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Helen of Troy Page 41

by Jack Lindsay

  Ceram, C. W., Narrow Pass, Black Mountain (1956).

  Chadwick, H. M., (1) with H. K. Chadwick, The Growth of Literature, 3 vols.; (2) The Cult of Othin (1899); (3) The Heroic Age (1912).

  Chadwick, J., (1) The Decipherment of Linear B (I958); (2) and Ventris, M., Documents in Mycenaean Greek (1956); (3) The Prehistory of the Greek Language, CAH ii fasc. 3 xxix (1963); (4) Minoica: Festchr. f. J. Sundwall (1958), 116-25.

  Chambers, E. K., English Folk Play (1933).

  Chamoux, F., Cyrène sous les monarchic des Battiades (1953).

  Chantraine, P., (1) Dict. etym. de la langue grecque (1968); (2) Entret. Fond. Hardt i (1952), 69ff.

  Chapot, V., DS sv Tholos.

  Chapouthier, F., (1) Les Dioscures au service d’une déesse (1935); (2) BCH lxvi—vii (1942-3); (3) Suppl. Crit. Assn. Budé ii.

  Chassang, Histoire du Roman.

  Childe, V. G., (1) The Dawn of European Civilization, 3rd edition, (1939); (2) JHS xxxv 203-07.

  Chittenden, J., Hesperia xvi (1947), 89ff.

  Ciaceri, E., Culti e Miti nella Storia di Antica Sicilia (1911).

  Clairmont, C., Das Parisurteil in der ant. Kunst (1951).

  Clota, J. Alsina, (1) Helmantica viii (1957), 374-9; (2) Est. Clas. iv (1957-8), 157-75.

  Coldstream, J. N., Greek Geometric Pottery (1968).

  Collignon, Les statues funeraires dans l’art grec.

  Collitz, H., and Bechtel, F., Sammlung d. griech. Dialekt-Inschriften.

  Coman, H., L’idée de la Nemesis chez Eschyle (1931).

  Conze, oo., (1) Heroen u. Göttergestalten; (2) Attische Grabreliefs.

  Cook, A. B., (1) Zeus 3 vols. (1914, 1925, 1940); (2) JHS xiv (1894).

  Cook, J. M., (1) BSA liii (1958-9), 1ff.; (2) Essays and Studies to W. Ridgeway (1913)

  Cornford, F. M., (1) From Religion to Philosophy (2) in JH Themis 212-59; (3) Thucydides Historicus (1907); (4) The Origin of Attic Comedy (1961).

  Costanzi, V., (1) AeR v (1902), 506-16; (2) Religio i (1920), 315ff.

  Coste-Messelière, P. de la, Au Musée de Delphes (1936).

  Courny, F., Les Vases grecs à reliefs (1922).

  Crawford, J. S., AJA lxxiii (1969), 72f.

  Crawley, E., (1) The Mystic Rose, revised by T. Bestermann (1932); (2) Oath, Curse and Blessing (1934).

  Croiset, A., Hist. de la litt. grecque.

  Cronert, W., NGG (1922), 1-17.

  Crossland, R. A., CAH; 27 (1967).

  Cser, L., Acta Antiqua x (Budapest), 1962.

  Culican, W., The First Merchant Venturers (1966).

  Cumont, F., (1) Recherches sur le symbolisme fun. des Romains (1942); (2) Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism (1911).

  Curtius, A. W., (1) Das Stiersymbol des Dionysos (1892); (2) Ausgrabungen zu Olympia.

  Dale, A. M., Euripides, Helen.

  D’Arons, E. F., TAPA lxxvii (1946), 207-13.

  Daube, B., Zu dem Rechtsprobleme in Aischylos’ Agamemnon (1938).

  Davison, J. A., From Archilochos to Pindar.

  Davison, J. M., Attic Geometric Workshops (1961).

  Davreux, J., La Légende de la prophétesse Cassandre (Bibl. Fac. Ph. etc. de Liège) xciv (1942), 97-223.

  Dawkins, R. M., (1) The Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia at Sparta (1929) (suppl. paper BSA no. 5); (2) Modern Greek in Asia Minor (1916); (3) BSA xiii (1906-07), 78; (4) and Droop, BSA xvii (1910-11), 16-18.

  Deacon, A. B., (1) JRAI lxiv (Jan.-June 1934); (2) Malekula.

  Deedes, C. N. in Hooke (1), 3-46.

  Defradas, M., REG lxv (1912), 289ff.

  Delaporte, L., Mus. du Louvre, Cat. des cylindres orientaux i (1920), ii (1923).

  Delatte, A., (1) Herbarius (3rd) 1961; (2) Anecdota Athen.; (3) Etudes sur la litt. pythag. (1915); (4) and Derchain, P., Les Intailles magiques gréco-egypt. (1964); (5) Le Cycéon (1955).

  Delcourt, M., (1) Hermaphroditea (1966); (2) Hephaistos (1957); (3) Hermaphrodite (in English) (1956).

  Delebecque, F., (1) Le Cheval dans l’Iliade (1951); (2) Euripide et la guerre du Peloponnèse (1951).

  Demand, N., AJP xcii (3) Epicharmus and Gorgias (1971).

  Demangel, R., (1) Fouilles de Delphes; (2) Arch. Eph. (1937), 144ff.

  Demargne, P., (1) La Crete dédalique (1947); (2) Aegean Art (1964).

  Deneken, (1) De Theoxeniis (2) RE sv Heros.

  Deonna, W., (1) Deux études de symbolisme religieux (1955); (2) Croyances...de table (1961).

  Deroy, L., (1) M. ii (1952), 34-56; (2) iii 20-9.

  Desborough, V. R. d’A., (1) The Last Myceneans and their Successors (1964); (2) Protogeometric Pottery (1952).

  Detienne, M., Crise agraire et attitude réligieuse chez Hésiode (1963).

  Deubner, L., (1) Attische Feste (1956); (2) Roscher sv Personifikationen.

  Devambez, P., (1) Mél. Byvanck, Bull. ant. Besch. xxix (1954), 16ff; (2) BCH lxvi—lxvii (1942-3), 216-23.

  De Waele, The Magic Staff (1927).

  Diehl, E., Anth. Lyr. Gr., 2nd i (1936), ii (1942).

  Diels, Hermes xxii (1887).

  Diès, R., Ph. xxxvii (1913).

  Dietrich, B. C., Death, Fate and the Gods (1965).

  Dikaios, P., Guide to Cyprus Museum (1953).

  Diller, AJP lxii (1941), 499-501.

  Dindorf, Scholia on Iliad.

  Dinsmoor, Architecture of Anc. Greece.

  Diringer, D., (1) The Alphabet (1947); (2) Writing (1962).

  Dodds, E. R., (1) The Greeks and the Irrational (1951); (2) in Fifty Years of Classical Scholarship (1954), 1-17, 31-5.

  Doresse, J., The Secret Books of the Egyptian Gnostics (1960).

  Doria, M., Past and Present (1963), 81-93.

  Dorig, J., AM lxxvii (1962), 72-91.

  Dornseff, von, Die archaische Mythenerzählung (1933).

  Dow, S., Rapports du X Congres internat. des Sciences hist. (1960).

  Drachmann, Scholia vet. in Pind. carmina.

  Drew, D. L., CP xv (1930), 187-9.

  Driver, G. R., Canaanite Myths and Legends (1956).

  Duchemin, J., REG 1940 liii 163ff.

  Duckworth, G. E. Foreshadowing and Suspense in the Epics of Homer, Apollonius and Virgil (1933).

  Duffy, J., CJ xlii (1947).

  Dugas, C., (1) Rec. C. Dugas (1960) 59ff (= AC vi 5ff); (2) REG lvi (1943), 1-12; (3) li (1938), 54ff; (4) Aison (1930); (5) BCH lx (1936); (6) REA xxxix (1937); (7) Thésée Images et Récits (1958); (8) as (1) with AC pagination.

  Dumézil, G., Les Dieux des Indo-Européens (1952).

  Dunbabin, T. J., The Greeks and their Eastern Neighbours (1957).

  Duncan, T. S., CJ xxxii (1938), 4o2ff.

  Dussaud, R., (1) Civilisations préhist., 2nd ed. (1914); (2) Mons. palest. et jud. du Mus. Louvre.

  Dyer, R. D., AJA lxxi (1967), 175f.

  Ebener, D., Wiss. Zeits. d. Univ. Halle-Wit. (1953-4), 691-722.

  Eckstein-Wolf, B., MDAI v (I952), 39-75.

  Edmonds, J. M., (1) Lyra Graeca, 3 vols. Loeb; (2) Gr. Pastoral Poets (1928).

  Ehnmark, E., The Idea of God in Homer.

  Ehrenberg, V., Die Rechtsidee im frühen Griechentum (1921).

  Eilmann, R., Labyrinthos (1931).

  Eitrem, S., (1) Die göttlichen Zwillinge (1902); (2) Symb. Oslo. xiii; (3) ib. xxxi; (4) DS sv Heros; (5) Philol. Woch. (1919), 74iff; (6) RE sv Moira.

  Elderkin, G. W., AJA xli (1937), 424.

  Elements: Eléments orientaux dans la religion grecque ancienne (Travaux...Strasbourg (1960).

  Eliade, H., (1) Traité d’ hist. des religions (1942); (2) Shamanism; (3) The Two and the One (1965); (4) RHR cxxxiv (1947).

  Endt, Beitr. Z. Ion. Vasenmalerei.

  Englemann, Roscher sv Helena 1940ff.

  Engnell, I., Studies in Divine Kingship in Ancient Near East (1943).

  Erffa, C. E. von, (‘Aidōs’) Ph. Suppl. 30, 2, (1937).

  Erman, A., transl. A. M. Blackman, The Literature of Ancient Egyptians (1927).

  Esperandieu, Rec. des bas-reliefs de la Gaule romaine.
r />   Euing, L., Die Sage von Tanaquil.

  Evans, A., (1) Palace of Minos; (2) JHS xxi (1901), 99-204; (3) Archaeologia lix (1906); (4) JHS xlv (1925), 1-75.

  Evelyn-White, H. G., Hesiod, Homeric Hymns and Homerica, Loeb (1914).

  Farnell, L. R., (1) The Cults of the Greek States, 5 vols. (1896-1909); (2) Greek Hero-Cults (1921).

  Faure, P., (1) Fonctions des cavernes crétoises (1965); (2) BCH 1xxxiv 209-15.

  Ferté, E. Coche de la, Bull. des Musées de France xi (1946).

  Fick, A., (1) Vorgriech. Ortsnamen etc (1905); (2) Hattiden u. Danubier in Griechenland (1909).

  Fimmen, Die Kret.-Myk. Kultur (1921).

  Finley, M. I., (1) and Caskey, Kirk, Page, JHS lxxxiv (1964); (2) Historia vi (1 957), ‘33-59; (3) The World of Odysseus (1962); (4) Seminar xii (1954), 7-33.

  Focke, F., (1) Herodot als Historiker i (1927); (2) Gnomon viii (1932), 176ff.

  Fontenrose, J., Python (1959).

  Forbes, R. J., Studies in Ancient Technology viii (1964).

  Forsdyke, F. J., (1) Minoan Art; (2) JHS xxxiv 125-56; (3) Greece before Homer (1956).

  Fowler, W. Warde, Roman Festivals of Period of Republic.

  Fraenkel, E., Gnomon xxxiii (1950.

  Fraenkel, H., (1) Dichtung u. Philos. d. frühen Griech. (1951); (2) TAPA lxxvii (1946), 131ff.

  Franciscis, A. de, Atti e Mem. Soc. M. Grecia n.s. ii (1958), 37-49.

  Frazer, J. G., (1) Apollodoros, Loeb, 2 vols.; (2) Edition of Pausanias’ works; (3) FL in O.T.; (4) Golden Bough (3rd ed.).

  Freeman, K., Companion to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers (1946).

  Freidel, O., J. f. klass. Philol. Suppl. x (1878-9).

  Frickenhaus, A., Lenaenvasen (1912).

  Friedländer, P., Roscher sv Telchines 237ff.

  Fritz, K. von, Hésiode et son influence (1960).

  Furtwängler, A., (1) Ant. Gemmen; (2) and Reichhold K. and Buschor, Griech. Vasenmalerei (1904-32); (3) Coll. Sabouroff, Vases i (1883-7); (4) Roscher Dict. sv Athene.

  Furumark, A., (1) The Mycenean Pottery (1941); (2) Chronology of Mycenean Pottery (1941); (3) Opus Arch. vi (1950), 150-271; (4) Eranos xlv (1946), 41-53.

  Gabrici, E., (1) Mon. Ant. xxxii (1927), 16ff; (2) Mon. Ant. xxxiii (1930), 41-60. Sanctuario della Malophoro a Selinunte, MA xxxii (1927).

  Ganszyniec, R., BCH xlvii (1923), 440ff.

  Gardiner, Literar. Texte d. mittl. Reiches ii (1909).

  Gardner, P., The Types of Gr. Coins (1883).

  Garzya, A., AT VI C.

  Gaster, T. H., (1) AO xvi (1937), 41-8; (2) JRAS (1938), 37-56; (3) AO (1933), 118-23; (4) Thespis (1961); (5) OLZ xxxix (1936), 405; (6) AfO xii (1937-9), 148f; (7) Intro. F. M. Cornford, Origin of Attic Comedy (1961).

  Geffcken, J., (1) Griech. Literaturgeschichte; (2) Hermes xxvi (1891), 567-79.

  Geras: Studies presented to G. Thomson (Prague 1963).

  Gerhard, E., (1) Ant. Bildwerke (1828); (2) Etrusk. u. Kampan. Vasenbilder; (3) Schmückung d. Helene (Winckelmannsprogr.); (4) Etrusk. Spiegel (1840-97) (last vol. by Klugmann and Körte); (5) Akadam. Abhandlungen.

  Germain, G., Homère et la mystique des nombres (1954).

  Gernet, L., (1) Annales d’hist. econ. et soc. x (1939); (2) Studi in onore di U. E. Paoli (1955), 346ff; (3) J. de Psychologie (1948), 415-62.

  Ghali-Kahil, L. B., Enlèvements et Retour d’Hélène (1955).

  Glover, T. R., Life and Letters in the Fourth Century (reprint 1924).

  Glotz, G., (1) and Cloche, P., La cité grecque, 2nd ed. (1953); (2) Civilisation égienne; (3) La solidarité de la famille dans le droit criminel en Grece (1904).

  Glotz-Cohen, Hist. grecque, i Des origins aux guerres mediques, 4th ed. (1948).

  Goedicke, H., CE xlv no 90 (July 1970), 244-66.

  Goldman: The Aegean and the Near East: Essays presented to H. Goldman ed. S. Weinberg (1956).

  Gomme, A., JHS (1913), 53-72,233-45.

  Gomme, A. W., Hist. Commentary on Thucydides i (1945).

  Goosens, R., (1) CE x (1935), 243ff; (2) Euripide et Athènes (1962).

  Gordon, C. H., (1) M. iii (1954), 126-32; (2) Ugarit and Minoan Crete (1966); (3) Hebrew Coll. Annual xxvi 43-108; (4) The Common Background of Greek and Hebrew Civilisations (1965); (5) Ugaritic Textbook (1965); (6) JNES xi (1952), 212f; (7) Intro. to O.T. Times (1953).

  Gossen-Steier, RE iiA 431.

  Grace, V. R., in Goldman.

  Graef, B., Arch. J. i (1886), 192ff.

  Graham, J. W., (1) Palaces of Crete (1962); (2) in Bennett, 195-215; (3) AJA lxxi (1967), 354-60.

  Graillot, Le culte de Cybèle.

  Graindor, Musée belge (1910).

  Grande, C. del, Hybris (1947).

  Gray, D., in Myres (1).

  Gray, J., (1) The Legacy of Canaan (1957); (2) The Krt Text in the Lit. of Ras Shamra, 2nd ed.; (3) The Canaanites (1964).

  Greene, W. C., Moira, Fate, Good and Evil in Greek Thought (1944).

  Grégoire, H., (1) Hélène, Euripide V (Belles Lettres) (1950); (2) Bull. Classe Lettres et Sc. morales et polit., 5th s. xxxii (1946), 255-65; (3) Mél. C. Picard i (1949) (Bacchus as Bull); (4) Asklépios Apollon Smintheus et Rudra (1949); (5) Analecta Bollandiana (1905) 505-7.

  Groningen, B. A. van, La composition litt. archaique grecque, 2nd ed. (1960).

  Groot, J. J. M. de, The Religious Systems of China (1892).

  Grumach, E., BJRL li (1-2), (1968-9), 73-103, 400-30.

  Gruppe, O., (1) Gesch. Myth. u. Religionsgesch. (1906); (2) De Cadmi Fabula (1891).

  Guarducci, M., (1) AM liii 52-65; (2) Inscr. Creticae opera et concilio F. Halbherr coll. (1935, 1939, 1942, 1952).

  Gubernatis, Mythologie des plantes.

  Guillon, P., Trépieds du Ptoion (1943).

  Gurney, O. R., The Hittites (1961).

  Güterbock, H., Kumarbi (1946).

  Guthrie, W. K. C., (1) The Greeks and their Gods (1950); (2) In the Beginning (1957); (3) Orpheus and Gr. Religion.

  Haag, H., Homer, Ugarit u. das Alte Testament (1962).

  Hahland, W., Vasen um Meidias (1930).

  Halbher, Mon. Ant. xiii.

  Hall, E. van, Over den oorsprong van de griechsche Grafstele (1942).

  Hall, H. R., ‘The Two Labyrinths’, JHS xxv.

  Halliday, W. R., (1) Indo-Eur. Folktales and Gr. Legend (1933); (2) in Dawkins (2); (3) CR (1922), 110; (4) Greek Divination (1913).

  Hamdorf, F. W., Griech. Kultpersonifikationen d. Vor-Hellenist. Zeit (1964).

  Hammond, H. G. L., JHS (1961), 76-98.

  Hampe, R., (1) Gnomon (I 954); (2) Corolla L. Curtius 93-7); (3) MH viii (1951), 145ff, (4) Frühe griech. Sagenbilder in Boötien (1936); (5) Festschr. Schweiter (1954), 77-86; (6) and Simon, E., Griech. Sagen in d. frühen Etrusk. Kunst (1964); (7) Die Gleichnisse Homers u. Bildkunst seiner Zeit (1952).

  Hanell, K., Megarische Studien (1934).

  Hansen, H. D., Early Civilisation in Thessaly (1933).

  Harris, J. Rendel, (1) Picus who is also Zeus (1916); (2) The Cult of the Heavenly Twins (1906); (3) Boanerges (1913).

  Harrison, E., Athenian Agora xi 86ff.

  Harrison, Jane, (1) JHS vii (1886), 196ff; (2) Prolegomena (1955); (3) JHS xix; (4) Themis (1912); (5) JHS xii (1891); (6) Myth. and Mons. of Anc. Athens (1899).

  Hartland, E. S., (1) The Legend of Perseus (1894); (2) Anthrop. Essays...to Tylor (1907); (3) Primitive Paternity.

  Haspels, C. H. E., (1) BCH liv (1930), 432f; (2) Attic Black-figure Lekythoi.

  Havelock, C., AJA (1964), 43-58.

  Hawkes, C. F. C., Prehist. Foundations of Europe (1940).

  Head, B. V., Historia Nummorum (1911).

  Heckenbach, E., (1) De nuditate sacra et de sacris vinculis (1911); (2) RE sv Hekate.

  Heidenreich, AA l (1935), 672.

  Heintze, H. von, Das Bildnis der Sappho (1966).

  Helbig, Wandgemälde (1868).

  Hemberg, B., (1) Anax, Anassa u. Anakes enter besonderer Berücksichtung d. Attischen Kulte (1955); (2) Die Kabiren (1950).

bsp; Hemp, E. P., (1) M. ix (1968), 198-204; (2) x (1969, 1970), 93-5.

  Hemp, W. J., Archaelogia lxxx (1930), 179-214.

  Hepding, Attis (1903).

  Herbillon, Cultes de Patras.

  Herington, C. J. (1) in Parthenos, 61-73; (2.) Athena Parthenos and Athena Polias (1955).

  Herkenrath, E., AJA xli (I 957).

  Hésiode: Hésiode et son influence, Entretiens sur antiquité class. vii (1960, 1962).

  Hester, D. A., RHA xv (1957), 107-19.

  Heubeck, Odysseedichter.

  Heuzey, Cat. des figurines ant. du Louvre.

  Hill, G. F., Procs. Brit. Acad. v (1912).

  Hirmer, M., and Arias, A Hist. of Gr. Vase Painting (1962).

  Hocart, A. M., Kingship (1941).

  Hodge, A. T., and Tomlinson, AJA lxxiii (1969), 185-92.

  Hogarth, Exc. at Ephesus (1908).

  Holzinger, C. von, Lycophrons Alexandra (1895).

  Hommel, F., OLZ xxii (1919) , 63-8.

  Hood, R. G., AJA lxxi (1967), 82-7.

  Hood, S., The Home of the Heroes (1967).

  Hooke, S. H., (1) Labyrinth (1935); (2) Siege Perilous (1956); (3) Myth Ritual; (4) Origins of Early Semitic Ritual (1938).

  Hooker, G. T. W., see Parthenos.

  Hooker, J. T., AJA lxxi (1967), 269-81.

  Hoorn, G. van, Choes and Anthisteria (1951).

  Hopfner, T., Orient u griech. Philosophie (1925).

  How and Wills, Commentary on Herodotus.

  Howald, Der Mythus als Dichtung.

  Howland, R. L., CQ xxxi (1937) , 151ff.

  Humbert, J., Hymnes homériques (Buck).

  Hunt, A. S., Trag. Gr. Frag. papyr. (1912).

  Hutchinson, R. W., Prehistoric Crete (1962).

  Huxley, G., (1) JHS (1971) 196f, (2) Achaeans and Hittites (1960); (3) Greek R. and Byz. Studies vii (1966), 313-1 8; (4) Greek Epic Poetry (1969).

  Iakovides, Sp., AJA lxx (1966), 45f.

  IC = Inscript. Creticae Op., see Guarducci.

  Imhoof-Blumer, Griech. Muenzen (1890).

  Immerwahr, Kulte u. Mythen Arkadiens.

  Immisch, Roscher Lex. sv Kureten.

  Irmscher, J., Götterzorn bei Homer (1950).

  Italie, G., Eurpides’ Helena met inleiding (1949).

  Jacobsthal, P., Greek Pins (1956).

  Jacoby, F., Die Frag. d. griech. Historiker (1923 on).

  Jaeger, W., (1) Paideia i (1934); (2) Demosthenes (1938); (3) The Theology of the Early Gr. Philosophers (1947).

  Jahn, Ber. d. sächs. Gesellsch. ii (1850).

  Jeanmaire, H., (1) Couroi et Courêtes (1939); (2) REG xxvi; (3) Mél. H. Grégoire i (1949); (4) Dionysos (1951); (5) RA (1956), 34ff.


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