Proditor : Book 5 of the Heku Series

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Proditor : Book 5 of the Heku Series Page 68

by T. M. Nielsen

  “The bathtub, I don’t want a mess,” Emily said. “They’ll drain you there and I’ll be nearby.”

  Mark growled and headed into the bathroom, rolling up his sleeve.

  “You scare me when you do that, you know that?” Chevalier chuckled, and headed into the bathroom.

  “What?” Emily asked, following him.

  “You know good and well what you just did to Mark. It’s irritating how well that works,” Kyle said, following them in.

  Mark laid down in the tub so his blood would cleanly go down the drain, and glared at the others, “I don’t like this.”

  “Listen to me, Mark… wrist only,” Emily said. “When you’re ready, I’ll hand my wrist over, leave my neck alone.”

  Mark nodded, “Ok.”

  “Everyone ready?” Chevalier asked, checking to see where everyone was placed. “When it’s over, Silas, Kralen, and Zohn need to get Mark out of the palace. Kyle and Quinn can help if it gets that bad.”

  “For the record, I think this is a bad idea,” Mark said, still scowling.

  Emily grinned, “We know.”

  “Silas, drain him,” Quinn said, crouching toward Mark.

  “Wait? Me? It’s against policy for me to drain a superior,” Silas said.

  Chevalier growled, “Silas…”

  “Fine,” Silas said, and knelt down. Emily watched as the blood drained out of Mark. His face became pale and he shut his eyes, breathing slowly. When the blood stopped draining from Mark’s wrist, Silas stood up and the heku all crouched defensively.

  “Mark… wrist…” Emily said, and moved forward slightly, her hand extended. With extreme power, Mark blurred out of the tub and pinned Emily to the ground, his teeth at her neck. She shut her eyes as her body relaxed and the room was perfectly quiet until she heard Chevalier yell.

  “Enough, Mark,” Chevalier growled.

  The room became a blur. Mark growled, and fought against the heku. Emily looked up as she saw him tear Silas’ arm off and slam it into Kralen’s skull, shattering it. Chevalier got his hands round Mark’s shoulders as Mark ripped Quinn’s trachea from his throat, and started to break Zohn’s neck. The sound of crushing bones sounded through the bathroom, and Emily scooted quickly into the corner as Zohn’s head was wrenched painfully to the side and he fell to the ground.

  “Guards!” Chevalier growled, fighting to hold onto Mark as he hissed and growled, clawing to get to Emily. The bathroom filled with the Cavalry and the fight continued. Emily couldn’t breathe, too afraid as Mark managed to fight off heku after heku, all the while watching her and snarling. Chevalier finally managed to break Mark’s neck, but he was healing quickly and it took ten of the Cavalry to haul him out of the palace.

  Chevalier leaned over, his hands on his knees, panting. The others were slowly healing and crawling to their feet. Emily pulled a towel off the rack and pushed it against her neck, then laid down on the cold tile floor to catch her breath.

  “Either we have the best Captain of the Guard… or the rest of us are weak,” Kyle said, grinning slightly.

  “I told him my wrist,” Emily said angrily.

  “I’ve never seen one heku fight off 12 others,” Chevalier said, slightly impressed.

  “Did it work though?” Zohn asked.

  “I’ll go see,” Kyle said, and disappeared from the room.

  When Emily looked up, the rest of them were healed and standing against the walls, trying to calm themselves.

  Kyle came back, “Oh it worked alright. He was almost attacked by one of the guards in the barracks.”

  “Seriously?” Quinn asked, frowning.

  “Yes, the guard even went for his neck, but the Cavalry stopped him.”

  “Now we just need to give him about a week to acclimate the staff. Can you stay in your room for that long?” Zohn asked.

  Emily finally got to her feet, “A week? Yeah, I guess.”

  “If he’s done sooner we’ll let you know.”

  “Make sure the guards don’t get mad at him,” Emily said.

  He chuckled slightly, “Mad? No… jealous maybe.”


  Quinn laughed slightly, “Dear, you have no idea.”

  “Lucky bastard,” Zohn chuckled, and stopped when Chevalier glared at him.

  “Can we not?” Chevalier asked, and walked with Emily back into the bedroom.

  “I should go talk to him,” Emily said, and started for the door.

  “No!” Kyle yelled, and then smiled slightly. “You can’t be around Mark for a bit.”

  “Why not?”

  “He… um… it’ll take him a while before he can keep control around you.”

  “You didn’t have a hard time.”

  “You weren’t pregnant,” Kyle said. “It’s 1,000 times worse.”

  Zohn shut his eyes and inhaled, “I wonder if it tastes as good as it smells.”

  Emily gasped, “Ok… everyone out.”

  Chevalier chuckled as the others hesitated and left.

  Emily smiled at him when they were alone, “Now, no more masks.”

  “Let me see your neck?” Chevalier asked, pushing her hair away from it.

  “It doesn’t hurt.”

  “You’re lucky, most wouldn’t have the control to do it gently.”

  Emily pulled away from him, “That’s why I wanted it to be Mark if you couldn’t.”

  Chevalier sat down and pulled her onto his lap, “That wasn’t a nice thing you did to Mark though.”

  “What’d I do?”

  “Used your… feminine wiles… to get your way.”

  “I did not.”

  Chevalier laughed, “Yes, you did.”

  “You’re imagining things,” Emily told him, and leaned her head against his neck.

  He kissed the top of her head and then sighed, “Do you want to talk about the aging thing?”

  Emily looked up at him, “Did you know?”

  “No, we aren’t used to people aging, so I don’t think any of us noticed.”

  “Exavior did.”

  “He didn’t see you every day like we did. It might have been more noticeable to him.”

  Emily sighed, “It’s just going to take time to sink in I think.”

  “Some might see that as a good thing… being 20 years old for eternity.”

  “Yeah, well, they may not have spent a good part of the last fifteen years being kidnapped, tortured, injured, and assaulted.”

  Chevalier chuckled, “That’s true.”

  Emily crawled out of his lap when someone knocked on the door. Chevalier looked and then stepped aside when Allen came in with a tray.

  “I was heading up anyway and brought…” Allen froze in place. His eyes shut as he inhaled. When he opened them, they fell onto Emily and he crouched, dropping the tray with a loud crash.

  “Allen, no!” Emily screamed as Chevalier pinned him to the wall. After a brief struggle, Chevalier dragged him out of the room and slammed the door behind them.

  Emily knelt down by the spilled tray and started to pick it up, hoping Chevalier wasn’t going to injure Allen.

  Chevalier could hear the guards laughing about something when he burst through the doors. Allen was well over 6 feet tall, though a lot shorter than his Dad. He wasn’t as strong, but he was fighting and hissing to get back to his Mom.

  “Him first,” Chevalier said, holding a restraining arm around Allen.

  Mark turned and took a slight step back as Allen turned his eyes towards the Captain, and a low growl erupted from him. Suddenly, Allen began to claw at Chevalier, trying to get to Mark.

  “Down, Boy,” Mark chuckled, and went to the other end of the room.

  “Don’t blame him. I’d feed from you myself if you’d stop fighting,” one of the City Generals said, laughing.

  “Ha-ha, not my idea,” Mark said.

  Allen finally calmed down and stood up, out of breath, “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s ok, Son,” Chevalier said.
“We’ll acclimate you and it won’t happen again.”

  “Mom’ll ground me for sure,” Allen sighed. “Now I’ll be mucking stalls for a week.”

  Chevalier chuckled, “Just take a step closer.”

  “What happened?” Allen asked, taking a timid step closer to Mark, his Dad’s arms still restraining him.

  “Your Mom’s going to have a baby, you just don’t remember the scent,” Chevalier said.

  “What did you do to Mom?” Alexis yelled, running into the room.

  Allen turned to Alexis, “I didn’t do anything.”

  “She’s upset,” Alexis said, and the look on her face was so much like Emily’s angry face, that Chevalier smiled slightly.

  “Why blame me?”

  “Because you’re a moron, and I heard you hiss at her from up the stairs.”

  “Alex, leave him alone,” Chevalier said. “It wasn’t his fault.”

  “Go away, Alexis, you have no idea what you’re talking about,” Allen said, turning back to Mark.

  “Just because you’re older and bigger doesn’t mean I’m afraid of you…”

  “Get lost, Alexis, I’m not telling you again.”

  “You two calm down,” Chevalier said, just before Allen turned to ash. “Damnit, Alex.”

  “Come on, Lexi,” Silas said, trying not to grin. “Let’s go back inside.”

  Alexis stuck her tongue out at the ashes, and then went with Silas.

  “Yet you keep bringing them into this world,” Zohn said, walking into the room with Kyle.

  “Very funny,” Chevalier said. “Besides, this one was an accident.”

  “Have any been planned?” Kyle asked, pulling the dagger from his pocket.

  “Not really, come to think of it… wait… we talked about another when she got pregnant after Allen,” Chevalier said. “So technically, Alex was planned.”

  “Technically,” Zohn chuckled.

  “Gah, can’t you stop her?” Allen asked after recovering from the revival.

  “Sorry, she’s just having little sister issues,” Chevalier explained.

  “Mom’s having another?”


  “If it’s a girl, I’m joining the Valle,” Allen said, and turned back to Mark, irritated.

  “Don’t worry about it, odds are this baby won’t make it either,” Zohn said, leaning back against the wall.

  “Zohn…” Chevalier growled.

  “I can’t believe you just said that,” Kyle said angrily.

  “Well think about it… she’s been pregnant, what… four times, and has only 2 children,” Zohn said. “The odds aren’t in her favor.”

  “Six times,” Kyle said, and then shut up when Chevalier glared at him.

  “My point exactly,” Zohn said.

  “Let’s count up how many of those were caused by outside influences,” Chevalier said, irritated. “Keith, the Ancient, the heku in the barn, and stress from leaving us… that means if we keep outside influences away, she should be ok.”

  “Well Keith is gone… as is the Ancient, but there will always be a heku in the barn, and stress is part of her everyday life,” Zohn said.

  “This time is different,” Chevalier said, taking another step toward Mark. “She’s agreed to see a doctor regularly, and follow his instructions. The Valle and Encala won’t be attacking, and she’s agreed to guards, which would alleviate the heku in the barn issue.”

  “Agreed to guards? For now… we’ve heard that before.”

  “I got it, Dad,” Allen said, walking the rest of the way up to Mark. “How did you get Mom’s smell?”

  Mark looked at Chevalier, “We’ll explain later, let’s go feed.”

  “Can I drive?” Allen asked, grinning.

  Chevalier grinned, “If you don’t tell your Mom.”

  Chapter 22 - Dr. Hayden

  “Things look good, Emily,” Dr. Hayden said, smiling at her. He sat down and went over her chart. “We’ll see you once a month until your third trimester, and then it will be once a week.”

  Emily nodded, wringing her hands. She was always nervous in a doctor’s office.

  “Any questions?”

  “Just… well… can I still ride horses?”

  “Do you ride often?” he asked, looking at her over his glasses.

  “Yes, a lot,” Emily told him.

  “Then, yes. Don’t pick up anything new, but if you’re already doing it, it’s fine,” he said.

  “Can I get a note for my husband?” Emily asked, grinning slightly.

  Dr. Hayden laughed, “Sure, I’ll write Kyle a note.”

  “Well… actually… I’m not with Kyle anymore. I’m with the other guy, Chevalier.”

  Dr. Hayden frowned, “Your brother?”

  Emily grinned, “He’s not my brother.”

  “Well, good… do you fight with the new husband a lot?”

  “Yeah, kinda, I have a bit of a temper.”

  He scribbled a note on a prescription pad and handed it to her, “Our goal this time is no stress… I’m still positive that’s what the miscarriage was last time, so keep it down.”

  “How’s the blood pressure?”

  “Good so far, but I know your history, so we’ll watch it. How’s morning sickness?”

  “Nothing yet, any chance I’ll skip it?”

  Dr. Hayden smiled, “Not really. This is probably none of my business... but those three men you came in with… they look like bodyguards.”

  Emily grinned slightly, “They are.”

  “Hm, interesting, ok… I’ll see you in a month.”

  Emily nodded and returned to the lobby where Silas and two other members of the Cavalry were waiting. The fourth was waiting in the Jeep, making sure no one did anything to the car while they were away. She made the follow-up appointment and then followed the guards out to the Jeep.

  “Do I get to drive?” the Cavalry member in the driver’s seat asked.

  “I don’t drive like a grandma!” Emily said, crawling into the passenger’s seat.

  He grinned and drove off toward the palace.

  “Tacos!” Emily yelled, and pointed at a taco place. The guard pulled in and she ate while he drove to Council City.

  “Here you go, Em,” Silas said, handing her a piece of paper.

  “What is this?” she asked, taking a bite of the taco.

  “The proclamation.”

  “Gah, I’d forgotten,” she said, and finished her taco. “Best get it over with I guess.”

  Silas, Emily, and two guards got out at the front door while the driver put the Jeep away. They walked her up to the Council doors.

  “Yes, Lady Emily?” Derrick asked.

  “I need to see the Council.”

  “Go on in, they were just finishing up.”

  Emily nodded and turned, “You coming in?”

  Silas grinned, “We’ll wait for you out here.”

  She sighed and walked in, blushing when everyone looked up at her.

  “You ok, Em?” Chevalier asked.

  “Yes, I have a proclamation for the Council.”

  Zohn raised his eyebrows, “This should be interesting.”

  Emily pulled the paper out of her pants pocket and blushed again.

  “Go ahead,” Quinn said.

  “Dear honorable Council,” Emily said, cringing. She looked up briefly at the confused looks on their faces, and continued, “Silas… is my hero. He’s the bravest and toughest out of the entire Council City population.”

  “She lost a bet,” Chevalier chuckled, and when she looked up, he grinned. “Do go on.”

  Emily sighed and felt her blush deepening, “Had it not been for Silas, I’m sure I wouldn’t be alive. I’m comforted by his very presence on this planet and strive to become just like him. He’s fearless and heroic, handsome and valiant, and I think all Equites should attempt to be more like him, though those are some big shoes to fill.”

  Emily folded up the paper and put it away, “That�
��s all.”

  “That was nice,” Quinn chuckled. “Tell Silas we thoroughly enjoyed it.”

  Emily heard laughter coming from the hallway, “I’ll be sure to tell him.”

  “Em…” Chevalier said when she turned to leave.

  “Yeah?” she asked, turning around.

  “How was the doctor?”

  Emily glanced at the Council, “Is this seriously going to turn into a report to the Council?”

  Chevalier chuckled, “No, I guess not.”

  “Good… and just for future reference, I dumped Kyle. I’m with you now.”

  Chevalier raised an eyebrow, “Oh?”

  “Yeah, didn’t feel like being married to the wrong guy anymore.”

  Kyle chuckled, “It’ll be a lot less confusing.”

  Emily smiled slightly and walked out, “Done.”

  “That was awesome,” one of the Cavalry laughed.

  Silas was still grinning, “I’ll bet you any day.”

  “How did you do that?” Emily asked, heading up the stairs.

  “Don’t you remember when the Encala took you back 7 years and you thought you were still in Montana? I faked mortaldom and ate a bite of grilled cheese… it’s nasty, but I can keep it down,” Silas said.

  Emily gasped, “You cheated then!”

  “That wasn’t cheating, that was… Em?”

  Emily stopped on the fifth-floor and the color drained out of her face.

  “Emily,” Silas asked, touching her shoulder.

  She took off for the bedroom and slammed the door behind her. The guards shrugged and took up post outside of her door after calling for the Elder.

  Chevalier headed up the stairs and heard Silas call for Sprite and crackers. He winced and went into the room, but didn’t see her, so he knocked on the bathroom door, “Em.”

  “Go away,” she said softly.

  He chuckled and opened the door, “You should know by now that never works.”

  “Then go away and be original,” she said, not looking up from her place on the cool tile.

  “Not going to happen, here’s your Sprite,” he said, sitting down on the floor beside her.

  “I’ll ash you if you don’t get out of here.”

  “No you won’t, try some Sprite.”


  Emily crawled out of bed and stumbled toward the table, then sat down and grabbed the glass of cold Sprite. She hadn’t been able to get out of the bedroom in almost a month, and now it was the day to go to the doctor again. No more food was to be delivered to her bedroom because the smell of anything made her sick.


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