Hunter's Moon

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Hunter's Moon Page 3

by Loribelle Hunt

  She fled before he could stop her. She went straight to her old room. Julian kept it ready for her even though she’d moved out years ago, so when she walked into the tiny bathroom she found just what she wanted. Her fingers shook as she brushed out her hair, getting rid of the I’ve just been very bad and loved it look. She took several deep, steadying breaths before picking up the tube of lipstick. Anthony had kissed hers off and once reapplied she felt more like her old self.

  Figuring she was about out of time, and he’d come looking for her soon, she returned downstairs but she still wasn’t up to facing him. She went into the office first, willing her heart to slow, wiping damp palms against her thighs and thankful for the distraction of the beeping fax machine.

  When the page was printed, she picked it up and scanned it, her attention not really on its contents, which was a little disturbing. Since when had reports of rogue werewolves become blasé? Man, she needed a nice long vacation. The only thing of major interest to her in the report was the location. The rogue was suspected to be in the next town over, the town her mother had died in.

  She left the paper on the desk and went to tell Julian. The party was in full campy swing when she returned. “Monster Mash” blared from the stereo, and humans and werewolves mingled in their costumes. A couple posed for pictures with a fake skeleton in one corner and others with the Dracula staged against the windows. She shook her head. It was hard not to grin at the silliness.

  “There you are,” Julian said behind her right shoulder. She turned to face him.

  “Here I am,” she answered, her smile slipping when she recalled why she’d been looking for him. “There’s a new report. I left it on your desk.”

  He pressed his lips together. “Tonight is supposed to be about fun, not work. You remember what fun is, Gia?”

  She shrugged. Had she ever known what fun was? Someone jostled her as he moved by, and she grabbed Julian’s elbow to steady herself while staring at the offender’s back. “I needed to decompress. Big crowd this year.”

  She didn’t care for crowds. It wasn’t debilitating or anything, but she avoided them when possible. It wasn’t possible at Julian’s Halloween parties, though, and this year was worse than usual with the addition of the werewolves. She made the mistake of looking around the room. Not because she wanted to check Anthony out in that skin and muscle revealing outfit. No way. She just needed to know where he was so she could avoid him. But my oh my.

  He had his back to her and had tossed the long red cape over one shoulder, leaving his back and his ass in clear view. She had the urge to sneak up behind and squeeze. Just to see if his glutes were as impressive as they looked.

  “Your man is hot. Not as hot as mine, mind you, but damn, who knew Anthony’s been hiding that all these years?”

  God, she was off her game tonight. Ellen was the second person to sneak up on her in the last ten minutes. She turned to meet the other woman’s gaze wondering when the hell Julian had abandoned her. Was she that far gone?

  Hell yeah. This kind of lust was a potent thing. She refused to consider what it might signify. Instead she smiled at Ellen. The woman was so beautiful, so ethereal and Earth angel-like, Gia had been certain when they first met she’d hate her. It was impossible not to love Ellen though. She had an angel’s face, a sharp tongue and brilliant mind, and lived with werewolves. She not only held her own but gave them a run for their money.

  “I have to agree. But he isn’t mine,” she added hastily when Ellen’s eyes lit up in interest.

  “Oh, honey,” she said softly, turning back to look at Clint and Anthony. “You’re wrong about that. He’s yours for the taking.”

  Pressing her lips together, she shook her head. Sex was one thing. Hell, she’d love a repeat. But anything more lasting? Anything that suggested permanent? Something that went with that mine assertion? Fuck no.

  Ellen gave her the focused considering look she did so well. “You do understand what’s going on between you two, right?”

  She huffed. “I know what you’re getting at, but no. You’re wrong.”

  Ellen arched an eyebrow, disbelief obvious. “Right.” She didn’t push it though. Shrugging, she added, “If you say so.”

  “I say so.” Her answer was weaker than she’d intended because Anthony had just turned to meet her gaze, giving her a hot, searing look she felt clear to her toes. Damn, but the man was fine.

  “He’s coming this way.” Ellen sounded pleased and Gia wondered what her stake in the situation was, until she realized Clint was accompanying Anthony. Those two were so hot and heavy they practically reeked with pheromones.

  Gia looked around for an escape route. She didn’t have much time to duck out, but she took the chance. And almost made it. She was entering the hall and reaching for the door handle when Anthony grabbed her elbow and spun her around.

  “Running, Gia?”

  Time for a little blunt honesty. “Yes.”

  He blinked. She’d surprised him. It was hard to ignore the delicious little thrill of pleasure that gave her. One upping Anthony had become a favorite pastime over the months.

  “Not before we talk, you aren’t.”

  She rolled her eyes. God, he was bossy. “Talk then. I’m in a hurry.”

  He tugged her elbow so she had to follow him down the hall to the office. She considered digging in her heels, refusing to be alone with him, but they were already garnering more attention than she liked. The rumors would be flying by midnight.

  He didn’t let her go when they were inside. Kicking the door closed, he turned to face her. He was going to kiss her. She saw it in his eyes, all hot and dark and needy. Her body responded even though she ordered it not to. Damn traitor. She hastened to put some space between them before either could act on the impulse. He smiled as he stalked her around the desk.

  “This really scares you, doesn’t it?”

  Great. He was going right for the jugular. How had she got herself into this situation? Oh yeah. She’d fucked him. It was her own damned fault. That pissed her off almost as much as him accusing her of being afraid of him. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.

  “Listen, Anthony, there’s no reason at all to rehash what happened out there. I had an itch to scratch. You were available.” She shrugged. “End of story.”

  Then why did her heart hurt when he didn’t argue with her? When his expression went blank the way it did when he was incredibly pissed off. Usually at her. Neither moved for several minutes. She felt his stare, but she focused on the wall behind him, refusing to meet his gaze or look at him.

  “That’s an itch,” he finally spoke, “that no one else will be scratching for you. I’m a possessive man, baby. I don’t share what’s mine.”

  She looked at him, hoped her expression was as heavy on the disbelief as she felt. God. Again with someone claiming she belonged to him. These werewolves still lived in the Middle Ages, and damn it, she would not be owned.

  “I don’t belong to you, Anthony. I don’t belong to anyone.”

  His smile was more cruel than kind. “You’re wrong about that, baby.”

  She was spared answering when the door opened. Julian, looking grim, walked in with Sunny Nolan, one of their trackers who’d been on assignment and wasn’t dressed for the party. She must have finished early and come straight over. Carlos came in right behind them and softly shut the door.

  “What’s up?” she asked Julian. That look didn’t bode well for anyone. He sat behind his desk and glanced over the earlier fax before nodding to Sunny to report. She didn’t speak, just handed Gia her small camera.

  “Scroll through to the last ones.”

  She did, and Jesus, the world tilted. If she’d needed a reminder why she shouldn’t get involved with Anthony here it was staring her in the face. Her father. Older. Weathered. But definitely him.


  “In Gold Falls.” Of course. The town she’d grown up in, where she’d lost her mo
ther to her father’s madness. She handed the camera back to Sunny.

  “I’m sorry, Gia,” she said softly. Sunny was one of the only people who, outside of Julian, knew her history. Gia waved her off. She couldn’t handle any sympathy right now. She felt raw and exposed.

  “I need a few minutes, Julian. Then we can decide what to do about this.”

  He frowned. “You’re not going after this one, Gia.”

  She made herself go cold, forced all those unwelcome emotions into a bottle and buried it deep. “Yes. I am.”

  “Damn it, Gia.” He knew she wouldn’t be persuaded otherwise. “Anthony goes with you then. And one of his Hunters.”

  She couldn’t ignore Anthony anymore and met his gaze. He was silent, but his confusion was there in his eyes. “The shot is mine.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Okay. But who? And why?”

  She shook her head. She couldn’t talk about it. Not now. Not yet. Maybe never. She’d kept it locked up inside so long. All that grief and fury would be incapacitating if she set it free. She looked at her watch.

  “I’ll meet you back here at midnight.”

  She left before he could stop her, but she heard him questioning Julian. Heard Julian sending Sunny and Carlos away. She ran up the stairs before she could hear anything more.

  Chapter Four

  Anthony waited until Sunny and Carlos left before rounding on Julian.

  “Who’s the target? And why is Gia so upset about it?”

  He knew she had secrets but he was almost afraid to ask about this one.

  “She had a hard time. Growing up. She hasn’t told you any of it, has she?”

  “Told me what?”

  Julian sighed, shook his head once and grabbed a bottle of water out of the office mini fridge. As he twisted the top off, he spoke again. “I really thought when you met her…well, I thought she wouldn’t be able to hide from you.”

  “You know, I’m really getting sick of the Secret Squirrel shit, Julian. She won’t talk. You won’t talk. She’s been acting weird all week.” He narrowed his eyes as the other man turned to meet his gaze. “I could take her away from here. She never takes a break. But would it do any good?”

  He shook his head. “Probably not. She does this job…out of guilt, I think. Trying to make things better.”


  “It wasn’t her fault. And it’s not my story. But if I’m right, and she’s your mate, you have to get her to talk. Don’t let her run. Make her live, Anthony. Why do you think I brought you in? If I could see it, surely you can.”

  So Julian was giving care of his niece over to him? Oh, they thought he didn’t know about the relation, but he’d overheard a conversation months ago that made it clear. The question stayed the same. Why? And Julian knew he was confused.

  “She needs to tell you. She’ll never trust either of us again if I tell you. Go.” He lifted his chin to indicate the door behind Anthony. “Last door on the left.”

  He turned slowly, almost reluctant. It would be so much easier if Julian just told him, so he knew what he getting into when he walked up there. Was she a danger to his people? To her own?


  He paused in the doorway to face Julian again.

  “She’s much more fragile than she looks.”

  That he believed. He nodded. “I know. I’ll take care of her.” She was his mate. He couldn’t do anything else.

  “The target is her father.”

  Sweet Jesus. If her father was a werewolf it was no wonder she tried to keep him at arm’s length.

  “He’s a wolf?”


  Anthony nodded his head and walked out. She was going to be harder to woo than he’d originally hoped. He grabbed the bag of spare clothes he kept in his trunk before following her upstairs. They couldn’t go hunting in costumes.

  Scowling, he didn’t bother to knock before entering. This was one hunt she really needed to stay out of. She was too emotionally involved. The chances of him talking her out of it were probably nil to none though. The woman was damned stubborn when she set her mind to it.

  He reconsidered that opinion when he saw her however. Julian was right. She was fragile. He’d just never seen it before because she kept herself so tightly wound. But now she looked on the verge of breaking. She wouldn’t want him to witness that, but hell if he cared. He was there for her to lean on whether she liked it or not. Whether she admitted she needed that from him or not.

  Chapter Three

  Gia thought he would follow her and she had to admit she kind of wanted him to. She was tired of her life. She wanted, needed something to shake it up. But she was also relieved that he didn’t follow, because the very thought of taking that step terrified her. The fact that he was a werewolf made it about fifty times scarier.

  God, why had her father come back? Why this week of all times? Was it remorse? Or had he come to finish off his family? She didn’t want to think about it. She’d come up here to change and clear her mind. Focus on the coming job, not the target. She was better off thinking about Anthony, trying to figure out how to put an end to the craving she felt for him. She’d dressed up to get his attention, had sex with him. That should have gotten it out of her system.

  It so did not work.

  She nudged the door shut behind her softly, approaching the vanity with its big old-fashioned mirror, and studied her face in the glass. The strain was starting to show. Hell. She should have known better than try to do something normal. She wasn’t normal. Never would be.

  With a grin, she pivoted a little to check herself out though. She looked good, even if she did say so herself. Even if it wasn’t PC. The corset was black vinyl, zippered up the front and laced up the back. She’d had to get Julian to tighten the back laces and he really hadn’t pulled them tight enough, but she got that. He was her uncle, her mother’s brother. He didn’t want to see her sexy, and damn it, in this thing she was sexy.

  She didn’t have much in the boobs department, just a B cup, but the corset cinched everything in and then pushed it up. She even liked how it made her tattoos look. Big and full. On total display. She took a deep breath and reached for the zipper, tried to pep herself up.

  So what? Who really cared what he thought of her? Between the anniversary of her mother’s death, her father’s reappearance, and a near constant want for Anthony, her emotional walls were battered. She started to tug it down and was surprised when she had to gulp down a sob. She had to face one truth at least. She cared. Too much.

  Lowering her hands, she gripped the edge of the vanity and took several deep breaths. She wouldn’t cry here. Not in this house. Not in a place where anyone could walk in at any time. When she did let loose, and she knew she would, it would be the kind of uncontrollable crying she hadn’t indulged in since her mother died sixteen years earlier. It made sense. Psychologically, she knew there was nothing so cathartic as a good cry. She just hadn’t indulged one in so long she was afraid it would incapacitate her.

  She was so distracted, so wrapped up in her thoughts, that she didn’t hear the door open or shut. She wasn’t aware that anyone was in the room at all until his hands came to rest on her shoulders and she damned near jumped through the ceiling.

  “Go away. Just do me a favor, and get the fuck out of my life,” she said quietly. She was so done fighting with him. Done arguing, always being on guard. She met her own gaze in the mirror, knew what choice she had to make. Straightening, she turned around to face him.

  “After this hunt, I’m leaving. Julian has been trying to get me to give this up for years, and well, he’s right. I need a break. I need to get away.”

  He huffed. “You aren’t going anywhere, Gia. Not alone.”

  She could hear the tears in her laughter and knew she was close to snapping but she didn’t care. “You really don’t get it, do you?” Oh, what a bitter twist in the heart. She shook her head. “I can’t stay here. Not with you around. Not with any
werewolf around.”

  Anthony’s expression could only be described as shocked. “There is no way I, or your uncle, will let you leave here alone.”

  She almost smiled, and she lifted her hand to touch his face. “Do you really think you can stop me, Anthony?”

  Anthony couldn’t believe what she was saying. He grabbed her shoulders and shook her a little. “Yes! You’re mine, Gia. You’re my mate. Do you really think I’m going to let you go?”

  Instead of arguing, she paled and shrank back. “No,” she said, shaking her head. “I want you, sure. But I don’t want that. I don’t want you like that.”

  “It’s the truth,” he answered calmly. Soothing. Her reaction was over the top and when her heart started to race, when she struggled to breathe, he was alarmed. He moved towards her but she shrank back. It looked like the action of a scared woman. An abused woman. What the hell? Julian hadn’t given him the impression she’d been her father’s victim. The idea she could ever be afraid of him cut to the bone. He followed softly.

  “Baby, I would never hurt you. Never. But I need to know where this is coming from. I can’t help if I don’t know why. And I can’t walk away. Surely you know, I can’t walk away.”

  It physically hurt to see her so shattered. She’d backed herself into a corner and slid down to sit on the floor. How the hell had she gotten so traumatized and Julian not done anything about it? He dropped to his knees and walked to her. She needed help and her uncle was not fulfilling that need.

  “Julian’s got a lot to answer for,” he said harshly when he reached her, wiping the sweat off her brow.

  “He did enough,” she said between wheezes of breath. He realized this was the beginning of a panic attack. “He buried his sister. He took me in. I never chose to burden him with more.”

  “He’s family. And even I can see he loves you.” In retrospect it was crystal fucking clear. “He would have done whatever was necessary.”

  She smiled a bitter smile. “You think? My father is a rogue.” She paused, he was sure it was just long enough to let it sink in. He didn’t interrupt to tell her Julian had filled him in on that much. He needed to know the rest and couldn’t risk her clamming up again. “I was sixteen. My mother…she grew up in this world. My world. My father was a Hunter. They crossed paths and ended up together. He made her quit.” She sent him a hard glare. Stubborn to the end. “And she was miserable. He tried to control every move we made, every thought we had.”


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