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ESCAPE INTO ROMANCE- 4 Book Bundle Page 61

by Patrice Wilton

  “If he’s scaring you, maybe we should get a restraining order, honey. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “I don’t think he’ll actually do anything, Mom. He’s not that crazy.”

  * * *

  A woman by the name of Marissa Olufson had popped into the office a few days earlier to inquire about the dating service, but didn’t have the time to be interviewed. Neither Christine nor Helga had met the woman, but Jenny thought she might be a good fit for Jim.

  Christine gave her a call, arranging for them to meet on Marissa’s lunch break at a nearby café. As soon as she saw the woman, Christine knew Jenny’s instincts were right. Marissa was a curvaceous Scandinavian woman who worked as a masseuse at an upscale salon. She was young and attractive and totally sexy. Jim would undoubtedly be pleased.

  Over lunch, Christine learned that Marissa had been married, but her husband recently left her for another man. “He sleep with me, he sleep with men, what he want?”

  “That must have been very painful for you,” Christine said, wondering how a woman like Marissa could have been fooled.

  “It was more painful for him.” Her pouty lips opened in a smile. “I smashed every plate in the house. Some over his head.”

  “You didn’t hurt him, I hope?” she asked with a laugh.

  “Only a teensy bit. I slapped him silly, the little bitch.”

  The lunch and interview took less than an hour, and Christine found herself grinning all the way back to her office. She filled Jenny in, then called Jim, giving him a tantalizing description of the woman.

  “She might be beautiful, but seeing me with a masseuse isn’t going to win me my wife back,” Jim griped.

  “Who said she had to know? If you happen to run into each other when you’re out with Marissa, you don’t need to give a job description.”

  “True. As long as she’s sexy and young, that should do the trick.”

  “Uh-huh. Well, she’s both of that.”

  “Okay, good job, Christine.”

  “Marissa agreed to meet with you. She said she’d be at the Four Seasons lounge at six on Friday night. If you’re interested, you can meet her there.”

  “I’ll be there. Thanks.”

  Christine then called Emily Perkins, Nora’s aunt. “I had the most wonderful man lined up for Nora. He’s a computer programmer and is quite brilliant. Owns his own company and is very successful. He’s also quite eager to meet Nora.”

  “Oh, he does sound wonderful. You’re a genius, Christine, an absolute genius.”

  “Yes, but there is a slight problem. Allen had to go into the hospital with kidney stones. He should be okay soon, but if you’re in a hurry for Nora to go out on a few dates, I could suggest someone else.”

  “Who else?” Emily snapped. “You met her. What other men do you know that would like to date my niece? She’s no beauty, but she’s a very bright woman, and has a kind heart. I wouldn’t want to see her hurt by some gold-digger.”

  Christine had to take a couple of quick breaths to control her temper. “And I would never introduce her to one.”

  “Not intentionally, of course,” Emily said quickly.

  Christine willed the tension out of her body, allowing her shoulders to cave in, calming herself as she’d taught herself to do. “I know a very nice man, a widower, who owned his own construction company, but now builds for Habitat for Humanity. He agreed to meet her.”

  “A builder?” Emily’s voice rose. “You would like my Nora to meet a construction worker? Someone who works with his hands and sweats all day in the blistering heat? This is your idea of a match made in heaven for my poor niece?”

  “No, it is not what I would call a perfect match. But I knew you were in a hurry for me to set something up, and he is a gentleman and would show her a lovely time. Only until Allen is recovered from his surgery, of course.”

  “No, a builder will not do. I’m quite surprised at you, my dear.”

  Christine’s tension resurfaced, and she nearly lost it. Emily’s scathing comments about Derek was too much. She had asked Derek to take Nora out as a favor to her, and he had reluctantly agreed, and now this woman…this nasty, mean-spirited woman was bad-mouthing him, and he was worth ten of her.

  Common sense prevailed. She spoke softly, “That is fine, Mrs. Perkins. I would not insult him by suggesting that he date a woman who might think she is better than he. He deserves more than that.”

  “Well, you date him then,” Emily said with a touch of malice in her voice.

  “I shall,” Christine answered. “I mean,” she amended quickly, “if I decide I want to date again, then I couldn’t imagine a better choice.”

  Emily laughed. “Well, I do think you are sweet on him.”

  “I’m not sweet on anyone.” She cleared her throat and tried to keep her voice from sounding agitated. “Now, about Allen. I will set something up as soon as I hear that he is well.”

  “Thank you, dear. I trust your judgment. I’m sure he’s someone Nora would be comfortable with. Do set it up. If things work out, there’ll be a nice bonus in it for you.”

  “No need for that. Just tell your lady friends about Champagne, that’s all I ask.”

  “Make Nora happy, and I most certainly will. No worries there, my dear.”

  “Thank you, Emily. I’ll be in touch.”

  She hung up and realized her hands were still shaking. She grabbed a bottled water out of the small refrigerator and gulped half of it down. She waited until she was calm, then she called Derek. “You’re off the hook.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Nora. The woman with the good personality.” She laughed, and even to her own ears the laugh seemed higher and shriller than normal. “You don’t have to date her.”

  “Sure I do. A deal’s a deal.”

  She didn’t want to tell him that the aunt didn’t think he was good enough, so instead she replied, “I found her someone else.”

  “Oh, glad to hear it.” He coughed and deepened his voice. “I would rather take you out anytime.”

  Oh, of all the things to say, he would have to say that right now! At the exact moment when she was feeling tender and emotional and protective of him, he had to come on all sweet and sexy. Dammit.

  But what was she to do? Her feelings for him were getting muddled up, and it was better and safer for her to stay away. He deserved a woman who would love him the way he deserved to be loved, and she couldn’t. Jim had stolen her capacity to love. And she was glad he had, because loving made a person vulnerable, and she didn’t want that kind of vulnerability ever again. It had taken her the better part of two years to find this sense of peace and she would protect it for all she was worth.

  Still, she loathed the idea of pushing him completely away, but knew she had to. If she didn’t do it soon, both of them would end up hurting each other and destroying a perfectly good friendship.

  “Derek, I know you want more from me than I’m willing to give, and it isn’t fair of me to keep sending you mixed signals. I’m sorry about that and promise it won’t happen again.” She ran a finger down the side of her water bottle, then dabbed at the condensation with a tissue, stalling for time.

  “I know you’re not ready—”

  She interrupted him, avoiding that conversation all together. “Listen, why don’t I find someone who would be perfect for you? I mean, that is my business, and I’d be happy to do it. You and I both know that I’m too old for you—” Her voice trailed off.

  A part of her wanted him to deny it, tell her she was crazy, that their age difference didn’t matter, she was exactly what he needed, what he wanted. Another part of her was afraid of what she’d do if he did. She could almost feel her heart lifting in preparation, ready to take flight. Hot blood was coursing through her veins, bringing a heady excitement that she didn’t want to feel.

  “You want to line me up?”

  She heard his voice, and could feel his hurt. A pang
sliced through her. What was she doing? Why was she doing this? She knew the answer. Self preservation.

  “Derek, I’m five years older than you. Sure, it might be fine for a year or two, but what happens when I hit fifty? You would look at me and wonder what in the world you were thinking.” She stopped talking, because she’d already said more than she should. She didn’t want him to see her insecurities. Those she preferred to keep hidden from the world.

  “You’re pathetic,” he said flatly, “if you believe that.”

  Pathetic? Yes, she was pathetic. Dammit! Why had she opened her trap and blabbered her innermost feelings? He must think her a total fool, and now she had no choice but to salvage what she could of her pride.

  “I’m not saying that about you, per se, but it would be true for any man. You can’t deny it. I wouldn’t want to put myself in that predicament, regardless.” Good grief! She still sounded like a dolt, she realized. “Oh, Derek, this conversation is ridiculous. Let’s just say I like older men. If I was interested in having an affair, which I very much am not, I’d want a man old enough to think he’d snared a prize.”

  She laughed as if to show that the entire idea was ludicrous. “Old and blind,” she added.

  “You are a prize—”

  “Nonsense. But this is not about me. It’s about you. I know you’re ready to find love again, and you deserve this, you really do. Since this happens to be my new area of expertise,” she kidded, “won’t you please let me find someone who would be a good mother for the boys, and a wife to you?”

  His voice turned icy. “My boys don’t need a mother, and I can certainly find my own women.”

  “I know you can. I’m sorry, I was only trying to help. I meant it in the best possible way.” Her eyes filled with tears, for him, and for the woman she used to be.

  He hung up.


  Derek felt sucker-punched. Christine was the first woman he’d not only wanted, but had enjoyed in his bed since his wife had passed away. The first woman he wanted to spend time with and to get to know, and she was brushing him off, telling him she’d prefer to be with an “older” man.

  Had he rushed it too much? he wondered. Since it had been so damn long since he’d made love to a woman, maybe he hadn’t taken proper time and care in romancing her to the bedroom. He used to be a pretty good lover, warming up his wife until she was more than ready, and they had enjoyed a very active, happy sex life. They’d been high school sweethearts and together for close to twenty years.

  Christine had been new and exciting and he had wanted her so damn bad that maybe he had not taken enough time to enhance her pleasure. He’d been stupid and selfish, taking her before she was good and primed.

  No wonder she didn’t want a repeat performance. No wonder she wanted some old guy. What an idiot he was. She’d been stalling with him ever since that first night when they’d been all over each other. She had wanted it as much as he had, but he had let her down, and she darn well wasn’t giving him a second chance.

  He shook his head and nearly laughed at himself. Who was being insecure now? It wasn’t sex that was holding Christine back. It was fear. She had been deeply hurt by her ass of a husband and was running scared, that’s what it was. He could understand that. The five years age difference didn’t mean a damn thing to him, but to a woman, a woman who’d been tossed aside for a young, rich divorcee, might think it was a pretty big deal. She sure seemed to.

  Well, she was just going to have to get used to him hanging around, because he sure in heck wasn’t going anywhere. He knew what he wanted, and when he wanted something, he went after it.

  She’d come around in time and until that time, maybe he would give her what she wanted. He’d let her set him up on dates and that’d give him a chance to see and talk to her more often. Eventually she’d come to see that he was real picky about the women he liked. When the time was right, he’d let her know that it wouldn’t matter how many dates she sent him on, he’d already picked out the woman for him.

  Derek grinned. He’d already seen her jealous side, and he just knew that it would drive her wild to set him up with pretty women. Sure, she’d pretend she didn’t give a hoot, but it would bother her plenty. Maybe it would bother her enough that she’d recognize the fact that she cared for him too.

  He picked up the phone and called her back.

  “You know something?” he said. “I’ve been thinking, and you might be right, after all. Maybe I am ready to meet someone. I had hoped it might be you, but you’ve made your feelings clear.” He stretched and yawned, hoping his savoir faire attitude would carry on down the phone line. “Now that you mention it, I am getting sick and tired of being alone. After that night with you, I don’t think I can go back to being dead from the waist down. You awakened a beast, I’m afraid, and now I want it all.”

  “What do you want, Derek?” Her voice was calm—maybe even a bit icy.

  “I want what most people want. The whole nine yards. You know—falling in love, being half of a whole.” There, that should get her thinking.

  She didn’t answer at once. He could hear her breathing and knew she was gathering her thoughts. Trying to be analytical instead of letting her emotions rule.

  Well, he understood her constraint, and he’d back off for now. He’d let her get to know him better, see that it would take more than a pretty face for him to be interested. Christine was a passionate woman, but she was terrified to feel again. But she did feel. He was sure of that.

  He wanted a woman who wasn’t afraid to love—like his wife had been. She had loved with every fiber in her. And before she died, she had cried—not for herself, but for him and the boys. She had not been afraid of anything, and he wanted another woman who could give her whole self and not fear the consequences. He hoped Christine was that woman.

  “So, you see,” he went on, speaking defiantly, “I am willing to meet some nice women, if you could recommend one or two.”

  “So,” she said after a long moment, her voice definitely icy now, “you are now looking for a committed relationship, right? That’s a sudden change of heart, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, I’m as surprised as you.” He smirked, sure his plan was already working. Beneath that icy tone he sensed anger and jealousy, and she wouldn’t be either of those things if she didn’t care. Unfortunately, she had to learn that the hard way.

  Besides, this was all her fault. He’d thought his life was complete, but she had shown him that it wasn’t. He didn’t want to be just a stay-at-home dad anymore, who hung out with his kids on weekends and didn’t have any other life.

  He was done with that guy. He’d served his purpose, but now he could be laid to rest.

  “Okay, Derek. I will do that for you.”

  “You’re a trooper, Christine. Thanks.”

  “And I insist on arranging the dates for free. You won’t have to pay a cent.”

  “But I want to. I intend to join Champagne and pay the initiation fee, just like everyone else.” He chuckled. “I’m not exactly a pauper. I made some pretty good money selling the company when I did.”

  “I’m sure you did, but we owe you money for your ads. If you’d take a year or even six months with Champagne instead of full payment, you’d help me out a lot. You can have as many dates as you need until the right person comes along.”

  He hesitated for a second or two. Finally, he admitted, “I don’t need a lot of dates or a lot of women. I would be happy getting to know just one. You.”

  “You flatter me, Derek.” The ice was back in her voice. “But as I said before, I’m really not available. I’ll find you someone who is.”

  * * *

  Christine sagged into her chair. Jenny glanced her way and she tried to put on a brave front, but her face hurt with the false smile.

  “You okay?” Jenny asked.

  She nodded, and spun around in her chair so she’d have a little privacy. She needed a moment to nurse her hurts. It
had been a wild couple of days, and not in a nice way. First there was Jim wanting her to find him a hot date so he could make his wife jealous, and now Derek, telling her he wanted to meet someone. Basically, he’d pretty much said if he couldn’t have her, any other woman would do.

  Typical. Why were men so damn easy? Why couldn’t they be particular, like a woman?

  Hell, she wouldn’t date just anyone. Nor would she go to bed with just any man. The very fact that she had slept with Derek meant something. If he looked beyond his dick, he might realize that. But then what? Did she really think for a moment that he would sit around hoping she’d change her mind? Of course not. Why should he? He didn’t owe her anything and she’d made her decision about dating clear.

  He was right to look elsewhere. She didn’t blame him and had done nothing but encourage him. But dammit to hell! Now she had to find him a date, or dates. The whole idea set her teeth on edge. She might not want him, but she didn’t want anyone else wanting him either. It might not be fair, but who said life was fair?

  Sitting back in her chair, she mentally went through the women who were her new clients. In the past couple of weeks about a dozen women had signed up, though she hadn’t interviewed all of them yet. So, out of the dozen women, who’d be the right choice? She didn’t want the woman to be too perfect, of course. He would want some kind of challenge, wouldn’t he? It wouldn’t do for him to fall head over heels with the first person he met. He needed to shop around and be selective.

  Besides, he was fresh on the market. Like her, he hadn’t been in the dating pool for twenty-some-odd years. She needed someone who would go easy on him.

  This would require some thought, and she’d get around to it eventually. The number one priority was to find a date for Nora if Allen didn’t get out of the hospital soon. Good ole’ Derek could wait in line.

  The telephone rang and she saw from caller ID that it was her mother. A quick glance at her calendar confirmed she was in Vienna.

  “Hello, Mom.”


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