Wild Rendezvous

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Wild Rendezvous Page 5

by Victoria Blisse

  ‘Thank you, thanks so much.’ I race back outside and jog down the road. I don’t care that I’m hot, sweaty and scaring the public. I don’t care that every breath burns and that my knees are protesting that they don’t do running. I just have to get to Joe. I catch a glimpse of him through the city centre crowd and I push my way through the bodies in front of me, apologising left and right as I go.

  ‘Joe,’ I try to shout but only a feeble gasp comes out, ‘Joe, wait, please wait.’

  ‘Joe,’ some beefy bloke with tattoos yells, ‘Joe, would you bloody well wait? This woman’s killing herself getting to you.’

  ‘I look thankfully at him and he smiles.’

  ‘Been there myself, love. We do anything for love, don’t we?’

  I nod.

  ‘Joe,’ he yells again, ‘Joe, you better get back here now because this lady ’ he looks at me again and I whisper my name ‘ because Leanna fucking loves you.’

  I’d maybe not have put it like that myself but I’m grateful for his help as he wades through people in front of me, parting them so I can get through.

  ‘Are you Joe?’

  ‘Yes,’ a familiar voice says.

  ‘Good, Leanna wants you.’

  My good Samaritan doesn’t even look back but I gasp out my thanks as he walks away.

  ‘Joe. Oh, thank God, Joe.’

  I throw myself into his arms and he crushes me tightly against him.

  ‘You need a drink, come on.’

  He pulls me into some fast food restaurant I don’t notice which one and pushes me down into a seat. He comes back a few moments later with a huge cup in his hand. I eagerly gulp down the ice-cold lemonade it contains.

  ‘Thank you,’ I pant when I get my voice back, ‘I needed that.’

  ‘What the hell do you think you were doing?’

  ‘Finding you,’ I reply.

  ‘You nearly killed yourself in the process.’ He shakes his head at me.

  ‘Yes, well, you were running away. I couldn’t let you run away.’

  ‘You silly thing you.’ He sighs. ‘You shouldn’t have come after me.’

  ‘Joe Moore, don’t you dare spout such bloody nonsense at me. I won’t stand for it. I couldn’t, actually, I’m knackered, but I won’t sit for it either. I am going to flipping well marry you tomorrow and we’re going to have a fantastic day and we’re going to live happily bloody ever after whether you like it or not, right?’

  ‘I’m not good enough for you, Leanna.’ He lowers his gaze to the table top.

  ‘I’ll be the judge of that, Joe, and I love you. I love you and I want to marry you and only you and you’re not going to ruin that.’

  ‘But I can’t provide for you and Lucy. I don’t think I got the job, I really don’t.’

  ‘We’re coping. Who says you need to provide for me? I’m providing well enough for us right now and I know you’ll get a job soon enough. We’re a partnership. We do what we have to and we’ll do it together, all right? A job is just a job, I don’t care about it.’

  ‘I do, I don’t want to be a leech like my mother.’

  ‘You’re not.’ I smile. ‘You’re so not.’

  ‘Talking about Mother, has she left?’

  ‘She’s at my mum’s,’ I explain, ‘she’s staying there tonight.’

  ‘You’ve left her alone with your mother and Lucy?’ He growls. ‘That bitch? How could you?’

  ‘Just, calm down a moment and listen, OK?’

  He nods.

  ‘Now firstly, I want to confirm that you’re coming home with me and we’re getting married tomorrow.’

  ‘Yes,’ he replies, ‘I love you and apparently you’re a very stubborn woman.’

  ‘Right, good, I love you too.’

  He reaches out and covers my hand with his.

  ‘OK, next issue. Your mother just collapsed this morning. She couldn’t stop crying. She was a mess. I talked to her. She’s not the monster we thought she was.’

  Joe draws his hand back, like I’ve given him an electric shock or something.

  ‘Don’t tell me she’s gotten to you, now.’

  ‘No, Joe, listen. She’s screwed up, she’s really fucking screwed up, but she loves you and she wants to change.’

  Joe humphs, his face hardens. I reach out to him and grab his hand.

  ‘Look, she apologised to me and to Lucy. She admits we make a damn good couple and that she was, in a weird way, jealous of us. We’re a family. You, Lucy, and me are a family and she’s never really known that.’

  ‘It’s her own fault,’ Joe snaps. ‘She could have had a family. I’m her family I was her family, anyway.’

  ‘I know, love. I know and I also know this isn’t going to be easy for you but I think you need to talk to your mum and hear what she has to say for herself.’

  ‘I can’t, Leanna, I just can’t. She’ll hurt me.’

  ‘She can’t hurt you any more,’ I whisper, ‘you’ve got me now. Worst she can do is not change your mind. I think you need to talk to her, though, I really do.’

  ‘Leanna, I’ve wanted a proper mom all my life. I’ve wanted someone to trust, to love. Someone I know will be there for me no matter what. I got stuck with my mother instead. I don’t think anything she could say could change the fact she’s done nothing but push me away for all those years.’

  ‘Just give her a chance, OK? Do you know why she came over for the wedding?’

  ‘To cause chaos and break my heart all over again?’ The bitterness on his brow breaks my heart.

  ‘No, love, no. She wanted to see you happy. She wanted to know that you were OK.’

  ‘Really?’ He sighs, tears in the corner of his eyes. ‘I don’t think I can believe it.’

  ‘She does love you, Joe. I’ve seen the evidence of that today. She’s just so screwed up inside she doesn’t know how to show it.’

  ‘That is probably the understatement of the century. Does she love me, Leanna? I can’t trust her, not now, not yet but I trust you, I trust you implicitly.’

  ‘Oh, sweetheart. Yes, she loves you, she really does.’ I sigh.

  ‘If you say so, I’ll give her one more chance.’ He nods hesitantly.

  ‘Thank you, Joe, thank you.’

  ‘No, Leanna, thank you.’ He wipes his eyes with the corner of his sleeve and I use a serviette to mop at my tear-stained face.

  ‘I just have one question.’

  ‘OK, shoot.’ I sip my drink.

  ‘Who was that big bloke with the tattoos?’

  I laugh, almost spitting out the mouthful of pop.

  ‘I think he was a passing angel.’ I nod my head. ‘Yeah, I think so.’

  ‘Wow, I never knew angels were so scary.’

  ‘He believed in true love. I’ll be forever grateful to him.’

  ‘So will I.’ Joe smiles. ‘Though I do hope you’ve not invited him to the wedding!’

  ‘He left before I could.’ I chuckle.

  ‘Oh, I love you, Leanna. Thanks for chasing after my stupid ass.’

  ‘Well, as much as I love your arse I was chasing after all of your stupid self, actually.’

  ‘Thanks.’ He smiles and leans across the table. ‘Thank you so very much.’

  The kiss contains everything I ever need to know about love. He is worth running through hell and back for. He’s worth putting up with the worst mother-in-law in the history of mankind for; he’s the man I will do anything for because he loves me and I love him. Simple, really.

  Chapter Five

  ‘I do.’

  It is the perfect moment of my life. I’m stood before a smiling vicar, Joe’s hand in mine, vowing to love him for ever and always. I can hear my little girl babbling happily behind us and when the vicar pronounces us man and wife she shouts, ‘Mamma Joe kiss!’

  The gathered congregation laugh and so do I. I’m so full of joy I feel my heart might burst.

  ‘You heard her, we better kiss.’

  ‘OK.’ I smi
le. ‘I can get behind that.’

  As our lips meet the ecstasy inside me passes over to him as I receive some of his back in return. The muted claps and whistles are just a backing track to my first kiss of wedded bliss.

  The do is good. We all have fun. Joe’s mum and mine sit together; apparently some kind of friendship is springing up there. I think it worried Joe and I equally. Joe had sat down with his mum the night before and talked. I don’t think things were perfect. I don’t think Joe had forgiven her after just a few words and a shed tear or two, but he was willing to give her another chance. That in itself was something big.

  And to Beverly’s credit she had really tried to be nice. She really meant it as a compliment when she told me the bustle on my dress really hid how big my bottom is, I’m sure, and she did tell Joe she was proud of him. I’m glad she was there, truth be told, even if she still rubs me up the wrong way pretty easily.

  As much as I enjoy the party, I’m eager for it to finish. I want to be alone with my husband. Husband. I like the feeling of that word in my mouth. So now I say my goodbyes, cuddle Lucy and kiss mum but my mind is actually preoccupied with what comes next.

  ‘Hello, wife,’ Joe smiles when I slide into the taxi beside him.

  ‘Hello, husband,’ I reply with a beam.

  ‘The Royal Blue Hotel, please.’ Joe instructs the driver. ‘I’m so happy to be alone with you,’ he murmurs to me.

  ‘Oh, I am too. Alone with you, I mean, not me, of course.’

  ‘Of course.’ He chuckles. ‘Have you had fun today?’

  ‘So much fun.’ I nod. ‘I’m so happy, Joe, so very happy.’

  ‘Good, that’s what I like to hear. Have to keep my gorgeous wife satisfied.’

  ‘Oh, I know you’re going to do that, baby.’ I purr and kiss his cheek. ‘I’m very confident of that.’

  ‘Damn, woman, I’m so hot for you,’ he whispers heavily in my ear. ‘I can’t wait to fuck you.’

  I moan as his lips stop whispering and slip down to gently caress my neck.

  ‘Newlyweds,’ I hear the driver mumble, ‘every bloody time with the newlyweds.’

  ‘Let’s give him something to really complain about.’ Joe grabs me and pulls me into a vicious kiss that feels like it bruises my lips. I love it. I wrap my arms around him, slide them up and down his back and over his shoulders as our tongues dart and play and our lips palpitate in time to the frenzied beat of my heart.

  ‘We’re here,’ the taxi driver shouts, somewhat desperately. ‘That’ll be ten pounds seventy please.’

  Joe pays, we smile and thank our not quite fantasy carriage driver, and grab our cases. We wave when the black cab screeches away from us and laugh light-heartedly.

  Booking in takes only a few moments; a fresh-faced porter takes the luggage and shows us the way to the lift and our room. Joe and I behave; only our hands are joined as we gently glide up the floors to ours in the elevator. I am buzzing with sexual energy; the kiss earlier shared is still imprinted on my lips and my body is already eager for more.

  ‘Oh, I thought I should let you know.’ Joe looks straight ahead, a smirk barely suppressed on his lips. ‘I got the job.’

  ‘Yes, I knew it!’ I threw my satin and lace-encased body into his arms. We laugh and kiss in delight. I’m so happy for him. I know the job means a lot to him.

  ‘He must have really liked you.’

  ‘Apparently so,’ he replies. We walk down the corridor together. ‘I can start looking after you now.’

  ‘You’ve been looking after me since we first met, darling. I’m glad you’ve got this job, though. I know it was important to you.’

  ‘It’s a load off, definitely.’ He squeezes my hand and pushes the door open to our room.

  ‘Alone, Mrs Moore, at last.’

  ‘Yes, Mr Moore, alone on our wedding night. Fancy a game of scrabble?’ As stupid as it is, I feel a little nervous. I cover my nerves with humour.

  ‘No, dear wife, I fancy you. I need to fuck you. Come here.’

  The fancy, bright décor of the room doesn’t capture my attention. I ignore the champagne, roses, and chocolates on the table beside the bed; I barely even notice the bright lights of Manchester through the huge and imposing window that sweeps across one side of our room. I keep my gaze focused on him. On Joe, my husband, the love of my life.

  ‘What are you thinking?’ he asks as I press myself against his hard, familiar body.

  ‘That dreams do come true.’ I kiss along the edge of his collar. ‘That I’m the luckiest girl in all the world because you’re my dream and here you are and you’re all mine.’

  ‘All yours, baby,’ he whispers, gently brushing my cheek with his knuckles, ‘always.’

  Our lips meet and continue the intense kiss that had so frightened the cabbie a matter of minutes ago. It’s like they’d never been apart; the kiss is searingly hot in its intensity. It makes me gasp, and heats my body till I feel uncomfortable in my clothes. Joe reads my mind; his hands slip round to my back and he teases the delicate zip down my back until the classy white froth of my wedding gown pools around my feet. I step out of it, like I’m tiptoeing through the clouds, and he pulls me savagely into his embrace.

  I drag down the knot of his tie and undo the first buttons of his collar. I am eager to feel his skin against mine.

  ‘This is pretty,’ he says, sliding his hands over the silky cream chemise I’ve been eager to unveil all day.

  ‘Yes, I hoped you’d like it,’ I reply, throwing his tie over my shoulder and working on the other buttons. ‘It feels lovely against my skin. Let me press it against yours.’ His buttons fly open and I press myself against him and he shakes himself free of the shirt sleeves.

  ‘Oh, yes, it does feel good.’ He gently strokes his fingers down my back making me shiver. ‘But I want to feel your skin, love.’ He grabs the bottom edge of the silk and drags it up. I raise my arms and let him reveal my creamy skin to his gaze.

  ‘That’s even better.’ He traces swirls on my chest with his thick fingers. ‘So beautiful.’

  Next he presses his chest against mine, nibbles my neck, and unhooks my bra, all in one breathtakingly smooth move.

  I trace patterns on his back and press kisses against his shoulder, curving in over his hair- smattered chest, feeling his heart thumping confidently below his skin. I could play for hours like this, taking in every curve and straight line, getting to know him one unique mark to another. His fingers send streaks of excitement down my spine; they drop to my hips. His hands still as he hooks his thumbs into my delicate knickers. I hold my breath. He pauses, holds his nerve, and teases me.

  He still loves to tease me. A lump forms in my throat. I remember our first official date, when all this really started.

  ‘How did I get so lucky?’ The words drift softly off my tongue.

  ‘I like to think it’s more than dumb luck,’ he replies. ‘We’re made for each other.’

  Our lips meet, drawn together by a force stronger than both of us. That force is love and it bathes my body. Our mouths stretch and squeeze against each other. He pushes his hands down and my panties, another one of his words I’ve picked up, cling momentarily then fall down my legs and hit the floor. I’m naked and pressed against the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen.

  I don’t care if it’s luck, destiny or just the pure animal lust of attraction that brings us together; I’m just so glad that through trials and tribulations we are still together and this, this wedding night is a marker I will remember and treasure always in my heart.

  He curves his fingers around the flesh of my buttocks and squeezes. My moan vibrates across my lips to his during our kiss. I drop my hands down to his waist and insinuate them between our bodies. I want to feel him naked against me; I crave his skin against mine. He strokes, squeezes, and caresses and I fiddle with his button, then coax down his zip. I impatiently drag down his trousers and boxers at the same time, then arch my body forward to feel his thick, har
d shaft pressing against my hot skin.

  ‘I want to taste you, wife.’ He gasps, his lips trailing down to my neck and my chest. ‘I need to taste you.’

  ‘I won’t say no to that,’ I mumble. He presses kisses over the soft hillock of my stomach. He makes me feel so sexy that I just enjoy the damp heat of his lips over the curve I worry so often about, the stomach I fought hard to hide beneath the clever silken material of my wedding dress. I revel in his attention and anticipate the route of his lips.

  ‘Step back,’ he orders. I do as commanded and leave my knickers behind. ‘Another step,’ he continues and so do I, then I feel something shockingly cool on my buttocks. Before I can think about the fact my naked arse is pressed against the cold glass of a hotel window he has lifted my right leg and rested it on his shoulder. His breath tickles over the plump lips of my sex and I lift my hips and press forward in my eagerness, not necessarily in reaction to the cold shock of the glass.

  He does not make me wait too long. I can feel his desperation as his tongue trails lazily up and down my slit. He seeks out my clit and sucks upon it; my hand slaps back on the glass and I roll my head back and moan my appreciation.

  His tongue flicks confidently over my raised nub and his fingers push up inside me. Thought is no longer possible; all the pleasure from his probing fingers coalesces with the sucking rhythm of his lips around my clit. I feel him confidently playing me to orgasm. I can smell my musk, hear my moans and the laps of his tongue along with the base noises my cunt makes as I am finger-fucked. I see nothing, my eyes are tightly closed, but I can still taste his kisses on my enflamed lips and I lick them lasciviously between groans.

  My orgasm breaks with a violence that pins me against the glass behind me. I howl out my pleasure and he sucks and licks and laps up all the moist goodness that trickles over his face. I feel like a bomb has exploded and left me empty; I may be pleasantly satisfied in one way but I now feel so hollow and long for his cock to be inside me.

  I unhook my leg from over his shoulder and he pulls his fingers out of me. I look down and watch as he takes them to his mouth and sucks them, savouring my flavour.


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