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ESCAPE INTO ROMANCE- 4 Book Bundle Page 89

by Patrice Wilton

  She smiled at him. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” His eyes flickered over her body before returning to the machine.

  She watched him program his work-out for thirty minutes, and groaned inwardly. She’d already done forty, but she couldn’t leave now that he was right here. She reduced her speed to a fast paced walk.

  Nick stepped up behind her, and gave her rump a swat with his towel. “Hi, sexy. Where have you been? Haven’t seen you lately.”

  “Busy. I’m working my ass off.”

  He laughed. “Looks good to me. Want to have a drink after?”

  She played along. “Sorry, I’ll have to pass. I’ve got a breakfast meeting with Ann and Matt in the morning.”

  “The Today Show? You’re really stepping up in the world.”

  “Yes, my business is flying. It’s a cash cow, and I can barely keep up with it.”

  “Such a problem to have.” He left her, and it didn’t take long for Lee Waters to bite.

  “I couldn’t help but overhear. The Today Show, I’m impressed. What do you do?”

  Maddi gave an embarrassed smile. “Not much. I started a women’s club that has become the fastest growing enterprise in the United States. It’s really no big thing but they want to do a segment on it, and I figured, why not? The publicity can’t hurt.”

  “I’d love to hear more. Sure you don’t have time for a drink?”

  She appraised him, as he had her. “Maybe.” She smiled. “That other creep is always hitting on me, and he never takes no for an answer. But, I could probably handle one quick drink.”

  Jan and Nick were at the bar by the time she arrived with Lee. It was a piano bar, and she and Lee copped the last table left.

  “What’ll you have?” Lee asked Maddi.


  He lifted an eyebrow, but ordered a bottle of Mums. She changed it to Dom. She noticed his grimace, and her mood lifted. “Isn’t this a nice place?” she gushed. “I just love the piano, don’t you?”

  “Oh, yeah. It’s great.”

  The waiter returned with their bottle of champagne, showed them the label. She nodded and he opened it. Pop! It fizzed into her glass, golden and sparkly. The effervescence suited her mood. She was having fun, she realized. It was like being in a real live movie.

  She thought Nick looked annoyed, and wondered why. He knew this was the plan, and she couldn’t help it if she was enjoying the role-playing so much.

  When the waiter finished pouring Lee’s glass, she clinked, then drank. Delicious! Her eyes met Nick’s, and she smiled. Lee thought the smile was for him, and smiled back. “This was a good idea. It’s only nine. You’ll still be in fine shape for your morning interview.”

  “Yes. I’m not worried.” She sipped from her glass. It was easy not to worry, when it wasn’t going to happen.

  “So, tell me all about this club of yours. What is it? How did it get started?” Lee leaned back in his chair, looking handsome and debonair.

  “It’s called The Mars Club. M.A.R.S. Men Are Rotten Scoundrels. Get it?” She polished off her glass, and the waiter magically appeared to pour her another.

  “I get it, but why would a beautiful, successful woman like you, waste a second on a scoundrel?”

  She laughed. “You’re so right. But I wasn’t always this smart, and neither were the women who joined my club. The idea of the club is for women to take control, and refuse to be a victim. Its very empowering, and I’m proud of the growth we’ve made.” She glanced at the bottle of champagne. “A year ago, I would never have suggested this.” She giggled. “I love being in charge, making decisions.”

  “I can see that.” He sipped on his own glass, looking at her over the rim. “So what do you do at this club? What skills have you learned?”

  “One of my friends is educating women on handling their finances, and another friend teaches self-defense. It’s a kick-ass club.”

  The smile faded from his face. “I’m not sure if I should be having this drink with you. Are you about to kick my ass?”

  “That depends,” she said. “Are you a rotten scoundrel?”

  “No.” He chuckled. “Not at all. I’m quite sure once you got to know me, you’d agree.”

  “Good. Because I happen to like you.” She slipped out of her seat. “I have to go powder my nose, and I’ll be right back.”

  She winked at Jan on her way to the ladies room. She used the facilities, washed her hands, refreshed her lipstick, and ran a brush through her hair. She was giving him all the time he needed to slip something into her drink.

  She returned, and found Barbara sitting in her seat.

  “Hi, Barbara. Want some champagne?”

  “Love some. But not out of that glass.”

  “And why not?” She looked at Lee, and shrugged. “You don’t think he tampered with it, do you?”

  Lee stood up. “What’s going on?” He stared right at Barbara. “I’ve never seen this woman before.”

  “Really?” Barb smiled. “I thought I recognized you from the Waldorf-Astoria and a certain hotel room.”

  “I could be wrong, but I don’t think so.” He gave his boyish smile. “I’m sure I’d remember someone as beautiful as you.”

  Barbara raised an arched brow, and sipped her champagne. “Try real hard.”

  “What do you want from me?” His smile was gone, and he looked ready to flee.

  “A confession. That’s all. Is that so bad?”

  Jan and Nick walked over to the table, and sat down. “Hi, everybody,” Jan said. She picked up the glass that Maddi had been drinking from. “Want to check this out?” she asked Nick.

  “What substance should I be looking for? The one he’s used on our known three women?”

  “Who the hell are you?” Lee was backing away, but Nick’s hand on his shoulder forced him to sit back down.

  “Ex NYPD, now I’m a private investigator. I’ve been hired by Mrs. Jacobs, whose acquaintance you’ve already made.” He nodded to Jan. “And say hello to Officer Turner. She’s here to make your arrest.”


  Barbara arranged for her sons to be out for the night. The house was dimly lit, except for the glow of a hundred candles. Every surface held either vases of fresh flowers or wavering candlesticks, leading from the door of the garage, up the staircase to their bedroom.

  The moment Bill came home, he’d see the path of rose petals and follow the lit candles to where she’d be, stretched out on the bed in a sexy, see-through negligee.

  A bottle of champagne waited on ice next to the bed. She had heaped Beluga caviar in a crystal bowl, and prepared a plate of toast and crackers with hard-boiled egg and thin slices of lemons. Succulent prawns and blue-point oysters filled another platter.

  Classical music flowed softly from room to room. A film director couldn’t have orchestrated the scene better. Everything was perfect. All that was missing was her husband.

  * * *

  “Who gave you permission to spy on my wife?” Bill Jacobs glared at the PI. A manila envelope sat unopened on his desk.

  Nick shrugged nonchalantly. “Maybe you didn’t ask but that doesn’t mean you don’t want to know.” He feigned a yawn. “Look, I’m not charging you for the hours I tailed her and her lady friends. Figured I owed you after what you did to help my mom and all.”

  “I didn’t do anything special.”

  “Sure you did. When the insurance ran out, you continued treatment even though we couldn’t afford to pay. So this is my payback.”

  “You don’t get it,” Bill snapped, and tossed the envelope into the trash bin. “I don’t want to see pictures of my wife with another man.” He marched across the room to stare sightlessly out the window.

  The doctor’s shoulders and back were stiff as a sheet of granite, and his hands were clenched at his side. He was as tightly strung as a trampoline, and the wrong word would have him bouncing out the window.

  Nick rescued the documents from the bi
n. “Go on. Open the report. Barbara hasn’t been cheating on you. See for yourself.”

  “I just told you, I don’t want to see.” Bill ran his hands through his thin graying hair and stared at the younger man. “Why did you come here? I already know everything I care to.”

  “I came on Barbara’s behalf.”

  “There’s nothing to say. She’s got a right to live her life any way she pleases.”

  “I don’t think you understand.” Nick tried again. “She wants to come home…”

  Bill cut him off mid-sentence.

  “No, buddy, you don’t understand.” He lowered his voice when he saw an intern and nurse halt by his door. He waved them on. “This is none of your business,” he said softly. “I would appreciate it, if you’d leave.”

  Nick slid into a chair. “As I was saying, she wants to come home, but she’s sure that you’ll never forgive her.” Slouched on the leather chair, he tilted the seat back so he didn’t have to crane his neck watching Bill stride around the cluttered room.

  The veins in Bill’s forehead popped out, and his face darkened. With a deliberate, ponderous movement, he placed his two hands on the mahogany desk, and leaned into Nick’s face. “Why should I? She’s living at Maddi’s, and from what you’ve told me, she’s up to her ears in this ridiculous club of theirs. Stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  “Not that stupid, really. It’s a support group, and like others of its kind, they offer advice, understanding, a certain amount of sympathy, and have fun. These women have been deeply hurt, and it gives them a chance to heal.”

  “I’m all for healing, but voting on the worst scoundrel of the week, and parading his picture all over the Internet? That’s their idea of fun?”

  Nick hid his smile. “Look, the club started out as a man-bashing arena, but it evolved into something good. Barbara heads a monthly meeting, bringing in an assortment of financial advisors. They call it Managing Assets, Real Estate and Stocks. Most of these women have no idea how to invest or handle their business affairs, and need expert guidance.”

  “I’m not against that, for God’s sake. But I don’t like them belittling men.” His teeth clenched. “We are not all scoundrels.”

  “The idea was to have women in control, exercising their power over men.”

  Bill snapped a pencil in two. “My wife had better not be exercising her power, or anything else with other men.”

  “She didn’t leave to hurt you, Bill. Like most victims of rape, or a near rape in this case, she felt degraded, and that she didn’t deserve you.”

  Bill’s insides caved, as if he’d been sucker-punched. “What are you talking about? What do you mean rape?”

  Nick’s mouth dropped open. “You mean you don’t know?”

  “Know what? For God’s sake, man, tell me.”

  “It happened the night you were together at the Waldorf and she didn’t return.” He quickly told Bill the story.

  Bill sank into his chair, and put his head into his hands. “Has he been arrested?”

  Nick told him everything, from the first innocent drink at the bar, to the Lee Waters set-up, wrapping it up with the recent arrest. He down-played his own role in the capture, and bragged how cool Barbara seemed sitting at the table across from Lee, sipping champagne with Maddi.

  Bill stood up, turning his back to Nick. “Yes, Barbara is a strong woman. She can handle anything.”

  “True, but not strong enough to face you.” Nick explained, “She told me that she had failed in her marriage, but failed even more disastrously in her one feeble attempt to escape it.” He unwrapped a piece of gum, and stuck it in his mouth before continuing. “Both Maddi and Barbara hit rock bottom and had to fight their way back. The MARS Club rescued them. They found women more desperate than they were. It was their job and responsibility to empower these ladies. They have a slogan, encouraging women to get off their knees and take their rightful position on top.”

  Bill resented the smirk on the younger man’s handsome face. “How do you know all this?”

  Nick’s smile was self-disparaging. “They caught me spying.” He had the grace to look sheepish, then shrugged. “They ended up inviting me in for dinner, and we had a long conversation.”

  “Dinner? You had dinner with my wife?”

  “Yes, a lovely lady, too. And Maddi, what a cook.”

  Bill marched toward the door, opened it with a flourish, and stood aside to usher him out.

  Nick remained seated. “I haven’t told you what I came to say. Barbara’s convinced you’ll never forgive her. I told her you would.”

  Bill brooded for a minute, his face turned toward the window. “I sure as hell hate to admit this to you. But you’re right. I feel equally responsible. I left her alone after we had had a fight.”

  He thumped his fist on the wall. “I was supposed to meet her at the hotel that night. But I got talking shop, and lost track of the time.”

  “You might have to work on that.”

  “I know.” He sighed wearily. “I’m thinking of making a few changes. Doing a little more administrative work, and a little less hands-on. Hate to do it, but it’ll give me more regular hours.”

  “Seems to me like you two need to sit down and work out a compromise. I think Barbara will be more than reasonable.” Nick stood up to leave. “Hell of a woman, your wife. Shouldn’t let that one go.”

  “I don’t intend to.”

  “In that case, you’d best be running. I think she might be waiting.”

  Bill’s face lit up. He shook hands with Nick. “Thanks for everything. Now get out of my office. I have plans for this evening.”

  * * *

  Barbara toyed with the phone. Should she call him at the hospital? It would spoil the surprise, but at least she’d know if he was coming home, or if she was making a fool of herself. Maybe Nick was wrong, and she was no longer welcome.

  She ran her damp fingers along her silky robe, rubbing them nervously down her thigh. She went into the bathroom to check on her appearance.

  She’d always thought her hair was her best feature. She tossed her head, watching it cascade down her bare back in heavy lustrous waves. Playing around, she pretended to be in a hair commercial, making out like an old film star.

  Oh, she wished he’d get here, because she was getting nervous. Hearing, the garage door go up, she slid back onto the bed, trying out a few positions. She settled on one that exposed the length of her toned thigh, and gave a generous view of her cleavage.

  The door slammed, and she heard him call her name. “Barbara? Are you here?”

  Heart thudding, she called down. “Follow the path of roses, and you will see.”

  He came bounding up the stairs and stopped at the doorway, drinking in the sight of her.

  She patted the bed, and slowly he moved forward.

  “Barbara, we have a lot to talk about.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” She smiled and moved her thigh to make room for him. “But first, sit and let me get you something to eat.”

  “No, not yet. I want to tell you a few things. How sorry I am for starters.”

  “Sorry? You’re sorry?” Tears sprang to her eyes, and she bit her lip to stop it from trembling.

  “You were right,” he said quietly. “I wasn’t there for you. I should never have left you that afternoon after our fight. I’ve been so stressed, and so blind, and so full of self-importance, I don’t know how you put up with me as long as you did.”

  She put her finger on his lips to stop the flow of words. “Enough. I was a fool, not you.”

  Her arms crept around his neck, and she pressed her head against his heart. It was thudding so loudly she nearly missed his next words.

  “I love you, Barbara.” His mouth was in her hair, and she felt a warm wetness trickling down her neck to her breasts. It took her a second to realize he was crying.

  “Oh, Bill.”

  “Why, Barbara? Why didn’t you confide in me? Didn’t you trust me enough?

  She moved slightly away from him so she could look into his face. She kissed his tears and sobbed. “Oh, darling. That wasn’t it. I was disgusted with myself, thinking it was my fault for getting into such a predicament. I didn’t expect you to forgive me. I couldn’t forgive myself.”

  “Nick told me what happened. It wasn’t your fault. It was mine. I should have been back on time.”

  “Hush. Just kiss me, please?”

  Gently he removed her arms from around him and stood up, tugging at his tie, unbuttoning his shirt, all at the same time. Ripping off his clothes, he tossed them to the floor and leapt onto the bed to land on top of her.

  “Hey.” She smiled blissfully.

  “Hey, yourself. Welcome home.” Bill bent his head to kiss her lips, her cheeks, and to graze his teeth along the column of her long, slender neck. He indulged his senses in the taste of her, the familiar smells, the texture of her skin. He kissed her slowly and thoroughly for a long, long time. Then he rolled over, carrying her with him.

  From that moment on, it was going to be his husbandly duty to make sure Barbara was on top.


  Maddi agreed to meet her father, only after Nick said he’d pick her up and take her to the diner. He promised to stay with her, and told her they’d leave if things were too uncomfortable. Well, she was already uncomfortable, and she wasn’t there yet.

  She poured herself another cup of coffee, her third for the morning. Retrieving the cream from the fridge, she glimpsed the two postcards from Barbara and Bill she’d tacked on the door. They were in Italy enjoying a second honeymoon. She was so happy for them it made tears spring to her eyes. Sniffling, she got up for a tissue, and fingered the postcards as she passed.

  She’d always wanted to go to Italy with David, but he’d been setting up his new practice, then later he couldn’t spare the time. She’d like to go there now with someone—someone handsome, romantic, exciting. Why, someone like Nick Chandler would be the perfect choice. The fact that he was even lonelier and more miserable than she was, well, just the thought cheered her up.


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