Bewitching the Vampire

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Bewitching the Vampire Page 1

by Selena Illyria

  Table of Contents


  Table of Contents

  Acclaim for Selena Illyria

  Look for these titles from Selena Illyria

  Title Page

  Copyright Warning


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


  About the Author

  Also by Selena Illyria

  More Romance from Etopia Press

  ~ Acclaim for Selena Illyria ~

  For Renny's Mate

  “With fun and engaging characters, this was a cute short story.”

  —Gabrielle of You Gotta Read This

  For Seven Sins Inn: Pietro & Callisto

  “[A] definite page turner and one I would recommend to anyone looking for an interesting and sizzling tale.”

  —Fuchsia of Long and Short Reviews

  For Dragons at Midnight

  “Right from the start I was immersed into the wonderful world that this author brings to us and I hope that it is not my last.”

  —Gabrielle of You Gotta Read This

  For Dragons at Samhain

  “I loved seeing that connection. The two men knew just what Carissa needed and were not afraid to give it to her.”

  —Gabrielle of You Gotta Read This

  For Dragon Ugly

  “The sparks fly from the moment they meet and grow into an intense love. Not only did I enjoy meeting Brent and Carissa but the rest of the characters endeared themselves to me as well. I really enjoyed my visit to this world and hope to return again soon.”

  —Gabrielle, The Romance Studio

  Look for these titles from Selena Illyria

  Now Available

  Dragon New Year

  Dragon Ugly

  Dragons at Midnight

  “Dragons at Samhain” Halloween Heat II

  Mate Not Wanted

  At Drogan’s Command

  Renny’s Mate

  Seven Sins Inn: Pietro & Callisto

  Fallen Lovers: Roman

  Carnevale and Subterfuge

  Bewitching the Vampire

  In Print

  “Dragons at Samhain” Halloween Heat II

  Renny’s Mate (Beach Bums Anthology)

  Seven Sins Inn: Pietro & Callisto (Demon Heat Anthology)

  Bewitching the Vampire

  Flushed and Fevered Book One

  Selena Illyria

  Etopia Press

  Copyright Warning

  EBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared, or given away. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is a crime punishable by law. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to or downloaded from file sharing sites, or distributed in any other way via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the publisher’s permission. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000 (

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Published By

  Etopia Press

  1643 Warwick Ave., #124

  Warwick, RI 02889

  Bewitching the Vampire

  Copyright © 2014 by Selena Illyria

  ISBN: 978-1-941692-21-9

  Edited by Julian Smith

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Etopia Press electronic publication: September 2014

  ~ Dedication ~

  For Shara Cooper, Chris Marie Green, Jodi Redford, Lissa Matthews, Amie Stuart, Brandy Walker, Kate Johnson, Tilly Greene, Qwillia Rain, Dahlia Rose, Drea Beacraft, Yvette Mathews-Lowe, Katalina Leon, Andy Slade, Aurora Black, Ridelle Wilkerson, Renee George and so many others. You guys inspire me and bring magic to my life. Thank you!

  Chapter One

  Bridget knew she’d made a mistake.

  Joe led her into the room, pulled out her chair, and touched the small of her back as he pushed her seat forward. There had been no need for the touch, but the electric shock traveled through the layers of her leather jacket and her thin sweater. The current trailed lazily up and down her spine to buzz around her pussy and fill her body with heat and awareness. The tips of her ears burned and her face flushed. She licked her bottom lip and tried to focus on the danger that sat across from her.

  Joe took his seat with easy grace, his features bathed in golden light from the overhead chandelier and the lit candelabras. Bridget took in the neatly groomed five o’clock shadow, his navy blue eyes outlined with dark lashes, the barbell piercing that cut through his thick right brow. Despite his undead status, he had a light tan that only enhanced her fascination with him. Where the hell did vampires go to tan that wouldn’t cause them to burst into flames? She shoved away her question and focused on the silver studs in his ears. A smirk graced his mouth. She wondered what it was he knew that made him smile that way.

  She’d heard the rumors, knew the older vampires could read things in a single touch, even through layers of clothing. What he got from her she wasn’t sure and didn’t want to know, but that damn smirk seemed to mock her. Her body twitched with unused energy as the thrill of contact with him continued to circulate. Her blood buzzed with awareness and her skin tingled.

  She licked her bottom lip again and fought to focus on something else, anything else. Her stare trailed from the red-oak flooring to the framed posters of comic book covers, each one singed by author and artist. A pang of envy filled her as she spotted a Batman: Year One cover signed by Frank Miller. For a moment, she wondered what kind of security system he had and if she could sneak it out without him knowing.

  His steady, unblinking gaze settled on her like a weight, making her hyperaware of just how tight her nipples were and just how long it had been since she’d gotten laid. This was why she went out of her way to avoid the living hell out of Joe. She knew nothing about him, but he managed to pull and tug at things deep in her body she didn’t want to think about.

  She focused on the bat-shaped bulbs of his chandelier and wondered what could compel him to buy something so ugly. It was at odds with the simplicity of the room.

  Joe cleared his throat and Bridget turned her attention back to him. He still had that smirk on his lips. Her palm prickled with the urge to smack him and make him stop. At least her magic hadn’t been activated. “What?”

  He shrugged. “Nothing.”

  She gritted her teeth. “What?”

  He picked up the cards and held them up. “Rules are simple. You win a round, I answer whatever question you ask. I win, you answer me. Deal?”

  “That’s why I’m here,” she managed to get out, suppressing a growl.

  He raised an eyebrow. “To play poker and enjoy the pleasure of my company?”

  “For answers, asshole.”

  He opened his mouth wide enough that she saw his tongue stud. She squirmed on her chair.
She’d heard all the rumors about what men with that kind of tongue piercing could do. This was no time to think about it.

  Joe chuckled, a dark sound that seemed to have nothing to do with poker and everything to do with sex. Did all vampires learn this laugh or was it just the old ones?

  He dealt out the cards and settled back in his chair. Bridget picked up her cards and looked down, unsure whether or not she had a good hand. She had never played poker in her life. She figured two aces were good but what about two eights?

  What the hell had she gotten herself into? Damn you, Fritz!

  Chapter Two

  One hour earlier at Witch, Familiars & Associates…

  Bridget fingered the silver-engraved invitation.

  Vampire King Joe requests the pleasure of your company for a private poker game at his residence. The time: eight o’clock. The date: Samhain. Casual attire, please. Joe.

  She’d been avoiding him for the last few weeks. Each encounter left her more confused and aroused than she was comfortable with. She knew nothing about him other than to steer clear. There was ancient power there, magic that could suck her in and never let her go. Every once in a while, he’d send her a little gift to show his “admiration and appreciation,” as he put it. The most recent gift had been flowers. Sweet, but suspicious.

  She put the invitation down and pushed it away, picking up the latest issue of Para-People instead. She flipped through the magazine, keeping one eye on the Friday the 13th marathon on TV while she skimmed the latest para-celeb gossip. It didn’t help.

  The scent of lavender wafted through the air as the heater kicked in. Her fingers tingled as she remembered finding the carefully wrapped flowers on her porch swing. He’d rung the doorbell but she’d been too chicken shit to answer. When she was sure he’d gone, she’d opened the door, scooped up the gift, and rushed back in as if his pet gargoyles were on her heels. The card was a simple piece of heavy, white paper, a hint of his woodsy, spicy cologne clinging to the smooth stock. The simple words “Missing You” stood out in his signature green ink against the stark brightness of the envelope. As she touched it, a shiver of his power rushed up her arm and traced its way down her spine, caressing her nipples to hard points before settling between the lips of her sex.

  Now the invitation sat on her desk like a coiled snake ready to strike. The paper no longer held any trace of his power. It was cool to the touch. A sense of disappointment filled her, only to be replaced by self-loathing. His attentions were nothing but an attempt to ingratiate himself into the witch community. She refused to be a pawn in whatever game he was playing.

  Now this. A game of poker.

  Samhain was normally a quiet time for her. The paranormal elements traditionally stayed home this night, relishing a quiet evening in. If they wanted to mix and mingle with the normal populous, they threw parties and dressed as their stereotypical personas to the amusement of all. No thank you. Bridget would never put on a magic show and abuse her powers like that.

  “Such a serious little witch.”

  “Shut up,” she ordered the voice in her head. Lately, she’d been hearing him more and more. Was she going mad? Or was that voice a sign of something else? She didn’t dare look into it for fear of what she’d find.

  Bridget longed to lose herself in her work. Maybe the necro-cults would try to raise long-dead deities with a sacrifice or two, or a disobedient shifter would start acting up and have to be caught. She brought her feet off the table and stood up. Raising her hands in the air, she stretched and heard vertebrae pop. As she brought her arms down, she opened her up senses. Her skin tingled with the energy in the air. Anticipation lapped at her nerve endings. Her muscles tensed and relaxed. Any second now, Fritz would waltz through the door holding a thick file filled with info on the latest idiot who messed with magic or broke the Laws of the Mystic.

  Any. Second. Now. She turned her attention to the doorway and watched, hoping, praying, that something would happen to take her mind off her gift from the vampire liege.

  She heard heels thump against the wooden floorboards and hope bloomed in her chest. Maybe something had happened. Her secretary, Sera, appeared in the entryway, her hair swept up in an elaborate bun and dark brown curls framing her delicate features. She was dressed in a black pencil dress with a lace overlay and red piping on the collar and hem. She wore platform heels with black fishnet stockings. She looked professional, but there was something naughty about the black cat shifter. Maybe it was her crimson lip-gloss or that glint in her wide, almond-shaped hazel eyes.

  “Hey boss. There’s nothing doing out here. Want us to stay or can we call it a night?”

  “Sorry, yeah. Sure, tell everyone to go home or whatever. Whoa, not everyone. Lana can stay.” There was no way in hell she was letting a sugar-addicted pixie out on Halloween. At least making sure the little troublemaker didn’t make a break for it would keep her on her toes and possibly keep thoughts of Joe at bay.

  “Will do. It’s a good thing that you’re letting us go. I was getting worried about Mysta. She was reading a romance novel.”

  “Stop reading over my shoulder, feline,” Mysta called out.

  “I wouldn’t if you didn’t look so damn constipated, snake,” Sera retorted.

  “It’s not constipation, it’s boredom,” Mysta shot back.

  “Both of you shut up! Go home. Or to parties or whatever.” By stopping it now she could avert an all-out magic fight.

  “Aye-aye, boss.” Sera gave her a salute and turned to go. “Oh, Fritz has just arrived boss.”

  Relief sung through Bridget at that announcement. It looked like she was going to be busy tonight after all, and would have an excuse to avoid Joe’s invitation. She settled into her seat and tried to look busy, clearing off the magazines and candy detritus as she pulled her keyboard toward her.

  “Caught you! Thank goodness.” Fritz waltzed into the room in a swirl of a high-necked black cloak. “I was worried that you might be out.” He wore a starched white shirt with red droplets on it. He had fake vampire teeth in and his normally bronzed skin was milk pale.

  “Fritz, are you serious? What the hell are you wearing?” Bridget eyed his outfit, trying to hold back a laugh.

  “Like it?” He did a slow turn. “Got it half off at that little shop on Quivers Lane. I don’t know why blands think we dress like this, but whatever. I have a job for you. Newly made vampire in our territory without permission. His maker wants him returned. You’ve been requested personally for this. I’m sure our local vampire liege can help you locate him.”

  A shiver raced down her spine. Joe. Life really did hate her. She sucked in a breath and tried to ignore the liquid heat filling her pussy at the thought of coming face to face with him. She squirmed in her chair. “Why can’t you ask him?”

  “Because it’s my night off. Anyway, on to the party at Silverlake Lane. They have a cupcake bar, you know? I’ll swing by tomorrow with some eats, yeah? See you later, Bridget.” He left, with his cloak flowing behind him.

  Drama queen. She wished he’d stayed longer. She’d rather face a pack of vrykolakas than go see Joe. To stall some more, she flipped open the folder and studied the information on the vampire she was looking for. She didn’t normally do bounty hunter work. Most groups had their own hunters, but sometimes sensitive jobs required an extra degree of discretion or local knowledge. That’s where she came in. Fritz handled the middleman stuff—payments, information—so all she had to do was locate and tranquilize the target and then bring him or her to the designated meeting area.

  The vampire in the picture looked to be about twenty-five. Male. Lean body with pale blond hair. Fine, delicate features. Light brown eyes. He had been turned five days ago and escaped from his maker’s crypt while security was on a smoke break. So far, there had been no reports of a bloodthirsty vamp prowling the streets draining victims, which was good news. There were two types of newly turned vampires. Some were crazed and thirsty; others were confused
but in control. If this vamp was of the latter kind she would be able to lead him to the border without any problem and deliver him to his people unharmed.

  The only hitch in her plan was Joe. As the local vampire liege, he would be able to feel and locate a new vampire wandering about the town. But if she asked Joe to help her, she’d owe him. And she didn’t want to be in his debt. That would mean day or night he could call on her for anything and she’d have to go. She shivered and her pussy pulsed at the thought of being at his mercy.

  Damn it. She had to calm the hell down. Her nipples pulsed for attention and her body grew hot and tight. Fuck. She groaned as the fire continued to grow. There was no way she could go to him like this. Who knew how he’d interpret it? Damn vampiric sense of smell. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. She counted backward from ten to one over and over again, allowing her arousal to diminish. The only way she was willing to face him was calm and in control.

  Gradually, her body cooled and her arousal had abated. She stood and grabbed her coat, shoving the file into her purse before stepping into the outer office. Sitting at the picture window was Lana, her nose pressed to the window, sadness painted on her delicate features.

  “You know you can’t go out there, but I promise to bring you back a treat if you stay here, got it?” Bridget’s heart tugged. She hated keeping Lana indoors, but there was no telling what the pixie would do if she got a hold of all that sugar floating around out there.

  “Yeah, yeah. Get going. I know you want to deal with Joe as little as possible. I’ll hold down the fort here.” Lana waved her away.

  Bridget shook her head in disbelief. “What did I say about keyholes?”

  “Don’t get caught?”

  All Bridget could do was chuckle. “You know you’ll get caught one day and get punished, right?”


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