Mating Season

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Mating Season Page 2

by Allie Ritch

  There was a noticeable lull in the conversation the moment he ducked through the door and stomped his boots. Dozens of villagers were crammed inside, all standing since the trading post didn't have any chairs. A few of the men returned silent nods of greeting when he looked their way, but nobody called him over or walked up to meet him. The women—those without ribbons in their hair—avoided eye contact altogether. It was a stark reminder that he didn't quite fit in, even with people he'd known all his life.

  Rolling his shoulders, Koll winced when he felt a twinge in his back. The floor had made for a miserable bed, but he hadn't dared lie any closer to temptation. It had been difficult enough finding sleep with a naked woman so close at hand.

  Just as an image of her nude body formed in his mind, a familiar figure separated from a group of young women and approached him. Koll returned his focus to the present.

  "Back so soon?” Gilby asked. “I figured you'd give it at least another couple of days. I thought you were determined not to fail this year."

  Koll grunted. That was Gilby for you. Whereas Koll could be too curt and sparse with his words, Gilby never shut up and lacked anything resembling a verbal filter. Short where Koll was tall, carefree where he was solemn, Gilby was his opposite in every way. They'd been friends for as long as he could remember.

  That didn't mean the man didn't irritate him.

  "You're assuming I didn't succeed,” Koll pointed out. “Maybe I came back because I found a woman."

  A woman with white hair and succulent breasts.

  "Uh-huh.” Gilby returned a look that managed to convey disbelief and pity at once.

  The latter especially rankled, even more so when Koll noticed the rest of his neighbors shared similar expressions. They'd expected him to fail, he realized. Just as he had last year and the year before that. They expected him to live alone for the rest of his life, as if he were some kind of freak no woman would want. That hit a sore spot.

  "I have plenty to offer,” he growled, wishing he didn't sound so defensive.

  Gilby had to aim high to slap his shoulder. “I know. Someday you'll find yourself a wife. Maybe you just have to lower your standards."

  No filter. None.

  Koll felt his scowl reach all the way to his eyebrows. What was that supposed to mean? Was he supposed to settle for a drunkard or a dolt or some hideous creature missing half her teeth? Was that all he was worth? Although he knew better than to let it get to him, his friend's words pricked his pride and sent his temper roiling.

  "I don't have to lower my standards,” Koll snapped. “I have the perfect woman waiting in my bed right now."

  "What?” Gilby froze.

  So did the rest of the occupants inside the post. Damn, maybe his friend wasn't the only one lacking a filter.

  "I brought her home with me last night,” Koll grumbled.

  He was about to explain when he caught everyone's reaction. The awe and curiosity on his fellow villagers’ faces would have been comical if their expressions hadn't incited a tingle of pleasure. There was no sign of pity now. No, now they were interested.

  He held his head a little higher.

  For once, Gilby wasn't overflowing with words, but spoke slowly. “You found a woman?"

  Koll nodded.

  "Who is in your bed? Right now?"


  "And you didn't bring her here so we could see her?” Gilby sounded torn between surprise and suspicion.

  "No.” Koll shifted his weight uncomfortably. “She was exhausted, so I let her sleep."

  A couple of his neighbors snickered.

  Gilby didn't let it drop. “This is a real woman we're talking about, right?"

  "Of course!” Did his friend think he was talking about some kind of doll?

  "Your woman?"

  "Yes!” The word escaped Koll with a snarl, and he was surprised by the surge of possessiveness that accompanied it.

  He'd found the woman. He'd protected her and had taken her home. That made her his more than anyone else's in this village. He certainly wasn't going to allow the other males to sniff around her.

  "And she's wearing your ribbon?"

  "Yes!” Koll tensed the second his brain caught up. “I mean—"

  Hell. He hadn't meant to say that. Now the lie was out there in the open and couldn't be taken back. He couldn't tell them it was a sham, not when they were looking at him with newfound warmth and respect. His neighbors actually appeared happy for him—surprised but genuinely happy. Their reaction healed some of the bruises his ego had taken.

  "You mean...?” Gilby waited to hear the rest.

  Koll answered more quietly. “She's not wearing anything at the moment."

  More snickers.

  "But she accepted my ribbon,” he lied again.

  There was a moment of silence before a broad grin broke across his friend's face. “Well, let's see her,” Gilby announced with renewed excitement. “This is cause for a celebration. Congratulations, Koll. I told you you'd find a wife one day, didn't I? I know I did. I can't wait to meet her."

  "It'll be a while,” Koll said.

  A hint of suspicion returned to Gilby's gaze, but Elli, one of the elder women, spoke first.

  "She's not his wife yet.” Elli made the pronouncement in a scratchy voice that nevertheless commanded attention. “He's got until spring to win her over."

  She turned her slightly filmy gaze on Koll. “Bring her round when you're ready, boy, but don't wait too long. Women don't like to feel caged."

  Koll suppressed his usual grunt and returned a respectful nod instead. His heart nearly stuttered as the reality of his predicament sank in. Thanks to his thoughtless lie, he now had to do what he'd never managed before.

  Koll had to convince the woman to accept his ribbon.

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  Chapter 2

  Shila sighed and stretched until her joints nearly popped. Her leg muscles were sore, but she was snuggly warm beneath the thick fur blanket. She was also surrounded by the mouthwatering scent of cooking fish, which made her lick her chops.

  Wait a second. Fish? She popped her eyes open.

  The ceiling above Shila looked nothing like the top of her den or any other icy burrow. When she inhaled more deeply, she was hit by a myriad of unfamiliar smells, one of which was quite close to her. She bolted into a sitting position, clutching her chest in time to catch the blanket before it slipped below her breasts. Her gaze landed on the man standing near the foot of the bed.

  "Who are you?” she demanded.

  She took in his coloring, which was far too dark for one of her people. He stared back at her with eyes like black ice, except the heat behind his gaze should have melted his irises. His hair was nearly the same hue, hanging in messy waves to the top of his wide shoulders. Even his skin was dark. It looked like dusky honey spread over his rugged features, tempting her to take a lick.

  "Koll.” His voice was a low rumble that made her want to purr deep in her throat.

  It was also a voice Shila recognized. The sound jogged her memory, as did his scent when she drew another deep breath. This was the man she'd stumbled upon in her flight from Tartok and Cikuq. The two males had stalked her for far too long.

  "The males hunting me?” she asked.

  "Don't know you're here.” Koll slowly lowered his head and sat on the corner of the bed as if he meant to make himself appear smaller. “You're safe, woman."

  She would determine that for herself. Judging by his clothes, Koll was a villager, one of the clawless people who were confined to a single skin. Her people, the Children of Nanook, had started out as similar beings, but now they shifted between man form and that of the enormous frost bear. Her senses, and thus her perception of danger, were far keener than his.

  From what Shila had observed, the clawless people were nearly scent-blind and had to rely on their wits to make up for their physical limitations. Not that Koll appeared to be physically lacking. In fact, h
e looked very strong and healthy. She liked the way he met her gaze without flinching.

  "This is your den?"

  "My home,” he said.

  She was further pleased by his concise answer. Although she hadn't had much experience with villagers, she'd noticed many liked to natter and fidget, which made them sound and look like prey. This man was nobody's quarry.

  "Thank you,” she told him. “I appreciate your help. I could not have run any farther."

  He ignored her gratitude. “How many men are chasing you?"

  "Two.” Shila curled her lip in disgust. “Brothers from the Suinnak clan. Unnatural males, for all that they allow their wild half to rule them. They want to share me as their mate. Several years ago, they found me and—"

  She had to swallow against the bitter knot that suddenly clogged her throat. Tears pricked her eyes before she fought them back.

  "They killed my mate, Imnek. He could have driven them off individually, but they fought together against him. They purposefully caused me to miscarry my twins so I'd be ready to breed again sooner."

  Even now, the loss of her childhood friend, her first lover, was an ache that never quite faded away. But the loss of her unborn babes ignited pain and hatred so deep she nearly shook with the ferocity of her feelings. Other animals did not hold a grudge or dwell on the past, but her people were a mix. She wanted to change her skin and let her bear go on a killing rampage. If she could have, she would have slaughtered Tartok and Cikuq long ago.

  Those males were wrong. Abominations. The females of her people had limited fertility, which made their young all the more precious. Breeding was the female's choice, and though some elected to take multiple mates and give their children more than one father, Shila had never wanted that. The part of her that was a woman was every bit as strong as the bear. She wanted a mate and children and a community every bit as much as she wanted the freedom to roam the wilderness and live by her instincts. Those sick males from the Suinnak clan had taken that from her.

  "I escaped and managed to lose them through several breeding seasons,” she explained. “I don't know how they found me again this year. It's too early to breed children, but they mean to keep me confined so no other males can get to me."

  Koll released a growl so bearlike it made her shiver. “If I see them, I'll kill them. I won't let them get you."

  Shila had thought she was warm, but his promise and the ferocity behind it set off a blaze of heat from her breasts to the vee between her legs. “You would kill for me?"

  "Yes.” He shifted in his seat and appeared to brace himself, as if he thought he'd said something wrong.

  There was only one reason Shila knew for a male to protect a female so fiercely. “You want to mate with me?"

  He chuffed out a laugh and then looked surprised at himself. His gaze, however, was nothing short of ravenous. Even if his erection hadn't tented his pants, the sudden blast of lust in his musky scent would have told Shila he wanted her. Reaching into his shirt, he drew out a strip of material and held it toward her.

  She accepted it and looked at the soft ribbon. “It's pink."

  Koll grunted and felt his cheeks mimic the color. “The men in my family have taken a lot of grief for that."


  "Girly color,” he muttered.

  Shila didn't see why. “It looks like a strip of lean meat.” Drawing it to her nose, she slid it across her upper lip as she inhaled. “And it smells like you."

  Actually, it smelled quite good. Like heat and flesh and his own unique scent. He'd carried it close to his skin.

  "You hungry?” he asked.

  Still holding the ribbon, she returned her attention to the aroma of food. His home was mostly open, not sectioned off, although she could see closed doorways that must lead to other areas. Four long strides carried Koll to the fireplace where he fetched a plate of fish left to warm. Her stomach rumbled as he brought it closer and offered it to her.

  Just as she reached for it, he drew the plate back. “Will you wear my ribbon?"

  "Do I get the fish?” She bared her teeth. It was never wise to come between her and food, no matter what form she wore.

  He chuffed again and handed it over.

  Shila instantly dug in and rumbled in contentment as the flavor hit her tongue. He hadn't pickled or seasoned the fish as some of the clawless people were wont to do. The natural, unpolluted flavor of the meat was delicious.

  She finished the whole fish in three bites. “More please."

  Although Koll didn't say anything, she sensed he was pleased. He hurried to fix her another helping and didn't try to hold back the plate this time. Smart man. He got some for himself and sat to eat with her, proving he had just as hardy an appetite as she did.

  After another few servings, Shila finished with a sigh and patted her belly. It always felt good to be full. Koll removed their dishes before he sat at the corner of the bed again, watching her intently. She realized he was still waiting for an answer. Would she wear his ribbon?

  "What's it for?” she asked, dangling the thin strip of pink from her fingers.

  His dark brows drew together. “You wear it in your hair when you go outside. It's to warn other males that you're taken. Your village doesn't share the custom?"

  "No. Taken?"

  "Mated,” he explained. He looked uncertain now. “If you accept the ribbon, then you agree to stay with me. Here. For the winter.” A beat of silence. “As my mate."

  Shila was confused. “But it's not breeding season. I cannot conceive."

  "No,” he agreed. “I'm drinking the brew to stop conception. The winter is to see if we suit."

  Huh. Shila had never heard of a mating season separate from the breeding season. Then again, she didn't know much about the customs of the clawless. She did like the idea of the ribbon, though. It obviously eliminated fights between males over available females.

  "I'm not one of your villagers,” she pointed out, already thinking over the possibilities.

  A jerk of Koll's shoulder was his only response.

  "Tartok and Cikuq are still after me.” Actually, that was a good reason for her to stay here, since the two males would never think to look for her in a clawless village. But she thought it only fair to warn Koll. “They are very dangerous."

  "So am I,” Koll said, throwing back his shoulders. His tone held no boastfulness, merely fact. “I am strong and skilled in battle, and I know how to defend what's mine. I can protect you."

  His confidence was appealing. Despite knowing what he'd be up against if the brothers tracked her here, Shila couldn't help but believe him. He was willing to fight for her, and he'd already proven he could provide food and shelter. She also couldn't deny the arousal he inspired in her body. Although the bear only mated to create young, the part of her that was woman enjoyed pleasure for pleasure's sake.

  "I would be with you alone?” she asked, just to be sure. “I would not sleep with other males?"

  He gave her that delicious growl again. The sound of it bubbling out of his broad chest made her stomach flutter.

  "You'd be mine,” he announced. “Mine for the whole winter. I'll deal with any male who so much as touches you."

  Oh yes. Koll was strong and virile and very much to her taste. Still, a female could never be too discerning.

  "Take off your clothes. I wish to inspect you before I decide.” She wanted to get a better look at him.

  His eyes blazed, and his scent intensified until she thought it would soak into her pores. Although a flush shot up from his neck, he didn't look the least bit shy. He bent over to yank off his boots and socks, never once breaking eye contact. Then he stood and drew off his shirt and undershirt to reveal his brawny chest.

  Shila's heart pounded in excitement as she watched the shift of muscles in his arms and abs. He was a spectacular male, built to excite and attract women from all peoples and races. Just looking at him had moisture pooling between her legs.

ore,” she demanded. It was her right to look over his entire body if he wanted her to consider him as a mate.

  A muscle ticked in Koll's jaw as he opened his fly and sprang his erection. One push sent his pants to the floor with a muffled thud. He stepped free, revealing muscular legs toned to perfection.

  Forsaking the blanket, Shila got up and walked closer to examine him. Her skin immediately heated, though she had no problem with nudity. It was his return scrutiny that warmed her. She noticed his gaze immediately landed on her bare breasts before sliding down to her mons. The sudden gush of precum that flowed from the tip of his hard cock assured her he liked what he saw.

  She circled behind him to see if his backside matched his front. His buttocks were firm and nicely defined, promising to flex forever once he began to rut. She was tempted to give each globe a good squeeze. Instead, she stood so close she felt his body heat pouring off him.

  He remained still, though his breathing deepened until Shila saw his sides moving with every inhalation. When he glanced at her over his shoulder, she came around front again and grabbed his jutting cock. Koll groaned, and more moisture spilled out of his slit.

  "Big and powerful.” She slid her hand down the flushed shaft and reached for his balls, which were already tight. “Very good."

  Shila stretched up to reach his lips and teased the side of his mouth with hers. His full bottom lip was perfect for nibbling. She scraped her teeth over it before tugging it out for a soothing lick. Mmm. He tasted good too.

  Her inspection complete, she announced her decision. “I approve. I will winter with you.” As if there'd really been any doubt.

  To show respect for his custom, she wrapped the ribbon around her head and tried to knot it at her temple. The slippery material slid loose and started to fall.

  Koll caught it instantly, demonstrating great speed and dexterity for all his bulk. Instead of placing it around her head, he gently pulled out a lock of her hair and tied the pink ribbon near the top so the ends dangled down like colored stripes. Stepping back, he just looked at her for a moment before touching her cheek with something close to reverence. His expression made her heart turn over.


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