Secrets Learned

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Secrets Learned Page 3

by Raven McAllan

  Theresa grinned and passed him a large cup of black coffee, a similar one to her husband and added cream and sugar to her own. “Kath and Jess suggested it. Ronnie agreed and Jeff okayed it. David stayed out of it. He said there was enough meddling without him adding his two penn’orth. But it’s going to be only those who are invited. Other than that, sadly, the club is closed for a”—she mimed quote marks—“private party. I had an inkling something like this might happen, and Jeff and Kath decided it’d be best to just have the Doms and subs we all get along with. Them, David and Jess—though she might not make it for some reason—Aidan and Ailsa, and Ross and Shane. Me, Ronnie and you. You, of course, are the anomaly, you non-sub Dom you. So you get to be the ‘chat to a Dom’, Dom.”

  He might have known. The co-owners of the club and their partners had to be part of this gang-up. Alex took a swig of coffee and stared at his twin over the rim of his cup. She looked anywhere but at him.

  “Why this Dominique person?” And really, why me? “Hell, Tee, you should see her limit form, well, no you shouldn’t, but take it from me, if I were her Sir, she’d not sit comfortably for at least a week. She wants to discuss almost everything, including if she was comfortable calling her Dominant ‘Sir’.”

  Theresa did look at him then, and he watched as she smothered a grin.

  Yeah, a set up.

  Theresa stroked his cheek. “Welcome to the real world, where not everyone wants to roll over and let the great Master Alex dominate them.”

  He didn’t know many did. What had he missed? Nothing, I just ignore them. As ever, he realized Theresa had successfully changed the subject.

  “Dominique?” He gently prompted his sister about the other woman.

  “Mimi?” Theresa jumped. “Oh, ‘cos I love my wee brother, and Mimi needs someone to wake her up, before Octopus Eric wears her down.”

  Alex blinked. “Fucking Eric Lonnergan?”

  “Exactly and not yet, but he’s certainly trying. He assumes, I think, that she’d be a doormat. Well, he’s never been that bright, Mimi is no doormat, even if she is a sub. That I don’t know, but I bet you can find out. Luckily Mimi is a bit more discerning than to fall for dear Eric, hence why I asked her to do a report. But you know and I know, the best way to discover all about our lifestyle is to look, learn and ask questions. And at the risk of being shot down by my Lord and Master, you, dear brother, are the best. Scribe artist or not.”

  Ronnie rolled his eyes. “I hate to say it, but my lovely wife is correct. So go forth and be the best. It’s a unanimous decision, by the way.”

  * * * *

  Which was why, just before nine on Friday night, Alex was in the ‘Dom’s Room’ dressed in black with, he acknowledged, nerves, as he waited to hear Dominique had arrived. Which, he also accepted, was fucking stupid. He hadn’t even met the woman and she intrigued him. That was something he acknowledged was crazy. All he’d done was read the forms. He should be on red alert. He’d never seen so much fence sitting in his life.

  Cool it. Remember what this is all about. Twerps wanting to close us down. All he had to do was show the woman around, not scare the pants off her, then hope she left thinking they were all pussy cats. No showing his sadistic side.

  That’ll be right. There was about as much chance of that with the ‘A’ team, as he called Jeff and co, as the earth stopping spinning. He was damned sure they would have hatched something or other up to keep him on his toes. However if they had, no one was admitting anything. All highly amused at the situation, they were scattered around the club, and Theresa had threatened him if he did anything to make Mimi wish she hadn’t bothered to turn up, she’d make him wish he hadn’t turned up. How, she didn’t specify, but knowing his sister, it would he highly inventive. She’d admonished Alex and told him, calling Mimi Dominique was a no go, because Mimi never used her given name.

  “She’ll get used to it.” If she’s mine, she will. Where did these ideas appear from? If she stays. If she didn’t, the others would just have to accept it. However he’d do his damnedest to get her inside and understanding…and wanting?

  Meanwhile he waited. The security camera mocked him as it switched from the door, to the car park, to the dungeon and back again. There was no one at the door, the car park only had a few cars in it—all known to him—and the dungeon was ready and waiting. He thought one of his friends would have got some play time in, but it seemed they all were waiting for him and Dominique. Sod them. He might take an instant dislike to the woman, discover they had as much in common as a lion and a basket of fruit—or something. God, I am going crazy.

  Alex looked at the clock on the wall. Shit, it was only eight-thirty, but he was as tight as a virgin’s cunt and twice as twitchy. Very deliberately, Alex changed his T-shirt for the third time—still black but not damp—drank a bottle of water and grimaced as yet someone else who wasn’t Mimi rang the bell. He’d bet his last pound one of his friends had a security camera trained on the Dom’s room and was sniggering at him. He did the V-sign toward the tiny camera in the corner, and was rewarded by a disembodied voice saying, “Tut, tut, no cussing allowed.” It made him chuckle. “David, you know more cuss words than I’ve had hot dinners.”

  “I don’t use them though.”

  True enough. He checked the time once more. Still twenty minutes before nine.

  Did she not understand what punctuality meant? Come off it. She’s not even dead on time yet, let alone late. Alex mentally chastised himself, and was damned glad none of his fellow Doms could see the state he was in. They’d enjoy taking the mickey. Likewise his sister. Sassy sub that she was, she’d comment and take her punishment willingly if it meant getting a rise out of him.

  Why the hell was he so on edge? He had no fucking idea, but if he didn’t cool it, he’d not only run out of clean T-shirts, he’d be as much use as a Dom as a battery powered toy with no battery. Alex resorted to pacing the room.

  Of course he missed Dominique’s entrance, and the first he heard was the intercom, and his name mentioned.

  Bloody typical. Alex stood up, ran his fingers through his almost black, curly, shoulder-length hair and headed down to the foyer. Had he done the right thing? Okay, it had been Theresa’s idea and obviously the owners had gone along with it.

  They would.

  Alex took the stairs two at a time and stood unobserved at the bottom then looked at Dominique. She could say what she liked, but to him she would be Dominique. Or pet. Where had that come from?

  She’d obviously taken him at his word when he’d told her to wear what she was comfortable in, as long as she was prepared to be barefoot. That was one thing that wasn’t negotiable. Under-floor heating worked wonders and no one could ever say their feet were cold. It was a fairly new addition to the castle and had caused a hell of a lot of upheaval, but they all agreed it was worth it. To Alex’s amusement, most of the Doms now went barefoot when practicable. It was something he’d always done, whatever the temperature. Now it seemed it was more the norm, instead of people asking him if he was feeling well.

  No one could say the lady was beautiful, her features were too individual, and her snub nose too pert, but she was the sort of person to draw eyes and garner admiring looks. Dressed in a jade green, thin silky vest and jeans almost the twin to his, with her long russet hair in a plait that reached well past her shoulder blades, her lack of curves drew him like a magnet—another first. Alex had always admired full chested women, like his ex-wife. Maybe his libido had decided it was time for a change.

  At that moment, he was glad of no shoes, because even his pared down Dom outfit of jeans—commando—and a V-neck T, was too hot. God, she could wear a sack and still look stunning. Every muscle in his body tightened. His cock did its shake, waggle and harden act—and his mind screamed, mine. Heaven help him if she turned out not to be interested in him or the lifestyle. He’d spend forever trying to change her mind.

  Mine. It seemed Theresa’s plotting might have been fo
r the best. As long as Dominique admitted what her profile information had screamed. Sub all the way. Even the position she waited in. Still, hands clasped together, head bowed—all-out submissive.

  His cock definitely thought so and he adjusted it discreetly. Best to do it now, rather than sport a boner that threatened to rip his denims and wave hello.

  Alex watched Dominique as she gulped, switched from one bare foot to the other and gripped her hands together so tightly her knuckles went white and she winced. She took a swift glance around the large entrance hall, saw Ross, straight-faced, stare back and visibly shook. Time to make his presence known before she decided she’d changed her mind and disappeared. He picked up the file with her information in it, left the room and made his way to where she waited


  She swiveled around so fast, obviously with no idea where he’d spoke from, that she had to grab hold of the wall to steady herself.

  “Whoops.” Alex took hold of her arm to help her. “If you’re like that bare-footed, how are you in heels?”

  “Oh, er, hi.” She looked him up and down and swallowed.

  A good sign? He hoped so.

  “A liability. Never ever put me in heels if you expect me to move. I have no balance in them.”

  Alex grinned. “It’s just as well you go barefoot here then.” He turned to the woman who sat at the desk in a low top, leather and silver collar and an almost-there skirt. Obviously Shane was on desk duty with Ross, her Sir, and intended to do the whole ‘this is me, I am a sub’ scenario. Alex wondered why, especially when she winked. Why were all the subs he knew full of mischief? Some people might think to be a sub, you had no mind of your own. Nothing was further from the truth. Every one he knew was feisty, fun and definitely shared their opinions.

  “All set?” he asked and Dominique nodded.

  “I think so.”

  “Then let’s get you ready.”

  He looked at Ross, who leaned on the wall and watched them. Ross pushed himself vertical. “Pink or green?”

  “Pink. Seeing as this is a ‘Meet the Dom and chat to a sub’ night.” Out of the corner of his eye he watched Shane open her mouth and shut it quickly. Ross grinned. It was just as well she hadn’t let her mouth run away with her because Alex knew that grin. He wondered how easily Shane would be able to sit down later if she had said what was on her mind. She knew it as well because her eyes widened and she bit back a smile. Whatever might—or might not—happen obviously didn’t faze her one jot.

  “Er, am I missing something here?” Dominique asked him. “Pink or green what?”

  “Ribbon. And yes, you are missing something.”

  “I am?”

  Alex nodded, took the pink ribbon that Ross handed him and tied it swiftly around Dominique’s neck. “You forgot to call me Sir.” He tucked the ends of the ribbon in, as he checked it could be released with one swift tug. “Is that okay? Not too tight?”

  Dominique turned her head from side to side and put two fingers under the silk. “It’s fine.”


  She looked puzzled. “And why am I wearing it?”

  Ross smirked and Shane bit her lip. Alex narrowed his eyes at them. “And, you call me Sir,” he said softly. “Unless you want to leave now?” He waited to see what she would do.


  He nodded. “It’s non-negotiable. Sir or Master Alex. If you think you’re a Domme, then Master Alex will do nicely. Otherwise, inside Diomhair, I’m Sir to you. In fact, I’m Sir or Master Alex to everyone, just as is Master Ross there.” He nodded in the direction of Ross, who stared at the woman standing next to Alex sporting what Jeff, one of the owners, called ‘The Ross look’.

  It was often enough to make even the sassiest sub shiver and behave.

  Chapter Four

  Mimi swallowed and hoped she didn’t look as intimidated as she felt. That sounds a bit OTT from what I’ve read. Is he piling it on, on purpose? Surely Doms don’t add their title when they’re talking to each other? And why is that one, Ross, looking at me as if I’m under a microscope? Rude or what? If she had a chance to chat to Alex, as Theresa had indicated, was that something she could ask? Maybe. Resolutely, Mimi ignored the men and turned to look at the woman behind the desk.

  “And the lady?”

  The lady in question chuckled. “I think a lot of people would say I’m no lady. My name is Shane and I’m a sub. Master Ross’ sub.” Her accent was Australian, with a hint of the local Scottish dialect.

  It sounded a bit like one of those stand up and talk about yourself sessions to Mimi—the ones she always hated.

  “Hello, my name is Mimi and I’m a schoolteacher.”

  “Who still hasn’t answered my question.”

  Oh, God, that voice, it’s enough to make me climax. It reminded her of chocolate, smooth red wine…and sex.

  Mimi turned at the guy in front of her. She was damned sure she knew him from somewhere, but where? Surely she’d remember long dark curly hair and piercing blue eyes?

  Probably in my dreams. She’d always been a sucker for what she called the wild rover look.

  “Now whether you stay or go…only you can make that decision.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “You have the count of five. If you’re not interested, I have places to go, people to meet and things to do.” He paused for a heartbeat.

  God, he’s drop dead gorgeous, but I bet he knows it.


  “Um, er, hold on a bit.” Damned if I know how to answer him. Mimi stared as her thoughts went X-rated and she realized she had no idea what to say.


  Pet? Oh shit. She’d been so wrapped up in those thoughts that she’d forgotten he was waiting for an answer.

  “I’m counting… Two… Three…”

  “Give me a sec, er, Sir. I’m trying to formulate my scrambled thoughts here. I don’t want to leave, thank you.” She waited until his face darkened, then very deliberately, added, “Sir.”

  “Pet, don’t push me.”

  Fair enough. After all, he was giving up his time to show her around, but she needed to know something. “Why do you call me pet? Surely that’s only for subs. I’m not a sub.” She chuckled. “Or a what-do-you call it, Domme? I’m an ‘ask lots of questions and report back spectator’. And do I have to say Sir all the time? With every sentence? I’ll sound as if I have a stutter.”

  “Pet, there’s not an ounce of dominance in you, believe me. You scream sub. Subs call Doms Sir or Master whoever. You say Sir when addressing me.” He grinned. “Every other sentence will be fine.”

  Behind him, Shane sniggered oh so briefly.

  “You’ll soon learn.” He opened a door to his right and stood back to usher her in. Mimi preceded him into the room and looked round with interest.

  It was beautifully furnished, with soft settees and cushions, a thick greeny-blue rug over an oatmeal-colored carpet and a bar with coffee and tea with what looked like soft drinks on it. It could have been any hotel lounge in the word. It was, Mimi thought, bland. She almost expected to hear muzak. The only discordant notes were the tiny security cameras in each corner and the larger TV screen, which was blank.

  Well, what did you expect, numpty. Straight into watching whatever it is they do? He’s going to want to find out what you expect first—or something.

  “Tea? Coffee?”

  “Water please, er…Sir.”

  He smiled and once more her legs went to jelly.

  “Grab a cushion and sit.” He paused and his eyes darkened to black shot with fire. “We’ll start as if you are my sub, and you can ask any question you want, pet.”

  The name sounded like a caress. Her pussy muscles contracted. Oh, God, I’m a goner. My knickers are soaked.

  “You say I scream sub, but I’m a teacher. I have to be in charge there or the kids would wipe the floor with me,” Mimi said. “Is that not the same thing as not a sub?” Why was she being perverse? Eve
n with her limited knowledge, she knew that.

  His eyes narrowed for one heart stopping moment. “Not at all. Here.” He handed her a bottle of water. She took it with a murmur of thanks, sipped some to coat her suddenly dry throat then set it on a side table.

  “So, pet.” Did he emphasize the sobriquet? “Are you ready?”

  She wiped her suddenly sweaty palms down her jeans. “As I’ll ever be.”

  “Then sit and let’s get started.”

  Mimi looked down at the cushion by her bare feet. “On that?”

  “Or the floor, but I thought the cushion might be easier.” He paused. “This time.”

  Thank goodness she was wearing jeans and liked sitting on the floor—and was reasonably agile. Mimi sat down and tucked her legs to one side. Normally she would sit cross-legged in the lotus position, but here that seemed too provocative.


  Alex—no, she must remember to add the Master bit—sat in the chair next to her and for one brief second put his hand on her head. Red-hot heat radiated down from his touch and she shivered. How could something so simple create such a reaction? Mimi shut her eyes and took a deep breath. It was ridiculous.

  And breathe.

  If he noticed her reaction to his touch, he chose to ignore it.

  “I’ve looked over your forms, pet. Did you really think about your answers?”

  Mimi looked up into his expressionless face. Oh God why does he have such long lashes? “Of course I did.”

  He raised one eyebrow.

  What? Oh shit. “Sir. But um, look, Sir, I have no idea what I need to know, need to report back to the forum or what a ‘Meet a Dom, chat to a sub’ night is all about. I thought I’d be shown around, see the stuff you have here, ask a Dom and a sub a few questions and well…” Her voice trailed off. “I don’t know why they asked me to do it, to be honest. I know my headmaster is against everything, and the chair has an open mind—or I think I she does. Me? I hope I have.” Mimi drank some more water. “But, I mean, I’m just me. A schoolteacher, who loves her job, wants to do it well, and got inveigled into being on the forum for improving the area because how do you say no to your boss when you’re new to the area and want to fit in?”


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