Project Destiny

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Project Destiny Page 15

by Justin Sloan

  The only way to make that happen would be to get back to the prisoner, Veles, and find out what he could about the Marine couple who’d said they knew Stealth from before.

  Who was he? What did they know?

  “Tropical was right,” Stealth said, holding his head as if it were spinning. “I shouldn’t have come so soon after upgrades. I’m feeling weird.”

  “Yeah?” Pete said, eyeing him suspiciously. “All right, then. When you get back, Trish will be there… so I better hear you went straight to sleep.”

  “Promise,” Stealth said with a hand raised to his heart. Even though he had no intention of that at all. The way he figured it, he’d lost enough memories to not know what promises he had kept and hadn’t at this point. What’s one more? At least he had no intention of going back and banging Pete’s sister, and that was really what the guy seemed to care about anyway.

  He made his way out of the building and found one of the Taipan Cruisers—basically flying motorcycles—that he’d arrived on. These things were slick, without wheels and able to maintain balance without worry. They had sensors to avoid accidents, but could easily hurt anyone who got in the way, as stopping fast required the use of thrusters.

  Driving out and away from the dome, he had a feeling he was leaving something very special behind. He knew it was the woman, the mark… but didn’t understand why. Maybe the zealots had it right about destiny, or maybe she played into his life from before, from the days he couldn’t remember.

  That’s why he needed answers, and why he had to talk to Veles. Many of the people in the West Ward were making for their homes or were already there by now, especially the families, as it was fairly late.

  He spared a moment to look around this street, the very same he had thought so amazing when he had first been let out of the dome for personal time. Him, and the team of new arrivals. It had also been the first time he really started to think of Red as a friend. They’d visited one of the upscale restaurants, taking full advantage of the ridiculously high amount of credits New Origins allotted to PD soldiers. After a good laugh with other soldiers, one of the senior guys had tried to take them to one of the shadier parts of the station, to an establishment where pleasures other than food could be had for those very same credits.

  Red had been the only other man to abstain, although his claims that he was doing so as a friend were later revealed to be more related to his personal tastes in gender. The women had been glad to see that not all of the new soldiers were into the sleazy life, and soon it was him, Red, and two of these women who formed a team of buddies out on the town. Oddly, one of the women had vanished one day, with no explanation given by the higher-ups, and the other was promoted the next day to planetary duty. Some soldiers were given the right to go to either Titan or Mars and be the faces of Project Destiny during the terraforming, though they were essentially high-class security details in case anyone got out of line.

  Stealth had always wondered if her placement in such a detail had been to cover something up related to the other woman who had disappeared, but he never got any answers on the subject. When warned to drop it, he was a good soldier and did so.

  Now though, riding through this part of town and seeing the spots they used to haunt, old questions arose again. There was also this new woman, the target, and she was certainly giving his mind new reasons to question everything around him.

  He turned toward the middle of the station, moving out into the tunnel in the center of the ribs that offered a quick passage for those with vehicles. Not many had them, so it was basically a travel zone for the PD soldiers and higher-ups in New Origins.

  Zipping past tunnels and doorways felt like he was flying. If he just went with it, without thinking, he could almost imagine these were his new powers. As if somehow the genetic modifications were turning him into some flying beast. The dragons in the training chamber were within him, he imagined, and he felt his rage starting to burn up through his chest.

  The closer he got to the Taipan chambers—per the directions on his wrist map—the angrier he was. How could they do this to him? Take away his memories to this point, where a woman he clearly knew in some way was unrecognizable to him?

  A flash rose up and he wanted to scream, but then it had him, causing a blur in his vision. He panicked. The turn to reach his destination was ahead, so he took it. But he was going faster than he realized, bike leaning hard and nearly hitting the wall in the docking chamber. Instead, it burned thrusters and pushed him away. Then he was back and the bike shut off, sending him flying to slam into the doors that separated the docking bay from the chambers.

  He lay there, groaning, and then stood up. Certain that something had to be broken, he moved his arms, twisted his body, and smiled. Nothing. Even the pain he’d felt moments ago was gone.

  Either he was extremely lucky, or the recent enhancements had done wonders for his ability to heal.

  What had come over him? He moved to the doorway, mind racing with questions, when it popped open. Trish was standing there with a look of shock on her face.

  “What the hell’s going on out here?” she asked.

  “I just… landed a tad harder than planned.”

  She cocked an eyebrow and then glanced past him. “The others?”

  “Not yet. I needed to come back… felt a bit off, you know?”

  “Is that so?”

  He shrugged, then squeezed past her. “The prisoner, Veles, where can I find him?”

  “I don’t think you have any reason to find him.”

  Stealth glanced back, waiting. If he wanted to make this happen, he might have to trust someone. As far as he could tell, Trish was the least gung-ho here, and therefore possibly the most likely to help him when help meant going outside the normal channels.

  “Our memories… Ever think it’s part of the plan?” he asked. “I mean, maybe New Origins sees value in their soldiers being separated from their pasts?”

  “If it wasn’t on purpose, it wouldn’t be happening,” she replied.

  “So you know? I mean, it’s true.”

  She scrunched her nose in thought, then said, “Well, think about it. They can genetically modify you to heal, to be stronger and faster than makes sense. You don’t think they could figure out a way to make you keep your memories if they wanted to? At least they could tell us what came before in that scenario, but… nope, not happening.”

  A dizziness came over Stealth as he thought about it, then nodded. “I need to see Veles. He knows where I can get these answers.”

  “You’re insane. They’ll come after you, they might put you out of commission. I’ve seen it happen.”

  “You’d send them after me?”

  “God no!” She pulled him away from the door and let it slide shut behind them, then led him up the stairs to the back end of the simulation area. With a lowered voice, she said, “It’s why they don’t put me in the field anymore. Why Pete’s so protective. I was close to someone, a man who wanted to be with me but wouldn’t until he had answers. It makes sense—what if he had a family back on Earth, a wife, kids… and then he marries me only to find this out later? Well, he poked his nose around, and then… gone.”

  “Gone? Gone where?”

  She shrugged, clearly trying to be strong but unable to hide the glisten in her eyes. “This isn’t something I talk about, you need to realize that. And it isn’t something you should be thinking about. Just stop asking questions, before you disappear too.”

  He considered that, nodded, and then said, “No way in hell.”

  “You’re really going to do this? Don’t count me in. I’m not going down.”

  “I don’t need your help. I just need you to step aside. Step out of the way, so I can get to Veles.”

  With a sigh and then a glance down the hallway to her right, she moved to her left.

  “Thanks,” he said, moving down the hallway she had indicated.

  “Don’t thank me,” she said, turning and
quickly walking out of there. “All I did was ensure you were okay and then got some sleep.”

  He grunted in agreement, continuing on down the hallway.

  The doors were all see-through, a thick glass with access points to talk with the prisoners. None were occupied, aside from the one that held Veles. Likely just a holding cell until they handed him over to New Origins for either placement in the bottom level, the brig, or they tossed him out into space.

  “I have no answers,” Veles said when he saw Stealth standing there.

  “All I need is more on those two, the couple who was with you.” Stealth stepped closer, removing his helmet so he could show his earnestness. “I just want answers… about who I am. Those two said they knew me.”

  “Might as well welcome you to the darkness then, eh?” the man said with a discouraging laugh. “I’ll buy that with a side of one key to get me out of here.”

  “I’m telling you the truth,” Stealth said. “This isn’t some ploy to get at your people. This is just one man standing before you, asking for help in remembering who he is.”

  Veles assessed him, frowning, then came closer. They stood with only the glass between them, eyes unwavering.

  “They really do a number on you in here, don’t they?” Veles said, finally looking away. He took a breath, closed his eyes, and then said, “You’re going to need to see the Heel.”

  “Last I saw of her, she’s going to be in some serious need of help.”

  “She’s hurt? Damn, you might be out of luck then.”

  Medical?” Stealth pushed.

  Veles shook his head. “She wouldn’t be caught dead there. Too easy for you all.”

  “So where, then?”

  Veles bit his lip. “You betray me on this, I’m going to find you. I’m going to—”

  “I won’t. Save it.”

  “So says you. But you’re right, so here I go, a leap of faith… Because we could use one of you on our side, and when you learn what they’re doing to you, you might come on over. If you try to walk right in there, they’ll eat you up. But here’s where you can find her—Os Dragoes have an agreement with the priestesses of Titanian, for medical needs such as this.”

  “What you’re saying is, I need to find a way in with the Titanians, ask the Heel, and she can direct me to those two Marines?”

  Veles sneered. “I’m saying that’s what you would have to do to find them. I’m not saying it’s possible.”

  “And how, exactly, would I get access?”

  “One way, really….”

  “No, that’s not happening.”

  “Stealth, is that what they call you?” Veles gave him a moment to consider how he knew that, then continued. “Without me, you have nothing. Basically, you’re breaking me out of here, or you’re not getting your answers. Your choice. Continue as you have been, or take the leap of faith with me.”

  The two held each other’s gaze for a few more moments, then Stealth nodded.

  “I’ll need the access key,” he said. “That’s the only way.”

  “And you can get it?”

  Stealth honestly didn’t know if he could, but he nodded. “I’m going to try.”

  “Try and fail, you’ll be in here next to me, no doubt. Don’t try. Do.”

  “You always talk like a fortune cookie?”

  “A side-effect of leading Os Dragoes, I suppose,” Veles said with a chuckle. “But don’t let me hold you any longer. You have an access key to obtain.”

  Stealth nodded and headed back up the hall. Trish hadn’t even wanted to tell him where this man was, let alone help him. Now he had to find a way to get help breaking him out.

  Either way, he was quickly falling into this hole and needed to figure out if he was going to let it take him down. The way he saw it, he couldn’t go on without answers. So yeah, the darkness was looking like his only option.


  Alice: Titanian Hideout

  All the way back to the Titanian hideout, Alice hadn’t been able to take her mind off of the excitement of the mission. She wasn’t going to let life pass her by anymore. It was time to grab it by the horns and show it who was boss.

  She was careful to check her surroundings on the way back, and was soon in the hideout listening to the praise of her teammates. Carlos and Juanita had made it back earlier, and were the proud owners of a new PD soldier gun.

  “So, about the new recruits?” Intrepid finally said, getting to business.

  “There’s only one way we’re getting what we want,” Alice said. “I’m going in.”

  “We just tried that…”

  “No, I’m going in as one of them.” She glanced over at Swinger. “That activity at the docks, it’s a new arrival shipment. Fresh recruits. We’re going to find out who’s on there, and I’m going to take her place.”

  “Assuming there’s a her onboard.”

  “There always is.”

  “And if this time’s the exception?”

  Alice chuckled. “One of you will either have to take my place, or let me borrow something very precious of yours so that I pretend to be a man.”

  Swinger gulped, sharing a worried look with Intrepid. “Let’s hope there’s at least one woman on board.”

  “Fingers crossed,” Alice said with a wink.

  “Fingers and legs,” Swinger countered. “I’m not letting you near me ever again. You’re scary.”

  Alice sighed, done with her fun. “Don’t worry. I caught a glimpse at the manifest. There are three women recruits. We just have to find the one that most closely resembles me, then make the switch.”

  “And then, what?” Intrepid asked. “You’ll walk up to Marick and expect everything to be how it was? It won’t be, and I’m not going to sit back and let him shoot his own wife… so you be careful.”

  “All we need is answers, to find a way into that room and get everything they have off of the servers. The others here will have what they need on New Origins, and I’ll find out if there’s a way to reverse what they’ve done to Marick.”

  “There might not be an answer. What then?”

  “I have to try…”

  Intrepid nodded, then wrapped her in his arms. She returned the hug, knowing it was more to comfort him but appreciating it nonetheless. If there was anything she could do to save her husband, she would do it or burn New Origins to the ground.

  “Right,” she said, pulling back and turning to the screens. “Let’s see what we’ve got.”

  “We’re going to need the information in the additional room, or whatever you can get in the server room,” Swinger said. “Nothing in here about the location of Scorpio and Norwal. But, lucky for us,” Swinger moved his hand across the display in front of him so that the images moved up to the larger screens, “something like a new arrival of recruits isn’t under the most intense security.”

  There were three faces in front of them, one of them clearly Chinese, which would be harder for Alice to pull off. Luckily for her, the other two were pretty similar in appearance to herself.

  “Looks like we have two choices,” she said, stepping closer to analyze their facial structure.

  “Nope,” Swinger countered, highlighting a section of one of their bios. “Not unless you want to replace one of your legs with a prosthetic to match Gloria here.”

  Indeed, it looked like the one named Gloria had one of those curved prosthetics that allowed for quick movement.

  “And the other?”

  “A bit of a firecracker,” Swinger said, reading through the notes left by her last commander. “In the Marines, she was a badass but faced charges more than once for disorderly conduct and, get this, public nudity.”

  “Okay, I can do the first part. Sorry boys, but not the latter.”

  “Cue the nervous laughter,” Intrepid said with a chuckle. “So…” He squinted, reading the screen. “Plain Jane it is, huh? Jane Lenz, it looks like.”

  “Corporal in the Marines, came from a small town in O
regon…” Swinger laughed. “Small towns, do those still exist?”

  “In Oregon, no less,” Alice said, reading the rest. “I mean, I can pull off most of this. It’s not like I’ll have to fight like a Marine unless it gets crazy, and then I just pull back and make a run for the server rooms, claiming I’m there on orders, right? Hightail it out of there the first chance I get, once we have what we’re going for.”

  Intrepid sighed, giving her a long look. “You’re sure about this?”

  She nodded, wanting to say it was the only way she could get close to Marick, or Stealth, as his teammates called him now. He was a Taipan, apparently. But as long as she was on the inside, she could find a way to get him by himself and see what he remembered, if anything.

  “Let’s get some rest, then,” Yerbuna said, nodding to the clock on the left corner of the screen. It was late, and they’d had a crazy day. “The ship arrives at the docks tomorrow morning. That doesn’t give us much time to get you ready and form a plan around you taking her place.”

  “Agreed,” Alice said, finally letting the exhaustion wash over her. They all made for the chambers where Yerbuna said they could sleep, ready for the big day ahead of them.


  Stealth: Taipan Chambers

  Stealth figured the best way to make his move on releasing Veles was to get on Trish’s good side, then convince her that he needed help. Pointless, probably, considering she had already told him she didn’t want to be involved. But how else?

  The others had yet to return. He wasn’t sure how long he had.

  If he simply appeared to be training, she wasn’t likely to suspect anything of him. She would figure he’d given up, and was blowing off steam.

  “Can you check the stats for me?” he asked, peeking his head into the room where she was monitoring a screen with green dots moving around.

  She glanced back and smiled. “Sure, sure.”

  “What’s…” he started, but realized it as he was asking. “You have trackers on us?”


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