Texas Temptation

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Texas Temptation Page 20

by Kathryn Brocato

  “Remember the drive-by shooting, when we fell down the stairs just in time to keep from being shot? Someone put a hand in the middle of my back and shoved, but there was no one directly behind us.”

  “I can’t believe this.” Berry covered her face with her hands. “Not content to ruin my entire childhood by demanding all Daddy’s attention, Daniel is now resorting to physical mayhem to get attention.”

  “I think he was trying to keep you alive, darling. He kept interjecting thoughts into my head,” Tyler said. “I’d dismiss them as aberrant creations of my own subconscious and try to find alternate explanations. But whatever tripped you saved your life by keeping you from answering the door. Craig Robinson would have killed you the same way he killed Daniel.”

  Berry shivered. “Do we have to talk about him? This is supposed to be our honeymoon.”

  “All the more reason to get this out of our way now.”

  She looked up and met his tender gaze. “Do we have to?”

  “Daniel loved you, and he did his best to keep you alive. That’s the important thing for you to remember from all this, Berry.”

  Her eyes filled with tears as she looked away. Blinking them back, she lifted her gaze to Tyler’s so she could enjoy that brief moment of pleasure that squeezed her heart every time she looked at him.

  “He said he’d gotten me fixed up with the right man at last.” She laughed through her tears. “That’s Daniel for you. Always taking credit for anything good that happens.”

  Tyler laughed with her. “How well I remember that.”

  Berry dried her eyes and ate in silence a moment. “Walter Farley told me that Daniel’s special assignment was to investigate the Westheimer number two store. He thought something peculiar must have been happening that made it so much more profitable than all the other stores. But Daniel died before he could get started on the project.”

  “So now we know.” Tyler smiled at her. “Daniel’s death had nothing to do with the fraud, but because of when it occurred, the two things seemed connected.”


  “Yes, darling?”

  “You don’t have some silly idea about waiting until I’m completely healed before you touch me, do you?”

  Obviously caught by surprise, Tyler stammered something incoherent.

  Berry fixed him with a stern gaze. “Daniel wants a baby named after him. How am I supposed to have a baby if you keep behaving as if I’m made out of fragile china?”

  “They said you’d be tired for several days,” Tyler said. “When I make love to you again, I want you full of all the passion and enthusiasm I remember.”

  “How am I supposed to have any passion and enthusiasm if I have nothing to look forward to?”

  Tyler opened his mouth then closed it again. “This is the sort of argument a man has no hope of winning, isn’t it?”

  “Glad you realize that, Reid.”

  “Actually, I’m nervous. I had no idea I was marrying a rich woman.”

  “You’ll have to think of something better than that. I’m not a rich woman until my great-aunt dies, and she’s so mean, she’s liable to live to be over one hundred. Besides, as soon as Daniel’s namesake is safely underway, I intend to do as you suggested and pay Great-aunt Mary a visit.”

  “Glad I could help.” Tyler watched her quizzically.

  “Maybe if I’m rude and sassy enough, she’ll take pity on Cammy Osborne and change her will again.” Berry took up her knife and fork again and vanquished the remainder of the breakfast steak. “At any rate, you can’t use the rich woman argument. Aunt Mary is just too mean to count on.”

  “I’m beginning to see why Daniel held you in respect. You must have wiped out his best arguments constantly.”

  “That was because Daniel persisted in thinking the male brain was better than the female brain, in spite of every piece of evidence I gave him to the contrary.” Berry fixed Tyler with a challenging stare. “What I want to know is, are we going to be real partners here, or am I going to have to let you take Daniel’s place in training?”

  “I’ve already been trained,” Tyler said meekly. “Mom and my sisters consider me a promising work-in-progress.”

  “Good.” Berry sat up straighter. It was amazing how much better she felt after eating a good meal. In another hour, she should be full of energy. “In that case, you may now help me take a shower.”

  Tyler’s eyes widened and he visibly drew in a breath. “No deal, Challoner. The doctor said you couldn’t get that shoulder wet for another week.”

  “In that case, you’ll have to help me take a tub bath.”

  “Berry … ” He started to speak then looked at her face and laughed. “All right. I can see you’re just waiting for me to say something stupid. Would you like me to help you hobble into the bathroom? Maybe I should carry you. Help conserve your strength.”

  “We’re partners, remember? You’re supposed to help me when I ask, and I’m going to need help getting this blouse off over my head.”

  Tyler raised his brows suggestively. “Maybe you’ll need help removing some of that sexy lingerie. What an opportunity.”

  “I knew you’d think so,” Berry said, satisfied. “It’s too bad I’m not wearing a bra. It’s really unfair to rob you of taking it off me.”

  “Why do I get the feeling that you’ve got more than a simple bath in mind here?” Tyler watched her stand and steady herself with a hand on the table. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”

  “Tyler, I feel fine. Just fine. And I’ll feel a whole lot better as soon as you quit acting like you expect me to faint every time I stand up.”

  “You’ll be a lot stronger in another day or two.” He rose reluctantly and followed her to the bathroom.

  “I’m a lot stronger now.”

  “Do you like hot water or warm?”

  “Very warm.”

  She watched the play of muscles in his bare back as he reached for the faucets and adjusted the water flow and temperature. It was asking too much of her to look and not touch, so she laid her palm on his back.

  “Challoner, that is not a good idea if you want to have a bath.”

  “I thought you might like to have a bath with me,” she said innocently. “That way, you’ll be right here to help me.”

  Tyler straightened. “You’re really devious, aren’t you?” He took her in his arms, careful not to hurt her shoulder. Behind him, the water flowed into the tub and released tremendous quantities of steam. “There’s no need to rush anything. We’re going to be here for two weeks.”

  “I don’t want to waste a single day.” Berry’s arm went around his neck. “You make me feel so good, Tyler. I love you so much. Since the day I met you, I’ve felt more secure and more cared about than I’ve ever felt in my life. I want to show you how much it means to me.”

  Tyler touched her mouth gently with his fingertips. “Berry, I love you. I’d never forgive myself if I hurt you. Can’t we wait another day or two?”

  “You won’t hurt me. If you do, I promise to tell you. How’s that?”

  “I suppose it’ll have to do,” he said, letting his breath out in a long sigh.

  For a moment, Berry stood in the security of Tyler’s hold, savoring his warm strength and the feeling that she’d finally found the one man in the world who could make her feel loved and cherished the rest of her life. She just hoped she could make him feel half as good as he made her feel.

  And she would never be alone again. Tyler’s family had more or less adopted her. Having both Tyler and a family made her feel … she didn’t know how she felt, but it translated roughly into fantastic.

  • • •

  Tyler breathed in Berry’s flowery scent mixed with steam and wondered if he’d ever get used to being with a woman who made him feel like one of those heroes in male adventure novels. It was a heady feeling, one he found himself enjoying more than he’d have thought possible.

  He didn’t dare kiss her. If he
kissed her, he’d be a goner for sure.

  When she turned and held up her arms, clearly expecting him to help her undress, he faltered. He wasn’t ready for this. He wanted to savor every inch of her body. He wanted to throw her down on the bed and make savage love to her for the rest of the day and night.

  Instead, he managed to gently remove her sling and lift the loose, blue blouse over her head, exposing her beautiful breasts and the ugly bandage that covered the front and back of her left shoulder.

  He caught his breath. He wanted her so much, but not if it would make the wound in her shoulder bleed again.

  “If bashing Grady Craig over the head didn’t make it bleed again,” Berry said, rightly interpreting his expression, “why should making love make it bleed?”

  “You have a point,” he admitted.

  Berry placed both hands on his shoulders, enjoying the feel of his skin and muscle beneath her palms. “Of course, I’ve got a point. We’re going to be very careful. There’s nothing to worry about, Tyler. Nothing at all.”

  That was what she thought, Tyler thought grimly. He helped slide her slacks down over her hips, then the pair of blue lace bikini panties she wore. It was a miracle his sanity remained intact.

  He helped her step into the tub of steaming water then had trouble unfastening and stepping out of his own trousers. Berry’s interested gaze on him made him twice as clumsy. If he made it through this day, it would be a miracle.

  He settled into the water facing her. “I thought the object of this was to provide Daniel with a namesake.”

  She gave him a siren-like smile. “It is.”

  “Wasn’t it the Roman Empire that collapsed because of hot baths?”

  “I don’t think it was one hot bath.” She used her hand to push water toward him. “Those ancient Romans spent hours and hours in hot baths every day. I don’t know about you, but I don’t care to stay in here until my toes wrinkle. We’ve got a nice bed in there just waiting for us.”

  Tyler looked his fill of her. Even with the bandage covering her shoulder, she was the most beautiful creature thing he’d ever seen.

  He found her lack of shyness enchanting. She expected him to look at her. She wanted him to. She even encouraged him to touch her all over under the pretense of washing everything she couldn’t reach, and then she tried to do the same to him. By the time Tyler got her out of the tub, he was breathing as if he’d just run a marathon.

  “If you keep this up,” he said hoarsely, “I won’t last much longer.”

  Berry rubbed him with a towel using her good hand. “Good. I was getting worried.”

  He finished drying her and tossed the towel aside. “You’re not going to be satisfied with anything less than making love to me, are you?”

  “I’m glad you’ve finally begun to realize that, Reid. We’re partners, remember. Partners do not leave each other in the lurch on their honeymoon.”

  Tyler chuckled faintly, even as his entire being reached for her. “We have our entire lives together, darling. Are you sure you don’t want to give yourself a day to heal?”

  “You don’t understand, Tyler,” she said.

  Her gray eyes were filled with love. All for him, he realized, amazed.

  “You’re the only one who can heal what’s really wrong with me,” she said. “I’m ready to get well, starting now.”

  Tyler saw the truth in her eyes and lifted her in his arms. As he healed her loneliness and gave her a sense of security and belonging, she healed his restlessness and put a sense of color and adventure in his life.

  “In that case, partner,” he said, “let’s be healed together.”

  About The Author

  Kathryn Brocato is a lifelong reader and writer of romance who lives with her husband, dogs, and chickens in Southeast Texas. Learn more about her at

  www.kathrynbrocato.com, and visit her Facebook page at


  What a Texas Girl Wants

  Kristina Knight

  Avon, Massachusetts

  This edition published by

  Crimson Romance

  an imprint of F+W Media, Inc.

  10151 Carver Road, Suite 200

  Blue Ash, Ohio 45242


  Copyright © 2012 by Kristina Knight

  ISBN 10: 1-4405-4464-6

  ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-4464-4

  eISBN 10: 1-4405-4463-8

  eISBN 13: 978-1-4405-4463-7

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, corporations, institutions, organizations, events, or locales in this novel are either the product of the author’s imagination or, if real, used fictitiously. The resemblance of any character to actual persons (living or dead) is entirely coincidental.

  Cover art © 123rf.com


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter One

  Jackson Taylor’s toes clenched as he came abruptly awake, the left side of his body shivering. The right, however, was delectably warm. A soft weight held his shoulder down, the feel of a woman’s curves pressed hard against his chest. Cold water tickled his feet and wet sand dug into his butt. The tangy, salty smell of the ocean filled his nostrils. Another tickle of water. A slight shiver came from the curvaceous woman beside him before she settled back into sleep.

  A flash of red hair, spinning lanterns, and Latin dance music raced through his mind before it went blank. The infernal pounding started again behind his right temple.

  Must have been a great night. The naked body lying next to his on the beach said as much.

  Jackson levered his eyes open as the first fingers of yellow touched the white sand beach. He winced as intense sunlight hit his eyes. Another postcard perfect day in Puerto Vallarta. He would be perfectly happy spending it with the drapes closed and a couple gallons of hair of the dog. If he could just get back to his hotel room.

  Damn. Thirty-one was years too old to be waking up, hung-over, not knowing where he was or how he had gotten there.

  Pretty chestnut hair hid the woman’s face. At least the woman he almost remembered seemed to be the woman he was with, but for the life of him Jackson couldn’t draw a mental picture of her. Just what the hell had he done last night?

  Well, the what was fairly simple to answer if the sand digging into his butt was any indication. No clothes tempered the feel of her soft skin against him. It had been a long time since Jackson had woken up beside a woman unable to recall who she was or how they had met. He had never liked the feeling, and liked it even less this morning.

  Chilly water washed over his feet to his ankles. As the water returned to the sea, his heels dug deeper into the sand creating tiny tide pools.

  He had to move. But if he moved he would disturb the woman sleeping softly on his right shoulder. Somehow he didn’t think she would appreciate his jumping up and running for the nearest rock to answer the call of nature, leaving her alone in the chilly morning tide.

  Another flash, this time of long, smooth leg sliding over his hips and sinking into the sand. Jackson squeezed his eyes together, trying to make the vision last. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t follow the woman’s leg up her body to her face.

  Had he picked up a random woman on the Malecon the previous night?

  Where were their clothes? If he could get up, he could at least cover the woman with a shirt or something before running for the rocks r
imming the beach. Jackson angled his head but couldn’t see anything except sand and some seaweed on either side of them. Sunlight glinted off glass high above.

  A villa. They were probably trespassing on a private beach. He had to get out of here. The quicker the better.

  This was not going to go over well with the nameless woman.

  Water splashed over his ankles to his calves. He didn’t have much time. Why wasn’t she waking up? Jackson bent his neck and saw that her legs barely reached below his knees. No wonder she was still asleep. She was dry.

  Taking a deep breath, Jackson tried to wriggle his arm free. He managed to gain a couple of inches of freedom before she burrowed back into his chest. Great. A cuddler.

  Her left hand rested over his sternum, sunlight glinting off the thin gold band on her ring finger.

  He hadn’t just had a one night stand; he had apparently had a one night stand with a married woman. He sank back onto the sand, the rising tide forgotten for a moment.

  Jackson Taylor liked sex, everyone knew that. But he drew the line at having sex with married women. Some things were meant to be sacred. Damn it, how drunk could he have been not to notice a wedding ring?

  And why hadn’t the husband been hanging all over her? How had Jackson been allowed not only to dance with her but to take her away?

  Another snippet of music flashed in his brain along with a wide, laughing smile. Perfectly shaped lips, head thrown back, beautifully shaped neck. And then everything went black again. Jackson didn’t have to see her face to know the woman lying on his chest was a beauty. He felt her soft curves and silky skin against his body. If she were his woman he would be hounding any man within a twenty mile radius who got too close.

  Not that she, whoever she was, would ever be his woman. Jackson wasn’t built for permanent. He rubbed his eyes with his free hand. He had to get out of here. Now.

  Yanking a little harder, Jackson managed to free his arm to the elbow. The red-head’s hand clasped and unclasped over his chest as if she were reaching for something. Probably him. A couple more tugs and he would be free of her. Jackson didn’t feel so bad about leaving her, naked and alone, on the beach now that he knew she was married. What kind of woman did that?


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