The American Military
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Black Kettle
Bladensburg, Battle of
Blanco, Ramón
Bliss, Tasker
Bloody Ridge, Battle of
Bloody Run, Battle of
Blount, Willie
Bonaparte, Napoleon
Bonhomme Richard
Bonn Agreement
Bonus March
Boomer, Walter
Bosnian War, see Yugoslav wars
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
Bouquet, Henry
Bowlegs, Billy
Boxer Rebellion
Boyd, John
Braddock, Edward
Bradford, James C.
Bradley, Omar
Bradstreet, John
Bragg, Braxton
Brandywine, Battle of
Brant, Joseph
Brazito, Battle of
Breger, Dave
Bremer, L. Paul
Brezhnev, Leonid
Briand, Aristide
Britain, Battle of
Brock, Isaac
Broke, Philip
Brown, Jacob
Brown, Jacob J.
Brown, John
Brown, Noah
Browning, John
Buchanan, James
Buckner, Simon
Budd, George
Buell, Don Carlos
Buena Vista, Battle of
buffalo hunting
Buffalo Soldiers
Buford, John
Bulge, Battle of the
Bull Run, Battle of (First)
Bull Run, Battle of (Second)
Bullard, Robert
Bunau-Varilla, Philippe
Bundy, McGeorge
Bundy, Omar
Bunker Hill, Battle of (Breed's Hill)
Bureau of Aeronautics
Bureau of Indian Affairs, see Indian Office
Burgoyne, Johnny
Burma Road
Burnside, Ambrose
Burnt Corn, Battle of
Burr, Aaron
Burr Conspiracy
Bush Doctrine
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Bush, Vannevar
Bushnell, David
Butler, Benjamin
Butler, Smedley
Butts, Edmund
Cahuenga, Treaty of
Calhoun, John C.
Calley, William
Calling Forth Act
Cambodian incursion
Camden, Battle of
Cameron, George
camp followers
Camp Grant massacre
Campbell, William
Canby, Edward
Cantigny, Battle of
Capra, Frank
Captain Jack (Kintpuash)
Carleton, Guy
Carleton, James
Carlisle, Earl of
Carlisle Indian School
Carney, William
Carr, Eugene
Carranza, Venustiano
Carrington, Henry
Carson, Christopher (Kit)
Carter, Earl
Carter, Jimmy
Cartwheel (Operation)
Casey, George, Jr.
Cass, Lewis
Castro, Fidel
Castro, José
Caswell, Richard
Cedar Falls (Operation)
Centennial campaign
Central Command (CENTCOM)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Central Office for South Vietnam (COSVN)
Central Powers (Triple Alliance)
Cerro Gordo, Battle of
Cervera, Pascual
Chaffee, Adna
Chaffee, Adna, Jr.
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence
Chancellorsville, Battle of
Chapultepec, Battle of
Charming Peggy
Château-Thierry, Battle of
Châteauguay, Battle of
Chattanooga, Battle of
Chauncey, Isaac
Chemical Warfare Service
Cheney, Dick
Chennault, Claire
Cherokee Indians
Chevalier, Godfrey de Courcelles
Cheyenne Indians
Chiang Kai-shek
Chickahominy Indians
Chickamauga, Battle of
Chickasaw Bluffs, Battle of
Chickasaw Indians
Chicken, George
Chief Joseph
China Relief Expedition
Chippawa, Battle of
Chippewa Indians
Chipyong-ni, Battle of
Chivington, John
Choctaw Indians
Chongchon River, Battle of the
Chosin Reservoir, Battle of the
Chromite (Operation)
Chrysler's Farm, Battle of
Church, Benjamin
Churchill, Winston
Churubusco, Battle of
Cibecue, Battle of
Citizen's Military Training Camp (CMTC)
Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS)
Civil War
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Civilian Irregular Defense Group
Cixi, Empress Dowager
Clark, George Rogers
Clark, Mark
Clark, Ransom
Clark, Wesley
Clark, William
Clausewitz, Karl von
Clay, Green
Clay, Henry
Clay, Lucias
Clayton–Bulwer Treaty
Clemenceau, Georges
Cleveland, Grover
Clifford, Clark
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Henry
Clinton, Hillary
Clinton, James
Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA)
Coast Guard
coastal defenses
Cobra (Operation)
Cobra II
Cochran, Jacqueline
Cochrane, Alexander
Cockburn, George
code talkers
Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts)
Coffee, John
Cohan, George
Cohen, Eliot
Cold Harbor, Battle of
Cold War
Collins, Henry
Collins, J. Lawton
Coloradas, Mangus
Colt, Samuel
Comanche Indians
combat loading
Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS)
Command of the Army Act
Command and General Staff College
Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services
Committee on Public Information (CPI)
Complete Victory (Operation)
Compromise of 1850
Compromise of 1877
Concord, Battle of
Condé, García
Confederate States of America
Confiscation Acts
Conger, Edwin
Conner, David
Conquering Bear
Constitution (establishment)
containment strategy
Continental Army
Continental Army plan
Continental Congress
Continental Navy
Contreras, Battle of
convoy system
Conway, Thomas
Conyngham, Gustavus
Coolidge, Calvin
Cooper, James Fenimore
Cooper–Church Amendment
Coral Sea, Battle of the
Corinth, Battle of
Cornwallis, Charles
Coronet (Operation)
Corps of Discovery
> Council of National Defense
counterinsurgency operations (COIN)
counting coup
Cowpens, Battle of
Craig, James
Crater, Battle of the
Crawford, Emmet
Crazy Horse
Creek Indians, see Muskogee Indians
Creel, George
Crockett, Davy
Croghan, George
Cromwell, Oliver
Cromwell, Samuel
Cronkite, Walter
Crook, George
Crosby, Bing
Crow Indians
Crowder, Enoch
C.S.S. Alabama
C.S.S. Merrimack
Cuba Libre
Cuban invasion
Cuban missile crisis
Curtis, Samuel
Custer, George Armstrong
Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)
Da Nang landing
Dacres, James
Dade, Francis
Dade Massacre
Dak To, Battle of
Dale, Richard
Daly, Dan
Dancing Rabbit Creek, Treaty of
Daniels, Josephus
dau tranh
Davis, Britton
Davis, Jefferson
Dawes Act
Dayton Peace Accords
Dean, William
Deane, Silas
Dearborn, Henry
Decatur, Stephen
Declaration of Independence
Defense Appropriations Act
Defense Department (DOD)
DeKalb, Johann
Delano, Columbus
Delaware Indians
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
Denfield, Louis
DePuy, William
Derne, Battle of
Desert Fox (Operation)
Desert Shield (Operation)
Desert Storm (Operation)
d'Estaing, Comte
destroyers-for-bases deal
Detachment (Operation)
Detainee Treatment Act
Dewey, George
DeWitt, John
Dick, Charles
Dickerson, Mahlon
Dickman, Joseph
Dickson, Robert
Dietz, Danny
Dilworth, Rankin
Dinwiddie, Robert
Distant Early Warning (DEW)
Dix, Dorothea
Doaksville, Treaty of
Dodge, Grenville
Dodge, Henry
Doeg Indians
dog tags
Dominican intervention
domino theory
Doniphan, Alexander
“Don't ask, Don't tell” policy
Doolittle, James
Dos Passos, John
Douglass, Frederick
Douhet, Giulio
Downes, John
Downfall (Operation)
Downie, George
draft, see conscription
Dragoon (Operation)
Dresden bombing
Dropshot (Operation)
drug abuse
Drum, Hugh
Dulles, John Foster
Dunmore, Earl of (John Murray)
Duong Van Minh
Eagle Claw (Operation)
Early, Bernard
Early, Jubal
Easter Offensive
Eaton, William
Edwards, Clarence
Eichelberger, Robert
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Eisenhower Doctrine
El Caney, Battle of
El Dorado Canyon (Operation)
El Guettar, Battle of
Eliot, John
Elizabeth I, Queen
Elliott, Jesse Duncan
Ellis, Earl (Pete)
Ely, Hanson
Emancipation Proclamation
Embargo Act
Emergency Conservation Work Act
Enduring Freedom (Operation)
English Bill of Rights
Enlightenment (European)
Enola Gay
Enrollment Act
equal opportunity
Ericsson, John
Eslinger, Nicholas
Espionage and Sedition Acts
Ethiopian Regiment
ethnic cleansing
Eustis, William
Eutaw Springs, Battle of
Evans, Robley
Ewell, Richard
expansible force policy
Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz, King
Fahy, Charles
Faith, Don
Falaise Pocket, Battle of the
Fallen Timbers, Battle of
Fallujah, Battle of
Farragut, David
Federalist Papers
Ferdinand, Franz
Ferguson, Patrick
Fermi, Enrico
Fetterman, William
Five-Power Treaty
Flagg, James Montgomery
Fleet Marine Force (FMF)
Fletcher, Frank
flexible response
Flipper, Henry
Floyd, John
Foch, Ferdinand
Foote, Andrew
Forbes, John
Ford, Gerald
Ford, Henry
Forrest, Nathan Bedford
Forrestal, James
Forsyth, George
Forsyth, James
Fort Abraham Lincoln
Fort Apache
Fort Atkinson
Fort Barrancas
Fort Bowie
Fort Bowyer
Fort Bragg
Fort Brooke
Fort Buford
Fort C. F. Smith
Fort Carillon
Fort Clatsop
Fort Cobb
Fort Cornwallis
Fort Dearborn
Fort Defiance
Fort Detroit
Fort Donelson
Fort Duquesne
Fort Edward
Fort Ellis
Fort Erie
Fort Fetterman
Fort Frontenac
Fort Gadsden
Fort George
Fort Gibson
Fort Granby
Fort Greenville
Fort Grierson
Fort Harrison
Fort Henry
Fort Hood
Fort Jackson
Fort Jefferson
Fort King
Fort Klamath
Fort Laramie
Fort Laramie Treaty
Fort Leavenworth
Fort Lee (New Jersey)
Fort Lee (Virginia)
Fort Loudoun
Fort Lyon
Fort Mackinac
Fort Madison
Fort Malden
Fort Mandan
Fort Marcy
Fort Marion
Fort McHenry
Fort Meigs
Fort Mercer
Fort Miamis
Fort Mifflin
Fort Mims
Fort Monroe
Fort Montgomery
Fort Motte
Fort Mystic
Fort Nassau (settlement)
Fort Necessity
Fort Nelson
Fort Niagara
Fort Ninety-Six
Fort Phil Kearny
Fort Pickens
Fort Pitt
Fort Prince George
Fort Putnam
Fort Randall
Fort Recovery
Fort Reno
Fort Sackville
Fort St. Joseph
Fort Sam Houston
Fort San Marcos
Fort Santa Cruz
Fort Santa Rosa
Fort Saybrook
Fort Scott
> Fort Severn
Fort Sill
Fort Smith
Fort Stanwix
Fort Stedman
Fort Stephenson
Fort Stother
Fort Sumner
Fort Sumter
Fort Texas (Fort Brown)
Fort Ticonderoga
Fort Tompkins
Fort Towson
Fort Vancouver
Fort Wagner
Fort Washington
Fort Watson
Fort Wayne
Fort William Henry
Fort Yates
Fortifications Board
Fortitude (Operation)
Foster, Augustus
Four-Power Treaty
Fourteen Points
Francis, Josiah
Franco, Francisco
Franklin, Battle of
Franklin, Benjamin
Franks, Frederick
Franks, Tommy
Frederick the Great
Fredericksburg, Battle of
free soil
Freedmen's Bureau
Frémont, John C.
French and Indian War (Seven Years War)
Frequent Wind (Operation)
Friedman, Milton
Fries, John
Fugitive Slave Act
Funston, Frederick
Gadsden, James
Gadsden Purchase Treaty
Gage, Thomas
Gaines, Edmund
Gallatin, Albert
Gallipoli, Battle of
Gardoqui, Don
Garner, Jay
Garrison, Lindley
Gates, Horatio
Gates, Robert
Gates, Thomas
Gates Commission
Gatewood, Charles
Geiger, Roy
Genda, Minoru
General Staff Act
Geneva Accords
Geneva Convention
George, David Lloyd
George III, King
Germain, Lord George
Germantown, Battle of
Gerry, Elbridge
Gettysburg, Battle of
Ghent, Treaty of
Ghormley, Robert
Ghost Dance
GI Bill, see Servicemen's Readjustment Act
GI culture
Gibbon, John
Gibson, George
Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign
Gillespie, Arnold
Gilmer, Thomas
Glass, Henry
Global War on Terror
Glorieta Pass, Battle of
Glover, John
Goethals, George
Gold Beach
Gold Rush
Gold Star Mothers
Goldwater–Nichols Defense Reorganization Act
Gooch, William
Good Neighbor Policy
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gorgas, William
Gothic Serpent (Operation)
Grand Alliance
Grand Army of the Republic (GAR)
Grand Offensive
Grant, James
Grant, Jehu
Grant, Ulysses S.
Grass, Zachary
Grasse, Comte de
Grattan, John
Graves, Robert
Graves, Thomas
Great Bridge, Battle of the
Great Depression
Great Migration
Great Scud Hunt
Great Sioux War
Great Society programs
Great White Fleet
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
Greene, Nathanael
Greenspan, Alan
Greenville, Treaty of
Grenada intervention
Grey, Charles