Becoming His Princess (The Dark Prince #2)

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Becoming His Princess (The Dark Prince #2) Page 19

by Autumn Winchester

  “Yes?” Summer asked, her sexy smirk still in place as she lifted her lower body once again before quickly dropping down on him, letting her pelvis touch his before rotating her hips again.

  “Uh,” Chase said, blinking his eyes opened, at a loss for words as he finally figured out what was going on. His hands shot to her waist but didn’t stop her movements.

  Her blue eyes were hooded, a look of a sexy kitten as she took control of his body. There was no way he’d ever be able to tell her no, even as she slowly tortured him to the brink of death. Because surely she would.

  He loved that she found her desire, her need for sex, and with him alone. She then, once more, lifted her pussy, feeling Chase’s cock slid out, watching his face in awe before sliding back down.

  Chase wasn’t sure if he was in heaven or hell, feeling Summer slide up and down his cock, drawing out his pleasure. He loved it, and he was already so close so soon, but he also hated that he couldn’t control his own desire.

  “Oh,” he moaned out, letting his head stay relaxed on the pillow underneath his head, feeling how his wife knew his body just as well as he knew hers.

  His hands squeezed around her hips, holding her down against him as she began to ride him, coaxing moans of more from both of them. He could already feel her pussy ensnare him as she took what she wanted. That along turned him on more than anything else ever could.

  Her pussy walls clamped around his hard cock, and he met her thrust for thrust, holding on to her tightly, as to not buck her off.

  “Summer,” he whimpered out, feeling his cock begin to leak, his balls tightening all too soon.

  “Come with me, Chase,” she panted, her fingernails scratching against his shoulders as she hung on to him.

  He thrust up once. Twice. Meeting her in the middle, as he came. Hard. He had never come so hard in his life, nor had he been blinded by his release.

  She moaned out in a half cry, half moan, as she came, seeing white spots behind her eyes before darkness overtook her. Her body slumped against Chase’s, her breaths uneven as she regained her bearings. She was beyond tired, but her mind still ran as his cock softened and half fell out of her.

  She never wanted to move as his arms came up around her, holding her tight to his chest. Chase’s heart beat fast, faster than it ever had before. They were both sweaty, both worn out. They would surely feel the effects once they began their day the next day.

  But for now, Chase was determined to just enjoy his time with her, holding her and knowing that she was safe. That was all that mattered.

  Keeping her eyes closed, Summer figured out what had woken her up now.

  It was that gut feeling that something was going to happen. It was something that would be changing things, and not for the better. She had no idea what it would be, and she wasn’t looking forward to it. She would fight against whatever was to come and knew that Chase would be there every step of the way.

  Pushing that feeling to the back of her mind, Summer breathed in Chase’s scent, hoping that she was wrong. She liked how things were, and she didn’t want anything to change. Ever. She was happy here in his arms, and if it was the last thing she could ever do, she was never going to leave the safety he always gave her.

  Chapter 21

  Chase and Summer sat in the chair closest to the entryway, while Clare and Asher sat on the loveseat, both leaning against one another. No one had time to really set up a tree or lights for that matter, they instead had the TV on some Christmas radio station that showed a burning log fireplace. Low sweet music filled the room at a low volume.

  Chase had said that he normally didn’t take the time to decorate for the holidays, seeing no point in putting things up, then having to take everything down all in the same week. Next year, he promised to let the girls decorate if they wished to. He’d be glad to let them make his house feel more lived in.

  Secretly, Chase planned to have Summer pregnant by this time next year, just so she could see how she would glow with life inside of her. He hadn’t broached the subject yet, fearing she’d be upset about it. He hadn’t exactly been using protection, and Summer didn’t seem to mind.

  But as for the first Christmas together, Chase couldn’t dream it differently.

  Summer sat on his lap, dressed in dark tight legged jeans with a large sweatshirt over a tank top. She always dressed in layers, but today her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, showing off her slim neck. Her brown hair still fell to the middle of her back, but the red stood out more.

  His cock tried to come to wake as she wiggled on his lap, but he quickly stilled her by laying his hands on her hips, pulling her back against him, seeing her smirk.

  Hadn’t she gotten tired of him yet? They had sex in almost everywhere available space in the house the past couple of days, but yet she still teased him. He loved it. He loved seeing this side of her.

  “Here,” Clare said, handing Summer a gift first. She was having more of a tough time keeping anything down that morning, but she tried to blame it on her nerves instead of the morning sickness.

  Summer took the gift with a small smile and began to open it. It was square and heavier than Summer expected.

  After taking off the blue snowflake wrapping paper, Summer saw a wooden memory box. The outside was painted white with light purple flowers on it. Summer’s name was written on the top in cursive.

  “I bought the box at a hobby store, and painted it myself. I thought you could use something to keep your jewelry in, or even the pictures you have been playing around with,” Clare explained. “It’s big enough to hold just about anything you want, really.”

  “I love it. Thank you,” Summer said, letting Chase see over her shoulder.

  Summer hadn’t had much time to work on editing or playing with the pictures she had taken the last few weeks since it had been so busy with people in and out of the house. Although, she did sneak in a few pictures here and there of everyone.

  Summer then handed Clare her two gifts, who looked at her funny. Summer simply shrugged with an innocent look.

  The first gift, wrapped in a silver wrapping paper, was a new black drawing journal with Clare’s name on it, along with a few colored pencils. She still drew every chance she got. The next gift was a small blue stuffed animal, and on the front said ‘My First Bear.’

  “Thank you,” Clare said with tears in her eyes. “Stupid hormones,” she laughed, blinking the tears away.

  “Your welcome,” Summer laughed.

  Next, Chase gave Summer a gift, wrapped in a sloppy silver paper. When Summer opened his gift, she couldn’t help but laugh. Of course, he had to go all out. It wouldn’t be Chase without him doing so.

  In her hands laid the doll she had looked at when they were at the mall, but refused to buy for herself. She knew this had to be Carter’s doing; he just had to go and tell Chase.

  “Thank you, baby,” Summer said, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “You’ve already seen yours.” She then blushed, remembering how she woke him up this morning by giving him a blowjob, and then telling him that the Prince needed a present other than the tattoo.

  Instead of saying anything, Chase crashed his lips to hers roughly. He loved the tattoo and the last couple days they had in bed for the most part. One of Summer’s hands found purchase in Chase’s cotton shirt, fisting it tightly as she moaned into him. She could never tire of him, nor could she ever get enough of him.

  Asher coughed, making the two pull apart. Chase glanced at him with a glare while Summer hid her face in Chase’s chest. For some reason, she always forgot that there were other people around when she kissed him. He was that consuming.

  Clare and Asher already exchanged gifts upstairs, and neither of them took the time to expand on what they got, which was for the best.

  “Are you two ready to go soon?” Chase asked, wrapping his arms around his Princess.

  “Yes,” Clare said.

  Asher simply hummed his reply since he had a mouthful of cof

  While Clare went to freshen up in the downstairs bathroom, Summer took her hand painted box upstairs, setting it on the dresser that was empty. She stood the doll up next to it.

  It felt weird, as this was the first things, other than clothes and jewelry, that was now her own. Summer didn’t consider the computer something that was hers, as Clare used it from time to time when her own was upstairs.

  She had never owned such lovely things. Even her jewelry that Chase had bought her was in a plastic box in the huge walk in closet that they shared, hidden away behind a few things.

  Maybe she would be able to go buy an actual jewelry box to keep all her necklaces and rings that Chase had given her so far. She knew that he wouldn’t be stopping anytime soon with the small, but pricey, gifts.

  Once back downstairs, Summer pulled on her knee high leather boots, folding the top down so the material of the boot went just below her knee. She then slipped her arms through the sleeves of her heavy coat, before meeting the rest of the group in the entryway, where they were waiting for her.

  Asher, once again, drove them all to Kayla and Ivan’s house. Chase and Summer sat in the back, side by side and holding hands, giving each other sly smiles.

  Chase was in charge of buying his parents gifts, as Summer had no idea what to get them. Although, Summer had gotten Zinna, Emma and Abigail along with Sarah, something. Everyone else, Chase had ordered things for.

  All the gifts were already at the house, as Chase had Jackson taken them over the day before when Summer had taken a shower, and before he joined her once more. Asher parked in his normal spot half an hour later, and the four exited out of the dark colored car. Kayla was already at the door, waiting for them before they even got a yard away.

  “Hello, kids,” she said, bringing each one into a tight hug before moving on to the next. “Welcome. Food is almost finished.”

  “Smells wonderful already,” Clare spoke up, entering the house and taking off her coat. Kayla was quick to hang it on the hooks by the door, the other’s following to do the same.

  Kayla then led them into the living room, where a huge green tree with white lights and multiple gold hanging ornaments hung. Underneath the tree sat piles upon piles of presents, Summer had never seen so many in one setting before, not that she had hardly seen anything like it before. Her blue eyes were wide as she took them in.

  Chase smiled, amused, at his wife as he led her to the empty loveseat.

  “Oh, Chase!” an older woman gushed, quickly hugging Chase tightly before he could sit. “It’s been too long, child!”

  “Hi Grand-nan,” Chase said, his voice filled with love, returning the hug. He liked her a lot better when her other half wasn’t in sight.

  “And you must be Summer Grace,” the lady stated, looking Summer up and down with light hazel eyes. Her white hair was pulled back into a high bun atop her head, but she looked stronger than a woman her age would. She was on the bigger side but looked well off.

  “This is my wife,” Chase said proudly, wrapping his arm around her waist and bringing Summer closer to him.

  “Welcome to the family, dear,” Grand-nan said with a pat of a hand on Summer’s arm before going back to sit down.

  “She’s not good with new people,” Chase whispered in her ear as they sat, pulling her down next to him. “Grand-dad is worse, though.”

  “That doesn’t help,” Summer muttered out, causing Chase to laugh. She was nervous enough, knowing that she was an outsider to the grandparents of her husband.

  “I never said I got along with either of them,” he whispered before kissing the top of her head. “But she is nice, most of the time.”

  “Kayla,” Grand-nan called. “Get me a shot of the hard stuff, will ya.”

  “Absolutely not, mother,” Ivan seethed, walking into the room. He nodded towards the newcomers. “You are not going to be drunk.”

  “And who will stop me?” the old lady asked, glaring at her son.

  Ivan wasn’t offended, nor upset by how his mother talked. He was almost amused.

  “I will,” spoke a man with a balding head of gray hair, and looked like a much older version of Ivan himself. The man was still in good shape but had a hardness about him.

  “You can’t stop me,” Grand-nan started out with a huff, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Lillian,” the man warned, causing the older woman to drop the attitude instantly. “If you can’t be nice, then go find a room to nap in.”

  “That’s Granddad,” Chase whispered out. “Former Don of the family. You don’t want to cross him, by the way.”

  Summer nodded. With just his tone of voice, she knew he would never see her as someone other than what she had once been. That thought was depressing, but for only a moment. Summer knew she wouldn’t have to see the man often, nor did she need to prove herself to him. Chase chose her, and that was all that mattered.

  “What are you doing here,” the man asked, finally looking at Chase, ignoring his wife.

  “It’s Christmas,” Chase said, his voice firm. “It’s a holiday. My wife and I were invited to brunch.”

  “Oh,” he said with a sniff of his nose before turning his burning blue gaze to Summer.

  She froze as the man looked her up and down. Her training to keep her head down was strong, but she was able to hold strong, sitting up straighter.

  “Nice to meet you, sir,” Summer spoke, loud and clear.

  “Not nice to meet you,” he spat before turning on her, mumbling about hookers and money grabbers. The word slut was thrown in there too for good measure.

  “You know, Summer is the one that helped bring Chase back to the right path,” Ivan stated, sipping his glass of water he held. “She’s good for him.”

  “I wasn’t invited to a wedding, son,” Grand-dad hissed out. “It does not matter if she is good for him or not.”

  “We eloped,” Summer replied quickly. “We couldn’t wait any longer, and wanted something fast and easy.”

  “I see,” the man said, looking over his shoulder at the small girl. He knew she was lying. Just like he knew who she was. She was not of royal blood. “Don’t hurt him, and I won’t have to kill you.” He’d love to do nothing more, but his son wouldn’t let that happen.

  Chase couldn’t help but smirk at how his wife was already able to get on his grandfather’s good side, at least half way. The man was always hard and only kept his wife for so long because they had children together. Grand-dad, also called and known by Marcel the third, was tough as nails, and never showed any sort of weakness.

  Summer speaking up showed the man that she was able to handle this life, and nothing would be able to scare her. Chase was proud of his wife. She was never on that would talk to some stranger in such a way.

  “Food is served,” Kayla stated, breaking the thick silence. Chase and Summer were the first ones up and out of the living room.

  Summer found her mother in the kitchen, putting the last touches on a few pies, talking to a man she gathered was Jose. He was shorter, with chopped hair and dressed in a black suit. He was not what Summer had expected, that was for sure.

  Emma instantly stopped working to give Summer a tight hug, happy to see her daughter.

  “I’d like you to meet Jose,” Emma gushed, blushing lightly.

  “Hello, Princess,” Jose responded, his words broken in with a British accent. “Your mother has talked fondly of you.”

  “Hello,” Summer said, not sure what to say to that.

  “Go have a seat, sweetie,” Emma said to her daughter. “Jose and I will bring the food out in just a couple of minutes. And don’t sit next to Lillian or the older Mr. Marcel.”

  “I can’t believe they even came,” Jose mumbled. “Stuck up old people.”

  Summer just shook her head and made her way to the dining room, which was decorated with a number of Christmas items from wreaths to lights. The windows even had fake frost on the inside.

  It was at lea
st twice as big as the other dining room, but just as extravagant. There were a white table and chairs with a matching buffet on a dark hardwood floor, and a grand chandelier hung from the high ceiling.

  “About time you got here, boy,” Grand-dad seethed out as Trent entered with Abigail and Sarah. Ryder and Zinna came in from the backyard, taking seats at the huge grand table.

  “Sorry,” Trent said, taking a seat closest to Lillian while Sarah ran to Summer and climbing on top of her lap, making herself at home.

  “She missed you,” Abigail stated with a smile.

  “I missed her too,” Summer said with a smile before hugging the girl to her. “It was only a couple of days, though.”


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