Her Loyal Protector

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Her Loyal Protector Page 9

by Cami Checketts

  Kaytlyn laughed shortly. “It is good for him, but not good for proving that I’m ‘stable.’” She didn’t let herself look at Cameron. Here she was, figuring out how to make a stupid fake engagement work to prove she was in a stable relationship. She only wanted a relationship with the man next to her, but Larry had been more than adamant that it wouldn’t in their favor. She could seek other legal counsel, but that would require trusting someone she didn’t know with all of this mess, and she wasn’t ready to do that. Jacob had trusted Larry implicitly, and she knew that Larry was doing everything he could for her. If it was only about the money, she’d walk away from it all for Cameron, but it was about more than that. She had to look out for the little one growing within her, along with her foundation and so many small businesses that Jessica and Peter would happily destroy, and she had a chance to prevent the evil Peter could accomplish in public office.

  Pushing out a small breath, she muttered, mostly to herself, “There has to be someone else that would work.” Dating wise, she’d been pretty reclusive for the past ten years, mostly working hard with Jacob. “Maybe we should turn around and I could talk to Gavin Strong. He’s an awesome guy—smart, good-looking, trustworthy, and really stable.”

  “No,” Cameron barked out.

  She didn’t look at him. If she did, she’d fold and tell him how much she loved him and how she could never be with someone else, no matter how fake it was. Instead, she kept chattering about the stupid fake fiancé idea to fill the stony silence in the car. “I don’t know who else, Cam. Maybe one of the security guys? Or Richard Honeymiller? You know, the guy who helps me with the foundation? He’s a great guy, and that would be a good fit. More believable because we have spent a lot of time togeth—”

  “No!” Cameron roared.

  She let herself look at him then. His blue eyes flashed, and he looked so angry that she was almost afraid of him. Almost. She knew Cameron too well to ever be afraid of him, no matter how tough he looked. This larger-than-life man brought her toast and tea every morning. She knew he was gentle and good through and through.

  He turned off a side road in the canyon. Dust billowed around the vehicle as he sped along the rutted dirt road to a parking lot. It was the trailhead for a hike she’d gone on several times as a teenager. Cameron couldn’t know that; he’d just pulled off at the first spot he could. Slamming the vehicle into gear, he jumped out and rushed around to her door. He flung it open, but before he could say anything, the other security guys were leaping out of their vehicle.

  “Stay back,” Cameron ordered.

  They all paused in their tracks.

  “Stay in the vehicle until I call for you.” He was every inch their leader, and the three men obediently nodded and climbed back into the Porsche.

  Kaytlyn stared up at Cameron. He was so strong, so in control. She adored him, but she didn’t want to cross him at the moment. “Did I say something wrong?” she asked quietly.

  Cameron let out a half laugh, half grunt of frustration. Shaking his head, he slid his hands under her legs and behind her back, lifted her from the seat, and cradled her gently against his chest.

  “Cam?” she whispered. Her stomach swooped in a good way at the joy of being held close to him and the determination and desire in his blue eyes.

  “We’re going to talk … alone,” he said.

  Turning, he slammed the door with his hip and then strode up the trail with her in his arms. Kaytlyn wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and cuddled into his chest. She never wanted to leave this exact spot. If only she could forget about her responsibilities with the foundation and the businesses and the two of them could just escape. They could go to Jamaica and live out their lives with the baby in a remote village. His ten million was plenty of money.

  They reached a clearing in the trees, far enough away from the parking lot that the men couldn’t possibly hear or see them. Cam stopped and looked down at her. He gently set her on her feet but kept her in the circle of his arms.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  “No,” he said shortly. He released her, and she swayed, missing his touch and wishing he would’ve kissed her instead of stepping away.

  He paced a few steps, then rounded on her. “No, I am not okay. I am done, Kayt. Done listening to you talk about any other man, done leaving you alone with any other man, done even hearing about any other man.” He looked so strong and handsome that it was all she could do to not rush at him. “You are not getting fake engaged to anyone else. You are not hugging anyone else or kissing them on the cheek.”

  Kaytlyn arched her eyebrows. Apparently, he’d seen her kiss Trey. It had been a goodbye kiss of friendship, but Cameron wouldn’t want to hear that right now.

  “I am done,” he growled. “Do you hear me?”

  Kaytlyn almost smiled, but this was no teasing moment. She wished she could put into words what his fierce protectiveness did for her. “Yes, Cam.”

  He stormed up to her, getting right in her space and wrapping his hands around her hips. “You are mine, Kayt. No one else’s, never again. I want you. I need you. Please …” His voice broke, and he cleared his throat before begging, “Please say you’re mine.”

  Kaytlyn blinked up at him, willing the tears away. He was everything she’d always wanted: patient enough to nurse her while she was sick, strong enough to protect her from any threat, and brave enough to stand by her side no matter what. “Yes, Cam. I’m yours, completely yours.”

  He let out a soft groan and murmured, “I’m done being strong.” Then he pulled her flush against him and kissed her. Kaytlyn responded to the devotion and passion in his lips, wrapping her arms tight around his broad back and kissing him back with all the desire that she’d been holding back for far too long.

  The kisses took on a life of their own, and Kaytlyn loved each moment of his strong embrace, his lips claiming hers, and the warmth of his breath and their bodies intermingling. She loved him. Was it finally time to tell him that? What would happen when they got back to reality?

  She pushed those worries away and kept up with the pace of his urgent kisses. Cameron was unreal, and his kisses branded her his as surely as the words they’d just said and the steady beating of her heart. She loved him. She wanted to shout it to the world.

  When the kisses finally slowed down, because she could hardly catch a breath, Cameron rested his forehead against hers, cradling her more gently against him. “Did I hurt you?” he asked softly.

  “Hurt me?” she asked in disbelief. “I’m not some delicate flower.”

  Cameron smiled and tenderly cupped her jaw. “I know, but you’ve been so sick, and there’s the baby to think of.”

  “Thank you for being so sweet with me.” She met his gaze, trying to convey her adoration and gratitude for him, but she also wanted him to know that she was strong. “Women, and babies, are tougher than that. You’re not going to hurt me or the baby by kissing me passionately.”

  He let out a breath of relief. “Oh, thank the good Lord. I’ve been waiting for so long and I just—”

  She stood onto tiptoes, pressing herself against him and kissing him long and hard. Pulling back, she asked playfully. “You just what?”

  Cameron grinned. “I just … completely lost my train of thought.”


  Cameron swept her off her feet, kissing her as if the sun wouldn’t come up tomorrow. Without him, it might not. Kaytlyn relished each kiss, each touch, and she didn’t want her feet to touch the ground again.

  Eventually, he did set her on the ground and simply held her close. “I feel like I’ve been waiting my whole life for you,” he said softly.

  “I’m worth the wait,” she sassed.

  Cameron chuckled. “Yes, you are.” His blue eyes turned serious, and he tenderly kissed one cheek and then the other. “I love you so much, Kayt.”

  Her heart melted. Apparently, this was the right time to share how much she loved him.

��I never thought I’d feel like this again,” he said.

  Again? Kaytlyn perked up. She knew Cameron so well, yet in some areas she knew very little about him.

  “After I lost Lori, I didn’t think I’d ever love again.”


  “We dated in college at UCLA and fell in love, but she was killed in a car rollover.” He held her less tightly as his thoughts traveled back to the past. “I kind of shut myself off from relationships and love, but there was really no way to keep from falling for you.” He smiled down at her. “You’re amazing, Kayt. I’ve never been so impressed with anyone, so enthralled, so devoted.”

  Kaytlyn was grateful he’d shared this with her, and now she loved that she could tease him. “It’s getting a bit deep.”

  He chuckled. “I know. My Army buddies would be rolling on the ground laughing if they could hear me now.” He arched an eyebrow. “Especially if they could see inside my mind how desperately I’ve wanted you, how torturous it’s been holding myself in check.”

  She framed his face with her hands. “You’re an impressive man, Cameron Bodily, and I am completely in love with you.”

  He smiled, and she could see that he felt her words deeply.

  “And as my irresistibly handsome man just told me, he was done—” She grinned as she emphasized the word just like he had. “—doing anything but kissing me night and day.”

  Cameron cocked an eyebrow. “I didn’t know it came out quite like that, but I like it.” He pulled her in close and kissed her, softly at first, but then the passion grew.

  They were both completely invested in the kiss when footsteps and then a throat clearing drew them apart.

  Cameron looked at Tyler, then back at her. “You’re still the boss,” he said to her. “Do I kill him for disobedience and interrupting that kiss, or just maim him?”

  Kaytlyn laughed. “You’re quite good at throwing around threats.”

  He arched an eyebrow and smiled slightly, and she could imagine that he’d follow through on any of those threats if it meant protecting her.

  “I’m sorry, sir,” Tyler said. “But the lawyer guy said he’s been calling you two, and you’re not answering, so he called me.”

  Kaytlyn’s body deflated, and she sagged against Cameron. The real world come calling already. What would Larry say about Cameron’s declaration that she wasn’t doing a fake fiancé with anyone else? She knew he wouldn’t like it, but he’d just have to tell Cameron no. She bit her lip to hide her smile, loving Cameron’s determination.

  Cameron nodded to Tyler. “We must be out of service up here. We’ll come back down and call him.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Tyler was always smiling, but he seemed to be hiding an extra-big smirk right now.

  Cameron kept one arm around her back as they walked behind Tyler down the trail. He bent down close and his warm breath brushed her ear. “I’m not even close to being done kissing you, so be ready.”

  Kaytlyn’s entire body filled with heat as she stared into his blue eyes. “I’ll plan on it.”

  He winked at her.

  They reached the parking lot, and Cameron pulled out his phone. “I still don’t have service.”

  Kaytlyn’s phone was in the Porsche. Cameron opened the door for her, and she retrieved it. Four missed calls from Larry. She held it up, and Cameron’s brow furrowed.

  Tyler climbed back into the Porsche to give them some privacy as Kaytlyn pushed the call back and speaker buttons. Cameron was obviously agitated, worrying about this call just like she was, but he didn’t fidget; he got rigid and all military-looking. She hoped that kiss was not a one and done. She craved much, much more of Cameron and his amazing kisses.

  The call connected, and Larry’s voice came through the line. “Kaytlyn. How’s it going with the … fake guy?”

  Kaytlyn studied Cameron, and he nodded encouragingly to her. “Um, not so good,” she said. “He’s already in a relationship.”

  Larry pushed out a heavy breath. “I’ve been trying to call you because I spoke privately with the judge who’ll be mediating the cases.”

  Kaytlyn’s heart started racing. “And?”

  “She’s not happy with the drama Jessica is creating, but Jessica and Peter are firmly entrenched in the political scene and have powerful allies. My friend warned me everything will have to be in place for you to win, especially with the baby, and nobody to cry foul and take it to the next level of courts.”

  Kaytlyn hadn’t even thought of that. Even if they won, Jessica and Peter could appeal to another court. Would this ever end? Her shoulders felt heavy and she wanted to sink to the ground. Cameron’s strong arm came around her waist, and she melted against him. No, she wanted to sink into his arms.

  “Who else can you think of to do the fiancé gig?” Larry asked.

  “Nobody,” Cameron growled into the phone. “It’s not happening.”

  “We have to make it happen, Cameron,” Larry said, somewhat patiently. “Everything has to be in place.”

  Cameron’s brow furrowed. “Then I’ll do it.” He smiled at Kaytlyn over the phone. “Happily.”

  Kaytlyn returned his smile, and a warm shiver ran through her at the promise of much more kissing to come. An engagement with Cameron would not be fake at all. Not to her.

  “No,” Larry broke into their moment and wiped the smiles from both of their faces. “I’ve already explained why that won’t work.” Cameron opened his mouth to argue, but Larry cut him off. “You’re not a selfish man, Cameron. Don’t start acting like one at this crucial time.”

  Cameron’s mouth clamped shut and that muscle worked in his jaw. How she wanted to kiss that muscle, kiss that jaw, kiss that mouth.

  “Larry,” Kaytlyn protested. “There is nothing selfish about this. I love Cameron and don’t want to be with anyone else.”

  Cameron gave her half of a smile, but she could see that Larry’s comment about selfishness had stung.

  A heavy silence followed. Then Larry said, “I thought you were both committed to protecting Jacob’s legacy, the foundation, and especially, the baby. I thought you were both committed to keeping all that you and he worked so unselfishly to build from Peter and Jessica, who will be all too thrilled to destroy it.”

  He paused, and the quiet was broken only by the birds chirping and a rustle of the wind in the leaves. Kaytlyn clung to the phone and tried to catch Cameron’s eye, but he was studying the phone.

  “Was I wrong?” Larry’s voice came through, clear and direct.

  It hurt deep inside. Kaytlyn hadn’t felt the awful sickness in days, but the thought of losing her baby, and everything Jacob had worked a lifetime for—simply because she couldn’t resist being with Cameron any longer,—was like a sword piercing straight through her.

  Cameron’s blue eyes searched hers. Silent communication passed between them, and she knew they’d both do what they had to do. The stakes were too high. Yet the agony of not being Cameron’s was as bad as imagining Jessica destroying Jacob’s life work. She couldn’t let herself think about if Jessica and Peter were awarded her baby, and sadly that was the more precarious case. Especially if they could prove she’d willingly signed those papers and was unstable and an unfit mother.

  “You weren’t wrong,” Cameron said in an even voice that impressed and terrified Kaytlyn. Would he pull away from her completely? Would they revert back to the past twelve weeks of being so close, yet so far away?

  “What do you think we should do?” Kaytlyn managed to ask.

  “Find the perfect person for the fake fiancé,” Larry said. “Someone you can trust who won’t go flapping their mouth. You have to convince even the staff that you’re with him, because you know Jessica has spies somewhere in the house. Find someone who looks good and stable. Someone who Cameron won’t kill when the man touches you.” The last sentence was said with a bit of humor, but neither of them laughed.

  “We’ll be in touch,” Cameron said shortly. He took the phone
from Kaytlyn’s hand and ended the call. After a moment of deep thought, he walked away from Kaytlyn, set her phone in the console of the sport utility, then started pacing the parking lot.

  Kaytlyn wanted to reach out to him, to tell him it would all work out. Larry had gotten a little more intense today, but she had to keep believing it would all be okay. She couldn’t lose her baby. No matter what.

  Finally, Cameron stopped and turned to face her. His broad shoulders were rounded, and she’d never seen such a defeated look on his face. “Are you all right?” he asked.

  Kaytlyn didn’t know why she was surprised. Everything he did was for her. She’d loved Jacob like a best friend or a brother, but she’d never had a man she could love and trust in every possible way like she did Cameron. She nodded. “We’ll get through this, Cam.”

  His eyes traced over her face. He gently cupped her cheek with his hand and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. “Hopefully it won’t last too long.”

  “For sure.”

  “Will you pray for me, Kayt?”

  “I always do.”

  He smiled at that.

  “Anything specific I need to pray for? Besides you not killing whoever does the fake fiancé role?”

  He smiled wryly at that. “Definitely pray for that. And pray I can be unselfish and put you, the baby, and Jacob’s legacy before my own wants and desires.”

  “Ah, Cam.” She flung her arms around his neck and pulled herself up close to him, hugging him fiercely. “You’re the most unselfish person I know.”

  “I feel like the most selfish one. If you just knew how irresistible you are, how much I love you, you’d see how hard this is for me.”

  “I think I can understand, because I literally crave you more than sleep, food … anything in this world.”

  Cameron let out a soft groan and captured her lips with his own. The kiss was powerful but short. He pulled back, and his eyes roved over her face as if memorizing every detail. He said in a low voice, “This is going to have to sustain me for a while.”

  She wished she could say he was being silly to think they couldn’t kiss. A fake engagement would be no big deal. She loved Cameron and no one else, but she also loved how honorable he was. She knew he would be hands-off, not only because anyone catching them could mess up the entire ploy, but because he honored commitments—fake or not.


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