Unexpected Mates (Sons of Heaven)

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Unexpected Mates (Sons of Heaven) Page 27

by Lyons, Brenna

  “Sakkra wishes to see you immediately.” The reply was curt and warned of a prince who was less than pleased.

  “I will dress—”

  “Immediately, Captain Darm.”

  “As Sakkra wishes.” If the prince wanted Darm standing before him in the cu-wrap, it was his choice, he supposed.

  Darm pushed up from the mattress and made his way blearily to the corridor. Along the way, he finger-combed his hair feathers, trying to look presentable for the prince. By the time he reached Sakkra’s office, he was awake enough to walk straight and tall, but only just.

  He knocked on the door and pushed through it at the order to enter.

  His move to greet their Earth-side leader short circuited at the sight of Zave under guard. “What?” The word slipped out without decorum.

  Darm comforted himself with the idea that he would have been dragged from bed by a similar group of guards if he were the one facing the prince’s anger.

  “Ah...Darm,” Sakkra offered by way of greeting.

  Zave glared at him, as if he blamed Darm for his incarceration.

  How did I cause this? I’ve made no complaint against him.

  Sakkra started speaking. “Did Zave refuse to call for you when Sandy asked for you last night?”

  He replayed his memories of the alarm. “I cannot say for certain. I know she was asking for me while Zave was speaking to the healers, and I went to her, as she asked.”

  Darm felt his face heat in renewed anger. “He did refuse to move aside. Sandy was clearly asking for me then.”

  “I was already performing the rite,” Zave protested. “Who performs it does not matter.”

  Before he could reply, Sakkra did...and with nearly the same words Darm would have blurted out.

  “And yet it did.”

  Zave nodded, his expression full of misery. “We were never told it could.”

  “The healers were on their way,” Sakkra counseled. “Whether it would have made a physical difference aside, Sandy was frightened and in pain. Keeping Darm from her when she asked for him was cruel. Why did you choose to do it?”

  He moved his mouth as if to speak, but nothing emerged.

  “Come now. I’m certain you know why you did it.”

  Zave ground his teeth, his face going deep red. “I wanted to be the one to give her ease. It had always been Darm before. I wanted...”

  “Go on,” the prince drawled, as if he was speaking to an errant toddler.

  “I wanted her to see it didn’t have to be Darm.”

  That snapped Darm’s patience. “There was nothing underhanded in my soothing her Kahdi.”

  “I know it,” Zave conceded.

  Sakkra nodded. “Had you refused to admit you’d been selfish and short-sighted, I would have stripped your right to seek a mate for it.”

  Darm swallowed a sour wave. Though the warning hadn’t been meant for him, it was the thing every male feared to hear.

  Zave’s look of horror was his only reply.

  “As it is...” The prince hesitated. “My mate is speaking with Sandy. No one will disregard her wishes again.”

  As a nest mother would speak to a match about a claim maker’s concerns.


  Sandy chewed the mouthful of vegetable pie, weighing Amy’s question. She swallowed. “I don’t understand.”

  The princess patted her winged daughter’s back through the sling. “It’s very simple. Your guards have always been at your whims. You simply didn’t know it. So, I’ll repeat the question. Do you wish Captain Zave to be dismissed?”

  “They were assigned to me.”

  “You do need guards.” A smile lit her eyes. “Or...at least one guard. If you aren’t comfortable with one...or both, you can ask for them to be moved to another duty. Or if you care for a guard in particular—”

  “Are you saying I could ask for Darm to be my only guard?” Her heart leapt in excitement.

  “Is that something you’re likely to ask?” she teased.

  Sandy peeked at the doctors huddled in the far corner of the clinic. She was certain they were only pretending not to hear their discussion. “Yes. It is. Should I ask Sakkra for that?”

  “You like Darm. Don’t you?”

  Flames of embarrassment licked up her face. Sandy picked at the blanket over her very pregnant mid-section.

  “Believe me, that man loves you. If you want him, Darm is yours for the asking.”

  Misery ate at her shaky confidence. “How could you know that?”

  “Do you know that Darm requested four updates on your condition in the first three hours you were unconscious?”

  “No. I didn’t know that.” Sandy peeked up at her. “So...what do I do next?”

  “If you’re interested in my ideas—”

  “Oh, I am.” Amy and Jo were like the older sisters Sandy had never had.

  “First, I’ll tell Sakkra to reassign Zave.”

  “But don’t get him in trouble,” Sandy hastened to add. “I don’t want to do that.”

  Amy seemed to consider that carefully. “We’ll need a reason that is not his fault. We could simply say you are interested in Darm?”

  Her stomach clenched, and she pressed a hand to the shooting pains. “No. I don’t think that would be... I know. The reason he makes me so uncomfortable. No. That would sound stupid.”

  The princess cocked her head. “What will?”

  “He looks like...” Sandy rubbed circles on her aching womb. “He looks like Zeke.”

  “The baby’s father?”


  “I’d buy that. It doesn’t sound stupid at all, and it’s not his fault that he resembles another man who treated you badly.”

  Sandy nodded, relieved.

  Amy continued. “The doctors want you on bed rest.”

  “I know. If Zave is reassigned, can Darm spend more time with me?” She hoped so.

  “I can tell Sakkra you want Darm as your only guard. Since you’ll be on bed rest, we could arrange for a travel bed in your room for him.”

  So he won’t want to share my bed. That was depressing.

  “Of course, there are other things Darm can do to ease the Kahdi. There’s more than just the calming rites.”

  “Like what?” Why hadn’t they been using them so far?

  “Massage, warm baths...” Amy leaned toward her, whispering the last one. “Sex.”

  Sandy’s heart skipped a beat. “What?” What was she suggesting?

  “The only reason your Kahdi is so severe is because you don’t have the constant touch of a Sakk male.”

  “You’re not suggesting I play on his sympathy to—”

  “No. I’m telling you that when you indicate an interest, he won’t hesitate long. Any reservations about taking advantage of you will be offset by what good it will do you and what he desperately wants from you.”

  Sandy stared at her. “You mean...?” She pointed at the bio chain on Amy’s wrist.

  “Yes. I do. The choice is yours. Darm won’t ask you. He won’t dare.”

  “How do you know he wants to then?”

  She smiled a secretive little smile. “Why do you think Zave and Darm were chosen as your guards?”

  “I don’t kn—” Sandy gasped. Amy couldn’t be saying what she thought she was.

  “They were interested in you, and I don’t think there’s any question that Darm wants you to choose him. Not after last night.”

  On the money. Words failed her. Sandy forced breaths in and out slowly, trying to stop the spinning in her head.

  “Only a woman can release the lock on the bio chains. When you’re ready to ask him, go to the comm board beside the bed and press red, red, green, blue. The drawer will open. Remove the chains. When they are locked on, the bio scan to code them will begin automatically. Darm will show you what to do.”

  “I have to ask him to marry me?” What if he refuses?

  Amy smiled and patted her hand. “Are you sure y
ou want to do this?”

  No. What if he isn’t interested? “Yes.”

  “Then it’s time for me to go talk to my mate.”


  Darm and Zave straightened at the sight of Sakku Amy entering her mate’s office with two generals at her heels. Both men bowed reverently.

  The princess glided to Sakkra’s side, laid a soft kiss on his lips, and settled in the chair he’d vacated for her. She took a moment to rearrange the Sakku Yalu in the sling, then offered her mate a smile.

  “What does Sandy want?” Sakkra asked.

  Darm forced his breathing to even and his fists to uncurl. It wasn’t he facing termination of rights.

  Sakku Amy leveled a look of pity at Zave. “I am afraid nothing you do can put Sandy at ease with you. In fact, I am regretful that I never asked these questions of her before.”

  Zave winced at that pronouncement. The warriors guarding him moved closer, their expressions hot in anger.

  The princess waved them off and continued speaking. “It is no fault of yours, Captain. You have the supreme misfortune of closely resembling the man who sired her son. Every time Sandy is near you, she is ill at ease. She sees his face in the place of yours, and that will likely not change anytime soon.”

  Darm groaned. “That explains why you couldn’t calm the young one. If Sandy was tense, the babe would naturally be as well.”

  He nodded. “I will withdraw. I must.” Zave turned and tipped his head to Darm. “You care for her. I know you do.”

  Darm didn’t reply to that. It wasn’t something males spoke about.

  “Good luck to you.”

  “And to you.” Darm sincerely hoped Zave attracted a match soon.

  That settled between them, Zave took his leave. The guards bowed to Sakkra and Sakku, then left Darm with the prince and princess.

  Sakku Amy turned her attention to Darm. “Sandy will be lightly sedated for several days. She will need your assistance with much of her daily routine, and she is not to be on her feet more than a bare minimum.”

  “I understand.”

  “Good. Then you will move your belongings into Sandy’s quarters.”

  “Sakku?” He had to have misheard her.

  “A travel bed will be moved into her sitting room for your use.”

  And I will content myself with it.

  Unless she asks for more. His mouth went dry at the possibility, but it wasn’t the appropriate thing to voice in front of either another male or the princess.

  Sakku Amy opened the discussion for him. “If she invites more...”

  Maintaining a steady stream of air was difficult. His cock was hard and complaining. “Yes, Sakku?”

  “I believe you will respect her limitations and needs.”

  Needs? There were many things Sandy might be in need of. Each more appealing than the last. “I will endeavor to do so.”

  “Then I highly suggest you move into her quarters before you transport her back from the medical bay.”

  “Without discussing the move with Sandy first? She may—”

  “I discussed it with her already,” the princess imparted. “She is more than content with the arrangement.”

  Answering that was a minefield. “Yes, Sakku. As you say.”

  She rose and departed, leaving Darm stunned.

  Sakkra settled in his chair again, his expression grim. “You realize what Sandy needs from you, I am certain.”

  His face heated at the thought of discussing such personal and intimate details with another male, mated or not. “Bathing. Feeding. Massage.”

  “All beneficial to her and the babe, but you know what I’m saying.” Sakkra stared at him, challenging Darm to avoid the true message.

  He nodded. “I do.” Sex eased the Kahdi. Sakkra was ordering Darm to bed with Sandy if she proved willing. Perhaps he expects me to seduce her. “Yes. I understand.”


  Sandy smiled at the sight of Darm coming through the clinic door. He’d taken time to bathe and dress, and though she’d rather see him in the cu-wrap, he still looked good enough to eat.

  As if he heard that statement, his grin widened. “Are you ready to return to your quarters?”

  She pulled the blanket back, and Darm rushed to her side.

  Bed rest. “I don’t have to ride on the gurney again, do I?”


  She pointed out the rolling bed they’d used to bring her to the clinic.

  Darm chuckled. “I take it the transport cart is distasteful to you.”

  “Sort of.”

  “Very well.” He scooped her arms under her and lifted Sandy from the bed.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, her heart hammering.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Sandy handed off the dinner tray to Darm, searching for any way to move them toward what she was increasingly convinced they both wanted. For two days, she’d been hinting that she was interested, but it seemed hinting wasn’t doing the job.

  When Darm massaged her and soothed the Kahdi, he was erect, his breathing ragged. But, as Amy expected, he wasn’t making a move toward her of his own accord.

  He doesn’t dare.

  An idea struck, and she cleared her throat, drawing his attention. Darm straightened and looked back at her.

  Saying it was harder than she would have believed.

  “Do you want something from me, Sandy?”

  Yes, I do. “A...a bath? I could use a bath.”

  His gaze went hot in interest. “I will draw it for you.”

  He left the tray on the small table just inside the curtain and went into the bathroom.

  The sound of the tub filling raised butterflies in her stomach, and Sandy rubbed at her womb, whispering to her son. “Oh, no you don’t. Not this time.”

  “Did you call for me, Sandy?”

  Her bid to deny it ended at the sight of him in the bikini-style underwear and nothing more. She swallowed hard, and managed a nod.

  Sandy raised her hand, and he crossed the room to her and took it, helping her up from the mattress. He squatted slightly and lifted her into his arms, then carried her to the tub.

  For a moment, he stood close to her, his breath heating her lips. “Do you need my help?”

  “Can you...wash my back?”

  He nodded and turned off the water.

  Sandy stripped off her nightgown and panties. She slipped into the tub, sighing at the soothing heat.

  Darm returned with a rag in hand, stared for a moment, and knelt toward the back of the tub. A moment later, he started spreading the soap over her back.

  Sandy closed her eyes, licking her lips at the reality of Darm touching her. He stroked her through the rag, then without it, his fingers kneading at the muscles of her back and hips. He hesitated a moment, and then moved lower, massaging at the globes of her ass.

  She opened her eyes and stared at him. Darm hesitated, seemingly unsure of what she wanted. Sandy pulled the bar of soap from the dish and placed it in his closer hand, then guided his hand to her breast.

  He gasped for breath, then nodded. Darm rubbed the soap from her shoulders to the lower curve of her womb. He deposited the soap in the dish and returned, bare handed, stroking and massaging her shoulders.

  He reached her breasts, and Sandy arched into his touch, her body on fire for more of him. Darm breathed what was probably a curse and continued. He moved lower, and Sandy marveled at how sensual she found him stroking her womb.

  He paused, and she looked up, meeting the intensity of his gaze. Sandy didn’t question what he was asking. She guided his hand down to her core, moaning as he made the first tentative touches against her clit.

  “Yes. Please, Darm.”

  He whispered a mixture of English and Sakk in her ear, working her into a frenzy. Climax crashed over her, and Darm pressed his lips to her cheek.

  After a moment, he pulled his hand from between her legs. “Do you need anything, Sandy?” he asked.
br />   “More of these baths,” she teased.

  He nodded. “We should get you into bed.”

  Darm stood, then pulled down a bath sheet. Sandy stared at the length of his cock, the head peeking from the top of his underwear. Her mouth watered at the sight. He would feel so good thrusting inside her, she was sure.

  “Sandy?” he reminded her.

  She nodded and grasped his hand, letting Darm help her to her feet. He hesitated a moment, then started drying her with the bath sheet. Sandy consoled herself with the fact that his touch was nothing resembling perfunctory.


  Darm stood beneath the water wall in Sandy’s shower, every muscle strung tight. Memories of her expression as she stared at his cock at the end of her bath haunted him.

  The fantasies of her taking him into her mouth had nearly goaded him into pressing for that...or more. The last of his common sense had stayed his hand. Whether Sakkra wanted Darm to seduce Sandy or not, he would not press her to anything she didn’t want from him.

  But he needed. Touching her had put him in an arousal that rivaled his pre-prime settling. If he didn’t take care of himself, he would be aching all night.

  Darm took his cock in hand, but in his mind, it was Sandy stroking him off, her breath trailing over the sensitive tip, her mouth engulfing him.

  He kept stroking, ruthlessly driving himself to completion. He stood under the water, weak and exhausted...and still needing.

  At last, he got out on shaking legs. He dried himself and dressed for the night.

  The slim hope that she’d heard him bringing himself to climax died a quiet death at the sight of Sandy already asleep. He consoled himself with the thought that she might sleep peacefully in the aftermath of her own climax.

  But I won’t.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The Kahdi started again, and Sandy bit back a groan. What she wouldn’t give for one night of unbroken sleep!

  “Darm?” she called out, hoping he wasn’t sleeping.

  It took only a moment for him to appear, striding through the curtain to her side. He didn’t ask what was wrong. In a heartbeat, he was busy soothing the twitching and jerking.


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