were going to fake your death, and then when he was done taking care of all the money he owed, you and he were going to disappear.” The man laughed.

  “No,” she said, shaking her head, realizing that was a good idea, it only made the pain in her head pound more. Her father was an asshole, but why would he lie outright like that.

  “Yes, he gave you up. Now just tell me where the money is, and I promise we will give you enough meth you won’t care who is fucking you as long as you get more.” The man laughed.

  “I don’t know,” she screamed and the man nodded again.

  This time the one man on the right and the one man on the left stepped forward. They took turns punching her. First in the face, then in the stomach. Between the pain and her screams filling the air, the leader continued asking where the money was. When she would catch her breath and answer that she didn't know, the punching continued. Tears mixed with the blood from the cuts opened from their punches to her face, the pain radiated through her body with every blow she sustained. A brief thought of how long could she put up with this treatment until her body gave out entered her mind only until the next punch landed. Not long, she hoped.

  She screamed when one of the men grabbed the pilers from the table and picked up her broken arm. Using the cast, he leveraged her fingers back until they broke one by one. Freedom passed out from the pain three times, only to be awakened as they threw cold water on her, then continued the abuse. Still the
man asked where the money was. And still she answered she didn't know.

  Freedom shut down, she didn’t even bother to try to tell them she didn’t know anything. The man asked her about her bank, they could see a withdrawal was made from the restaurant account into one with her name on it only. But they couldn’t access the bank info. They asked about passwords, they asked about dates and times, she knew none of it.

  Her eyes had since swelled shut so she didn't realize one of the men had a whip until it slashed across her legs and her stomach, then he moved to her breasts, she could feel the blood seeping from her skin, soaking through her clothes. What was left of them after the whip torn through the material. Freedom had no idea how long she had been strapped to the table. It had been a long time though because they had left to eat and fuck a whore, according to talk she heard around her. Evidently, they had worked up a hunger for not just food as they beat on her.

  This time she smelled the cigarette smoke before she felt the sting of embers burning her skin. She screamed, once again passing out from the pain. And once again they brought her out only to start again. She would never forget the smell of burning flesh as long as she lived. Which she hoped wasn't much longer.


  Every man in the club stood and waited as the women walked into the room; Trick, Treat, and Candy were nervous. Easy studied them as they made their way to the front of the room where the leaders were sitting. They'd called Shady as well and she was just as pissed. Being the head Bitch, Shady was going to have to deal with the problem if any of these women had betrayed the club. It was her place; the men wouldn’t hurt a woman, no matter what they did.

  Shady folded her arms across her chest, cocked her hip, and glared at the men. Creed leaned back and nodded. Poke and Easy had been given permission to handle this.

  “This morning when Freedom was leaving, someone made a call out of the compound with their cell,” Easy said. They knew it, Numbers had already pulled the phone records and knew who had made the call, they just didn’t want her to run before they got their information, so they called all the women in the room.

  The women looked surprised at the men. All but one, she knew they had found out it was her, the men continued.

  “Pill and Freedom’s bike was hit by a truck and they left Pill on the ground bleeding, and took Freedom,” Poke continued and both men walked around the four that were lined up.

  Shady opened her mouth and snapped. “You bastards. It has been hours and you are just now telling us? Pill’s old lady is by herself at the hospital?”

  “We have men with her,” Easy said smoothly.

  “The call lasted for three minutes. We figure whoever made the call had long enough to tell the Diablos the route Pill usually takes when he leaves town,” Poke said.

  “I don’t know what route he would take,” Candy whined and looked at Easy and smiled hesitantly.

  “That may be, but you are here for an entirely different reason. The person who made the call has been having you sell drugs in the club, yeah?” Easy said. “Wait,” Candy argued and Shady stepped out of line and slapped Candy across the face. Candy cried out, fell to the ground, and whimpered, clutching her face.

  “Get her the fuck out of here, she is too stupid to fuckin' do this,” Shady growled. When one of the Prospects dragged her out the front door, Shady turned back to the two women who were left standing there looking stunned. “Which one of you whores did it?” Shady yelled at Trick and Treat.

  “You can’t think we…” Treat stuttered.

  Trick looked coldly at her best friend then at Shady. “Shut up, Treat,” she growled and looked at her friend again and snarled. “You are so fucking stupid, you all are. None of these assholes gives a shit about us. They prove it time and time again.”

  “What are you talking about?” Treat screeched. “They take care of us.”

  “Right, no, they take care of you.” Trick laughed. “That fucker over there got me pregnant, and what was his response? Get rid of it.”

  Everyone gaze swung to Spike who was standing there with his mouth open. “You fucking whore, that is not what I said.”

  “Yes you did,” she screeched.

  “No, you told me you were pregnant, I said you had to get off the drugs and get clean. You fucking, drinking, and getting high every day. Gave you the choice to get clean, I said I would make you my old lady and take care of everything if you fucking just stopped doing drugs. You laughed in my face, called me a pussy,” Spike roared. “I said you would be doing it a favor if you got rid of it instead of bringing a drug addicted baby into the world. I also said I would make sure you would never have custody of my child if you didn’t get clean. But it didn’t matter, did it, you fuckin’ slut.”

  Trick laughed. “Yeah, nature took care of the problem.”

  “No, you fucking took care of it by partying all the time. She lost the baby one night after she was so high she fell down the stairs,” Spike said bitterly.

  “Bullshit,” Trick screeched. “You didn’t want the baby and I knew it.”

  “Are you fucking crazy?” Spike said and looked at Creed. “Told you that she was going over the deep end, I just didn’t realize how fucked up she was.”

  “You should have fucking come to us,” Creed said with a hard tone.

  Spike nodded and Trick laughed. “Yeah, you should have gone to them and begged for money like everyone else in the club does. I just wanted someone to take care of me.”

  “Oh Trick,” Treat sniffed.

  “Bitch,” Shady said and looked at Trick like she had never met her before.

  “Whatever,” Trick said. “I did what I had to do in order to get some money up and get the fuck out of here. Thought for a second Easy and Poke were gonna step up and claim me, then that bitch showed up. I got sick of always being fucking passed over. She wasn’t better than I was.”

  “You were dealing for the Diablos?” Easy said quietly.

  Trick snorted. “Fuck yeah, dealing weed isn’t gonna make you much. They had money, and when they said if I gave them information on that bitch, they would give me a hundred grand, so I made the call.”

  “You are dead,” Shady said in a dark voice. “Where the fuck are they?” she said in a deadly calm voice.

  “Fuck you, Shade, why tell you? I am getting the fuck out of here,” Trick yelled and turned to walk out the door but Shady grabbed her by the back of the hair on her head and pulled her back.

  “Did you not just fucking hear what I said?” Shady said in a grim voice and held her hair firm as Trick struggled. “You. Are. Dead. It is just a matter of how painful it is going to be. Now where the fuck is our sister.”

  “I am your sister too remember.” Trick laughed. “Besides, they don’t hurt women.”

  Treat began crying as she looked at her best friend. “You fucking dumbass. All you had to do was come to me, I would have fucking helped, I would have left with you.”

  “Whatever, you have your nose so far up their asses you don’t give a shit,” Trick snarled and Treat stepped back and stared at her friend in horror. Rock and Magnum came to her and pulled her aside to get her out of the way.

  “They don’t hurt women you fucking cunt, that is my job,” Shady said coldly.

  Trick flashed a surprised look at the men and then back at Shady who was staring at her with no emotions in her eyes.

  “What?” Trick asked.

  “That’s right you fucking cunt, know you haven’t been here long enough to have seen it. But you should have known better, the members don’t talk about past club business. And any whore who betrays the club is business, it is my business. Took care of the last cunt who betrayed the club and I will take care of you, it is just a matter of how bad you want it to hurt, 'cause right now, it is gonna be fucking bad. Now, where the fuck is she?” Shady said, putting her face close to Trick's and whispering the last question.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Just want to fucking die, Freedom t
hought. She was close, the pain wasn’t even there anymore because her brain refused even to register anything she was feeling, there was too much of it.

  “Come on, cunt, tell me what I need to know,” the man said now. He was getting desperate. He was finally realizing that she really didn’t have the information he needed, and he was going to be in deep shit with the big man. She heard them whispering about it when they took their last break.

  She was ready to stop the pain, her heart was broken, her body was broken. There was nothing left for her.

  “She is useless,” someone said.

  “Fuck,” another said. “Dose her, and maybe tomorrow she will be drugged up enough to fucking tell us what we want to know.”

  “Can I fuck her then?” one of them laughed.

  “Yeah, just make sure that she’s ready by morning, don’t care what you do,” the man snapped and she heard shuffling.

  “What’s that?” one of them asked.

  “Guys out doing target practice probably,” another said.

  "Go out and tell them to stop, we need no attention drawn to us here," she heard the man in the corner order.

  Then thankfully, the blanket of darkness claimed her again. She was dying, and she hoped it was before they had the opportunity to rape her.


  Covered in the blood of several Diablos, Easy and Poke kicked in the door of the warehouse just as a gangbanger was stepping out. Before the man could move Easy reached for him, wrapping his arm around his neck, immobilizing him, then with his other hand, he grabbed under his chin and in one swift move snapped his neck, bringing instant death. He threw the body out of the way and he and his other Warriors MC brothers poured into the room.

  "What the fuck? Easy said, looking around seeing cages that held women, and by the looks of them they were drugged.

  "Where is she, Easy? Poke asked, turning his head trying to find Freedom.


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