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ESCAPE INTO ROMANCE- 4 Book Bundle Page 52

by Patrice Wilton

  “Do you play?” he asked, opening the sliding door and stepping out to the lanai.

  “I do,” she said as she followed him outside. “I played a lot before and during college, but then I had Nicole and got busy doing other things. But I intend to start up again.”

  “It’s not easy if you don’t work at it.” He looked at her in the moonlight. “I don’t play as much as I should. I need to get back in the game.”

  She wondered what game he was referring to. Somehow she had a feeling it wasn’t golf. His fingers brushed the back of her neck, setting off tingles. “I might be interested in a round with you,” she said softly, spinning away.

  “I was hoping you’d feel that way.” He grabbed her hand and tugged her back.

  She fell against him. He pushed aside her hair and dropped a kiss on her shoulder. “Just to make sure we’re on the same page here—what are we talking about?”

  She looked up at him and smiled. “Golf.”

  “Right.” His hands slid around her waist, holding her still. He pulled her toward him until their chests barely touched.

  By tilting her head, she could look into his face, and the warmth in his eyes and the very nearness of him was turning her on. She had a feeling he knew that. “I’m better at other sports,” he said, and his fingers caressed her ear.

  The tingle spiraled through her. Damn, she missed foreplay. She wanted to draw it out as long as she could. It had always been the best part of sex anyway. Not that sex was a given tonight. She hadn’t decided yet.

  “My ex is a golf pro,” she said, “and I won a few junior tournaments a very long time ago. Still, I’m pretty good.” She tried to move around him, back into the house, but he had her path barred. Her hip bumped into his leg, and a delicious thrill ran up her spine.

  “You could give me lessons tonight.” His hands skidded along her back, drawing her farther into him. She could feel his hard, lean body, and she wanted it.

  She held her breath. “Derek?”

  “Yes?” His mouth was so close to hers, she could smell the lingering scent of Scotch on his lips.

  “Shall we go inside?” She didn’t move. She was afraid to, because if she did she might not feel him anymore. It had been so long since she’d felt a strong, male body next to her, and she wanted to prolong the moment for as long as humanly possible, relishing every breath-hitching detail.

  She had forgotten how thrilling foreplay could be, and decided quickly that she really must indulge in it more often. She was sure it helped nourish the soul.

  Not all sex or all men nourished the soul, of course. She had gone to bed with a guy six months after Jim moved out—just to prove she could. Craig owned the business next door to her salon and she’d known him for years. He had left his wife around the same time as Jim took a hike, and so they went to a movie and dinner, and ended up in bed together. It hadn’t made her feel better about herself. Instead, it had reinforced all the negative thoughts she carried around like a permanent fanny pack. She had felt old, flabby, and undesirable, and the fact that Craig was younger than she had only made it worse.

  But with Derek she knew it would be different. For one thing, she wouldn’t come unglued like she had during the sex act with Craig. It had been such an emotional time for her and clearly she hadn’t been ready. She had felt awkward, uncomfortable, and the moment he’d entered her she had broken into tears. He’d withdrawn and apologized, and after awhile they had tried again, but it was a pathetic attempt on both their parts.

  If she had sex with Derek, it would be for all the right reasons and not the wrong ones. Not to prove herself or get back at Jim, but because she wanted to. Plain and simple. She didn’t need to justify it or glorify it. All she wanted was instant gratification. An orgasm so huge, fireworks would go off inside her.

  Maybe she was becoming a hedonist.

  “We’ll go inside in a minute,” he answered her. “First I want to do this.” His mouth closed the distance between them, and she couldn’t have moved if she had wanted to. Which she didn’t. Which she very much didn’t.

  His mouth was like velvet on hers. Soft, gentle, delicious. His touch made her body ache. Why was he kissing her so lightly when she wanted her lips seared and sore?

  Damn it to hell! If he was going to kiss her, then he should do it properly. As though he couldn’t get enough.

  She slid her hands around his neck and deepened the kiss, opening her mouth to receive his tongue. She wanted him inside her, and that realization shocked and thrilled her. The touch of his tongue sent a delicious shiver throughout her entire body, and he must have felt it too, for he pulled her close, drawing her up against the length of him.

  Damn, he felt good. All over. Every inch of him. The thought of those inches was almost too tantalizing. She really should not let her mind wander. This was not what she wanted, was it? Hell, yes. Who was she fooling? She was ready to cream her pants.



  “Kiss me. Hold me. Please?”

  He didn’t do either. He broke away, grabbed her hand and led her inside. A minute later she was standing in her bedroom. He pulled her down onto the bed. “I want to make love to you, Christine. Is this what you want?”

  “Yes. No.” She tried to push herself up. “I invited you here so we could talk.”

  “So talk.” He chuckled. “I’ll listen as I’m making love to you.” He continued to kiss her, and his hands fumbled with her top. He couldn’t seem to figure out how to get it over her head and keep on kissing her at the same time.

  She decided to help him and pulled the damn thing over her head. She tossed it aside. “Derek, about the


  “Mmm,” he mumbled, appreciating her breasts. “God, you are so beautiful. And sexy.” His hands were on her lacy push-up bra, and she could feel the heat building inside her. “I’m not sexy.” She unhooked the front clasp and her breasts tumbled out.

  He didn’t bother to argue with her. He just buried his head in her breasts and she moaned, pulling his head toward her nipple, eager for the feel of his hot mouth.

  He didn’t disappoint. He took one nipple in his mouth and then the other, giving them equal attention and appreciation. Christine felt the world move, and knew if he didn’t stop soon, she was going to climax right here and now.

  Oh, hell, what difference did it make? Did it really matter in the large scheme of things? And if she did come tonight, this very second, she’d still respect him in the morning.

  “Are you all right?” he lifted his head to ask. “You’ve gone quiet all of a sudden. I thought you had something you wanted to ask.”

  She looked down and their eyes met. She felt her face flush. “I did. I do. But I can’t think straight.”

  “I think I know how to fix that.” His voice was low and smoky, as though he was short of breath. “Would you like me to?”

  “I would. Yes, please.”

  They did no more talking after that.


  Christine was half-asleep when she heard the phone ring. She slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Derek. She was a middle-aged woman and the last thing she wanted was for him to see her standing in her living room butt naked.

  “Hello?” she whispered.

  “Mom?” It was Nicole. “Why are you whispering?”

  “I’m not.” She tried to talk in a more normal voice and looked around for something to cover herself with. She found the jacket she’d brought to the restaurant and slipped it over her bare shoulders. “Why are you calling me so late? Is anything wrong?”

  “Yeah, kinda.” She sniffled. “Can I move back for a while? I want to get out of here.”

  “Of course you can. Honey, are you crying? Did you have a fight with Brett?”

  “I broke up with him. He’s not too happy about it.”

  “Oh, honey, would you like me to come pick you up? I can be there in half an hour.”

  “No. Tomorro
w will be fine. I need to pack my stuff.”

  Derek walked into the room. He smiled as his gaze slid over her, and she grabbed a pillow and placed it in a strategic spot in front of her. She must look ridiculous, but what was she to do? She didn’t want Nicole to know she had a man with her.

  “Okay, honey, if you’re sure.”

  “I am. Don’t worry about me, and I’m sorry if I woke you.” Nicole spoke quickly. “Brett stormed out and I’m not sure what kind of a state he’ll be in when he gets back, so I’m camped out on the couch.”

  “Sweetheart, will you be all right?”

  “Of course. He’s never lifted a hand to me,” her daughter said quickly.

  “He better not.”

  “Good night, Mom. I love you.”

  “I love you more.”

  She hung up and looked at Derek.

  “Your daughter?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Yes. Doesn’t matter how old they are, you never stop worrying about them.”

  “Boy trouble?”

  “Is there any other kind?” She tossed the pillow back on the sofa and marched into the bedroom, giving him an eyeful, but not really caring. Let him see her the way she really looked, without the steamy haze of passion distorting his view.

  She had a bony butt, with cellulite dimpling her inner thighs, and a natural sway to her larger-than-she’d-like breasts. She’d been working out since Jim left and she was pretty toned, but still she could use a little surgical enhancement here and there. If she were so inclined, which she most definitely was not.

  If he was disappointed in her less-than-spectacular body, that was fine by her. As attracted as she was to Derek, sleeping with him was one mistake she didn’t intend to repeat. He was younger than she, for starters. If and when she decided to pursue a relationship, it would be with a man at least ten years her senior. She wanted someone to regard her as a trophy, and not have to worry that he’d run off with someone younger, firmer, sleeker. She’d be damned if another man put her through that kind of hell again. Nothing and nobody was worth that much pain. It was much better to enjoy sex once in awhile, and to keep her feelings out of it. Why get hung up on a guy when you knew he would eventually tire of you and move on?

  Especially a man like Derek. He was strutting around like a man very comfortable in his own skin. As he should be. A man at forty, especially a man who was physically active, in great shape, and had a shlong big enough to make any muscle-bound stud envious, didn’t need to worry about parading around naked in front of anyone.

  Her stomach tightened into knots. A part of her wanted him again, yet the very idea of being so vulnerable terrified her. Jim’s betrayal had taught her new survival skills, and for that she was grateful. Nothing lasted forever, and even good marriages failed. Being tossed aside like a worn-out shoe was not unique to her. Women all over the world were experiencing the pain of it at this very moment. Hell, men too. It was a two way street. People had no sticking power, and the sanctity of marriage was practically a joke. The continual search for eternal youth was what drove the nation.

  She shivered as a chill ran over her. What had come over her tonight? Well, whatever it was, it was gone, and now she had to do some serious damage control.

  Hunky Derek had followed her into the bedroom and watched her slip into a robe. She wished he would just leave.

  “Does that mean you’re not coming back to bed?” he asked, walking up behind her and slipping a hand inside her robe.

  Pushing his hand away, she firmly tied the belt around her waist. “I’m afraid it does.”

  “That’s okay.” He shrugged. “My boys might be wondering what’s keeping me. I told them not to wait up, but knowing kids they’re probably playing video games or watching skin flicks on late night TV.” He chuckled. “I really doubt they’re in bed sleeping.”

  “It must be difficult keeping tabs on them. Do they mind that you went out with me tonight?”

  “Kevin was cool, but Kyle wasn’t too happy. He likes the idea of just the three of us.” His voice got a catch in it. “He’s still adjusting, hell, we all are. But that’s okay too. I like hanging with my kids. They’re my best buddies.”

  She looked at him, thinking again what a special kind of man he was. If he were ten or fifteen years older, she might be willing to take a chance. But since he was young enough and good looking enough to attract girls her daughter’s age, she would use her head and back away fast.

  “Well, it’s been fun tonight, Derek, but from now on perhaps we could try to keep our pants on while we’re doing business.”

  “We were doing business?” He laughed. “Could have fooled me.”

  “Derek, I want to use you for a full out ad campaign. I really do. At the very least, allow me to continue the ad we have and use your face on our website.”

  “You really are serious about this, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, very much so. I know I could get younger men, professional model types, but after seeing this photo of you in the Palm Beach Illustrated, and another one in Trumps magazine, I realized I don’t want someone too polished. I want a real man, the kind of guy you might meet in the super market or at a kid’s soccer game. Not some cute fantasy guy that looks better in clothes than you do.”

  He laughed and tucked one of her stray curls behind her ear. “My ads in Trumps?”

  “Yes, Jenny placed it. Does that bother you?”

  “No, I guess not.” He shrugged. “Look, if you really want to use me, I guess I could do that. I’m only working at odd and end jobs until construction picks up again, so what the hell.”

  “Great. That’s really great. Another thing I meant to ask is whether you know some men—perhaps newly divorced—who might be interested in giving our dating service a shot?”

  “I might,” he drawled, “but I think one good favor deserves another.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “About tonight.” His voice and expression turned serious. “I don’t know how we got here, but I do know I’d like to do this again.”

  Christine’s heart lurched. She hadn’t been prepared for this. He was a wonderful man, a family man, and she hadn’t meant to lead him on. His wife was gone and he was young and healthy and needed someone to complement his life. His kids needed a mother-figure in their lives too. Why hadn’t she realized how vulnerable he was, how susceptible he was to a woman’s charm, and that he could easily be hurt? Oh, why had she foolishly given in to her lust? No way in hell could she go out with him again. It was not an option. Protecting her heart was rule number one.

  “Derek, you flatter me. You are a darling, and when you’re ready to find that special someone, you’re going to need a guard dog to keep the women away.”

  His sexy mouth turned up at the corners. “I hardly think so. But you still didn’t answer the question. What about us?”

  “I enjoyed tonight very much.” Her eyes wouldn’t meet his. “But I would prefer to keep our relationship strictly business from now on. It makes sense, now that you’ve agreed to be our model. Right?”

  “Maybe I agreed too soon. I would much rather be your lover than your model.” His lips twitched. “‘Model’ doesn’t sound nearly as much fun.”

  She lifted one brow. “I’m sure you’ll find someone younger, prettier, and totally more suitable. I’m too old for you, for starters. And much too independent and set in my ways.”

  “I don’t care about that. You’re beautiful, Christine, and I’ve never said that to anyone but my wife.” His gaze held hers. “I don’t understand it any more than you do, but just looking at you makes me want you again.”

  She gave him a quick kiss. “Thanks for the compliment, but I shouldn’t have slept with you. I’m not interested in having a relationship with you or anyone else. I was married for twenty years, and that was plenty long enough.” She moved away from him. “I’m enjoying living on my own, and I intend to keep it that way.”

  “I wasn’t suggesting we get hi
tched. I was only asking to see you again.”

  Embarrassed, she dropped her eyes. “I know that. But I do want something from you, Derek, and it’s not sex.” She smiled. “As much as I enjoyed it.” She touched his cheek with her fingertips. “You are a very desirable guy. Women will be climbing over each other to be with you.”

  “That’s not what I want.”

  “We need to keep things professional between us,” she repeated. “But if you’re looking to meet someone, you’ve come to the right place.” She smiled, yet when she saw the hurt look in his eyes, her smile faded.

  He ran a hand through his hair. “Maybe we should forget about using me for your ads. Forget tonight. Forget everything.”

  “Derek, I’m sorry. Please, don’t be angry when I’m simply trying to be sensible. Work with me. Please?”

  His eyes softened. “Okay, we’ll give it a try.”

  “Thanks. Now back to finding men. If you do know of anyone who’d be interested, I’d appreciate their names and I’ll give them a call.” She crossed her arms and began to pace. “To get Champagne properly launched I need clientele.”

  “Yeah, it helps when you’re running a business.”

  She ignored his sarcasm. “I have a lot of women interested, and some have signed up. But I need men. All kinds of men, as long as they are single professionals and are serious about wanting a committed relationship.”

  “I know a few construction guys. But they are not exactly Champagne material.”

  Christine had to laugh. “Well, seeing as I only have two men near eighty on my client list, I can’t really afford to be choosy. Not yet. If you give these men a character reference that’s good enough for me.”

  “They’re decent enough guys.”

  “Well, I do hope to attract a wide variety of clients. I believe that everyone deserves to find love and to share their life with someone, if that is their heart’s desire, and as we know, quality does not mean the size of their bank statements. So, yes, please, I’d love to have their names and numbers, and I’ll personally call them for a consultation.”


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