Three by Blades

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Three by Blades Page 6

by Paul Blades

The two men looked down on the unhappy girl, appreciating her beautiful, helpless form. After a few seconds, Al said to Ray, “Hold her there.”

  He went back to the area of his desk and came back with a thin, wooden cane.

  “I’m going to give you a few licks, honey,” he said, “just to even things up a bit.”

  Deirdre looked back over her shoulder and squealed. “…ooooooo!” she said desperately.

  Al swung the cane in a wide arc and struck her right across her rear cheeks. It made a terrifying “swoosh” sound as it passed through there air. It landed with a loud, “smack!”

  “Eeeeeeeeeeeeiouuuuuu!” Deirdre called out.

  He struck her again. And again. And again. Each time, Deirdre let out a screech of pain. After the fourth blow, he told her, “And this one’s for good luck!”

  He reared his arm back all the way this time and brought it forward in a mighty, vicious arc. It made a loud, sickening, slapping sound as it struck her flesh.

  “Eeeeeeeeeeiooooooouuuuuu!” Deirdre screamed.

  Ray was holding her torso down. There were five, angry lines of red across her bottom. They burned like hell. Deirdre just hung her head and sobbed.

  Al put away the cane and told Ray to go get her things from the bathroom. He picked up her tattered clothes and placed them in the very same plastic bag that Deirdre had planned to put the stolen money in.

  Deirdre just knelt there and cried.

  When Ray came back, he and Al lifted Deirdre to her feet by her arms. They hoisted her up so that her feet were free of the floor and they carried her from the room, down the hallway and up the stairs. Deirdre was moaning and pleading fruitlessly behind her taped mouth. She knew that she was coming closer and closer to the point of no return. Her brain frantically scrolled through the possibilities of forestalling her prospective sale.

  “Please don’t do this! I’ll do anything! I’ll suck your cocks! I’ll work for free, hand in all my tips! I’ll go away and you’ll never see me again! I’ll be your slave! Your whore! I’ll fuck anyone you say! I’ll do anything! But please, please don’t sell me to Mexico! Please!”

  Of course none of these words actually left her lips. They were all inside her fevered and desperate mind. She found herself dragged through the kitchen to the delivery door. They stood her up next to it, leaning her against a rack of dishes. When they let go, her knees sagged and they had to prop her up.

  “Hold her there, Ray,” Al said as he walked away.

  He came back a moment later with a piece of rope. He looped it around her neck twice and then tied it off to the heavy duty rack behind her.

  Al had turned on one bank of lights in the kitchen and its garish glow made everything seem pale. Ray lit a Marlboro Light from her pack.

  “Thanks for the cigarettes, honey,” he said to her, smiling. “It’s not my brand, but they’ll do.” He laughed.

  “See if her tip money’s in her bag,” Al said.

  Ray rummaged through it. “Here it is,” he announced. “It looks like a few hundred bucks!” Ray looked up at the distraught Deirdre. “I guess you had a good night, pig,” he said. “Too bad your lucky streak didn’t last.” He laughed again.

  “Keep it Ray,” Al told him. “Consider it a tip from our guest for the great fuck you threw her.” Al laughed now, too, a scratchy, deep throated sound.

  The trio stood there in silence for a few minutes. Al took out a cigar and put it in his mouth without lighting it. Ray finished his smoke and pinched off the hot end into the sink, throwing the butt in the trash.

  “I’m hungry,” he said.

  “You can buy breakfast for us as soon as we get rid of the slut,” Al replied. “I don’t think you’ll be getting breakfast for a while, shit for brains,” he told Deirdre. He reached out and fondled a breast. “That is, unless Jessie lets you suck on his prick a little bit.”

  Deirdre decided to try one last desperate plea. “…on’t oo is eeeeeease! …mmm orrry! …..eeeeease! …eeeeeeeease!”

  Her face was awash with tears. She felt like she had to pee. Her stomach was in knots, her mouth was dry, her heart was pounding. She tried to think herself back to a point where she could have changed the night’s events, back to when she was in the dressing room, back to when she had crept into the closet and fallen asleep. If only she could go back to then and change her mind about the whole thing! “It was stupid! Stupid!” she thought miserably.

  She thought about her clothes, her car, the $4,500 she had stashed in her locker at the bunk house. She thought about Frank, her old boyfriend, Sandy, her roommate, her trip to California she had planned. All gone. Gone! Gone! Gone!

  Suddenly, through the door, she heard the sound of a vehicle pulling up outside. A chill passed through her body. A few moments later, there was a knock on the door. Al opened it.

  The guy who stepped in was about 6’5” tall. He had long, scraggly black hair that went down to his shoulders. On his face was a thick, black moustache and a few days growth of black beard. His face was broad and his skin was dark. He wore a denim shirt and blue jeans with what looked like turquoise snakeskin boots. His eyes were cruel. When he smiled, he exhibited a shiny gold tooth.

  “Hey, Big Al, man, howya doin?”

  “Right righteous, Jessie,” Al replied. “Right righteous.”

  “This the little honey?”

  “That’s her, all signed, sealed and delivered.”

  “She’s a beaut,” Jessie said. He stepped forward and took hold of Deirdre’s breasts. “She’s got a nice set, too.” He had a deep, gravelly but melodious voice with a heavy Hispanic accent that lilted up at the end of his sentences.

  Deirdre squirmed and whined. Jessie pinched her nipples harshly. She squealed in pain.

  Jessie laughed. “They never like it when you twist their titties,” he said.

  “You got the dough?” Al said, interrupting Jessie’s amusement.

  Jessie reached into his back pocket and removed a thick envelope. “20 g’s like always.”

  Al took it from him and riffed through the bills. It was four bundles of 100’s, fifty to a bundle. “Looks good,” he said. “Let’s get her out of here before the morning crew shows up.”

  “Sue thing,” Jessie replied. “Let me get her suited up first, okay?”

  He had a thick, brown leather belt over his shoulder. It had a heavy buckle on it and a brass ring in the middle.

  “Give me a hand,” Jessie said.

  Al untied Deirdre’s neck from the rack and pulled her out until she was clear of it. He spun her around and Jessie put the belt around her waist. He buckled it behind her.

  Ray had the key to Deirdre’s handcuffs and while Jessie and Al held her arms, he released one wrist from them. They turned her around again, relocked her wrist in the cuff in front and then linked the middle part of the cuffs to the ring in the front of the belt. It clicked shut with a sound of horrible finality.

  Deirdre’s hands were now locked in front of her. She couldn’t move them more than an inch from side to side. She knew that there were only seconds until she was taken away. A wave of fear passed through her so intense that her body felt like it had filled with lead and weighed 500 pounds. She started to tremble. A chill went through her body. And then she peed.

  “Ah shit!” Jessie exclaimed as he jumped back.

  “You cunt!” Big Al said. He slapped her viciously across the face. She banged up against the dish rack, making the dishes clatter. She would have fallen if Ray hadn’t caught her. She started to sob uncontrollably. Her knees went weak again and she slumped in Ray’s arms.

  “Now I’ve got to clean this mess up,” Al said disgustedly. He turned to Jessie. “Get this bitch out of here, willya!”

  “Okay, okay,” Jessie agreed. “Just help me get her up the steps to the van.” He and Al grabbed Deirdre’s arms and lifted her toes from the floor. She hung there limply, too despondent to resist. Al told Ray to get a mop and a bucket of water while he helped Jessie.

  The door opened and they escorted Deirdre outside. It was still jet black dark. The summer night had turned cool. There was a large camper backed up to the kitchen door. It had a door in the back and two steps leading up to it. Jessie opened the door and ascended the steps first. Big Al came behind and together they lifted Deirdre’s body until she had cleared the steps and was inside.

  Deirdre took one last, long, despondent look at Al.

  “See you, fuckbucket,” he said. And the door slammed shut.

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  Jessie was all business. He pushed Deirdre to the floor of the camper. She landed with a loud, ‘thump’ and emitted a moan of pain. He turned on the lights when he came in, but no one would be able to see them because all the curtains were drawn closed. She watched unhappily as he pulled a 3’ wide panel off the wall. She could see that it was a little closet. He grabbed her by the hair and the arm and lifted her back to her feet. She screeched from the pain. He was so big there wasn’t a chance in hell that Deirdre would be able to resist him. He handled her like she was a little doll.

  In a second, he had her inside the closet, her back to the wall. There were some built in straps and the first one went around her neck. He buckled it tight so that her head was firmly pressed against the padded wall behind her. Then there was a strap that went around her chest, and one around her waist. He stood back for a second. Deirdre whined. He took hold of her nipples and shook her breasts playfully. “You’ve got a nice rack, bitch,” he said. He moved his hand over her taut belly. “Nice,” he said. “Worth every penny.”

  He knelt on the floor and unlocked her ankles from the cuffs Al had put there. Deirdre was tempted to kick out at him. She needed to do something, didn’t she? She needed to show some resistance. She couldn’t let the Mexican cart her off without a struggle, could she?

  But then she thought about it. She was already strapped to the wall. Her hands were useless. Kicking the tall, heavyset, mean looking guy would only cause a rain of shit to fall on her. The thought of her helplessness made her start to cry again.

  Jesse belted her right ankle and then her left to the wall, about 2’ apart. Then straps went around her individual thighs. He stood up and stepped away for a few moments. She heard him rummaging around for something. When he came back he had a leather hood in his hand. It had a long, thick, leather gag built into it.

  “This will keep you real quiet, conchita,” he told her. “You can make all the noise you want and all that will come out is a little squeak. And these walls are insulated. A person could be standing right next to it and he wouldn’t hear a thing in a million years.”

  Deirdre moaned. She didn’t want to wear a hood. It would be too awful to bear. She wanted to promise him that she would be quiet. She wouldn’t give him any trouble. “….eeeeeeeeeease!” she begged through her taped lips. Jesse extended his free hand and took hold of the edge of the tape across her mouth. He gave it a mighty yank and it came off.

  “Owwwwwwwwwwww!” Deirdre yelled. She looked at the man. He was smiling at her.

  “You wanted to say something, bitch?”

  “Pleeeeeeease don’t p….”

  It was all she got out. Jesse grabbed her cheeks and in a second had the gag jammed into her mouth.

  “Mmmmmmmmmmpf!” she protested. She watched unhappily as the hood was brought up to cover her face.

  “…ooooooooo!” she screamed. She was deathly afraid of being confined. With the hood she would feel like she was being buried. All the emerged from behind her gag was a soft, faint, ‘oooooooo.’

  The hood went over her head. He slid it behind her until it was pulled down around her neck. He buckled it around her throat. There were straps that could be pulled to make the thick, leather confinement tighter. She felt Jesse pull and tug until the hood was almost like a second skin. Her eyes were totally covered. There was a thick, extra pad over her mouth that extended from the base of her nose to under her chin and two inches from the edge on both sides. There were little holes for her nose which Jesse made sure were clear and seated properly.

  The hood had little slits on the sides. Jesse pulled some plugs from his pocket and slipped them through the slits and into her ears. Deirdre would be deaf and blind.

  Deirdre was panicking. She was virtually totally immobile and cut off from all sensations. All she could move were her fingers and her wrists from side to side for a couple of inches. Even her toes were immobile, still scrunched up in her three inch high heels.

  There was a moment when nothing was happening. Then she felt the man run his hand over her pudendum. He let his middle finger diddle her clit and then slide along the divide between her pussy lips. Then he grabbed her outer labia and gave them a mighty squeeze. Deirdre howled with pain. He was squeezing them so hard her body started to shake and she felt sick to her stomach. She screamed louder than she ever thought she could.

  All that emerged from her sealed off mouth was a little murmur. And her body barely moved a fraction of an inch. Jesse was satisfied. He stepped back and reinstalled the panel. It closed so close that Deirdre felt the inside press against her breasts. About a half minute later she felt a vibration in the floor and wall of the camper, but not a hint of the sound of the engine. Her body gave a little jerk as the camper went into motion.

  It was over an eight hour drive to the border. It was interstate as far as Lubbock, but then you had to take State Highway 67 to Interstate 20. He could have driven 20 West to Juarez, but he liked to go straight south and take the dinky country roads, crossing at Presidio. It was much less populous and the border guards were that much less observant. Not that there was much of a chance of them finding his passenger. He had made this trip over two dozen times just from Big Al’s alone. And 99.9% of the smuggling was going in the other direction anyway.

  For Deirdre, the trip was a seeming interminable hell. First of all, there was the terrible dread of what she would find at the end of her journey. There was no doubt in her mind that they were going to make her into a whore. Well, make her into one was maybe a bit strong. She was a whore already, who’s kidding who? But at Al’s and the other places she worked, she had always been able to be choosy about the guys she let fuck her. That would clearly not be the case any more. And when she got tired of a place, she just packed up and left. There was no way that was going to happen now.

  She had heard some horrid tales of brutal conditions for whores in Mexico. There were hardly any laws in the country and all the police were corrupt. Life for whores was brutal, nasty and short. They’d probably get her all strung out on heroin or something to better control her. They’d fuck her mouth and her ass and her pussy anytime, anyway they wanted and she wouldn’t get a single nickel out of it. And they would probably beat her. Her ass still smarted where Big Al had done a tattoo on it. She didn’t think she could stand being beaten. Just the thought of it made her body go chill and her stomach to turn over.

  The second bad thing was all she had to do for the longest, longest time was to stand there and think. There were no sights or sounds for distraction. She was totally powerless over her environment. It was sickeningly surreal to not be able to move her body, almost like demons had taken possession of it. She must have tried a hundred times to pull free of her confinements during the journey, all to no avail. At times, she thought she was going insane.

  The gag was an ever present reminder of the man’s power over her. It was like he was present there, in her closet, all of the time, taking charge of her body. Even being bound and hooded did not oppress her as much as the gag. They just imprisoned and oppressed her outer self. The gag was inside of her, had breached her body’s integrity. It was like a constant, continuous rape.

  As the day went on and the fierce Texas sun beat down on the camper, her little closet became stifling hot. She could feel the sweat dripping off her body. She itched in places she had never itched before and she was unable to obtain any relief by scratching them.

  Her pussy throbbed for the longest time where Jessie had squeezed it. She couldn’t get out of her mind the availability of her snatch and her tits to the man anytime he wanted them.

  After a short while, her feet started to hurt like hell. It was like torture. They were stuffed inside her bright red, high heels. She had already been on them all night for her five hour shift. Her toes were on fire and her insteps ached like someone had beaten them. She tried to take her mind off them, but the only thing she had to distract herself with was what was going to happen to her when they got to the end of their ride.

  Her bare nipples were squashed against the panel that sealed her in. They recorded every bump in the road, every shift of the vehicle, every breath that she took. They were beginning to get raw and started to burn.

  She was hungry, thirsty, afraid and she had to pee.

  And then there was the feeling of being totally alone. There was a whole world outside her little prison. Cars and trucks were undoubtedly passing it. She took no notice of them because her little prison was absolutely silent. There were certainly stores and gas stations and restaurants along the way with people in them who weren’t prisoners. The driver, the fierce looking Mexican, was probably no more than ten feet away from her. While she suffered in total darkness, it was probably bright and sunny outside, with clouds and beautiful vistas to see. It wasn’t fair that she should be all alone like this. Not when everybody else in the world could move around, say hello to someone, take a walk, sit down.

  She experienced deep, heavy remorse for getting herself into this mess. It was greed pure and simple. If she hadn’t been born with an evil nature, she wouldn’t be all trussed up in this camper, sold like a beast of burden, subject to the callous whims of others. She had always been bad and now she was getting her punishment from God for all the bad things that she had done. But she hadn’t been that bad, had she? Did she really deserve to be made into some kind of slave? She hadn’t done much praying since she was a little girl, but she prayed now, over and over and over, “Please, God, get me out of this!”


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