Full Disclosure

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Full Disclosure Page 6

by Sean Michael

  "What do you want?"

  "To talk to you. Let me in."

  He saw someone coming toward the front doors. Good, he could get in--Sammy would have to let him in if he was actually banging on the man's door.

  "No. I can't see you. Leave me be." The intercom went dead.

  Damn it.

  All right. Slipping in and beating on Sammy's door it was.

  He moved toward the front door, digging in his pocket like he was looking for his keys. When the guy coming out opened the door, Jarrod nodded, said, "Thanks, man," and walked in like he belonged there. Which he did, damn it.

  He headed up and up. There was no way Sammy could turn him away. No way. They had something... something bigger than either one of them separately, damn it. That couldn't be over--it wasn't going to just fade away.

  He stopped in front of Sammy's door and took a breath. Okay, he was going to start reasonably and just knock; he wasn't above escalating as needed, though. Samuel was going to have to call the police to get rid of him this time.

  He knocked twice on the door.

  "Yes?" He heard boxes rattling, then the door opened, Sammy standing there with a tape gun in hand.

  Jarrod raised his hands. "Don't shoot!"


  "The gun." He pointed to the tape gun in Sammy's hand. He sighed. "It was a joke--you know, a tension breaker?"

  "Oh. Right. What do you want?" Sammy looked exhausted. It broke his heart.

  "You." He stepped forward into Sammy's apartment. "I want you."

  "I'm not available. Get out."

  Sammy's place was trashed, everything packed and in boxes. Sammy'd looked only partially unpacked before, now it looked like he was all but ready to move out. Jarrod was just in time.

  "You don't get it. I'm not going. We're good together, Sammy. We're good when I bend you over your desk and fuck you. We're good when I put you over my lap and spank you." He stepped forward with every point, making Sammy back up. "You're shaved bare because of me. You're wonderfully sore because of me. You're dreaming of nipple rings and cock cages because of me."

  "Go away." Sammy shook his head. "I'm moving. You have to go."

  "Why are you moving? And I'm not going anywhere." He kept stalking forward, backing Sammy right into a wall.

  "I'm going away. I'm not staying here." The tape gun fell, clattering to the ground.

  "You're not running away from here." He gathered Sammy's shirt in both hands.

  "Don't you fucking touch me."

  God, his lover was beautiful.

  "You now have a safe word; it's deposition. I know you know how to use it." With that, he pulled Sammy to him and took that amazing mouth.

  The fire between them flared, and Jarrod growled, dragging Sammy closer. His. His, damn it. And Sammy knew it, too, deep in his gut.

  He pushed his tongue into Sammy's mouth. He was not letting his lover go. He wasn't losing this. He was going to apologize, then he was going to spend the rest of his fucking life making his man's dreams come true.

  Right now he was going to kiss Sammy breathless.

  Sammy's hands landed on his shoulders, and Jarrod didn't think even Sammy knew whether he was pushing away or pulling closer. He went with pulling closer, and pressed up hard against Sammy's body.

  "You leave me alone." Sammy groaned the words against his lips.

  "That's not what you really want." He bit at Sammy's bottom lip, then sucked it between his lips.

  This close, he could see the sorrow, the stress, the sadness in Sammy's eyes. He let go of Sammy's lip and pressed their foreheads together. He looked right into the man's eyes.

  "I'm sorry, Sammy. As soon as I got involved I should have told you. Honestly, I didn't want you to know anyone thought that of you, because I knew it couldn't be true."

  "You should have. You should have been honest. You saw all of me."

  He nodded. "I should have and I still do. See all of you, I mean."

  Sammy shook his head. "I'm moving. I'm out of here."

  "You can't shake me that easily, Sammy. I'm inside you now." He touched Sammy's chest, feeling that heart pound. "You have to forgive me."


  "Because otherwise we both lose something amazing. I know you can feel it, Sammy. You have from the start."

  "Who do you work for? What's your job?"

  "This between us--this was never any part of a job, Sammy. You have to know that--you have to believe it because it's the truth."

  Sammy stared him down. "I want to believe it, but I want full disclosure. You're not a legal secretary."

  "No. I'm with Northern Secure, a security firm that was hired to find out who was leaking information at Bailey, Billings, Hering and Weir." He was fucking good at his job, too, and he'd never slept with a suspect or client before. Ever. Sammy had been different from the start, though.

  "Do you always fuck your clients?"

  "Never. Not ever."

  Sammy had to believe him. Sammy had to believe in them.

  Those pretty, worried eyes searched his. "I trusted you, Jarrod. With everything. More than was safe."

  "I never betrayed you, Sammy. I fought to clear your name. Even when all the evidence said it was you, I refused to believe it."

  "I'm not a...whatever they thought I was. I'm an honest man."

  "I know. And that's what I told them--what I proved. The real spy was framing you."

  Sammy nodded for him, then looked away. "I sold this place. I'm moving. Going to find somewhere else to practice."

  "You didn't have to do that..." But he knew Sammy had already quit, hell, had already sold the condo. He grabbed hold of Sammy's arms. "But if that's what you felt right doing, that's your decision. Don't leave me behind, too, though."

  "I..." Sammy sighed, softly, then almost smiled.

  He brushed his thumb along Sammy's mouth. "You what?"

  "I've missed you. Asshole."

  He smiled, knowing now it was going to be okay; Sammy was going to forgive him. Even if that wasn't right this second.

  "Missed you, too, Sammy. Like crazy."

  "My name's Samuel." Oh. Pushy little bottom.

  He held Sammy's eyes as he replied. "I know what your name is. Sammy."

  "Do you? Are you sure?"

  "Yes. It's Mine."

  "Maybe. Someday."

  "You already are. I'm not going anywhere. You'll admit it sooner or later." He reached down, cupped Sammy's balls, squeezed nice and gently. "All mine. Every fucking inch. I'm going to bend you over your desk and spank your ass. I'm going to cage you and pierce you and make you crazy in all the best ways."

  Sammy shook his head. "No way." That cock jerked, leapt in his hand.

  He laughed softly. "Right. You hate the very idea."

  "We're not doing that again."

  "Not doing what again? Making you come with just words?"

  "Shut up. I'm packing."

  "Actually, it looks to me like you're standing against the wall about to get fucked."

  God, he loved that sweet, needy son of a bitch. He took Sammy's mouth and poured all his love into the kiss. Sammy stiffened, gasped, hands wrapping around his arms. He pressed them together, shoulders to toes, their mouths locked as his tongue plunged, took, explored.

  Sammy groaned, lips opening, letting him in. Yeah, that was it--what they both needed, what they both wanted. Shit, he never wanted to lie to Samuel again and he certainly wasn't going to do it with his body. His hands cupped Sammy's head, tilted him back. He devoured Sammy's mouth, made him really feel it, feel how good it was between them.

  Deep moans pushed into his mouth; Sammy rubbed against him. Sammy wanted him--needed him even. He'd been right, this wasn't one-sided. Groaning, he grabbed Sammy's arms and pulled them up over his head.

  "Not doing this." Sammy moaned the words into his lips.

  "Yes, you are." He wasn't going to let Sammy deny them, deny this.

  "Not going to love you."

p; Yes!

  "You already do." He hauled Sammy up over his shoulder and headed for the man's bedroom.

  "Jarrod, what are you doing?"

  "Taking you to bed." He reached up and smacked the ass next to his head. It wasn't as satisfying as spanking Sammy flesh on flesh, but it was still good. He couldn't imagine never getting to do that again.

  "What else?" The soft words made his cock ache.

  "I'm going to spank your ass rosy. I'm going to fuck you into tomorrow. And then we're going to plan."

  "Plan? Plan what?"

  "What we're piercing, where to shop for your cock cage. All sorts of wonderful things."

  Sammy's bedroom was just like he remembered it; the bed hadn't even been made. He tossed his lover down onto it. Sammy sat up and he put his hand right in the center of that lean chest.

  He pushed Sammy down onto his back again. "Hands on the headboard. If you don't keep them there, I'll dig out one of your ties and bind you."

  Sammy looked at him, then slowly and purposefully flipped him off.

  "Oh, ho, it's going to be like that, is it?"

  Grinning, he went to the dresser and started opening drawers, looking for one of those damn silk ties.

  "What if everything's packed already?"

  He shot Sammy a look. "Is it?"

  "Mostly." That wasn't a yes.

  "Where are the ties, Sammy?"

  "They're expensive." Samuel's eyes landed on a box.

  "Perfect--only the best for my man."

  He went to the box Samuel had looked at, tore it open and pulled out a handful of neatly folded ties. He grabbed a pink one with little black polka dots and tossed the rest over his shoulder.

  "Those are my ties."

  "I know. They're going to make awesome bondage gear."

  He climbed onto the bed, straddling Sammy's chest. His lover was so hot, beautiful, lean and fine, wanton. He was never losing this again. He wrapped one end of the tie around Sammy's right wrist, then threaded it through the headboard. Samuel watched his fingers, lips parted, eyes burning.

  He smiled at Sammy, then took his left hand and wrapped the other end of the tie around it. There was a lot of give, Sammy could rest his arms on the bed; he couldn't pull them right down, though, couldn't touch or get away. When Samuel relaxed, eased into the mattress, Jarrod felt like crowing.

  He bent, kissing the man as he slowly moved back down to straddle Samuel's hips. His. His boy. His lover. Groaning, he deepened the kiss, his hands moving to tear the clothes from Sammy's body. He let the desperation go, the worry that he'd lost this.

  He got Sammy's shirt open, then began to work on Sammy's pants, the buttons opening easily for him. He tugged the short-short hairs, just starting to come back in.

  "Gonna have to shave you again. Especially when we get the cock cage--gotta keep you smooth for that."

  "No. Not going to let you." Sammy spread, licked his lips.

  "Yes, you are." He leaned down and let his own tongue take the same road as Sammy's had.

  "Not going to..." Sammy started rocking under him, hips fucking the air.

  "Come. You are not going to come. Because you're not allowed until I say so. Or we get that cage sooner than later." This was so much fun.

  Sammy's cock was pushing at his underwear like it was going to punch a hole through them. He grabbed them and tugged them down, along with Sammy's slacks.

  His. Hot little fucker. He scratched his nails along Sammy's thighs. Sammy's hips bucked, cock jerking hard. He did it again, just to watch that response. Then he slapped Sammy's hip, hard enough that his hand stung. He watched his handprint slowly grow pink.

  "Fucking sexy, Sammy. And all mine."

  He stared Sammy down, willing his lover to argue. When it didn't happen, he smiled, gave Sammy's hip another smack. He twisted Sammy halfway, giving him access to that fine ass.

  "Mmm. Fuck, but that's a sweet ass you've got." He slapped it twice. "And it's all mine."

  "No. No way." But his Samuel nodded.

  "Yes way." He smacked Samuel's ass a few more times, bringing up the color.


  "For giving you what you want?" He smacked that sweet ass again.


  He blinked, then smiled. Pleased. Surprised, but pleased.

  "Then I'll take it." He smacked a few more times with more enthusiasm.

  The sweet butt went rosy, but he needed it darker. He wanted Sammy to really feel it. He kept hitting, moving his hand around to cover the entire ass. Slowly, slowly, Sammy started moving into the blows, begging for him. Fuck, it was hot.

  "That's it, Sammy. Take what you fucking need." Jarrod loved that deep, needy groan, that cry. His hand was beginning to burn, hot like Sammy's ass.

  "Fuck... Jarrod, stop..."

  "Not yet." Not until neither of them could stand it anymore.

  "Burns." Sammy's abs went rock hard.

  "I know, Sammy."

  "You fucker. I need you."

  "I know." He bent and kissed just below Sammy's ear.

  He could feel Sammy's heartbeat, pounding under his lips. He felt it skip a beat as he started to spank his lover again.

  * * * *

  Samuel woke up aching.

  His ass ached.

  His shoulders ached.

  His thighs ached.

  His balls ached.

  He'd never been so fucking happy.

  This time, when he cracked an eye open, the space next to him wasn't empty. Jarrod was looking at him, smiling. Grinning like the fucking Cheshire cat.

  "Good morning, sleeping beauty."

  "Morning." He sounded like a crow.

  Jarrod's fingers slid over his belly. "You look fantastic."

  His abs tightened, the welts on his belly from his belt burning. "I feel good."

  "Good." Jarrod leaned in and licked his lips.

  He groaned, lips opening as he moved closer. Jarrod had promised wickedness today, even more than last night, which had left him fucked, shaved, whipped and adored.

  Jarrod's tongue invaded as soon as he opened, the man taking immediate and sure control. Samuel whimpered, something inside him settled, joyous. Home.

  "Fucking love that sound."

  He nibbled on Jarrod's bottom lip. Jarrod hummed for him and then turned it around, taking a sharp bite at his lower lip before sucking it soothingly. He started rocking, his arousal building again. Again!

  One of Jarrod's hands slid over his hip, grabbing his sensitive and bruised ass. All he could do was moan, low.

  "Mine," growled Jarrod. Those lips brushed his jaw, then the teeth followed. The bruising kisses continued, little nips and outright bites interspersed.

  "Going to take you to the piercer today, baby. Then we're going to the adult toy shop. Then I'm going to take you home with me." It was clearly not a question--Jarrod wasn't asking his permission, only telling him.

  He groaned, shook his head, body shaking.

  "Yes. A cage for your cock."

  "No way." God, Jarrod was amazing.

  "Hell, yes way." Jarrod's hand wrapped around his prick, tugging hard and rough.

  "Fuck..." He twisted, his eyes crossing. "Jarrod."

  "Right fucking here."

  "Yes. Yes, please." He wasn't sure what he was begging for, but Samuel knew that Jarrod would give it to him.

  Jarrod's hand twisted around his prick again. "You're going to love the cage, Sammy."

  "No..." He pushed into the touch.

  "Yes. So hot, so intimate. It's like nothing you've ever done." Jarrod let go of his prick and grabbed his balls, not hard enough to hurt, but still.

  His lips parted, his abs going tight. Yes.

  "Gonna put my rings on you. One here." Jarrod's fingers slid behind his balls, pushed at the flesh there.

  Samuel's toes curled, thighs spreading like Jarrod had pushed a button.

  "And I'm gonna put one here." Jarrod hand twisted back up along his cock, holding at the tip.

  "No..." Oh, fuck. No. His shoulders rolled up off the mattress.

  "Yes." Jarrod pinched the tip of his cock.

  God, he couldn't breathe.

  "And here." Jarrod's hand left his prick, fingers sliding to pinch at his nipples, nails biting into his skin

  "You can't. That's too many..." Right?

  "There's no such thing as too many."

  He was going to scream. Or shoot.

  "It's going to be so hot. You are going to be so hot."

  This sound escaped him and he pushed closer, taking Jarrod's lips. Jarrod rolled him onto his back, following and pressing him into his mattress. All his aches and bruises fired at once.

  "Fuck..." He pushed into that strength, fighting happily.

  Jarrod held him down, seeming to keep him in place easily.

  "Not going to let you." He was so fucking hot.

  "You don't have a choice, Sammy." Jarrod rocked against him, their cocks sliding together.

  He was going to come. Everything in him was burning, aching for it, no matter what had happened last night.

  "You're waiting for permission, right?"

  He wasn't going to answer that.

  One of Jarrod's eyebrows went up, the man's hips moving faster, fingers pinching one of his nipples again and again. He started moving faster, rocking harder. Fuck, yes.

  "You wait for my permission or I'll have to punish you."

  He bit Jarrod's shoulder, hard.


  He groaned, bucking as Jarrod's hand landed on his thigh. Jarrod spanked his thigh several more times. "No coming, period. Gonna put a cock ring on you and make you wait until tonight."

  "No..." He jerked, trying to get a little friction, just enough.

  "Such a naughty boy." Jarrod's hand squeezed hard around the base of his cock.

  His hips jerked and rolled, needing release. Jarrod's fingers slipped down, grabbed hold of his balls and tugged down, twisted.

  "No! Jarrod, please!"

  "Yes. No coming until tonight. I'm going to use another one of your ties until we can get you a proper cock ring."

  He shook his head, sweating, aching.

  Jarrod got up and went over to where the ties had been flung the day before. He tugged at the ties around his wrists, trying to get loose, trying to get himself off.


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