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ESCAPE INTO ROMANCE- 4 Book Bundle Page 21

by Patrice Wilton

  “Mom!” A laugh burst from Leila, more as a release of tension than from amusement. “She’s not that bad.”

  “You wanna make a bet? Did you hear the cruel things Jack said about Ryan? His own son. And Margaret never spoke a word in defense. If that dear boy were mine, I’d be bragging to everyone.”

  This warmed Leila’s heart. She needed someone besides herself to be a champion for Ryan. Smiling, she put an arm around her mother. “Let’s go see him and let him know how much we care.”

  Ryan was still up when they entered, and June launched into a detailed account of what had happened. “I was so proud of Leila, the way she stood up to them. I think she’d have physically assaulted them had they dared to enter.”

  “I knew I could rely on you.” He grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers. “It’s a good thing Crystal will be here first thing in the morning. One of you better pick her up so she doesn’t sleep in late.”

  Leila loved the feel of his fingers laced with hers. Her heart was beating hard, and she wondered if Ryan felt the same sensations she did when they touched. Was his pulse racing too? “She’ll get a kick out of hamming it up for your parents.”

  “I’m sure she will.”

  “And your dad will have to eat crow when he sees her with his own eyes.” She gave his hand a squeeze.

  “It’s a shame I won’t get to see that,” he said almost wistfully. “Don’t think I’ve ever seen that man apologize.”

  “I’ll take pictures,” June said quickly.

  “Mom, you’re enjoying this a little too much. Actually, so am I. Shame on us. It’s terrible that Ryan feels the need to hide from his parents.”

  “I’m not hiding, Leila.” His color deepened. “I don’t hide from any man. I just have nothing to say to them, that’s all.”

  “I don’t blame you,” June said. “Not after the things they said about you.”

  “I’m sure they didn’t mean them,” Leila said, hoping to spare Ryan’s feelings. The last thing in the world she wanted was for him to be hurt, but he’d been hurt most of his life. No wonder he didn’t let people get close to him and kept a buffer around his heart.

  “Oh, they meant them,” he said. “They made their feelings for me clear a long time ago.”

  “Their loss,” June muttered.

  Leila leaned over and kissed him on the lips. “I couldn’t agree with my mother more.”

  “Well, well, well,” June said, grinning. “How long has this been going on?”

  “There is nothing going on, Mother.” Why did she have to deny it when she wanted to shout it to the roof? “I just think the world of him and want him to know it.”

  “Thanks, Lei. The feelings mutual,” he said.

  “I think I’ll leave you two alone and go check on Callie,” June said, and made a hasty exit.

  Leila looked at Ryan, and her emotions were so full she didn’t know how her heart could contain them. She loved him for giving her daughter a new chance at life, for his honesty and kindness, and even for his horrid past. The fact that he’d been unloved and unfairly treated all his life churned her insides into butter, and made her love him all the more.

  Was it too much to ask that he might feel the same?


  Crystal was jazzed about her leading role, so much so that she’d gone shopping while everyone was in the hospital doing the transplant thing. She’d found the perfect negligee for her hospital appearance. It was pale pink and sheer enough to be alluring, yet still tasteful. Not like the sexy teddies she usually wore to bed, but definitely sexy enough to get Ryan’s attention.

  Or so she hoped. Once she got into his bed, she intended to stay there. At least for one satisfying romp. After all, one good deed deserved another. She figured he’d be so relieved and grateful when his parents left that he’d be putty in her very capable hands. From the time she reached puberty, she’d never had to do more than crook a finger to entice a man, and today was not going to be any different.

  She was standing outside the Nassau Inn, humming a little tune to herself, when Leila pulled up in front of the hotel. She slid into the passenger seat with her bag of new clothes.

  “You’re early,” Leila said, obviously surprised. “I’m so glad you didn’t keep me waiting. I’m sure his parents are going to be there the minute visiting hours start.”

  “I wouldn’t miss this drama for the world.” Crystal snickered. “I’m almost sorry I missed that scene in the hospital yesterday. Mom told me all about it. I can’t believe you spoke to your in-laws that way. It’s about time.”

  “Not really. I’m sorry it came to that, I really am.” Leila ran a hand through her hair, pushing it off her face. “They’re good people, just a little harsh when it comes to Ryan.”

  “A little harsh? That’s what you call it?” Crystal glanced in the mirror and touched up her lipstick. “They’re despicable when it comes to him. But their darling Nick couldn’t do a thing wrong.”

  “I know. It is sad, isn’t it?” Leila looked straight ahead, and her mouth was grim. “But I want to keep things civil between us. They’ve done a lot for Callie and me, especially after we lost Nick.”

  “Like what?”

  “They came and stayed with us for a month. Took care of everything. Arranged for the funeral, took care of my bills, helped me sell our home. I couldn’t have done without them. I was a basket case for months when he died.”

  “I know, honey. But you’re a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for.” She gave Leila an appraising look. “You’d have been fine. It was just easier letting them run the show than to stand on your own two feet.”

  “I guess. But still, they are Callie’s grandparents and she loves them.”

  “True. Well, we’ll keep them happy today and the truth will never hurt them.” Smiling, she added, “This will be fun.”

  “What will you do if a doctor comes in, making his rounds?”

  “I thought of that. I’ll just flirt with him. Put him off his game.”

  “I don’t think you can easily put a doctor off his game, Crystal.” Leila darted a worried look at her. “I mean, come on. Doctors take their patients seriously, and finding the wrong one in a hospital bed will do more than raise an eyebrow.”

  She giggled. “Maybe I can help raise something more than an eyebrow. You should see this sexy nightgown I’ll be wearing.”

  “Oh, Crystal.” Leila grinned. “Only you.”

  “Only me what?”

  “Can pretend to be recovering from a serious operation, and still be totally sexy.”

  She laughed. “I like that.”

  “Well, let’s hope you can carry it off.” Leila glanced at her. “What are you going to do once they leave? Are you going to come back to the hotel?”

  “Actually, I’m hoping to have some time in bed with Ryan.”

  Leila swerved and nearly hit a car parked on the street. “Don’t you dare!”

  “Why not? He’s fair game, isn’t he?”

  Leila flushed, but didn’t answer.

  “That’s what I thought,” Crystal said. “You’re hot for your brother-in-law.”

  “I’m not hot for anyone. And he’s leaving soon, remember? But seriously, Crystal, the poor man just had a kidney taken out of him. I hardly think he’ll be in the mood for sex.”

  “A man can have one foot in the grave and still be ready for sex.”

  “Crystal, can’t you behave yourself for once? This is a hospital bed you’ll be in, not some sleazy rent-by-the-hour motel.”

  “Your point?”

  “Keep to the script.”

  * * *

  When they got to the hospital they went directly to see Callie. She was looking better than she had in a long time, and Leila said a little prayer of thanks. “Did you see the doctors this morning?” she asked. “Is your kidney functioning yet?”

  “Yes and yes.” Callie smiled and fiddled with the bed sheet. “Hi, Aunt Cry
stal. Did you have a nice day yesterday?”

  “Uh-huh. I went shopping.”

  “Of course you did,” Callie said.

  Leila shook her head, warning her to drop the subject, which she did.

  “I won’t have to do dialysis because it’s working fine,” she told them. Her eyes were shining, and she almost looked like a healthy child again. If, Leila thought, you ignored the tubes running in and out of her and the machines surrounding her, and her waxen complexion and painfully thin face. But all things considered, she looked well.

  “It worked. I knew it would.” She squeezed her daughter’s hand. “It’s over, honey. I promise you.”

  “You can’t promise me that. But I’m feeling much better and I can start to think about a future. I’ll take that for now.”

  “You’re a wise child. Too wise for your years.”

  “Guess you get that way when you’re facing death.”

  “No more, my love. Now you can think about proms and boyfriends, and getting into Princeton.”

  “You had me on the first two.”

  Crystal smiled at her niece and stroked her hair. “I’m going to leave you two and go see if Ryan is up and about. I need to get dressed and into his bed before his parents show up.” Crystal dropped a kiss on Callie’s forehead. “I’m so glad you’re feeling better, sweetie. I’ll see you later, okay?”

  “Sure,” Callie answered. “Break a leg.”

  Once the door slid closed behind her, Leila laughed. “It’s good to see you still have your sense of humor.”

  “Aunt Crystal brings out my funny side.” She glanced at her mom. “I wouldn’t leave her alone with Ryan too long. She might try to take advantage of him.”

  “What’s she going to do? Tie him to his IV pole?” She shook her head, half amused, half not. “The nurses will be coming in and out, so I’m sure she’ll behave.”

  “Don’t take any chances, Mom. Go save Ryan. He’s depending on you today.” Callie wrinkled her nose. “I can’t wait to see him. Hopefully, once his parents have come and gone, he’ll be able to visit me.”

  “I don’t see why not.” She touched her daughter’s cheek. “Well, if you’re sure you don’t mind, I will go help out in the other room. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “I’m probably going to sleep some more, so don’t worry about me. Go do what you have to do, and tell Ryan he’s my new favorite hero, won’t you?”

  “I’ll do that. He’ll be pleased.”

  * * *

  Ryan had had his IV and catheter removed and was sitting up in a chair when Crystal arrived. He was delighted to see her so bright and early. It was only half past seven and visiting hours began at eight. He didn’t know how she’d slipped past the nurses’ station without anyone stopping her, but he was grateful that she had.

  “Hey, aren’t you that world famous movie star?” he said.

  “The one and only. How’re you feeling today?” She waved a shopping bag in the air. “I brought some clothes.” Stepping up to him, she kissed him on the lips. “You ready, big guy?”

  “Uh-yeah. As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “Good. I’ll just use your bathroom and slip into my robe, and then we’ll change places. I get the bed, you get the john. You can stay in there until my little performance is over.”

  “Maybe I could go visit Callie while you dazzle the old man.”

  “That won’t work. What if your parents catch a glimpse of you coming or going? Or a nurse demands you return to your bed. You better hide out in the loo until they’ve come and gone.”

  “You’re probably right,” he nodded in agreement. “It’ll be safer, that’s for sure.” He checked his watch. “You’ve met my family, and you know what to expect?”

  “Sure do. And don’t you worry. I’ve handled worse.”

  She went into the bathroom, and he straightened up the bed and attempted to fluff the concrete-like pillow. He wanted her to be comfortable, as comfortable as anyone could be in a hospital bed. He opened the curtains and looked out into the parking lot, hoping he might spot his parents coming in. He would certainly like as much warning as he could get. The idea of sitting in the small bathroom did not appeal to him at all.

  If Leila was here, she could stand outside in the hall and be his guard dog, but she had to be with Callie. Her daughter needed her more than he did. Besides, she’d already done her job by keeping his family out of his room the day before.

  The bathroom door swung open and Crystal stood there, posed in a nearly transparent nightgown the color of her skin, with a robe slung over one shoulder. She tilted her head and put one hand on her hip, doing her best Marilyn Monroe.

  “So how do I look?”

  He was about to tell her when the door to his room opened and Leila walked in.

  “What the hell?” Leila marched up to her sister. “I think you’ve got your role mixed up. You’re not the femme fatale. You’re the goody-two-shoes woman who gave up a kidney.” She grabbed the robe from Crystal’s fingers. “Now cover up, and stop acting like such a slut.”

  Ryan coughed to cover his snort of laughter and silently saluted her.


  “Jesus, Leila!” Crystal said. “Lighten up. I was only having a little fun.” She slipped on the robe but left it open. “Something you should try one day.”

  Ryan ran his hand through his already rumpled hair. “Please, girls. Don’t we have enough drama going on this morning? Let’s not have some in-house fighting.”

  “She called me a slut,” Crystal said. “Apologize.”

  “Not until you stop acting like one,” Leila snapped. She glared at her sister. “You don’t need to be parading half-naked in front of Ryan. He’s not interested.” She frowned at him. “Are you?”

  “No, of course not. I’m only interested in getting this little charade over with and getting out of this hospital. With any luck I’ll be released later today.”

  “Ryan can make up his own mind if he’s interested or not,” Crystal said to Leila in a sweet voice. “As a matter of fact, I might persuade him to move out of your house and into the hotel.” She floated across the room to Ryan and ran one finger down his chest. “I’d make it worth your while.”

  “Dammit, Crystal! Do you have to come on to every guy you meet? And can’t you get it through your thick head that not every man is into you?”

  “Thick head?” Crystal whirled to face Leila. “So just because I don’t have a fucking degree, I’m a moron, right?” She flounced over to the bed and climbed on. She rolled onto her side, propping herself up on one elbow. The fact that her position exposed most of one boob was probably not lost on her.

  Ohh! She wanted to slap her sister. The little tart was purposely lying on that bed looking like a Playboy model, with one long leg exposed and her breasts falling out of her skimpy nightie.

  “If you had a degree, it would be in fucking,” Leila snapped.

  Ryan coughed. “Leila,” he said, “why don’t you make yourself useful? How about if instead of antagonizing your sister, you go out into the hall and warn us if you see my parents?”

  He was sitting in the room’s only chair, wearing a cocky smile, obviously enjoying the fact the two women were fighting over him.

  Leila shot him an eat shit and die, kind of look. She definitely did not want to leave the two of them alone while she stood in the hall. But what choice did she have?

  Reluctantly, she walked toward the door. “What are we going to do if a doctor comes in, or one of the nurses? How are you going to explain her?”

  “I’ll just explain that my girlfriend showed up a little early for visiting hours.”

  Crystal grinned and Leila wanted to deck her.

  “Right.” She opened the door. “Let’s hope your father is more easily fooled.”

  Leila walked down the hall and sat in a chair near the nurses’ station. She didn’t like the role she was playing in this stupid charade, and would much p
refer to be in Ryan’s bed wearing practically nothing. Damn her sister. Damn Ryan. And damn her luck.

  She seriously hoped Margaret and Jack would show up soon, so she didn’t have to hang around the hall all morning. She’d only had one cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal that morning, and she’d love a second cup. Her stomach growled, wanting more food as well.

  Waiting was not one of her favorite things. Her life was way too busy, and she liked running around ninety miles an hour. A sedentary life was not for her. She glanced at the pictures on the wall, stared down the hall, and watched people coming and going. She got up once or twice to walk the hallway. She thought about dashing downstairs to grab some coffee and a donut, but knew it was not a good idea. As sure as anything, the moment she left his parents would show up, and Ryan would never forgive her if they entered the room without warning.

  So her stomach would just have to wait.

  A tedious hour later, she finally glimpsed them coming out of the elevator. Quickly, she ran to Ryan’s room, hissed a warning, then walked back down the hall to greet them.

  “Good morning,” she called. “I’m so glad you’re here. Crystal is looking forward to your visit. She’s feeling much better and wanted to thank you for waiting the extra day.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m glad she’s up to seeing us now,” Jack grumbled. “I shouldn’t have doubted your word, my dear.”

  It was so unlike Jack to apologize that Leila found herself tongue-tied.

  Margaret seemed surprised too. “I can’t wait to see your sister, Leila, and tell her what a wonderful thing she’s done.”

  “Yes, she’s really special, isn’t she?” Leila pushed the door open and stood back to allow Jack and Margaret inside.

  Crystal sat in the bed, looking a little too glamorous and peppy to be an organ donor, but Leila was just happy that she was occupying the hospital bed.

  “Hi, Margaret. Jack.” Crystal smiled becomingly. “How nice to see you.”

  Leila sat down in the one chair to watch the show.


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