Meg Book Three: The Cattleman's Daughters: A Not Quite Spicy Western Historical Romance

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Meg Book Three: The Cattleman's Daughters: A Not Quite Spicy Western Historical Romance Page 14

by Danni Roan

  For a moment she studied her granddaughters pretty face. Traces of worry were evident in the set of her eyes and the set of her mouth. “Do your best to get him warm. I’ll fetch some blankets.” The older woman turned, poured some water over the sizzling rocks by the wall, causing steam to drift toward the low ceiling, then stepped through the small door closing it with a snap.

  Meg’s mind reeled. Clayton had been infuriating from day one but she didn’t wish any real harm to come to him. Despite how things had started she was beginning to see the real man behind the cock sure rogue he portrayed, and reluctantly she had to admit she liked him.

  She thought about the night on the trail where the cold of the prairie had climbed into her bedroll making her shiver and how he’d moved up behind her chasing it away. He felt so cold in her arms, somehow she needed to meld her body heat with his to chase away the chill.

  Sitting awkwardly against the back wall she struggled to unhook her dress and pull it over her head then pressed her warm body against his cold back. The chill of his skin cause goose bumps to run along her flesh. She pulled him tighter, willing him to absorb her heat.

  Nona returned with a heavy quilt and without any comment about the state of Meg’s undress she wrapped it around both of them then scooped more water over the hot rocks.

  “It’s the best we can do my girl.” She said. “I think he’ll be alright, but it'll be a close thing." She checked his feet again, noticing that his toes were beginning to show more pink. With gentle hands she removed his feet and dried them then wrapped them in a warm towel. “Stay with him, you're already doing the best thing for him, and I’ll check on you again soon.” She said with a forced smile and left once more.

  Meg sat in the sauna, alone with the Clayton, her arms wrapped tightly around the cow hunter as she eased him down to the bench. The wood behind her back was warm and fragrant but couldn’t compete with the smell of this man; leather, and horse, and something crisp, like fresh hay, a smell that had become familiar to her over the past few weeks.

  The cowboy stirred in her arms as beads of sweat popped out on her neck and chest. He felt warmer to her. He twitched and she held him tighter not wanting him to fall off the bench.

  “Mama.” His words caught her by surprise, and her ears perked, he was dreaming again.

  Cold sat like a stone in Clayton’s core chilling him, pulling him back down into the dark, the dream, so familiar, so troubling started again.

  “Take it Clayton.” His mother’s weak voice echoed in his mind. “You need it you must take it.”

  “No mama I can’t. It’s too much.” Tears pooled in his eyes as he knew he’d have to say good bye all over again.

  “It’s for you Clayton, you need it. Just take it.” The voice whispered like a ghost causing him to shiver.

  “I can’t Mama, you don’t understand.” His voice was pained even to Meg’s ears and her heart squeezed. “She doesn’t want me.” His last words hung in the air bright and clear.

  The words reverberated from his dream into the steaming room and Meg gasped as she realized he was speaking of her.

  “I do want you.” She whispered to frightened to even admit it to herself. How had she come to care for this infuriating man in only a few days. Leaning her head against the wall she realized that once she'd given him a real chance she found herself drawn to him.

  Clayton stirred and she rubbed his arms feeling warmth in his skin. She pressed her body closer to his. How had she missed how broad his shoulders were? She felt small snugged up against him, like a spoon next to a ladle.

  He sighed and seemed to relax. Meg released a breath she had been holding for what seemed like forever. A tear sprang to her eye and trickled down her cheek, the heat of the room drying it quickly. Could she really give up all of her dreams for this man? She played through the scenes of their time together. His quick laugh, his charming ways with her grandmother, his kindness to Eric and dedication to her father. They’d started out badly but could they change all of that?

  Clayton sighed rolling to his back as his eyes fluttered open. Meg pulled the blanket up tight around them.

  “Meg?” his voice was weak, scratchy like sand on slate.

  “I’m here.” She whispered, not trusting her voice she placed an arm across his chest.

  Clayton blinked again. He must still be dreaming. Warmth began to seep into him making his body tingle and his feet ached with the prickle of a thousand needles. Lifting his arm, he pulled it from beneath the heavy blanket and wrapped it around the woman at his side pulling her close.

  “You gave us quite a scare.” Meg said, the cheer in her voice seemed forced.

  “Why are you here?” His question dropped like stone in the stillness of the room.

  “You, you were nearly frozen. I, we needed to get you warm.” she stammered.

  “I’m starting to feel pretty warm with you next to me.” Clayton’s soft whisper ruffled her hair.

  For a few moments they just lay there together neither saying what they were thinking. Finally pushing herself up on her elbow Meg looked down at the cowboy.

  “I’m sorry Clayton.” Her words were firm. “I didn’t give you a chance when you first arrived. I made a judgment before I even got to know you.” She swallowed, “I was wrong.”

  Clayton’s eyes softened at her words. “When I got here I was so eaten up with anger, with rage, that all I could do was hide behind the face of a fool. I allowed the hurt from my past to dictate my feelings for you and that was wrong.”

  Meg’s soft chuckle surprised him and he tilted his head to look at her face.

  “I think I made it easy for you to judge.” Her slight smile softened her words and his arm tightened around her.

  True warmth began to fill his body as he realized how close he held this pretty young woman and how little she wore.

  “Perhaps we can start over.” He whispered hopefully.

  A long silence held in the room as heat from the thick stove pipe pulled all moisture from the small space.

  “I’d like that.” Meg said her voice soft but firm. A lilting quality he’d never noticed before fluttered around his ears.

  “I’m Clayton Allen.” He said with a smile awkwardly extending his right hand across the quilt that covered his chest.

  Meg giggled, turned to her side and extended her hand. “I’m Muiread James, but you can call me Meg.” She lifted laughing eyes to his studying their amber depths where sorrow and cheer mingled.

  Meeting Meg’s steady gaze Clayton felt like he was sinking into the warm azure waters of the Florida coast. Her eyes seemed to sparkle with hope, softening her lovely features.

  “Pleased to meet you Ms. Meg.” His voice was husky as the heat of their bodies began to meld. He smiled at the absurdity of their formal greetings when they both lay tangled together beneath a quilt in nothing but their underwear. Sweat popped out on his brow as his pulse quickened.

  Allowing himself to be pulled deeper into the blue-green gaze he lowered his lips to hers and brushed a soft kiss across their rosy sweetness.

  Meg froze at first shocked at the kiss, but didn’t pull away. Instead she kissed him back feeling a new heat permeate her body, as she pressed against Clayton’s hard form.

  His arms encircled her pulling her closer and his kiss deepened.

  The sound of the door opening and quickly snapping shut again broke the moment and they both pulled away laughing.

  “I’m please to meet you to.” Clayton drawled, humor infusing his voice, as his eyes echoed his roguish smile. “I think I’d like to get to know you even better.” He ended on a growl.

  Meg, leaned back and laughed and Clayton joined her, his hearty chuckle vibrating from his chest and along her rib cage sending a shiver down her spine.

  Together they sat up, Clayton wrapping a possessive arm around Meg suddenly afraid she’d slip away.

  For several long minutes they sat companionably together. “Close your eyes.” Me
g finally spoke. He did as he was told but listened as she climbed to her feet, a hissing-sizzle let him know she’d poured water over the hot rocks.

  “I was afraid when I saw them bringing you in here. I didn't want to lose you.” Meg’s confession hit him hard in the chest. His eyes opened as she settled next to him again. The room was suddenly uncomfortably hot and he lifted a shaking hand running it through his long black hair.

  Bianca Leone’ slipped silently out of the bath house and briskly walked toward the big gray house just visible through the blowing snow, a smile on her face. She’d seen Clayton and Meg kissing as she’d gone to check on the young man. Hope had filled her breast at the sight and she’d stood listening outside the door while the young couple had talked. Silently she prayed that somehow they’d find their way.

  With the snow blowing hard outside the older men of the Broken J sat around the kitchen table nursing their coffee. Joshua at the head of the table turned his mug in his hands, as he looked along the tables’ length at the men he’d known and respected for over twenty years.

  Billy strangely quiet gazed at the others, for once no words seemed to be dancing in his head.

  The sound of the back door opening drew everyone’s attention and they let out a collective sigh on seeing Bianca enter with a smile on her face.

  “He’s fine.” She said brightly. “Maybe better than fine, judging by the way he was kissing our girl.” She chortled as she hung up her heavy coat.

  Wide grins were passed around the table even as the matron joined them carrying a large plate of molasses cookies.

  “Where are the young ones?” she finally asked as she settled on the bench next to her husband, a steaming mug in her hands.

  “Fiona and Hank took Eric to the sod shack to warm it up. Said something about reading and hot chocolate.” Isadoro began.

  “Will and Katie is at their place.” Billy piped up with a grin as he snatched two cookies from the plate.

  “Mae’s with the twins.” Chen Lou added. “She really shook up about Clay. I go tell her he doing fine.”

  “Leave them for now.” Joshua’s voice cut across the table, a sly grin on his face. “I think it’s time we find out what my brother Jedidiah sent." he tapped his breast pocket making an envelope crackle. "There's no point worrying about the others, at least for now.”

  Benji and Cathleen looked up in surprise as all eyes turned eagerly toward the patriarch of the ranch. His pale blue stare sparkling at the sudden attention.

  “Oh, didn’t I mention I’d gotten a letter when we were in Casper.” He grinned at the nods and groans from his companions, then pulled a crisp white envelope out of his pocket.

  Dear Joshua, February 12, 1889

  I hope this missive finds you and yours well. You have been in my prayers as you have set out on this endeavor and I trust that your work is being blessed.

  I was pleased to receive your last letter and wish all happiness to your girls as they start out on a new journey in this thing we call life.

  After much searching I believe I have been able to acquire the items you requested. In my travels I came upon a pair of humble but suitable items that should meet the needs you’ve set out. They were loving crafted in a secluded farming village in Western Pennsylvania but are sturdy if somewhat unpolished.

  Shipping arrangements have finally been settled but it will be some time before they are available. I’m hoping that by next spring they might arrive though it could be earlier. I do hope that patience is still a virtue at the Broken J and that you can prayerfully and humbly anticipate the arrival of such fine materials.

  Give my love to the girls and all those at the ranch. It is my desire to sometime come for a visit but in the meantime know that you are in my thoughts and prayers always.

  Your Loving Brother,


  Chapter 15

  “Well don’t that sound promisin’?” Billy chortled. “It sure does leave ya wonderin’ though.” He squinted at Josh, running a hand over his snow white beard, as if hoping there was something more on the page.

  “Billy, I’m not sure any of us have known what to expect from day one of this ‘endeavor’. I’m just glad that two or my daughters have found happiness, even it has turned me into an old man.” He smiled lightening his words.

  “We have all been blessed Benji spoke up, patting Cathleen’s hand. No point turning back now. Like Jed says we’ll have to have faith.

  The back door creaked open and Meg walked in holding tightly to Clayton’s hand. They were both pink from the heat or possible from the knowledge that Nona would not have kept their kissing a secret.

  Stepping to the table Meg leaned down and kissed her father on the cheek, the old familiar sparkle back in her eyes.

  “Pa.” She began but looked around the table at the other men and woman of the Broken J. “Clayton has something he’d like to discuss with you.”

  “Looks like we’re gonna need more lumber than Hank and I discussed.” Isadoro said from his end of the table, a sly smile on his swarthy face.

  Clayton looked at him bewildered but spoke up anyway.

  “Mr. James sir.” He cleared his throat and continued “This may be a bit irregular but well sir I’d like to marry your daughter.” His soft drawl filled the warm room.

  “You see sir, things didn’t start out quite right between me an’ Meg but we’ve set to putting them straight and seeing how we’ve just come to realize we love each other I think a proper weddin’ would be in order.” His words rushed out filling the room with hope.

  Joshua scratched his head and blinked up at Meg and the black haired cow hunter.

  “It might be a little backwards to have a wedding after you’re already married,” Joshua said with a smile, “but seems to me you’ve both earned it. I even have a marriage license just waiting to be filled out.” He added standing and reaching out a hand to shake Clayton’s.

  “Hallelujah!” Nona squealed making everyone jump as she dashed around the table and hugged her granddaughter tight. “Another wedding.” Her voice resonated with delight as the room filled with laughter.

  Clayton moved his things out of Meg’s room in anticipation of their wedding but found that the more he was away from her the more he itched to be with her and was constantly finding extra time in his day to steal a kiss or take a stroll. He found he loved her feisty attitude and big dreams. He reveled in making her laugh. So while the women made plans and arrangements for their nuptials he and Meg took the time to get to know each other, sharing hopes and dreams.

  She explained her desire for seeing more of the world than just Wyoming and with a bright twinkle in his amber eyes he pulled the golden coin from his vest pocket, giving it a toss. “I think we can arrange that.” he said with a wolfish grin and took advantage of her shocked silence to kiss her soundly, before telling her the story of how his mother had given him the gold she'd found on a lonely beach in Florida so many years ago.

  Wedding plans were in full swing and as the snow melted excitement grew.

  “I still don’t understand what’s going on,” Mae grumbled as she undid a line of stitching in the hem of a dress she was working on. “I mean first Pa said they were married and now they’re getting married.” She shook her head in bewilderment. “This family is crazy if you ask me.” She added shaking her head again.

  Meg put down the sleeve of her wedding dress, that she’d been sewing lace onto and walked to her sister. Squatting she wrapped Mae in her arms and squeezed her tight.

  “I guess I just wanted a real wedding after I got to know Clayton a little better.” She said kindly. “You know I’m always getting things backwards anyways don’t you Mae?”

  Mae smiled at the special attention from her older sister. As the youngest she often felt like she was missing something that her other sisters shared.

  “You do, don’t you?” the dark haired girl agreed.

  “You’re going to look lovely in this gown.” Ca
thleen spoke up from where she sat carefully sewing the bodice with its sweeping collar. “This shade of teal will be perfect for you.” She gazed adoringly at the bright water marked chintz. “It will match your eyes.” She sighed heavily and the girls smiled at their aunt’s romantic side.

  Spring had finally sprung on the day of the wedding. Meg shivered with delight as her sisters slipped her cerulean gown over her head. The twins had found an ad in a newspaper of a woman with hair intricately quaffed and had spent the morning winding tiny finger curls into her hair that was piled high on top of her head.

  “You look beautiful.” Katie smiled at her, her hand absently traveling to the tiny bump at her waist.

  “It just seems like a dream.” Fiona said, “Who would have imagined all of us girls married so quickly?” She blinked as the twins bent their heads together and laughed.

  “It does seem rather remarkable.” Lexi finally said between peels of mirth, as she squeezed Issy close.

  “You look beautiful Meg.” Mae added smiling at her sister. “You’re very lucky.”

  Meg hugged her baby sister tight. “Yes, I am.” She agreed, “and more so since I’m getting a second chance with Clayton. I came far too close to ruining everything.”

  “Are you really going away on a honeymoon?” Mae asked, her eyes wide with the thought.

  “Yes, Clayton’s taking me to Chicago as a wedding present.” Her eyes sparkled at the thought that one of her biggest dreams would be coming true.

  Mae squeezed her tighter. “I’ll miss you.” She said a tear spilling from her eye.

  “I’ll miss you too. I’ll miss all of you.” Meg said opening her arms wide so that all of her sisters could huddle together.

  A sharp knock on the door had them wiping their eyes and straightening their gowns, then one by one the girls slipped out the door.

  Meg turned to see her tall, white haired father looking at her with love in his ice blue eyes.


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