The Otter's Tale

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The Otter's Tale Page 6

by Charlie Richards

  “Galen is my twin brother,” Jerome managed to whisper. “We’re fraternal twins, so we don’t look alike. He’s older by twelve minutes. I’d told him I’d contact him whenever I finally settled down. We’ve been leaving each other messages in online newspapers.”

  A chill worked down his spine as he realized just how long it’d been since he’d seen a message from Galen. He’d chalked it up to his brother being busy with his mate and dealing with the watchful eye of Alpha Saburo. Now, he knew better.

  Something was wrong.

  “I haven’t heard from him in quite some time.”

  “How long?” Aziel continued to run his hand up and down his spine. He threaded the fingers of his other hand through his hair. “A twin,” he continued softly. “You must have been close.”

  “Yeah,” Jerome responded instantly. His stomach churned as he thought about his brother. “We were... are. He even supported me when I came out to our parents.” Feeling his heart warm just a little at the memory, he remembered how supportive he was. “While I didn’t tell anyone beyond family, others suspected. He even beat the shit out of a couple pod-members.” He barked a laugh. “They were big guys, too, and Galen is smaller than me. Still don’t know how he managed it.”

  Jerome figured his smile turned wistful. Leaving his brother had been the hardest part about traveling north. He and his brother had finished each other’s sentences at one time... then Galen had found his mate in a visiting human... a woman in the jungle for a photo shoot.

  That had caused one hell of an uproar to the pod. There’d been more than one otter shifter that had wanted Galen to let Sabra go, allow her to leave the area. They’d told Galen to find someone more suitable.

  All the while, Jerome had supported Galen in his desire to woo and claim his mate. Sabra had turned out pretty cool, too. He couldn’t imagine how she’d ended up involved in whatever mess was coming his way.

  Jerome sucked in Aziel’s dark, musky, reassuring scent. He let out a shuddering breath, then inhaled again, as if his mate’s smell alone would help pull himself together. There was something about being in Aziel’s arms that just made him feel as if the world would be all right.

  Mate-pull. Huh. So this is how it feels.

  Lifting his head, Jerome peered around the room. He found himself shocked by the number of people crowded into the room. Not only had Andre and Tian joined them, but so had Nurse Leroy. On top of that, he spotted Maelgwn, Einan, Grigoris, Sumak, and Roman. Those last two gargoyles were Andre and Tian’s mates respectively.

  “I have good news and bad news, then you need to make a decision,” Chieftain Maelgwn rumbled, his eyes narrowed. “Are you ready now?”

  Evidently, they’d all been waiting for Jerome to get his shit together. Gods, how embarrassing. He nodded even as he tried to straighten, but Aziel’s grip wasn’t letting him get far.

  “Good. The bad news is that under the rules of cooperation gargoyle leaders have with your Shifter Council, I was required by law to report that we spotted you in our territory a couple days ago,” Maelgwn began. “I just received word that some people from your pod are on their way here, not who, mind you,” he claimed, holding up a hand to stall Jerome’s questions. “They land at the local airport in about two hours, and it will take them forty-five minutes to get here. That’s your window.”

  Jerome felt his heart speed up in his chest. His pulse spiked, and not because he was being held by his mate. After so many months of freedom, members of his pod were going to force him to return to his unfulfilling, often dangerous, life in the Amazon.

  “What’s the good news, Chieftain?” Aziel asked gruffly.

  At about that time, Jerome realized his mate was once again rubbing his back, soothing him. He knew the huge human had never been with a man before, so he couldn’t imagine the self-confidence the guy had to have to obviously feel comfortable holding Jerome that way. Either that or Aziel’s nurturing bone was huge.

  A bit of both, probably.

  “The good news is... if you start your bond with Aziel, I can offer you sanctuary with my clutch.”

  “No, I couldn’t—”

  “Great, give us ten—”

  Both Jerome and Aziel started talking at once, then stopped. His eyes widening in surprise, Jerome gaped at Aziel. His mate scowled back at him.

  “I’ll leave you two to talk,” Maelgwn told him, heading toward the door. “A few of us will be back in an hour and a half to hear what you’ve decided.”

  “Do it, dude,” Aaden urged before allowing Grigoris to wrap his arm around him and take him from the room.

  Andre winked and nudged Leroy. “Got lube in your office or amidst your medical supply shit?”

  Grinning widely, Leroy snickered. “Oh, yeah. Never leave home without it anymore.” He waggled his brows at Aziel and Jerome. “Be right back.”

  Aziel’s friends chuckled as they left the room, Tian giving them a thumbs up before disappearing. Before the chieftain left the room, Jerome called out his name. The huge male paused and resumed his position near the side table.

  Once everyone had left, Chieftain Maelgwn lifted one brow. “Yes?”

  Jerome blew out a breath as he glanced at Aziel again. His mate still didn’t look pleased, but at least he was no longer scowling. Focusing on the huge, dark-blue gargoyle, he tried to get his brain to unscramble.

  Knowing pod-members were on their way had totally blown his mind. He’d thought he’d have more time to figure things out. That wasn’t the case, however.

  Feeling one of Aziel’s hands on his leg and the other rubbing over his back was doing funny things to his mind, too.


  Right. Focus.

  “Why would you do that for me?” Jerome felt his face heat and knew he blushed. Still, he pushed forward. “I’m just some stranger that wandered into your territory. Why would you help me?”

  Chieftain Maelgwn’s expression softened. “We all need help sometimes,” he told him, his smile gentle. “I’ve needed it, so have many others in the clutch. We pay it forward when we can.” His expression turned chilly. “Besides, since gargoyles are all male, we’re all pretty much bisexual. We’re a big advocate for loving who you want. If your pod is trying to keep you away from your mate, I’ll do what I can to stop them.” Then he pointed at Aziel and smirked. “Also, your mate may be human, but he’s still an honorary member of the clutch. All his buddies are mated with members. He’s family. We want him happy, too.”

  Jerome scoffed softly as he nodded. “Right.” As nice as the thought of them helping just because was, their reasons made sense. “Thank you for the offer.” He turned his attention to Aziel. “Guess we have some things to discuss.”

  “Yes, we do,” Aziel growled, his eyes narrowing. “Like why the hell you wouldn’t just bond us.”

  “If you’re going to bond, you’ll want this,” Leroy claimed, joining them once more. He held up a tube of lube and winked. Setting it on the nightstand, he teased, “Have fun.”

  Rolling his eyes, Jerome dismissed the small male as he scurried from the room. Maelgwn followed Leroy, closing the door firmly behind him.

  Jerome once again attempted to ease out of Aziel’s hold, but his big human growled at him and shook his head. “Knock that shit off,” he snapped. “I have a chance to help you, and you don’t want me to. Why?”

  “You’re a human,” Jerome began. He really didn’t want to insult his mate. “Do you really understand what bonding to a shifter would mean for you? We’re Fated mates. There’s no option for divorce if you change your mind.”

  Aziel’s irritation seemed to drain from him. He chuckled roughly for a few seconds, sweeping his gaze over Jerome. His dark eyes appeared to heat.

  Suddenly, Aziel moved his hold to Jerome’s upper arms. He pulled and twisted, rolling them both on the bed. Seconds later, Jerome found himself lying on his back with Aziel sprawled half on top of him.

  Jerome would forever deny the eep he let escape at the surprising move.

  Staring up at Aziel, Jerome noticed the pained pinch to his human’s face. “Easy.” He instantly reached up and rubbed his palms over his mate’s scalp, attempting to soothe. “Did you bother your leg? You shouldn’t have done that, you know.”

  Aziel focused on Jerome. His tension eased, and he relaxed against him. He smirked as he lifted his weight on his left arm and knees. Sliding his right hand to Jerome’s hip, he gripped him and pulled him even further under him.

  “I could have asked,” Aziel conceded. “But you would have said no or you would have wanted to talk about it or maybe even told me I didn’t know what I wanted.” His eyes narrowed as he lowered his head so their noses were only an inch apart. His dark-eyed gaze serious, Aziel claimed, “I know everything about bonding, Jerome. I’ve had three friends go through it. You are a gift. My gift. And I intend to keep you.”

  Jerome gaped up at him. “Y-You really feel that way?”

  Aziel hummed as he closed the distance between their mouths. He pressed a light kiss to Jerome’s lips, then suckled the bottom one lightly, pulling a gasp from Jerome. After releasing it, Aziel grinned down at him.

  “Now, I know we have plenty to discuss, plenty to learn about each other, but we can’t do that if you’re taken away from me,” Aziel continued as if his sucking kiss hadn’t just scrambled Jerome’s brain. “So, one way or another, we will start our bond. I would love to fuck you, but I know you need to spill in me and bite me to bond us. Otherwise, bite me now, get me off, and I’ll play with your prostate while I stretch you and do the same for you.”

  Both ideas sounded so damn fantastic, Jerome nearly came from Aziel’s words alone. His blood roared through his veins, and his nipples beaded. He rocked up, pressing his rock-hard erection against Aziel’s thick thigh.

  Jerome’s balls rolled and tingled at the stimulation. He moaned with the sweet agony coursing through his groin. A bead of pre-cum oozed from his cock, soaking the fabric of his jeans.

  Moaning softly, Jerome struggled to keep his brain online. He gripped Aziel’s thickly muscled arms and forced his body to still. As easy as it would be to rut to completion, he knew he needed to make a decision.

  Fuck that. There’s no decision. Altruism be damned. This human is mine!

  Using his shifter strength, Jerome planted his feet and bucked his hips. He twisted his torso and pushed. Aziel tumbled sideways, and Jerome rolled with him.

  Jerome straddled Aziel’s hips. Hearing his mate’s gasp and seeing his grimace, he froze. He suddenly wanted to kick his own ass.

  “I’m so sorry,” Jerome cried, pulling away.

  “Stop,” Aziel countered, wrapping his huge arms around his torso, stilling Jerome’s movements. “I just need to be able to bend my knee,” he ground out, loosening his hold, but not releasing him. “Get between my legs.”

  Jerome quickly obeyed, lifting up and sliding his legs between Aziel’s. He couldn’t help but notice that the man refused to let him go completely. It was almost as if he were afraid Jerome would move away from him.

  Gonna have to figure out a way to let him know that’s no longer the case.

  Jerome had every intention of being damn selfish.

  Rubbing his hands up and down Aziel’s sides, Jerome attempted to soothe him. “Easy,” he crooned, dipping his head and nuzzling the side of his human’s neck. “Just relax. I want you to enjoy what we do together. You need some pain killers or anything?”

  “No,” Aziel responded, his voice a little tight. He bent both legs, cradling Jerome between his thick thighs. His smile heated, he hummed. “I can think of a few ways to distract me from the pain. How about you kneel up so I can take that t-shirt off you?”

  Jerome didn’t even get a chance to finish nodding before Aziel gripped the back of his shirt and tugged. He tipped his head up just in time to allow it to sail smoothly up his chin and over his head. Aziel tossed the fabric to the left and out of sight.

  Aziel immediately returned his hands to Jerome’s back. Feeling his huge human’s warm, lightly-calloused palms skim over his flesh, goose bumps broke out on his forearms. He couldn’t fight his tremble upon feeling the man’s appreciative touch.

  Jerome did a little looking and touching of his own. Aziel was huge... everywhere. The man wore nothing on his torso, showcasing his broad shoulders and a huge expanse of thick muscles covered by dark brown flesh. His slightly paler nipples were beaded, drawing attention to his massive pectorals.

  Dipping his head, Jerome licked across one hard nub. Pleased by Aziel’s sharply indrawn breath, he wrapped his lips around it and suckled lightly. Aziel groaned low in his chest, and his body bowed.

  Pleased by that reaction, Jerome kissed his way to Aziel’s other nipple. He suckled that one, listening to the sound of his soon-to-be lover’s grunts and groans. Relishing Aziel’s shudders and gasps, he skimmed his hands over the huge human’s chest, mapping his muscles and exploring his dips and ridges.

  Aziel’s hands landed on Jerome’s ass, squeezing and massaging through the fabric of his sweatpants. For a second, Aziel froze, then realized his mate was using the hold to hump up against him. He felt the human’s huge erection rub against his own, the pressure fantastic, the pleasure exquisite, even through several layers of fabric.

  “Off,” Aziel grumbled, sliding his hands up, then down and dipping beneath the waistband to grip the flesh of his cheeks. “Take them off right fucking now.”

  Lifting up, Jerome was swift to obey. He pulled away for a second so he could kick off his clothes. Then, kneeling naked between his human’s legs, he froze and stared.

  Aziel already had his hands on the waist of his gym shorts and was pulling the band up and over his dick, revealing his heavy, swollen length.

  Jerome’s mouth watered at the sight. His human’s girth was the largest he’d ever seen, and his length was a good ten inches. His asshole clenched at the thought of feeling that monster slide in and out of his body.

  I can hardly wait... hardly... because first—

  Chapter Eight

  When Aziel shoved his shorts down his thighs, for just an instant, he worried. He knew he was huge. His cock was in proportion to his big body, after all.

  A second later, Aziel recognized the gleam in Jerome’s eyes as hunger, and relief filled him. “Help me out of these,” he demanded gruffly, pointing at them. With the way Jerome sat between his legs, he couldn’t very well do much anyway.

  Jerome nodded and reached for his shorts. As he skimmed them down Aziel’s good leg first, his fingernails lightly scraped across his skin. Aziel felt goose bumps rise on his flesh, and pleasant chills racked his body.

  Aziel gasped softly, shocked at how wonderful such an innocent touch could feel. He trembled in anticipation as he watched cooperatively as Jerome eased his shorts off his injured leg, lifting his foot when requested. Finally, he sprawled naked as the day he was born beneath another man’s hungry, appreciative gaze.

  A bout of nerves suddenly coursed through him.

  Shifting restlessly, Aziel attempted to take his mind off his discomfort by sweeping his gaze over Jerome’s body. When they’d been sitting beside the pond’s bank, he’d been more than a little out of it—woozy and in pain. Even then, however, he’d recognized that Jerome was a damn handsome man.

  Jerome had a tone, muscular form. His shoulders were well-proportioned to his lightly-bronzed skinned body. While his torso was wide and chiseled, his form tapered to a slim waist which, instead of a six pack like many paranormals he’d seen naked, there was a tiny bit of a bulge. There was no way anyone would call the man fat, but he wasn’t cut, either.

  For some reason, Aziel found he loved it. The image of him mounting him like a stallion would a mare popped into his mind. He’d thread the fingers of one hand through his thick, dark hair and wrap the other around his body. He’d massage the smooth skin o
ver his abdominals as he used his hold to ram his dick deep into his—

  “By the gods,” Jerome whispered, his voice husky. “I really would love to know what you’re thinking about right now.”

  “You,” Aziel immediately replied. He swallowed hard, tearing his gaze away from Jerome’s smooth belly and focusing on his face. “Fucking you. Holding you down.” His voice grew soft and rumbly. “I know you’re stronger than humans. The idea that I won’t hurt you with my size—” His breathing hitched as excitement thrummed through him.

  “Does that mean you no longer want me to fuck you?” Jerome asked slowly. He reached down and stroked his hard dick, drawing Aziel’s focus to his erection. “It’s not too late to switch positions.”

  Aziel’s nerves returned. Jerome’s prick was long. Not as long as his own, but still maybe eight inches. It also appeared pretty damn thick. His asshole clenched as unease slithered through him, considering Aziel had never had anything other than a doctor’s finger up his chute for the one and only prostate exam he’d struggled through to prove himself healthy for college ball.

  Damn. Will that actually fit inside me?

  Aziel wasn’t certain how that was possible. Still, he forced a nod, because he truly wanted to belong to Jerome. That meant bottoming for the shifter.

  “Should I roll over?” Aziel asked gruffly. “Hands and knees?” he felt his cheeks heat and once again appreciated his dark features. “Heard it was best for the first time.”

  “It is,” Jerome confirmed. His smile turned lascivious. “But it’s damn hard for me to suck your dick that way.”

  After winking, he leaned over and licked a swipe up Aziel’s hard erection. Tingles erupted in his balls upon feeling the warmth and wetness of Jerome’s tongue over the sensitive skin of his shaft. His dick twitched as goose bumps broke out over the skin of his groin.

  Aziel trembled. It’d been a long damn time since he’d gotten a blowjob. Once girls saw his size, they weren’t normally inclined to try to wrap their lips around him. Jerome’s mouth, however, felt amazing—better than anything he could remember.


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