Applebottom Magic: Paranormal Romance

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Applebottom Magic: Paranormal Romance Page 4

by S Cinders

  Once we were within calling distance I yelled out for my Nana and the aunts. I knew that I couldn’t just let some stranger into our home no matter how nice she seemed. They came out onto the porch to meet us and quickly assessed the situation. Emily had kept her head slightly bowed and her eyes on the ground.

  “Child,” Nana asked, “Who have you brought to us?”

  “This is Emily,” I replied, “She is a fire witch and wanted to speak with me, but didn’t feel comfortable out in the open. I wondered if we might be able to talk inside.”

  Nana came over to Emily and lifted her chin considering her eyes. “Are you here to harm us?”

  “No,” She blurted out quietly, “I am here to speak with Apple on my brother’s behalf.”

  “Brother,” I felt a tinge of uneasiness, “do you mean Ryan Ruttledge?”

  “Yes, Ryan is my brother,” She smiled and her whole demeanor changed, she was beautiful and I could see the family resemblance to her handsome brother.

  “Oh hell,” I grumbled, “And here I thought that I was going to like you.”

  Emily looked dismayed for a moment and Nana swatted me on the butt.

  “Where are your manners Henrietta Applebottom?”

  “I’m sorry Emily, I guess that this has been a rather trying day for me, and it all started with meeting your brother. Please forgive my rudeness and would you like to come in for a refreshing drink?” Nana nodded approval of my apology.

  “That would be delightful,” Emily murmured. She was such a quiet little thing, so beautiful and so timid, there had to be a story there.

  We walked into the cabin and Emily looked awestruck, “This is such a beautiful home.”

  Nana smiled, “Thank you my dear, I am Gladys Applebottom and these are my sisters Sally and Jessica. Of course, you already have met our Apple. Please have a seat at the table. I will get some sweet tea and snacks; would that be alright?”

  Emily smiled again, “That would be just lovely, thank you.”

  I could tell by the way she was walking that the blisters on her feet were bothering her. So, I whispered into Aunt Sally’s ear to see if we could help.

  Sally brightened and winked at me. With a swish of her hand she healed all the blisters and Emily’s shoes looked to be brand new again. Sometimes having magic was the best, I only wish that I could do half of what my family was able to.

  Emily looked up surprised at the instant her feet were healed. She looked at Aunt Sally and blushed, “Thank you so much.”

  “Not a problem my dear, don’t think a thing of it,” Sally chuckled, “we are used to healings. It is primarily what an earth witch is famous for. Mother earth takes care of its own, and we are all from the earth.”

  “Emily,” I asked, “Why did you come to speak to me? Did your brother ask you too?”

  “No, nothing like that,” she bit her lip thinking and then replied, “I wanted to talk with you, Ryan was nervous about me coming. I’m afraid it’s rather a long story, but I think that it is best if I start at the beginning.”

  Nana and the Aunts got up to give us some privacy but Emily stopped them, “Please stay, I know that you are very protective of Apple and I can feel your hearts. There is a burning love between all of you that I admire, you have good hearts I can see that. This is my story…”

  CHAPTER 11 - Emily

  My stomach felt like a hoard of slithering snakes. This wasn’t like me, coming here to the Grand Canyon to talk to Ryan’s match. I am not brave like he is. I am not strong like he is. The women who lived here were strong, being a fire witch I have the gift of feeling the fire that burns in someone. The fire represents their heart and spirit. That fire can be good, cleansing and ever bright with their passions their souls if you will. That fire could also be corrupt, vengeful and destructive like my father. He was the real reason that I am the way I am, shy, scared, weak even. Nothing like how I burn to be, but maybe this one act of bravery can start me on the path of who I should have been, who I am meant to be.

  In a regular magical family, it is common for the young to exhibit magical tendencies. It is true that one cannot wield the magic they possess until they turn the age of 17. However, it is very common in magical children to change eye color when they are in extenuating circumstances. It’s somehow tied to our emotions just like being excited, scared, joyful or sad would show on a child’s face. In extreme emotion our eyes will flash, it could be a bright blue or deep purple. I’ve seen golden amber and even red. Everyone’s is different. Except me, I did not do this.

  Another tendency in magical children is to exhibit empathic like abilities around our families. We often know if someone is hurting or needs something even before they are aware of it. I know this is how my brother Ryan protected me so often from my father. He could sense when things were going to go south and was always there for me. I did not have this tendency either.

  The last most telling sign of a magical child is some type of control over their element. My mother was a fire witch. Although she died having me, I am told that she could hold fire in her hands at the age of 6. She was a prodigy, how is it possible that I had nothing?

  I knew that Ryan was an air warlock just like my father. But that is where the similarities ended. Where my father was mean and cruel, Ryan was patient and protective. Where my father was greedy and spiteful, Ryan was caring and nurturing. I owe my life to my brother and am fully aware of everything that he did and still does for me.

  This girl, Apple, she is the luckiest woman alive. If given the chance he will treat her like a queen. The problem is that my father will do everything in his power to screw it up. And given the chance he would destroy any happiness that me or my brother could ever achieve.

  I have been in hiding from my father for many years. I am an unregistered witch, which makes me an enemy to system. The very system that he holds in the highest regard, I despise. I don’t think that it is anyone’s business what powers one holds nor where they live and what they do.

  There is a resistance that even Ryan is not aware of that I have joined. Our goal is to fight back the magical tyranny that has plagued our earth since the Salem Witch trials. The Magical Order was supposed to be put in place to protect magical people and instead it has enslaved them.

  We only have one Oracle on the earth at a time, and it is a position that used to be bestowed from one to their predecessor in whom they have trained and apprenticed with. The Order destroyed that and chose to elect one of their own. We used to get many prophecies, now we get very few. I do not think the moon goddess is very happy with her children. Our numbers have declined at a rapid rate, children born without gifts to magical families. The use of dark magic has risen, it is so dangerous, like tar that eats away at a person until they are without morals or feelings of their own.

  Considering these women’s faces I prayed to the goddess that she would guide my words. I knew that I could not convince them on my own. But I needed things to work out for my brother. I needed that prophecy to come true, because I had a secret that I had never shared. Not with anyone, even though it started when I was very small. They thought that I didn’t have magic. Even Ryan thinks that my gift is small. What he and all the rest didn’t understand was that the magic I had was different. I was about to finally tell someone about it, after all these years. The Applebottom’s would know my deepest secret, and could be my greatest downfall.

  “Apple,” I said nervously trying to collect myself, “did you remember when I touched your arm?”

  “Yes, it seemed to be a very hot sensation but not uncomfortable. Very different from anything I have ever felt before.” Her inquisitive eyes held mine.

  I reached out and touched her arm again, “What do you feel this time?”

  She looked surprised, “Nothing.”

  “Apple I am about to entrust you with something that I have never spoken of before in my life. But to understand why it is so important to go through with this match I have to explain how I k
now the things that I do.”

  “Would you like us to leave dear?” Gladys asked me gently. Her aunts Sally and Jessica looked at each other in dismay, clearly not wanting to miss out.

  “No,” I stuttered, “It is time for me to come out of hiding.”

  “As a child, I did none of the things that magical children usually do. My father was, well is, an abusive and cruel man. He did not take his child being one of the normals very well. One night when I was seven after a particularly sharp smack to my face I ran and hid in the attic behind some of my mother’s old things. I could still smell her faint perfume, and it comforted me to have even this small connection to her.”

  I cleared my throat to go on, “As I sat there crying I heard a voice soothing me. When I looked up a woman was cradling me in her arms, and yet she was transparent clearly not corporal. I startled for a moment but she took my hand and placed it on her heart. ‘Emily, do not fear me. Feel the love I have for you, my dearest one.’ It was as if all the sadness had dissipated and I was overwhelmed with her love and the joy that she felt in me, for me. I thought for a moment that she was my mother, but then all the sudden I knew who she was. The moon goddess had come to me, a seven-year-old child who was tear stained and frightened.

  ‘You are precious my child, never forget that. You have the gift of speaking to those that have passed on, they will help lead and guide you through your life. You must keep this a secret little one, your father and others will try to use you and will destroy you if given the chance. You will be a powerful witch one day, one to be reckoned with and one that will help to save my sons and daughters. I will come to you again when the time is right, but for now keep silent and know that you are loved.’

  “That was more than a hundred years ago.” I smiled faintly, “it seems a lifetime ago. Almost like a dream, I thought to never see her again. And although I have spoken with many that are past, the moon goddess did not come back to me. That is until last night and again today.”

  I paused looking into their shocked faces.

  “Is that what happened when you touched me?” Apple whispered in awe.

  “Yes,” I smiled, “Last night she came to me and told me that Ryan was to meet his match and that he would need my help convincing you. I must tell you that I come here at great peril to myself. My father is an evil man and is searching for me. I am not a strong woman and have been hiding for a very long time. But I dare not follow the goddess. She has given me a gift and has promised to help me fulfill my destiny. When I touched you today she told me in my heart that you were the one.”

  I could tell that Apple was getting distressed, “I am not a powerful witch Emily.” She said, “I am actually quite dismal. Ask my Nana or the aunts.”

  “It is not for us to question the goddess,” Gladys said patting Apple gently on the back.

  Jess added, “If she has given you a task Apple, she will prepare a way.”

  I knew that this was a lot to take in and that Apple still had her own agency. I only hoped that it would be enough.

  CHAPTER 12 – Ryan

  "So, man, you gonna tell us what's going on or are we going in blind?" Patrick asked as we approached Applebottom's cabin.

  I ignored the question just like I had been doing to both he and James for the last few hours. I had an uneasy feeling and for a warlock that goes with his gut 99% of the time, I wasn't sure how much I wanted to share.

  "I believe that means blind Patrick," James quipped with his slow southern drawl. His cowboy hat was pulled low on his eyes, but I could still see the humor in them as he and Patrick kept up their conversation.

  "Our Ryan here doesn't like to get too loquacious on us."

  James laughed, "He could make a hermit look like magpie."

  "I don't even know what the hell that means, nor do I care." I bit out, "can you two just shut the hell up?"

  "Well he was quite loquacious right there," James responded with a tip of his hat, "We are much obliged to you, boss."

  Patrick chuckled clapping James on the back, "That's a good one there waterboy."

  I turned to face the both. Their faces were shiny from the heat of the day. We all were dusty and tired from the long missions we have been on hunting Rouges.

  They were my best friends, we had worked together for the last thirty or forty years. After this mission, they were both due to make COW status. We only have 15 in the United States and Canada. It's a big honor and I felt guilty involving them on what could eventually end up being treason against our ruling force.

  They could tell that I was serious by my expression and I saw the grins slip of their faces.

  "We are just yanking your chain mate, sorry, " Patrick said and James nodded, "we'll stop."

  "It's not that," I started to say when I heard a piercing cry from behind me.

  I whipped around just in time to catch my sister who had wrapped herself around me and now seemed to be crying.

  I could feel my throat tighten. I hadn't seen Emily in more than 100 years. Sure, I'd been in touch by phone and in recent years’ text and Internet but it's not the same.

  She was squeezing the life out of me, but I was probably doing the same to her, it felt damn good to see her.

  "Just a friend," Patrick asked with a smirk.

  "Boys, I want you to meet my sister Emily."

  Their expressions were priceless.

  "When the hell did you get a sister?" James sputtered out.

  He was followed by Patrick standing up straight and reaching his hand out for her to shake, "So this does makes her available, right?"

  Emily blushed.

  I knocked his hand away, "This makes her completely off limits, nimrod."

  "Yawl gonna stay out there and chat or do you wanna come in for some supper," Gladys called from the cabin doorway.

  "We'd be much obliged ma'am." James took her hand and kissed it while giving her a flirtatious wink.

  I love those boys like brothers, but lord knows they are two of the biggest players. We needed to set some ground rules, fast.


  Patrick let out a low whistle, "You fine ladies put on a nice supper."

  Apple snorted with laughter which caused one of her aunts to smack her arm. It was the one with the blue hair. I was having a hard time telling them apart. Mostly because I just didn't care, I was way too distracted by Apple.

  Her hair seemed to be coated with a million strands of sunlight. She was tiny, just a few inches above five foot.

  Her cheekbones could have cut glass and I couldn't figure out how she managed to look so beautiful and so badass at the same time.

  Her little tank top was teasing me. The strap kept sliding off her tanned shoulders revealing the edge of her lacy bra.

  "Err..." my eyes shot to Gladys. She was looking at me with narrowed eyes, "see something you like Ryan?"

  I could feel the heat in my cheeks and I noticed it matched Apple's. I can't believe I was just caught staring at her boobs. I was supposed to be a professional.

  My buddies were laughing their assess off. Nice loyalty from the home team boys.

  Emily seeing my distress came to my rescue. "So now that everyone has been caught up and agreed to fight with us against our father, what will be our plan?"

  I still felt guilty about the boys, "Patrick and James, you don't have to do this. You can walk out that door and tell them that I went AWOL. I don't want to drag you down with me."

  James looked offended, "If it were me in this mess would you walk away?"

  "Hell no," Patrick answered for me. "We are in it 100%."

  I felt my throat tighten a bit, they really were like brothers.

  "Now no more of this walking away shit. What is our plan?" James added.

  We talked late into the night. I found that for the most part Apple remained quiet. I knew that this had to be overwhelming for her. She also seemed to be timid about her magic. I was grateful for Emily who volunteered to work with her but I kind of wa
nted the chance to do that myself.

  I felt a real pull toward her and not just sexual tension although that was there too in spades.

  We hadn't really come to any decisions and it was getting late.

  The blond aunt finally called it a night. She said we could reconvene in the morning after we slept on it.

  The boys and I got up to leave when the blue haired aunt spoke up, "Where are you going? We have plenty of room here and you are practically family or will be at any rate."

  After spending the last few years in tents, even magical ones, I would not pass up a chance at a nice bed. The boys were already headed up the stairs.

  Apple turned at the base of stairs when she turned back to me, "You are coming?"

  I smiled, "Always, I just need to make a quick call and I will be up."

  She smiled ducking her chin a little and headed up the stairs.

  With a sigh, I pulled out my phone and dialed my father.

  CHAPTER 13 - Apple

  This must be my stupidest idea yet, I thought to myself as slipped down the hallway in my pj tank and shorts. I just couldn't sleep without getting the truth off my chest. So, in a moment of pure idiocy I jumped out of bed and went searching for... I don't even know what to call him. My match sounds ridiculous. My fiancé is equally unsatisfactory. I guess he's the guy looking to hook up with me? That at least puts this whole stupid situation in terms I'm slightly familiar with.

  As I got to the top of the stairs I realized I didn't know which room was Ryan's. What was I supposed to do now? Politely knock on every door until I wake the whole house up? Nice Apple that will work out well.

  Groaning at lack of forethought, I tried to swing myself around to head back down the stairs. But my socks must have slipped because one moment I was upright and the next I was flailing my arms at the top of the stairs to catch my balance. Just my luck, my recon mission had turned deadly.


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