Meg Book Three: The Cattleman's Daughters: A Not Quite Spicy Western Historical Romance

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Meg Book Three: The Cattleman's Daughters: A Not Quite Spicy Western Historical Romance Page 9

by Danni Roan

  After lunch Will turned his bay horse toward where Clayton was checking his girth. "I've never seen anyone use a whip quite like that." Will called as he pulled his horse up to the other man. "That was some fine work and if you can keep that up we'll have this herd ready for Casper in no time."

  Tilting his black hat back on his head Clayton smiled up at the ranch supervisor. "I grew up to it." He said. "It's what I know." Mr. James brother was surprised at the work as well when I was down in Texas. Sure wish I had my dogs though."

  At Will's questioning look he continued. "In Florida we use cow dogs to help drive the cows out of the Palmetto forests and scrub. There's a reason they call us cow hunters. You don't just ride out and find a group of cows grazing their way along on open ground. You have to track them down first before you can make a herd. Dogs can spot 'em first, then together you just start pushin' them out and in the direction you want them to go."

  Will smiled at him. "Sounds like a lot of work to me." he offered. "Just keep doin' what your doin' and I'll be happy." With that he turned his horse back to where his wife sat on a pretty golden palomino pony and started riding along checking the herd.

  As the sun was setting in the western sky, the weary cowboys turned their tired mounts back toward the ranch. Katie, and Mae had taken Eric back earlier but now the majority of the hands set their sites for home. Billy, Walt and Steve were taking the night shift and even now were gathered around a fire by the chuck wagon.

  Clayton ran a hand over his face. The air was still cold but he was covered in sweat and dust. He hadn't slept so well the night before and dreaded the confrontation that was bound to come again at bedtime. While he'd been busy chasing cows and branding calves he could keep his dark thoughts at bay but now as The Duke plodded toward the barn they descended upon him like some predatory bird.

  His hand drifted to the coin in his vest pocket again and he sighed heavily.

  Meg, let her horse drift along with her sisters who tired, dirty, and cold let their horses meander toward home. She'd been watching Clayton as he slouched in the saddle of his black horse. He'd worked as if his life depended on it all day. Cracking his whip, charging down difficult cows and roping calves. He'd never stopped and it showed in the set of his shoulders. A nagging thought prodded her brain. Perhaps she'd been too hasty in judging him. With an angry snort she pushed the thought away.

  The girls dismounted at the front of the house and let the men take their horses to the barn. Clayton, tired as he took the reins from his fiery 'bride' with a rakish smile.

  Her eyes betrayed how tired she was but he had learned that she was willing to work just as hard as any man on the ranch, not asking to be waited on like some princess. Maybe he'd misjudged her. Her weary, "Thank you." caught him by surprise and he tipped his hat. He'd talk to her tonight, let her know he'd seek an annulment in Casper. Surely a judge would listen to reason.

  Joshua didn't come to dinner again that night. Katie, a worried look in her eyes took him the soup she and her grandmother had made from boiling a chicken. With the fresh bread they'd baked it made for a warm hearty meal for all of them. After supper the four younger girls excused themselves and headed to the bath house where Chen Lou had been heating water for baths. Clayton couldn't blame them but he also envied them a bit. What would a good hot soak feel like on a night like this.

  He'd just about determined to turn in when the girls came back in freshly washed and wrapped in heavy dressing gowns. Each of them had taken out the heavy braid they'd kept their hair in all day and combed it out so it fell in shining masses down their backs.

  He smiled at the difference between the girls. Issy and Lexi had dark hair like the richest chocolate that hung thick and straight down their backs from a middle part. They

  He watched as they chatted their heads nearly touching as they stepped into the house; somehow they always seemed to be sharing a special secret and he wondered what the two actually talked about. Behind them Fiona stepped inside, her waist length hair falling in voluminous curls of dark chestnut with hints of blond around her face; it was a riot of ringlets.

  When Meg stepped through the door his breath caught in his throat. Her dark russet locks swept over her shoulder and hung below her slim hips in waves of copper and cinnamon, dark but with hints of red. She was swathed in a dark green robe that accented her pale skin and bright eyes. For a long moment he just stared unable to deny his attraction to her.

  A sharp elbow in his ribs let out his breath with a whoosh. "That water will still be clean enough for me." Will said snatching up his hat and heading out the back door into the chill night.

  The bathhouse was warm. The big copper tubs half full of only slightly murky water, and the whole room smelled of some sweet soap. Two big galvanized buckets sat on the little cook stove and Clayton watched as Will checked the temperature before dumping a bucket into one of the tubs then shucking his clothes.

  Clayton breathed deeply of the warm fragrant air and stripped out of his clothes giving them a good shake before imitating Will's earlier movements. He sank into the hot water with a deep sigh, letting the water ease tired muscles, before leaning his head back against the high back rest, closing his eyes and then sliding into the depths of the warm water. Pushing himself up again, he tossed his black locks out of his eyes and sighed.

  Next to him Will chuckled. "I was sure surprised the first time I came in here." the lean cowpuncher said. "I'd never been anywhere with a bathhouse before but it sure is nice."

  Clayton grunted and closed his eyes again. The gentle slosh of water and the stillness of the night settling over him and he drifted off to sleep.

  The soft glint of gold caught his eye and he gasped. "Ma?" his voice questioned.

  A pale soft hand reached up from the bed and grasped his wrist. "Sh." She whispered. "No one knows of it and no one can." Her feverish eyes were intense as she stared at her son. "I've never told a soul and you mustn’t either Clayton. Promise me." her voice grated and a bout of coughing took her. He reached for the tincture the Dr. had left and helped her take a sip, then wiped the flex of blood from her mouth with a stained handkerchief.

  "My brother Eugene and I found it years ago." His mother went on once she could breathe again. "One summer Pa took us out to the beach for a week." A soft smile graced her sallow face. "It was one of the best times of our life." Sorrow shown from her eyes and she knew she was thinking about the loss of her brother in the War Between the States.

  Regaining her train of thought she squeezed his arm. "I've kept it a secret all these years, I never even told your father." A shadow passed over her again. "He's a good man Clay, don't hate him for his weakness." her eyes were pleading and he nodded to appease her.

  "You'll take this now, it's yours but don't use it until you have no other choice, it could be dangerous." She paused again drawing a ragged breath. "Treasure hunters have been looking for such things for a long time and there are plenty of men who would kill for even one of those coins. You must swear you'll keep it a secret until you have no other choice. Swear to me son, swear it."

  "Yes, Ma'am. I swear." Even at twenty-one Clayton struggle to keep the tears from his eyes. "It will be our secret, I swear."

  With a sigh his mother leaned back into the bed. Her whole body seeming to deflate with relief. "Hide it well and never tell." she whispered again as her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep.

  For long moments the young man sat next to his mother's sick bed a half a dozen coins softly glowing in his hand. The gold discs were stamped with a strange crest like a knights shield with an embedded cross. He ran his thumb over the cold coins that seemed to glow with their own inner light, then folded his hand around them with a soft clink. Carefully he placed the coins back into the worn leather bag they'd come from and tucked them into his loose shirt.

  "Clay. Clay." Will's voice woke him with a start. "You'll be frozen you stay in there much longer." Then he smiled. "We'd better get up to the house befor
e the woman think we drowned." he winked and drying himself vigorously pulled on his clothes. Once dressed they each emptied the tubs and headed for bed.

  The house was almost silent as the young men walked into through the door. An oil lamp sat, turned down low, on the worktable as they crept through the kitchen, and on up the stairs.

  Clayton stopped in front of Meg's door as Will slipped by him to the next one down the hall. The house was eerily quiet in the darkness. Grasping the handle of the door he eased it open and stepped into the room.

  Soft light from a waxing moon filtering through the single window spilled across the steel frame bed illuminating Meg's face outlined by the high collar of her white night dress. She looked peaceful in sleep, her angular features gentle in rest. His hand itched to reach out and touch her soft cheek, to touch her silken hair.

  Feeling bruised after the dream of his mother he quickly stripped to his long johns and crawled into the bed letting the thick mattress and warm blankets swaddle his weary body and soul.

  Chapter 11

  Bright starts twinkled in a blue black sky as Meg lay awake next to the cowboy who had signed his name next to hers under Marriages in the big leather bound Bible her father used to read to them each week. She stared out the window through the gap in the curtains and wondered how she'd come to be in this mess. She had her back to Clayton who was sleeping peacefully if the soft snoring from that side of the bed was any indication. When her father was feeling better she'd talk to him. Surely he'd understand if she explained.

  Again that little something squirmed inside of her. She'd been surprised at how hard Clayton had worked all day. He was good at his job and had made hers much easier throughout the day but without interfering or being over bearing. She watched him at lunch with Eric and had to admit he might not be quite so arrogant as she had previously believed. Still she had other plans for her life and she wasn't staying here on the Broken J for all of it.

  She squeezed her eyes shut to hold back the sting of tears. Someday she'd leave and see the big city. Soon she'd be out in the brighter, wider world. She sighed heavily causing the man next to her to stir. She held her breath. All of these years she'd been dreaming of love and romance and instead she ended up saddled with a complete stranger. A little voice reminded her she could change that but she tamped it down viciously. Men were supposed to sweep you off your feet, to bow over your hand, and utter sweet nothings in your ear, to charge into danger for you.

  Another sigh escaped. She had her plans and nothing, not even a handsome young man from Florida would stop her from going through with them. She was already twenty-three and had decided that when she turned twenty-five she'd leave to see the city. She’d go to the theatre, see plays, and musicals. She'd eat in fancy restaurants. She would not be a prisoner of the ranch.

  Clayton could tell that Meg was awake. Her deep sigh had pulled him from a troubled sleep. He didn't want her to be miserable but part of him still smarted from her earlier treatment and he resisted the urge to speak to her.

  His mind drifted back to his hometown and what he'd suffered there. The shame, the humiliation of his father's decisions. They'd been a well-respected family but in one fell swoop that had all ended. In the blink of an eye he'd gone from prosperous to having nothing to offer the young women who'd just days earlier been interested in him.

  Only one family had been willing to take him in and stood with him while he watched his inheritance sectioned off to the highest bidder. Bile rose in his chest as he stifled a groan. Anger, disappointment, rage rose in him as he threw the blankets off swinging his legs over the side of the bed then rising and dressed quickly. Behind him he could hear Meg sit up in bed; he refused to look at her. Instead, he stomped into his boots and walked out the door.

  The big stud horse trotted toward him from inside the corral when he called. He reached a hand toward the creature and unwound his clenched fingers to give his oldest companion a scratch.

  "You seem to be doin' alright you old cuss." he drawled, his voice an ethereal whisper in the night. The horse nickered low in his throat, and leaned into the puncher.

  Clayton's bitter laugh vibrated in his chest. "I got us in a real mess this time Duke." his words tumbled out as if bubbling from an icy spring. "I don't rightly know if I've tied myself to this place or set myself loose."

  Absently he scratched the horse's forehead. The animal's dark eyes reflected the starlight and seemed to glimmer in understanding. "We'll just have to figure out something old man."

  "You'd better not be thinking of leaving." Meg's voice behind him set his teeth on edge.

  He wheeled glaring at her. She stood in the fading moonlight in the same deep forest green wrap she'd worn earlier. Her hair was loose and fluttered softly in the night breeze as she stood, hands on hips in the barnyard.

  "You're just dying to run aren't you? You'd just leave me to sort out this whole mess on my own." Her voice was shrill, almost panicky.

  Clayton squinted his eyes at her, trying to push aside his acknowledgement of her beauty, while her eyes flashed daggers at him. He took two menacing steps toward her before wrapping his arms around her slim waist crushing her to his chest with a grunt, then lowering his head just slightly he captured her mouth with his and exacted a demanding kiss. Anger heated his blood as he stole the girl’s breath away.

  Meg, pushed against the cow hunter, shock and fear dashing away her anger. His lips were warm and his teeth teased at her bottom lip as strong hands kept her pressed against the length of him. He was strong, much stronger than she was and she shivered, but he didn't relent.

  His kiss intensified and a strange white-hot chill shot to her core as her knees trembled. His hand ran up her back tangling in her hair and her neck prickled at his touch. She couldn't breathe, her mind was muddled as warmth infused her and she leaned into the kiss parting her lips slightly at the prodding of his tongue. A sigh escaped her as the tip of his tongue stroked the roof of her mouth.

  As quickly as he'd embraced her he pushed her away and with the rush of cold air that engulfed her body her rage returned. Her hand flew toward his face and connected with a loud slap. Her lips still burned as she stalked away into the house to the sound of his laughter.

  Clayton rubbed the handprint on his face. Well the girl packed a wallop. His eyes twinkled like the stars above and suddenly he realized his dark mood had washed away as if by magic. A warm glow replaced the burning rage he'd felt earlier as he recognized how much he'd enjoyed kissing the infuriating woman he could only just call wife.

  A tug on his back pocket pulled him around to see Duke stretching across the fence to get his attention.

  "What a' you think about that now Duke?" the dark cowboy said. "You reckon that was a good idea? It sure felt nice." He watched while the big horse nodded its head as if in agreement, causing his black forelock and long glossy mane to wave.

  Giving the horse one more pat he walked toward the house, up the short flight of stairs, across the porch and laid his hand on the latch. The handle wouldn't move and he chuckled again. He should feel angry about being locked out of the house but he wasn't. Instead with a soft smile playing around his lips he walked back into the barn, grabbed a couple of old blankets and scrabbled up the ladder into loft.

  The creak of the barn door below woke Clayton and he stretched pulling his warmest coat tight before stretching. He smiled remembering the kiss from the night before and was determined to give Meg the best part of him today. He'd show her he didn't run. Walking to the hay shoot he looked down to see Hank and Will puttering around the barn milking the cow and checking stock.

  With a wicked grin, he dropped with a plop into a small stack of hay on the barn floor. Making both men start. Hank bumped his head into the cow with as grunt, who in turn kicked and knocked him off his small stool. Clayton threw back his head and laughed. Will now recovered did the same, while Hank, grumbling righted the bucket, stool and himself.

  "Sleep well?" Hank finall
y said his voice grumpy, as he glared at his newest brother-in-law.

  "As a matter of fact, I slept just dandy." Clayton replied, tucking his hands in his pockets. "Fresh air'll do that you know." his voice was bright and drew suspicious glances from the others.

  "Well you might as well start saddling horses seeing how you're so rested." Will said matter of factly. "We'll need to be out on the range as soon as breakfasts is over. Walt and Steve will be ready for a break as well.

  Clayton walked to the tack room and began getting equipment ready. There were about fifteen stalls in the big barn. The two largest standing stalls were empty now as Hank had just turned his big Clydesdales out into the corral, but the other were full of saddle stock. Most of the same horses would be used today to ride out to where the remuda was being kept next to the herd.

  He started with Meg's big chestnut horse who nibbled at his sleeve the whole time he adjusted the bridle. He patted the horses neck before moving to the next one. Will went to fetch the eggs and then helped him lead the readied horses to the hitching post by the house, while Hank hefted two big buckets of milk to carry to the house.

  The Duke frisked in the crisp morning air seemingly pleased with himself and Clayton chuckled feeling lighter than he had in a long time. His hand reached for his vest pocket and with a soft whoosh he tossed the old gold coin in the air letting its cold crisp edges land in his open palm.

  Joshua James sat up in his big pine bed and took to bowl of porridge Katie brought to him. His mind seemed clearer today but if he moved too fast he still felt like the room would jump out from under him.

  “You go on and have breakfast.” He said smiling at his daughter. She leaned over and kissed his cheek.

  “I’ll come back and check on you after breakfast.” she said turning the handle of his coffee cup toward him for easy access then exited the room quietly.


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