Becoming His Princess (The Dark Prince #2)

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Becoming His Princess (The Dark Prince #2) Page 6

by Autumn Winchester

  “What happened to my quiet wife?” Chase asked, more amused than anything else.

  “She’s finding herself,” Summer said, hinting more towards the way everything had changed for her. She had found herself, partly. She was still unsure about how to be herself, or who she even was. But she was getting there slowly.

  “She is,” Chase agreed. “You have changed and grown into the role nicely. I haven’t had to do much to help you. You surprised me at every corner, Princess.”

  The first few times, Summer had hated being called that. Now, she couldn’t help but blush, as she truly did feel like she was a princess and was becoming worthy of his attention. She still didn’t like being around other people, but she would get used to it eventually. Maybe.

  “We have to leave here by five,” Chase said with a pout, which caused Summer to laugh lightly. “I’m sure that Zinna will be here by eleven, if not earlier, and she has your dress.”

  As Summer’s eyes widened, he was quick to reassure her. “It will be one you like. Zinna respects your style, and Clare helped pick it out, at least that’s what I heard.” He shrugged. “But if you don’t like it, let Zinna know and she will work with what you have in the closet.”

  Summer had more clothes than she knew what to do with, and half of them she hadn’t yet touched. She preferred Chase’s oversized shirts and pairing them with shorts or jeans. She wasn’t the type to dress up, and she hadn’t really left the house all that much either.

  “She also has my clothes,” he grumbled out.

  Summer couldn’t help but laugh, a full out laugh, at how unhappy he was. Chase may be more upset about this entire gathering than she was, and that was a hard accomplishment.

  “It can’t be that bad,” she laughed out.

  Chase’s face broke out in a smile, loving his wife happy. He loved her laugh. He loved her. Wow, that knowledge always made his heart swell with pride. Chase just shook his head. He then stood, and pressed a kiss to her head before taking care of their dishes. He figured that Summer would go take a shower, but she surprised him by wrapping her arms around his waist from behind, pressing her face against his back. He shut off the water, and then turned around, bringing her to his chest.

  Chase cupped her face that was now clear of any bruising, framing her jawline, and he could make out every single freckle that her nose and cheekbones were dusted with. Her deep light blue eyes gazed at him with love and wonder. It really was amazing how far she had come. From a frightened child fearing everything, to this strong-willed, smart woman that now stood in front of him, willingly hugging him. Even loving him.

  She stood taller in stature, knowing she could take on the world, one step at a time. She knew she was finally home, where she was always meant to be. She was loved, wanted and desired, with true family and friends for the first time since she was seven.

  “You mean the world to me,” he whispered out. “If it wasn’t for you, I probably wouldn’t be standing here today. I fought to keep you alive more times than I’d like to count. And I would never change anything about you. You are perfect, my life, my treasure. I am so proud of you. You outshine the brightest star in the sky and I hope that we have many, many, many years together. I know life won’t be perfect; we’ll have our issues. But we will be together, and that’s all that matters. I love you, Summer Grace Marcel.”

  Summer’s eyes watered with unshed tears that she tried to blink away. She was speechless. She felt more loved by that one heated look from her husband than she ever had in her whole life. Without words, Summer wrapped her arms around Chase’s neck, letting her hands tangle in his hair that he refused to cut. She then pulled his head closer to hers, meeting his lips in a hot, scorching kiss.

  They would be together forever. They had a bond from the first moment they met years ago, and with time it had grown even stronger. Summer poured her body, heart, and soul into that kiss, crashing her lips to his. He let her have her way, devouring his mouth like it was the last bit of water on earth. Their bodies were molded into one.

  “Oops, sorry!” Clare said with a squeak as she came in from outside, covering her eyes. Although she did nothing about the splitting smile that was on her face.

  Summer and Chase slowly pulled apart, Chase laying his forehead against Summer’s as Clare said that her sister needed to get in the shower because Zinna was on her way. With a sigh and one more longing look, Summer gave Chase one small kiss before heading to get the shower done and over with.

  It was going to be a long day now that she was hot from head to toe. On the upside, she was sure Chase felt the same way. She was looking forward to seeing what her dress looked like now more than ever. She secretly smiled to herself as she ran up the stairs towards the shower, being careful to not trip. At least it would cool her off just a little.

  Chapter 7

  Chase was clean shaven and his hair was combed somewhat, even with Zinna telling him he needed to get it cut. He wore a black suit and jacket with a white button shirt that was buttoned all but the last two at the top, leaving a glimpse of his chest. The dark blue jacket was left opened and the sleeves rolled up just below his elbows, along with his shirtsleeves.

  He had the stance of a sexy and mysterious man, and it did funny things to Summer as she stood next to him, holding onto his hand in a death grip. She wasn’t going to part with him if she could help it. She’d rather just go back home and jump her husband, but knew that wasn’t an option. Too bad it wasn’t.

  She wore a light gray floor length dress that touched the floor with a lace-like top. It flowed in sheer fabric over silk. The lace was partially over gray silk material and had a flower and vine design on it, the straps wide against her shoulders. Her make-up was light and natural, even though she had preferred to not have any on at all. Clare and Zinna had made her look like a shining star.

  Summer’s hair was pulled into a messy side French braid, a few pieces of stray hairs framing her face. It was unique and blended well with her entire style, dress, and personality. The end of her hair laid over her shoulder, a stark contrast from brown to gray. She truly felt like a shining star when she had descended the stairs at home, meeting Chase’s shocked gaze. It was so different from the first time she had walked down the same set of stairs just four months prior.

  Of course, she couldn’t help but admire her husband as he gawked speechless at her, her cheeks tinted pink. It took him a few seconds to have anything coherent to say, his mouth opening and closing a few times before he could tell her how beautiful she looked.

  Clare, dressed in a long white dress with an overlaying black lace, had followed with a knowing look. The front of her dress was shorter in front, while the back touched the ground. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun, but she was just as stunning.

  Clare was just happy to do something more normal, or at least as normal as one could get in their life now. It was her birthday, and she gladly shared the day with her close family. Of course, Asher had pampered her by buying her such an expensive dress, along with other things.

  Summer had made her a cake the day before, knowing that there would be no time on the actual day of her birthday to do so.

  Zinna had dressed in a long light colorful dress with a low back and jewels lining her torso and shoulders. Her hair, for once styled in curls and all in light blue tint with brown, she didn’t bat an eye as she walked downstairs and out of the house, where Ryder was waiting to pick her up. She hardly said goodbye to them, knowing she’d see them in less than an hour.

  Asher had on a black tux, looking very handsome himself as he held out a hand for Clare when Summer had paused in front of Chase. With it being cooler outside, Summer wrapped a thick cotton and soft fur shawl over her shoulders, holding it tight around her arms to keep the chill off her skin.

  Chase had helped her into the back of the SUV before getting in himself.


  Chase made sure to help Summer out of the SUV, when they arrived at his parents
’ house and saw how many people his mother did invite. He knew she’d go overboard, and really had hoped that she would have reined in it for once.

  Walking up to the Marcel household that was in a gated community in the upper part of town, Summer was in awe. The driveway was decorated with lights and balloons of all different colors of grays and golds as Asher had driven up to the house. Each tree was wrapped in some sort of outdoor vine lights.

  The inside was just as elegant. Strands of lights hung from corner to ceiling with cream fabric. The hallway was lined with lights towards the ballroom that Kayla and Ivan had in their home.

  Along the windows that were towards the back of the room, showcasing the lake just beyond the yard, streams of raindrop lights of light blue hung from ceiling to floor, and the lake beyond the house could be seen from the floor to ceiling glass windows. There was a large area set up for a DJ and dance area, marked off from the seating area.

  A number of round tables were covered in the same color of table clothes, a small decoration of white roses sat in the middle of each. A collection of simple wooden chairs rounded each table. The round tables easily seat twelve people, along with menus sitting at each spot, with an upside down wine glass and another glass for water.

  Right inside the wide open room was a table set up for gifts, laid out with a similar cloth, along with dark blue cloth that overlaid the cream colored one. A dark blue cloth hung from the ceiling behind the table. A number of gifts already sat on the table, but that was expected since Chase and Summer were late by half an hour. The gifts were wrapped in a variety of different colored paper; some not even wrapped, sitting out underneath other gifts.

  There really was no reason as to why they were late. Asher was the one that drove the four of them, and he took his sweet time, leaving a few minutes late so they ended up hitting the rush hour traffic. He may have done it on purpose, knowing that the Prince and Princess were not entirely looking forward to going.

  Soft classical music played slowly in the background as everyone stopped to stare at the newlywed couple as they entered the room.

  So as they both stood, frozen in shock for a moment, as everyone took them in. A few cameras went off, capturing the happy couple who wore forced smiles as Kayla came up to greet them with a tight hug.

  “You said it would be small,” Chase spoke quietly through his teeth, not letting go of Summer’s hand. He wasn’t thrilled with the amount of people she invited.

  “This is small, dear,” Kayla said with a happy smile, not at all caring what he really thought. She then turned and wrapped Summer into a tight hug before saying, “Now come; you’re late as it is.” She gave no chance for either of them to argue.

  Kayla wore a brown dress that went to her knees with black high heeled shoes. Her hair was pulled back into a nice tight bun with a few curls falling around her face.

  Clare and Asher slowly and quietly made their way past the two, taking a seat at the table that sat in the middle of the room that was decorated differently than the rest. This table had blue sheer fabric over the cream colored tablecloth, along with a different centerpiece. The table also had a string of raindrop lights between the two different fabrics.

  "Please welcome the guests of honor,” Kayla said, her voice bright and happy. “Chase and Summer Marcel. The Prince and Princess of our family!”

  Summer tried to not look at anyone in particular, knowing she’d possibly panic. She was not a people person whatsoever. There was a round of applause before Kayla led Chase and Summer to the same table that Clare and Asher had sat down at. Summer saw that the centerpiece was similar to something she had seen Clare draw a few weeks before.

  The noise of everyone talking picked up once more, as a few people made their way to where they stood. Chase greeted each person, and Summer simply smiled, not sure what to say to anyone. She didn’t know these people and didn’t really want to get to know them. Chase introduced each person, keeping his voice calm, but knew how his wife felt. Half of these people meant nothing to him. He kept a strong hold on his wife, either by holding hands or by wrapping an arm around her waist so Summer was right next to him.

  “So, how did you two meet?” a daughter of one of the men, her name escaping Summer. The girl seemed like a stuck up brat to her, sounding snobby and from her very low cut, the short dress she wore. It left little to the imagination. Her attitude needed a great amount of work too.

  “Oh, we’ve known each other since we were kids,” Chase was quick to answer with a smirk. “We always knew we’d marry, and when we ran into one another a few months ago, I offered to marry her right then and there. She accepted without complaint.”

  “No engagement?” she asked, appalled that Chase’s parents would allow him to do such a thing like that. That wasn’t how the family did things, surely.

  “Cora, dear,” Kayla said, showing up out of nowhere. “Chase knew he’d marry Summer the first time he laid eyes on her. It really wasn’t a surprise. That’s what this dinner is for.” Her voice was filled with lack of patience for the girl.

  “It won’t last,” she sneered before storming away, her nose up in the air. Chase gave out an amused laugh.

  “She’s eight years younger than me, and she’s has had a crush on me since she found out I was a man,” he said in Summer’s ear. “But no one can compare to you.”

  That made Summer blush as she leaned her head against the side of his arm. She couldn't be happier than at this very moment, he made her feel so loved and cherished. Even though they were five years apart themselves, Chase never looked at Summer as if she was a pain in his ass.

  "Ah, the sweet honeymoon stage. I remember those days," spoke an older man as he patted Chase on the shoulder.

  The man was much older than Ivan but stood tall with thin gray hair. His face was lined with age and stress lines. He had a flat nose that had been most likely broken when he was much younger. Summer blushed deeper, not sure if she was offended by the comment since they were not sexually active or if she was thrilled about the possibility of having sweet pleasurable sex in the near further.

  And Summer did want sex with Chase, which was a first for her. She never wanted it with anyone else but her body craved it more each day. That pleasure she had gotten a week before was still in the front of her mind. Her body almost demanded it.

  "How are you, son?" the man asked, his tone light.

  “I’m doing well,” Chase answered. “This here, Summer, is Mr. Hank. He handles most of the documentations that I require from time to time.” Chase watched Summer out of the corner of his eye to see her reaction.

  “The famous Mrs. Marcel,” Hank said, ducking his head in greeting. “It’s an honor to meet you, Princess.”

  “Thank you?” she responded, not sure why he was making such a fuss about her. She was just . . . Summer. She was glad that she was no longer tied to the Meads name, and no one here would ever know except for the few that knew of her past.

  “You are like royalty here, my dear,” Hank said, knowing that she didn’t yet understand. He was one of the very few that knew where she had come from, just because he was part of the family, technically. Hank was the man that took care of any documents that were needed for a various number of reasons. And to do so, he had to dig into her past a bit.

  “You’ll get used to it,” he went on, a happy look in his light gray eyes. “It’s overwhelming, but you are a Princess. A Princess raised with a bad hand, but you are doing well.”

  He then nodded with a small bow before making his leave. Summer was speechless, which wasn’t hard for her. That man did make her feel like a princess, and words from a complete stranger that had no hand in the way she had grown up hit her with an emotion she couldn’t name.

  “Everyone here will look up to you, just because you are my wife. No one knows, other than family, who you were before we wedded, as you stand here now to them you are and an equal, royalty even,” Chase said, his voice quiet as he faced Summer. His hands
cupped her face, blue eyes looked at him with adoration and love.

  “You are my wife, my Princess. Some, like Cora, are jealous that I have you, but nothing will change that,” he went on. “I picked you, even before I hardly knew you. I love you, Summer.”

  “I love you,” Summer said, her voice weak with emotions she didn’t know how to explain. She did love him, and he showed her every chance he was able to that he loved her too.

  Chase pressed a sweet, tender kiss on her lips, not caring that everyone was watching. He poured his love and soul into the kiss. She returned the kiss, forgetting for a moment that they were in a room full of people. She set her hands on his chest, leaning into him as much as she could, standing on her toes. She closed her eyes, feeling his love as she returned her own love.

  After a moment, Chase pulled back, and Trent wolf whistled as others clapped and cheered. Summer blushed the reddest yet, burying her face against his chest. Chase smiled and gently laughed.


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