Fated Heat [Men of Iron Horse 7] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fated Heat [Men of Iron Horse 7] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 6

by Morgan Fox

  She laughed. “Depends.”


  She glanced down at his growing shaft. “Do I get to taste you this time?”

  His crooked grin made her melt. “Hell yes.”

  “Then I suggest you put me down, so I can get started.”

  In a heartbeat, her feet hit the shower floor and a smile warmed her face.

  Chapter 6

  After hours of making love in the shower, on the bathroom floor, sofa, kitchen table, and counter, they finally made it to his bed, but only to sleep. Jace’s muscles shook with fatigue. He had never taken a woman so many times in one night. With her, an insatiable hunger took control. He had to have her, again and again. He couldn’t even let her finish sucking him off. Being buried inside her was what he wanted most—to feel her pussy clamped around his cock, to hear the fluttering moans part from her lips as he pleasured her, and to feel her touching him. The awareness that he’d never have the chance again, festered in his mind, and he had to take advantage of their time together.

  Sage was amazing. She matched him, seemed to be his equal in everything they did. Never had he been with a woman who had been so hungry or lust crazed. The connection burned hot between them. He just couldn’t get enough of her. She had raw passion and there wasn’t a thing she didn’t want to explore with him. He could tell she hadn’t been with many men and that didn’t bother him. What she lacked in experience, she made up for with eagerness and desire. The combination was explosive.

  With his head pressed into his pillow, he turned to face her. She was looking at him with a glimmer of sweetness that squeezed at his heart. Sage laid on her stomach, one long, lean leg stretched down and the other bent at the knee. The thin ivory sheet he used to cover them only blanketed her rear. As soon as he glanced down the length of her body, she adjusted her position, flipping over to press her back against the mattress. He didn’t see her scars. Well, he did, but he didn’t. They didn’t bother him. He’d seen worse scars. And regardless of the damaged flesh, she was stunning—hair as soft as silk, eyes the color of chestnuts, and olive skin that was soothing to the touch. All things that trumped her scars. But those things paled in comparison to her laughter. He couldn’t help but smile and feel its calling each time he had the pleasure of listening to her speak or laugh.

  I hope one day she’ll let go of her insecurities.

  She smiled, tucking the sheet up under her arms to cover herself. “Did you say something about breakfast?”

  His smile matched hers. He rolled to the side, resting his upper body on his arm, putting himself in a position to stare down at her. “As a matter of fact, I did. I can whip us up some eggs, toast or pancakes, sausage or bacon. Breakfast just happens to be my specialty.”

  “It is, huh?”

  He brushed his fingers down the smooth, soft skin of her shoulder. “My mother and father used to get up early every Sunday morning to cook breakfast for the three of us. It was a feast. As I got older, they let me help. Before long I was the one doing all the cooking. Mainly because they could no longer stand to be in the same room together.”

  “I’m sorry you had to go through that with your parents,” she whispered softly.

  “Don’t be. It’s the past anyway and I’m a big boy now.” He winked. “Ready to get up or did you need a little more time to rest.”

  She laughed. “I’m good if you are.”

  Lust filled desires sparked in his mind and his cock went ramrod straight in a blink. “How do you do that to me?”

  She looked at him as if he’d slapped her. “Do what?” she asked, sounding defensive.

  “Make me want you like I’ve never had you.”

  She glanced down, her hands twisting over her belly. “I don’t know, but I feel the same way about you, and I’m not sure that’s a good thing either.”

  His heartbeat sped up, a reaction he was starting to have each time Sage was nearby, physically or mentally. “No. Maybe not, but I don’t want to ignore it. I’ll do that later. Just not right now.”

  He tugged the sheet off and crawled overtop of her. He sensually took her mouth, kissing her until they were both breathless. He reached into the night stand and slid a condom over his erection and slipped inside her warm and welcoming body. He moved slow and easy, taking his time, savoring every second. She nipped at the flesh of his shoulder and neck, sending tingles of heat down his spine and straight to his cock. She was killing him with her kisses and caresses. Her nails grazed over the flesh of his back, her heels digging into his ass. She applied perfect pressure, driving him to buck harder. He took her to the edge, her melodious voice crippling him to follow right after her.

  Spent once more, he kissed her gently, slipped from her pussy, and moved from the bed to the bathroom. He quickly cleaned up and returned to see her wrapping the sheet around herself.

  “Shower and meet me in the kitchen. I’ll get started preparing my 5 star breakfast.” He winked.

  She nodded.

  As he started to walk away, he slanted a quick look in her direction. She was staring at him with an innocent, sweet smile. That look hit him hard and he wasn’t sure why. Seeing her in his room like that left an unsettling vibration pulsing through him and somehow affected the muscles in his legs. He didn’t know what it was, but rather than contemplate it, he shook off the unsteadiness and headed out of the room.

  * * * *

  “So did he fuck like a god?” Zerina asked, stepping into the kitchen at the fire station. “Judging from the way you’re walking, he at least had a big dick.”

  Sage gaped, spinning to face her intrusive and unfiltered friend. “Keep your voice down, would you?”

  “What? No one’s around, but us girls.” She snickered. “Spill.”

  Sage folded her arms over her chest and glared at Zerina. “What makes you think we did anything other than have drinks?”

  Zerina sauntered closer, her brow arched in a curious cat like fashion. “You wouldn’t be the first one to sleep with a guy you weren’t sure about.”

  Sage narrowed her eyes. “What? You weren’t instantly enamored by Jeremy?” She laughed. “I find that shocking.”

  Zerina fanned her hand through the air. “We all have our hang-ups. Mine was that he was just too damn pretty.” She did a little giggle snort. “Good thing I saw past that or I’d never know the kind of sex—” She frowned. “Wait. Why are we talking about me? This is about the sex needed encounter you had with Jace. I want to know all the details. Did he take you hard or slow? Was he a two minute kind of guy? Was he impressive or just avera—”

  “Oh my God, please stop.” Sage glanced around again to make sure they were alone. Zerina was likely to be the death of her. It was hard enough being a women in a saturated male world. She didn’t need them teasing her about getting laid. Brothers did that. “If I tell you, will you please leave me alone about it?”

  Zerina quirked a devious grin. “Maybe. Depends on what you tell me.”

  She sighed hard. “Fine. Whatever. He was incredible. He was caring. He was…long-lasting. Now, I’ve told you so please go away.”

  Zerina pulled out a chair from the table and sat down. “Not a chance. I said details. Not cliff notes.”

  She groaned. She didn’t want to talk about it. Talking about it only made her remember she was still alone. For some reason, she hadn’t stopped thinking about Jace since she left his house after breakfast. The entire drive home had been spent thinking about all the things they’d done together—all the things she’d like to do again. But more importantly, she’d thought about his reaction to her scars. He’d kissed them. Every single one. A fluttering sigh moved from her belly and straight past her lips.

  “I saw that,” Zerina said, pointing a determined finger at her. “You like him.”

  Sage cocked her head. “I don’t really know him.”

  “Doesn’t matter. You like him. He must’ve been good.”

  He was more than good. He was a dream come true.
“It doesn’t matter if he was or wasn’t. It won’t ever happen again.”

  “Why the hell not?” Zerina barked.

  “Neither of us wanted more than one night.” Why did hearing that sound like a lie? She dismissed the thought.

  “What?” Zerina’s mouth hung open. “Did you sign a damn contract or something?”

  Sage grimaced. “It’s a no commitment thing. Neither of us want a relationship.” At least that’s how she’d felt before Jace had kissed her scars and made her forget the pain of her past. There was no pity or disgust when he looked at her. He had worshiped her. Was it possible she could have something special with someone and not worry that they thought she was unattractive? Again, she shook the thoughts away.

  “Um, hello. Sex is not a relationship. It’s fucking.”

  Sage rolled her eyes. “Sex is sex until it becomes repeated sex. Then it’s a relationship.”

  Zerina snickered. “It would be a fuck-me-relationship not a walk-me-down-the-aisle relationship.”

  She dug her hands into her hips. What was the point in talking about it? Jace was clear on his interest and so was she. One and done. Technically it’s six and done, but it was only one night. “Talking to you is one of the most challenging things I’ve ever had to do.”

  Zerina shot her a lopsided grin. “It’s a talent.”

  “No,” she countered, shaking her head. “It’s an annoyance. I’m the rookie at this station and I get less grief from them.”

  Zerina laughed. “You love me and you know it.”

  She smiled, unable to hide the emotion. Zerina was one of a kind and quickly became one of her most trusted friends. She and Jeremy were a packaged deal and whenever there was an event they were there. She and Zerina had hit it off. In many ways they were kindred spirits, understood each other without having to dredge up uncomfortable emotions. They just clicked.

  “You’re right, but it doesn’t change the fact that you can be annoying.”

  “And you can be a bit woe-is-me at times.”

  “What?” Sage snapped, disagreeing without hesitation. That wasn’t her. She accepted she wasn’t perfect, accepted her flaws, and didn’t want anyone’s pity. Woe-is-me was the last description she’d give herself.

  Zerina folded her arms across her chest and leaned back in the chair. “Face it, you do. Not about everything, only about relationships. You’re negative and bitter about them. And trust me, if there was anyone in the world who could understand why, it’s me.”

  She furrowed her brow. Zerina understood what it was like to have body image issues. She had shared her own experiences battling demons before settling down with Jeremy. Those issues had almost cost her relationship with him. She knew teasing and bullying. Their only difference was that Zerina had been teased by mean girls and Sage by a boy she’d slept with. Either way, it sucked being the recipient.

  “I’m not bitter,” she lied. “I just don’t want to be hurt again. I don’t want to feel less of a person because I look different.”

  “I get that,” Zerina said adamantly. “I just don’t think you need to grow old alone with a hundred cats to keep you company.”

  “I won’t. I’m allergic to cats.”

  Zerina frowned. “Dogs then.”

  She smiled, appreciating her friend.

  “Did you even have a good time with Jace?”

  There was no reason to lie. “Yes.”

  “Then at least tell me if you left the lights on or not?”

  Maybe there is a reason. Warmth filled her cheeks as she recalled every earthshattering moment, from her brazen disrobing, to her exploration of his cock with her mouth. She could almost feel the tingle of each kiss as he trailed them down her back. Choked up by her need for him, she nodded her head to answer.

  “Then there’s hope for you after all.” Zerina smiled. “We just need to find you another guy.”

  A strange sensation settled in her chest as she thought about dating someone. No lie, she was rusty. What did people talk about on dates? Where did people go? How did they dress?

  She pictured her closet with all its turtle necks and jeans. The reservations about her scars were still there. Jace hadn’t seemed to mind, but there was always a possibility a new guy would be different, less compassionate. When she considered her options, the only face that came to mind was Jace’s.

  Then she thought about the conversations she’d shared with Jace. She relaxed quickly around him. Maybe it was their public service professions or their sex only declaration. She wasn’t sure. What she was sure of was that she wasn’t ready to get back out there. She wanted to decompress what had occurred between her and Jace and how magical it had been. How unexpected.

  “Sounds great. Let’s just not do it yet. I’d hate to go from prude to whore overnight. Okay?”

  Zerina stood with a chuckle, and moved to grab Sage’s shoulders to pull her against her for a hug. “Whatever you say. Just don’t take too long.” She motioned to leave. “Gotta find Jeremy now. Gonna see if I can get him to take me for a ride down the firemen pole before I go.”

  Sage rolled her eyes. “Why do I feel like that means something different to you than it does me?”

  “By the way, plan to meet with me and Jeremy tomorrow night at Iron Horse. We totally need to celebrate this humongous milestone. Getting laid is a big deal. If you know what I mean.” She waggled her eyebrows up and down and laughed.

  Sage sighed. There truly was no help for Zerina and there was no way she could possibly cancel. “Sure. Sounds great.”

  * * * *

  As Jace carried a few cases up to the bar, he heard Zerina speaking with Sam, their voices low and muffled, but clear enough to understand.

  “I need you to do this for me,” Zerina begged.

  “No,” Sam barked, her stern voice filled with directness. “I’m not getting involved and you need to stop meddling.”

  The second Jace appeared with the beer, the two women shifted nervously and ceased to speak again. He got the feeling that whatever they were talking about was something they didn’t want him to hear. It was probably better that way.

  “Hey,” he said, smiling at Zerina and then looked at Sam. “I’ve got a few more cases to bring up.”

  He turned to leave, but Zerina stopped him. “So,” she started, leaning over the bar like she was preparing to come over it at him. “Did you have a good time with Sage the other night?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  Zerina rolled her eyes. “Why answer a question with a question?”

  “Curiosity has me wondering why you want to know,” he said candidly.

  “Did you have a good time with Sage or not?” she barked.

  Hearing her ask him like that left him nodding to get to the bottom of her inquiry.

  “Well, if you care, she’s outside pacing by the backdoor, contemplating leaving.”

  Sage was at Iron Horse. Had she come to see him? Why did knowing she was close stir his body and mind with thoughts he shouldn’t be having? “Why would she do that?”

  Sam’s fist dug into her hips. “Zerina, stay out of it.”

  Zerina glared at her friend and then looked at Jace menacingly. “My guess, she’s worried about seeing you again.”


  They’d signed up for a one night stand and maybe she felt awkward about seeing him again. He’d hoped that wouldn’t happen. Since she’d left after he’d made them breakfast, he’d wanted to see her again. Wanted to hear her laughter and quick wit. As insane as it was, he couldn’t stop thinking about all the ways they’d been together, the conversations about family, and even the raw truth they’d shared about the tragedies they endured when they were younger.

  “Not because you two spent the night together, if that’s what you’re thinking,” Zerina said, pulling him from his thoughts. “But more or less because she thinks you only wanted her for that one night.”

  He nodded, unsure of what that meant. He’d never taken a wom
an home more than once. To him, it gave the impression of dating. He didn’t date. He fucked. Knowing that didn’t change the desire to see Sage again.

  The sex was incredible. That’s all this is. I just want to sleep with her again.

  He scoffed.

  Who was he kidding? He could deny to everyone else that he wasn’t affected by her beyond sex, but that would be a lie. He did admire her strength and courage. She was special and one of the most beautiful women he’d ever laid eyes on.

  “Now, you should know that I’m not one to bet unless I know I’m going to win, and I’m betting now that you’re interested in seeing Sage again.” She tapped a determined finger on the bar. “Tell me, would I win or lose that bet?”

  Jace’s jaw ticked as he gritted his teeth. He did want to see Sage again. He hadn’t gotten her out of his thoughts since being with her a few days ago. What was the harm in seeing her again? Another night of pleasure wouldn’t hurt.

  What if it did?

  Chapter 7

  Zerina lied.

  Sage groaned as Zerina texted her the change of venue. It wasn’t Iron Horse Saloon she was meeting them at. It was the other Iron Horse—the location where Jace worked. She looked over her shoulder and noted Jace’s motorcycle parked close. Gritting her teeth, she paced the side of her bike at the rear entrance. She wasn’t even sure why she was worried about anything. They’d had sex. Agreed it was a one-time deal. Things between them shouldn’t be awkward.

  And it wouldn’t be if I hadn’t gone and thought about dating someone else.

  She covered her face in her hands, hoping she wouldn’t turn into a clingy girl. She didn’t want to become the girl who got a taste of something scrumptious and wanted more. Especially not when it would only lead to disappointment and heartache.

  What am I going to do?

  “Planning to rob the joint?”

  Every muscle in her body froze as Jace’s voice poured over her like sunshine, warming her straight to her toes. She faced him, he wore blue jeans and body hugging Iron Horse T-shirt. Her mouth watered. “You know they make those in larger sizes, right?”


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