A Trap for the Potentate (The Dark Herbalist Book #3) LitRPG series

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A Trap for the Potentate (The Dark Herbalist Book #3) LitRPG series Page 16

by Michael Atamanov

  Much more interesting was that, at level fifty, my big-eared Goblin got another primary and secondary skill slot. But the next such expansion was only possible at the ephemerally far-off level one hundred, so I needed to think very carefully about what skills Amra should gain now in order to reach that coveted level as quickly as possible. Also to just get to it at all.

  After the Battle

  I STARTED UNHURRIEDLY back to the orc camp, finishing off wounded and crippled enemies who hadn’t managed to retreat with the scattered army. Legless skeletons crawling who-knows-where, headless zombies chaotically wandering about the swamps, a Gigantic Praying Mantis and Royal Cobra locked in a battle to the death... I killed the Praying Mantis myself with a Vampire Bite, because I didn't have anything like it in my “collection” yet, while I let the Gray Pack rip the wounded cobra to shreds.

  Achievement unlocked: Taste Tester (91/1000)

  Racial ability improved: Taste for Blood (Gives +1% to all damage dealt for each unique creature killed with Vampire Bite. Current bonus: +29%)

  Akella, the first and most leveled of my Hardened Forest Wolves, had already reached level-49. Lobo, Blanca and White Fang were still languishing at around 48. In any case, either today or tomorrow, they would all most likely get a second perk, which would give me significant leeway to vary their abilities depending on the situation. Darius and Darina, level 49 Wargs, were dawdling in the squelching thick muck behind me, and Darius was panting noticeably. He had been seriously wounded in tonight's battle. The phlegmatic level-62 Mythical Hound Fimbulthul was interested only in grub as usual, and he was vacuuming up any traces of food he found on the ground, not having an aversion even to the bones and flesh of the undead.

  But my two new Swamp Wolves felt timid in the unfamiliar pack and were anxiously pressed up against my legs, seeking protection from their master. It looked quite funny and even awkward with their levels at 88 and 89. The pink wolf was especially shivering and putting his tail between his legs, as if he was also embarrassed at his stupid appearance.

  I had yet to decide what to do with these two, because I was hoping to find more interesting and stronger pets higher up the river of death, and I would need empty slots in the Gray Pack for them to occupy. But for now, I kept the Swamp Wolves in, because it would be stupid to part with the strongest and most dangerous of my pets (except, of course, the Swamp Wolf Alpha, which hadn’t respawned yet. I wasn’t sure of its level, but it was certainly higher than that of my other pets).

  Oh! Plant! My big-eared Goblin Herbalist nearly stepped on a black, practically invisible flower in the dark swamp. Only the stench of death exuding from it warned me, and I stopped literally one step away.

  Nocturnal Corpse Flower

  Herbalism skill increased to level 18!

  Fame increased

  Present value: 9

  You are the first to discover this plant in Boundless Realm

  Great! Another increase in Fame for discovering a new plant. Most likely, these swampy shores were covered with a good deal of flowers, which opened their petals only at night, and could only be seen then. Few players had come through these parts even in the daytime, and there probably were even less Herbalists. So, at night... I was probably the first Herbalist to ever walk these ghastly swamps in the dark... I had to test that theory, because every new plant gave me a generous +1 to Herbalism and +1 to Fame.

  After gathering the black, unpleasant-smelling blossoms for future study of their alchemical properties in a calmer setting, I told the mavka about my discovery and Herbalism growth in a private message, and also warned my sister that I would be walking around the camp for a bit, telling her not to worry about my absence. My sister immediately answered that she understood, and would send the orcs to loot corpses and gather pelts and meat before the bodies of the dead animals disappeared.

  I walked an unhurried circle around the nearest hills, gathering rare herbs, berries and mushrooms. I still didn't risk getting too far from the defended camp, because there were plenty of dangerous beasts wandering around, but I could allow myself a half hour or two to level Herbalism. And although, in the end, my skill managed to raise up to level-19, I didn't find anything more, just plants already known to other players. That didn't upset me one bit, though. After all, this was just the start of my journey and, higher up the Styx, I could expect to find even wilder undiscovered places.

  There was one more reason I was in no rush back to the orc camp. I... was afraid. Yes, yes, precisely! After clearly demonstrating my vampiric abilities during the battle, I was worried about the upcoming conversation with my warriors. A decent amount of orc defenders had seen me bite the cobra during the battle — both the crossbowmen and spearmen with large shields blocking off the path behind the Gray Pack. It would have been naive to hope that none of the dozens of orcs had seen the Vampire Bite. So, my secret was most likely already revealed, and the orcs would probably fear and hate me. But I couldn't put the difficult conversation off forever. Sooner or later, I'd have to talk about it with my crew...

  I was fifty steps from the fortifications when a huge muddy brown beast appeared next to me. The Swamp Wolf Alpha had respawned. Only now could I appreciate his truly fearsome dimensions and familiarize myself with his impressive combat statistics.

  Level-110 Swamp Wolf Alpha

  High attack strength, armor, hitpoints, and wonderful endurance. My new pet had practically triple the stats of Akella and the other forest wolves. The beast held himself proudly and confidently, looking at the various predators surrounding him with superiority and even obvious contempt. The Alpha didn't dispute my power and treated his master with great respect, but emphasized with all his behavior that Amra was the only one he would obey. I immediately decided to keep this brown wolf and tried thinking of a nickname that was appropriate to his character. For some reason, the name Baron came to mind. I felt it represented strength, independence and power. I immediately renamed my new pet.

  It was as if Baron could see the name changing over him, and gave me a dog-like lick on the face with his scratchy tongue, then he gave the same ghastly howl that had scared my orcs. I turned an old leather belt into a collar for the huge beast, because I wasn't sure I could keep the wild and dangerous creature in the camp otherwise.

  Animal Control skill increased to level 31!

  Foreman skill increased to level 40!

  And so, holding the huge wolf by the collar, as he bared his teeth spitefully and lunged at everyone he saw, I walked into the camp. The orcs bowed their heads in respect and made way for me. I then saw my first mate Ziabash Hardy at the fire, and went over to him. The orc had always listened to the opinion of the rest of the crew, knew the mood of the group and could speak for all his compatriots, so he was just the person to discuss my vampirism with.

  When he saw me approach, Ziabash Hardy lowered his head dejectedly:

  “Captain, I wasn’t able to do my part and hold my flank... There were so many beasts pushing on our shield wall. Something inside the defenders broke... Everyone just forgot about resistance, and wanted only to survive... Flinging up our heels, we scampered to the very center of the camp... And I ran as well, damn near first of the bunch. And if the monsters hadn't gotten distracted by the smell of food from the kitchen...”

  My heart stopped at these words. A wave of monsters had reached the center of the camp and attacked the kitchen?! But that was where Tondik Exuberant, and Gnum Spiteful were with Irek and Yunna! What had happened to them? Fortunately, his very next words reassured me a great deal:

  “If it weren't for the bravery of the fat chef, who held off the boldest attacking rats with his two-handed pan, the consequences could have been most dire... But Gnum Spiteful got them with his terrifying hammer, and a few orcs from the barricades came to help, as well as your goblin niece and nephew. Then the troll Vaash led his fifty berserkers into battle and the crossbowmen and mavka shot them all down. My soldiers and I were ashamed and joined the main form
ation. All in all, we managed somehow. Eventually, the enemies suddenly stopped coming forward, then just ran for the hills. We didn't understand what happened at first. But then the mavka explained that it was you, our captain, killing the Rat King... Overall, that's what happened. Captain, it's for you to decide what to do with me and my cowardly soldiers. I will accept any sentence...”

  “What were our losses?” I asked the most important question, and Ziabash Hardy said with sorrow in his voice:

  “Eighteen orcs were lost, of which eleven were under my command. The Goblin boy Irek was also killed, but he’s already been reborn, I just saw him alive and well. And the Human Healer died somehow. To be honest, I didn't see. But he's one of the undying, so he will probably be reborn as well. There are forty wounded and crippled. I ordered them brought into the big tent. Shaman Ghuu, Yunna and the mavka are attending to them now. And also, Tondik Exuberant and Gnum Spiteful suffered badly, but they're lying in a separate tent. And I also heard that seven people from the Tipsy Albatross were laid out on the right flank.”

  “What?” I couldn't believe my ears. “What were they even doing there?”

  “Well, there was the Naiad Max Sochnier, captain of the galley. He first sent Jonny to the ship for aid, then ran off because his people didn't believe the young scout. Help arrived just in time, and the monsters weren't able to break the right flank. Not like my left...”

  It hadn't all turned out as bad as I might have expected, given the initial balance of forces. If not for one “but...” Lowering my voice to a whisper, I asked my first mate:

  “Who in our crew knows about my vampirism? And how did the orcish soldiers react to the news?”

  Successful check for Ziabash Hardy's opinion

  Successful check for Vaash's opinion

  Successful check for Gnum Spiteful's opinion

  Successful check for Ghuu Gel All-Knowing's opinion

  Successful check for Johnny's opinion

  Successful check for Orc race opinion

  All conditions met (6 of 6)

  Hidden mission completed: Our Captain's Eccentricities (racial, rare)

  Reward: 24000 Exp., +30 to any check of your crew's opinion

  Veil skill increased to level 15!

  Veil skill increased to level 16!

  Stealth skill increased to level 24!

  Foreman skill increased to level 41!

  Foreman skill increased to level 42!

  Ziabash Hardy's eyebrows shot up in surprise:

  “Hmm, Captain Amra, when even was that...? Talk started of a vampire on board the White Shark when you first traded wine for blood... Or was it even earlier? I can't remember anymore. First of all, everyone was on guard, of course. There was a lot of chatter, how can you not gossip about something like that...? But they eventually got used to it. The crew never thought too badly of you for it. In fact, it was the opposite. They saw that our captain is courageous and favored by fortune so, if he has some weird habits, that's his business. And when Taisha asked us to build a tent in the sunny desert for Captain Amra, everyone understood why. Also, the winged snake is constantly bringing still living beasts for the captain, and he doesn't eat them, just kills them. All in all, our crew has long known about our captain's vampirism, but none of our soldiers will give up your secret, you can be sure!”

  Woah! The whole pirate crew had long known about their captain's predilection for blood but, all that time, they had reacted fairly calmly. My goblin stroked his huge ears in contemplation. Ugh, if I'd have known earlier that I didn't have to shiver over my secret, think how many nerves I could have saved! My mood was plainly improved, and I patted the nervous orc reassuringly on the shoulder:

  “Ziabash, it isn't some deficit of thought that caused the gap in your flank, because cowards would never be able to look such strong and ghastly beasts in the eyes. As far as I can tell, the reason was insufficient preparation and the soldiers’ lack of ability to fight in formation. But your group wasn’t the only one to have this characteristic, all our orcs did. It would be stupid to punish you for that. But it is clear that intensive training is not only important, but vitally necessary! The forest nymph will lead this initiative starting tomorrow morning. Valerianna Quickfoot has a lot of experience in such matters.”

  Leaving the orc to keep resting by the fire, I headed into a tent for the wounded. At the entrance to the tent, I ran into Shaman Ghuu Gel All-Knowing, who happened to be on his way out. The normally sprightly and strong shaman was now barely able to stand due to overexertion. Looking at me with his eyes sagging wearily, Ghuu pointed at the rows of orcs lying on bed-mats:

  “Captain, I've done all I could. Some of the wounded will be back in shape tomorrow, others a bit later. But there are five badly wounded. They have very bad tear wounds from the claws and teeth of the undead, and all five have begun to be infected. As bad as it may be, I'm clean out of healing elixirs...”

  Mission received: Orc Infirmary

  Mission class: Normal

  Description: Get thirty Minor Elixirs of Healing and five Elixirs of Cure Disease for the shaman

  Reward: 4000 Exp., Alchemy +1, your squadron will be ready to keep moving

  Everything in the mission was totally usual and predictable, but I was slightly put on guard by the line “your squadron will be ready to keep moving.” What the heck did that mean? If I couldn't find the proper number of elixir bottles would we be stranded here forever?! And what about the option of leaving the wounded behind? Of course, I did have a large reserve of empty flagons, and a whole stack of healing herbs towering in my inventory. I was not planning to leave my orcs behind, but it still seemed a bit illogical.

  I promised the shaman to handle the alchemy a bit later and prepare everything needed for healing, then headed off to find my sister. Valerianna Quickfoot was in the dwarven tent and let me inside, pointing at both of the wounded soldiers:

  “Here they are: the true heroes of tonight's battle! They held out alone against an attacking wave of monsters. They did get pretty seriously hurt though, especially the fatso...”

  The chef was obviously not doing well. There were so many cuts and bites on his body that there wasn't a single fresh patch of skin. All the bandages on his chest and head were soaked in blood. It also looked like Tondik's right eye had been poked out. There was an uneven bloody scar running across his empty eye socket, cheek and upper lip, stitched up tight with thread. But the worst wounds were to his arms and hands. His right was missing two fingers, and all that remained of his left was a stump at the elbow wrapped in rags...

  At that, Tondik was still conscious, recognized his captain and even tried to stand up from the cot:

  “Captain,” I could hear despair in the dwarf's voice, “those rats came at my kitchen and ate all the food! What kind of a chef am I without flour, grains, sugar and spices?! I tried to stop them, stunned them with the very biggest pan... when I still had two hands... Then jabbed with the knife until I was dragged off...”

  It was unbelievable, but the chef was much more worried about the loss of foodstuffs than his severe injuries!

  “Tondik was raging like a real berserker,” Gnum Spiteful spoke up with a weak voice from the neighboring cot, “beset by enemies on all sides, the chef didn't notice his wounds and kept fighting, even after a huge swamp wolf bit off his hand...”

  The dwarven lady was also seriously wounded. Her right hand was hanging limp in a bandage, both legs were splinted, and her beard was matted with blood. Some beast had tried to bite the Dwarf Mechanic's throat. But still, Gnum Spiteful's state didn't worry me seriously. She would be good as new in no time. Unlike Tondik, who was seriously crippled.

  I took a step forward and went down on one knee next to the chef's bed:

  “It is a great honor to have such a valiant warrior is in my squadron! I'd long known about Gnum Spiteful's fearlessness, but you really surprised me with your determination and valor. I want both of you to know that the orcs are impresse
d with the bravery of the dwarves and say that it was your example of fearlessness that stopped the panic in our ranks!”

  Foreman skill increased to level 43!

  Would you like to take the primary skill Warchief (Ch P)?

  Would you like to take the primary skill Diplomat (Ch I)?

  I dismissed both suggestions. I needed to take an intelligent approach to choosing my new level-50 skills, and think it over carefully, not act spontaneously. Here, the forest nymph cut into the conversation:

  “As for more victuals, don't you worry Tondik. Sure, there may be no more flour, but we've got so much meat that our squadron will eat for a week! It just needs to be dried or salted so it won't spoil in this hot and humid climate. We also have plenty of herbs and spices, so there's plenty of work for a chef.”

  The fat dwarf sat up on his bed once again and said, giving a chuckle with his stitched upper lip:

  “Thank you for the trust, undying forest nymph. Of course, I will try to cook with one hand, but I'll need time to get used to it.”

  “Tondik, I'll help you in the kitchen as soon as I can stand!” Gnum Spiteful said unexpectedly. “And I'll be sure to make you a prosthesis for your hand with all kinds of adaptations, so you can work more comfortably in the kitchen.”


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