Becoming His Princess (The Dark Prince #2)

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Becoming His Princess (The Dark Prince #2) Page 15

by Autumn Winchester

  “Wow indeed,” Chase said with a matching smile.

  After a few moments, he led her to the bathroom to clean her legs up before heading to bed. Once in bed, both naked, Summer cuddled up against Chase. It didn’t take either of them long to fall asleep, sated and relaxed once more.

  Chapter 16

  Summer hummed as she mopped the kitchen floor. She wasn’t sure why she was in such a great mood. It had been a week after the night she had woken up with Chase still gone. She had been filled with a desire, a need, and he was nowhere around.

  She felt like she would never get enough of her husband she craved him day in and day out. Was this how love was meant to be?

  She had known that Chase had to leave to tend to business but that hadn’t stopped a need that she had no idea how to fulfill without her husband. Luckily, he had arrived shortly after Summer and finished with her bath, hoping that it would take care of the need she had no name for. It only made it worse.

  She couldn’t help but smile, remembering how turned on she was and how she let Chase take her against the wall. She never thought she’d be the type to have random sex, but God did she love it.

  Summer loved how he was rougher with her, telling her to touch herself. She couldn't believe she didn't even hesitate at his command, bringing her the pleasure she so desperately craved. She wanted to explore more about how she reacted to certain things with him.

  The week had been calmer, although Chase was in and out of the house dealing with meetings. He was looking to buy an apartment complex and redo the inside to have more income. She wasn’t sure why he’d want to do something like that, but it was his money.

  Since Clare was working upstairs, Summer didn’t know what else to do, so she had begun to clean the kitchen. There were a few dirty spots as Chase had walked through not long ago, getting home just before the snow had picked up.

  There was already a good couple of inches of snow on the ground, and with the wind picking up, Summer was sure there would be at least a foot by the time the storm would be over later the next day. She was just thankful that she had a nice warm bed to sleep in at night, and a loving husband to wrap herself around.

  Clare had helped to get chili ready in the crock pot that sat on the counter, to be eaten in about five hours. Summer would make some cornbread later when dinner time was closer.

  With Christmas just a few days away, Summer wasn’t sure what to expect. She was sure that it would be something over the top, just based off of how the wedding reception had gone.

  She had talked with Clare and they had decided to use their cards to get the guys a gift. Or should she say them a gift? As they had ordered some lingerie to wear for their boys. That seemed more appropriate to her as it was still hard for her to consider Chase’s money her money. She had even gotten bold and listened to Zinna and ordered a couple of toys to play with, she couldn’t wait to see Chase’s expression when he opened “his gifts”.

  She really couldn't explain it, but Chase made her want to do things with him that she never thought she would do or want to do for that matter. She hoped he was happy with her purchases and would know she was ready for more.

  Each day that passed, Summer fell more in love with Chase. Even though he was busy, he still took time out each day to spend with his wife. Most of the time, it was after dinner and after Clare went up to the loft apartment above the garage with Asher, doing who knows what.

  Time had passed too fast. It was hard to believe that Asher had been living with them for over a month already. He was part of the family and Summer was glad that her sister had someone to keep her safe.

  Kayla had called earlier that morning, asking Summer to join Clare, Zinna and herself to go shopping the next day for last minute gifts. Of course, Summer was happy to agree to go, as she had yet to figure out what else to get Chase. He would be a hard person to shop for.

  Chase had heard from his father that Saul had backed off after Ivan had called him. The Don had explained to the other man what Valerie had done, and what actions were taken because one of their family members was put in danger from her thoughtless actions.

  Saul, although not pleasantly, agreed with the course of action. It was possible it was just a ruse to give the man more time to come up with something else to threaten them with. Truthfully, Chase didn’t think that the old man had anything up his sleeve. He was all bark and no bite.

  So he thought that his wife going out with his mother the next day would be good for her. Plus, it would give her time to get to know the other girls more. He wanted to give her everything he was able to.

  Having something planned for tomorrow gave Summer more time to have nothing to do today it seemed. She cleaned as the wind began to blow harder against the side of the house and snowflakes hit the windows. Her humming stopped as the floor was clean and only slightly wet.

  A shiver wracked her body as she remembered the cold that she endured a year ago as she was chained to the wall in a basement. The power had gone off, so the room was even colder than normal.

  The man that had demanded, and forced her, to be there laughed from the top of the stairs as he left her there to freeze. And maybe even die.

  She had been let out days later, almost dead. Someone, as she wasn’t able to see who through as her closed lids had refused to open, the man picked her up like she was nothing. He had taken her upstairs, cleaned her up, and set her down on the place she called a bed in the attic with a new blanket over her.

  Still, a year later, Summer had no idea who had taken such care of her. She knew it wasn’t the man that had owned her at the time. He never once cared about his purchased objects.

  After putting the steam mop away, Summer gasped as Chase wrapped his arms around her waist. She hadn’t heard him come in behind her, but she leaned against him anyways.

  “Where’s Clare?” Chase asked out after pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

  “Upstairs last I saw,” she said, not wanting to move out of his embrace.

  “I didn’t see her up there,” Chase mused. “But I’m sure she didn’t go far.”

  “She probably finished up and went wherever Asher is at,” Summer responded, letting her eyes slip closed. The two seemed to be together more often than not the past couple of weeks.

  “Are you ready for tomorrow?” he asked, backing away from her. Summer took hold of his hand and let him lead her back to the kitchen where he started to make another pot of coffee.

  “As ready as I can be,” Summer responded, leaning against the counter and watching him. She loved how his arms would stretch, his muscles contracting, with each movement.

  "It won't be that bad," Chase laughed, pressing a soft kiss against her forehead.

  “I hope not,” Summer said, ducking her head. She wanted to go but feared she would run across someone that knew her before Chase had saved her. So far, she hadn’t seen anyone outside of family but that didn’t’ stop her fears. Plus, she wanted to do something else while they were out, hoping that Chase would like it.

  “There will be a lot of people out. You’ll be safe with my mom and the rest of the girls, plus Carter will be following.” Chase said, looking at her in a loving way. She’d never be able to tire of the way he looked at her.

  “How long have you had your tattoo?” Summer asked out, cocking her head to the side in thought. She had wondered about it for a while now but hadn’t had the nerve to ask.

  “About five years,” Chase shrugged. “Hurt like a bitch getting it on the ribs, but it’s the family crest, and every male has one. Mom isn’t a fan of getting marks on her skin, so she doesn’t have one. Instead, she has necklaces with the crest.”

  “How long did it take to get it done?” Summer asked next.

  “Mine, about two hours. Dad’s was about an hour since it’s smaller and on his leg,” he answered, wrapping his arms around Summer again and bringing her against his chest. “Everyone has some form of the crest. You will get something of some
sort from my parents at Christmas, I’m sure.”

  “Can I have a tattoo?” Clare asked, entering the kitchen with an empty glass.

  “Hell no,” Asher muttered out. Clare smacked his chest at his remark but wasn’t offended. She didn’t really want one. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to deal with needles more than she had to.

  Summer gulped, not sure her plan would work out now, but she was determined. Clare simply pouted but gave up as Asher arched an eyebrow at her.

  “Kayla said she’d be here at nine tomorrow,” Clare said with a grimace. She had gotten used to sleeping in and didn’t want to be up that early. “Has everything planned from start to finish too, I think. Along with a stop at a beauty salon.”

  “Of course she does,” Chase stated amused.

  “Who will all be at your ‘rents Friday?” Asher asked out, bringing Clare to his side as Summer snuggled against Chase.

  “A number of people,” Chase shrugged. “I think grand-dad and grams were coming this year. And then a few other people for lunch.”

  “Cool,” Asher responded, not concerned. A few people he had yet to meet, and most likely ones that would not agree with his choice of hair color. Clare, on the other hand, began to fiddle with her hands in front of her.

  “What is it, Clare?” Chase asked, seeing the younger girl fidget and looking down at the floor. It wasn’t normal for Clare to act in such a way.

  “You don’t have to tell anyone yet,” Asher whispered, but Chase and Summer could hear it just as clear. “We can wait for a few more weeks.”

  “I don’t know if I can,” Clare said, looking up at Summer, her eyes held secrets that she desperately wanted to share.

  Clare’s light blue eyes were filled with tears, but it wasn’t sad tears. They were almost more like happy ones.

  “We live here, so I can’t really hide it much longer,” Clare said, looking at Asher before turning her attention to the other two in the room.

  “Clare?” Chase prompted when she didn’t go on.

  “I’m pregnant?” she said almost too quietly in a question like she wasn’t sure about the fact.

  “Pregnant?” Chase repeated, mulling over the news. He wasn’t sure how that could be, or what to say. “How?” was his wonderful response.

  “Well, it starts off with my hard penis, and I enter it into her vagina, and then the sperm comes out from the tip, and enters into her,” Asher began, keeping his expression calm.

  “I know how you idiot!” Chase stated with a shake of his head. “You didn’t use protection?”

  “Ah . . . ,” Asher stated with a ‘duh’ look. “I ran out?” Asher was smart enough not to say he just forgot to use anything.

  “I see,” Chase said, still not knowing how to handle the news. He ran his free hand through his hair.

  “Are you mad?” Clare asked, looking up at him sheepishly. Her voice was small, fearing what the man would do.

  “Not mad,” Chase was quick to say. “Surprised.”

  Summer wasn’t sure what to say. She knew her sister wanted children, but after her own issues, Summer wasn’t sure now was the right timing.

  “I figured you two would be expecting one soon enough,” Asher said as he began to twitch, not sure what he expected from Chase. It was not really something either Clare or Asher had thought through.

  “We are using protection, as neither of us is ready for that,” Chase said slowly, giving Asher a pointed look. Well, he used protection once or twice, but that was beside the point.

  “I – we – have talked about this. We are as ready as can be. I love kids, and with Asher and both of you, I’m sure we can do this.” She was only four weeks along, but after the first time after Asher showed up, Clare was sure she’d end up pregnant in time anyway.

  “Of course you can,” Summer said, finally speaking up. Clare let her shoulders slump, knowing Summer wasn’t upset with her. “I’m sure everyone will be supportive.”

  “You won’t be moving out,” Chase declared after a few moments of thought. “Not until the baby is ready for its own room at least. You are both young, and you’ll need help. We could even add on to the apartment if need be. Or even build another house on my property here. I have several acres; you can be as close or as far as you want to be away from the main house."

  “If that’s what you want,” Asher said, relieved. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to handle all the long nights that were sure to come.

  “Yes, it is,” Chase said, but using it as an excuse to see how well Summer could handle a baby. Maybe, just maybe, it would change Summer’s mind on the whole thing. She was more open to the idea now than she had been three months ago, but still, she wouldn’t be willing to have one anytime soon.

  “I want to wait until after the New Year to tell Kayla. I’m sure she’ll want to start buying things for us,” Clare said, happy that the most important people she cared about were on her side.

  “No doubt about that,” Chase laughed, pulling Summer to his side more. “We’ll be there if you need us.”

  “Thank you, Chase,” Clare said. “I just hope I’m not an emotional wreck the entire time.”

  “Well, if so, we can deal with it,” Summer said. She was happy for her sister and extremely glad it wasn’t her.

  Summer knew it was only a matter of time before she’d be pregnant again, and she would do right by the baby if it so happened. She knew it was expected of her and Chase, but she planned to put it off for as long as possible.

  Chapter 17

  Dressed in black jeans, a white tank top layered with an off white long button up sweater, and a brown fur vest, Summer sat at the kitchen table, putting on her black leather boots and waiting for her sister to come down. She was excited about going shopping, which was unusual for her. Her heavy black winter coat sat in the chair beside her.

  Summer had ordered herself a pair of winter boots that were waterproof the week before. They didn’t look like they would be warm, but after wearing them only once so far, she was in love with them. They fit her perfectly, matching her clothing style as they went up to mid-calf.

  Chase had said they made her legs seem longer, so Summer was thrilled with her own choice.

  It still amazed Summer the price people paid for things but found that things were better made at the higher prices. She would have been just fine with a pair of boots from Walmart, but the high priced, name brand, boots she couldn’t pronounce were ten times better than cheap crappy made shoes.

  So she tried to not grimace at prices of things so much. It was still hard to do when she never had so much to her name before; she was getting better day by day.

  “Good morning, Summer,” Carter said as he entered the kitchen with Chase, who’s eyes glazed over as he took in his wife.

  “Hello, Carter,” she said with a smile. She was happy he was assigned to drive them to the mall and to a few other places today.

  “Hello, honey,” Chase said before taking a kiss from her, who didn’t fight his affection. Chase kissed his wife every chance he got. Nothing could stop him from doing so. Although he had to bend down to meet her lips, she eagerly reached up, threading her hands through his hair and pulled him closer.

  Kissing him was addicting, almost as much as having steamy, hot sex. Just thinking about it made her panties slightly wet as she moaned into him.

  “Eww!” Clare shrieked as she entered the kitchen, dressed in dark skinny jeans, a brown tank top with a pink sweater on over it, and brown leather boots. Her hair, unlike Summer’s who’s, was down past her ribs, Clare had her hair piled up in a messy bun on the top of her head.

  “Sorry,” Chase said in false modesty as he winked at Summer after standing back up. He knew exactly what his kisses did to his wife. She gave him a pleased smile before looking at her sister.

  “Kayla should be here anytime,” Carter spoke up as he filled his travel coffee mug with dark liquid. “I will be with you girls wherever you go.”

to the beauty salon?” Clare asked wide eyed.

  “Even there. Well, not the bathrooms, but I’ll be as close as I can be,” Carter responded with a laugh.

  “You won’t know he’s there,” Chase reassured Clare with a pat on her shoulder.

  Summer didn’t mind Carter. Her surprise would be safe until she wanted Chase to see it. She was happy that he always thought of her safety, no matter where she went. She already had her cell phone in her pocket, and extra cash in her purse, along with her credit card and ID. She was all set.

  “Was Abigail coming along too?” Chase asked out, wanting a final count on who was all going on the outing.

  “No. Trent texted me shortly after I got up, and Sarah is still running a slight fever,” Clare answered.


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