Captain Save a Hoe

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Captain Save a Hoe Page 2

by iiKane

  “Man, you just don’t understand, yo. You ain’t the only one who gonna be a star. I’m tellin’ you, when I open my chain of salons, chicks gonna be comin’ from all over talkin’ ‘bout ‘Georgie, do my hair! Georgie, play in my hair!’” Georgie imitated in a whiny girls voice. “And you know, playin’ in their hair is the first step to playin’ in that ass!”

  He and K.B. laughed and K.B. gave him dap.

  “Yo, yo, yo! Slow down,” Kevin urged. They had circled the block in attempt to get in front of the hustlers. The motor hummed as they sat idle at the opposite corner. They watched as Georgie and K.B. crossed the dimly lit side street that was lined with rows of houses on both sides.

  Clack – Clack!

  “Kevin” slid the chamber back with a hard but smooth motion, locking a round in the chamber.

  “You ready?” The brother questioned.

  Kevin leered. “As ever.”

  Georgie saw it first—the glint of an approaching car in his peripheral vision. His street sense screamed, Turn around! and he did, just as the Lexus was pulling up and the passenger window rolled down.

  “Yo K, look out!” Georgie barked.

  “Southside muhfuckas!” Kevin based.

  K.B. was caught in the open between two parked cars, totally exposed to the street.

  Boom! Boom!

  The shots shattered his hip, ripping right through him with agonizing accuracy. “Aaarrgggh!” K.B. bellowed.

  “K.B.!” Georgie cried.

  With only a split second to react he didn’t hesitate. Had he wanted to, he could’ve fell to the ground behind a parked car, but his heart wouldn’t let him. Instead, he dove out into the open, tackling K.B. at the waist, pushing him to the safety of the ground.

  Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

  The sounds of gunfire echoed loudly on the tightly parked street and bounced through the neighborhood, setting off car alarms as pain exploded through Georgie’s flesh.

  He felt the first bullet slice into his shoulder, and then the blood gush from his head as the second bullet jerked his neck forward. He fell on top of K.B.

  The Lexus pitched to a halt and Kevin started to jump out and finish the job, but stopped short him when he saw lights turn on in the windows of the surrounding houses, and the appearance of curious expressions as heads peaked out of the doors and windows.


  “Yo, fuck that, get in! Let’s go!” his brother urged.

  Kevin was stuck for a moment, wanting to inflict the ultimate punishment for the humiliation that he had suffered earlier, but not wanting to end up like his father who was rotting away on death row in a Pennsylvania penitentiary. He allowed his brother to tug him back into the car and they screeched off.

  Blood gushed from Georgie’s head and shoulder. The pain had him almost praying for death.

  “Georgie!” K.B. called out, tears streaming down his cheeks.

  The first time the sound of K.B.’s voice was clear and comforting; the second a little more distant. By the third time, all he could perceive was K.B.’s lips moving, but no sound came out. And then, blackness.

  Georgie woke up with a dry mouth and a booming headache. The first thing he heard was the beep…beep…beep of the heart monitor.

  “Oh thank God!” Georgie heard his mother exclaim.

  Stephanie jumped up from her seat by the window and ran over to him. He turned his head just in time to see her body envelope him in a smothering hug.

  “Thank God, oh thank God! My baby is alive!” she cried, tears of joy flowing from cheeks to chin.

  “Yo, Mama!” Georgie called, his voice muffled by her weight. “I can’t breathe!”

  She bolted up, wide eyed.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry, Baby. I was just so happy! When they told me you got shot, I was so scared that I would lose you. Then the doctor said the bullet just grazed your skull, but an inch more—” she remarked in rapid fire fashion, then stopped, choked up and put a hand to her chest.

  “Now you can’t breathe,” Georgie chuckled. “Relax Ma, I’m good.”

  Stephanie smiled down on him like he was a newborn infant.

  “I know, it’s just …”

  “What’s good, my dude,” K.B. said, coming into view for the first time.

  Stephanie had him blocked, so he wheeled around to the other side of the bed. When Georgie saw him in the wheel chair, he got sick to his stomach. K.B. read his expression.

  “Yo chill, it’s only temporary,” K.B. assured him, but only telling him half the story. “They say the bullet shattered my hip, but with therapy, I’ll be walking in no time.”

  “You can’t walk?” Georgie stressed, the realization feeling like a third bullet to the heart.

  That’s when he saw K.B.’s eyes. It was only for a moment, a flicker, but it had been there and it was unmistakable. Despair.

  Then K.B. winked, cracked a dimpled smile and it was gone.

  “Come on yo, you think one bullet gonna stop the kid? I’m who Jordan wish he was when he sleep at night.”

  Stephanie laughed, but Georgie didn’t. He just looked at his man thinking, shit ain’t gonna never be the same.

  K.B. dropped his head because he couldn’t take the gaze anymore.

  “K.B. told me what happened,” Stephanie shook her head. “Next time, if they try and rob you Georgie, just give it up, you hear me?! Nothing they want is worth your life!”

  Georgie closed his eyes and swallowed. He hated lying to his mother, but he knew that if he told her the truth, she would flip.

  “Yes ma’am,” was all that he could reply.

  His mother looked at him, but didn’t say anything. A few seconds later her beeper went off.

  “Shit! I forgot that Shantelle had an appointment. Baby, let me go find a pay phone and tell her she gonna have to reschedule,” she said, then kissed him on the cheek and sashayed out the room.

  As soon as the door swooshed shut, Georgie looked at K.B. and said, “You told her they tried to rob us?”

  K.B. wheeled up to the bed.

  “She kept asking what happened. I had to tell her something!”

  Georgie pushed his head into the pillow, rubbed the heels of his hands in his eyes then replied, “This shit crazy! You can’t walk? For a thousand dollars?!”

  K.B. brushed him off like he didn’t understand the meaning of his comment and leaned towards him.

  “My cousin Malik says he know who them niggas was.”

  Their eyes met, the look that passed between them loaded like the gun K.B.’s words implied.

  “Yo K, what’re you talking about? You about to go to fuckin’ Duke University, and you talkin’ about a fuckin’ drive by?” Georgie stressed.

  K.B. snorted. “Duke?! Nigga, look at me! Do I look like I’m goin’ to Duke?!”

  “A minute ago, you said all you need is therapy!” Georgie shot back.

  “That’s what they say. What if they wrong, huh? Then what? Then I’m fucked up, therefore somebody gonna be fucked up wit’ me!” K.B. huffed, emphasizing his every word with hand gestures. “And anyway, whether I go or not, I ain’t forgetting shit; that’s real! Duke or no Duke, I wouldn’t give a fuck if I just signed for the Sixers for a billion dollars. If a nigga disrespect me, he gettin’ it right where he stand!”

  Georgie shook his head, but he couldn’t argue with the words because it was the same code he lived by. He felt like you couldn’t survive in the hood without it, even though—deep down—it felt like you couldn’t survive with it either.

  “So what you sayin’?” Georgie questioned.

  “I’m sayin’, as soon as you get out of here, we goin’ to pay them muhfuckas a visit. Me, you, Malik and them,” K.B. answered.

  “Yeah, yo.”

  “So you wit’ it?”

  “I just said yeah, yo.”

  “Yeah, well you don’t sound like you wit’ it.”

  Georgie glared at him.

  “How the fuck I’m ‘posed to soun
d like?”

  K.B. smirked.

  “Nigga, you know what I’m talkin’ about.”

  Georgie got impatient.

  “Goddamn nigga, I’m wit’ it, aight, I’m wit’ it!”

  “With what?” Stephanie questioned as she entered with a nurse.

  “Nothin’ Ma, a party,” Georgie mumbled.

  “Boy, you ain’t in no shape for a party, but look who I found,” Stephanie smiled. “Denise.”

  Georgie looked at the nurse and a smile spread across his face.

  “How you doin’, Ms. Tucker?” Georgie greeted.

  “Hey Georgie, how you feelin’?”

  “Better now,” he winked.

  Denise laughed.

  “The doctor said it’ll only be a day or two more, but Denise promised me she’d keep an eye on you. I have to go do Shantelle’s hair for a wedding tomorrow, so if you’re okay.…” Stephanie let her voice trail off to give Georgie a chance to comment.

  “G‘head Ma, I’m good.”

  “I’ll be back tomorrow. Keon, you ready?”

  “Yes Ma’am. Stay up yo, I’ma see you,” K.B. said, giving Georgie dap.

  Stephanie rushed K.B. out while Denise held the door for them. As soon as they were gone and Denise let the door close, Georgie remarked, “Damn Ma, if I woulda known you worked here, I woulda been got just to see you in that skirt.”

  Denise giggled and blushed, waving him off.

  “Boy, you been known I was a nurse.”

  “Yeah but still,” he replied, looking at Denise’s ass as she bent over to pour him some water. Just looking at that ass had his dick flexing muscle. She was an average looking, middle-aged, cinnamon complexion woman with a wide smile and little titties, but her ass and thighs made her look like a stallion, especially in her short nurse’s skirt.

  She brought him the cup of water, but instead of grabbing the cup, he grabbed her ass.

  “Boy!” she squealed, giggling.

  “Shut up. You know you love it,” he remarked, slowly sliding his hand under her skirt. She got the familiar quiver in her bottom lip, letting him know that her pussy was getting wet.

  “No, Georgie, your mother just left,” she whined.


  “She’ll kill me if she knew I was fuckin’ you,” she added, but her voice was getting husky as he ran his hand over the crotch of her panty hose and panties.

  He laughed.

  “Ma, if she ain’t caught us in two years, she damn sure ain’t gonna catch us now. Lock the door.”

  She saw his dick start to tent the covers. She pulled the sheet back and gripped his dick, licking her lips with anticipation.

  “You’re gonna make me lose my job,” she cooed, hot and heavy, bending to give his dick a kiss.

  “And this skirt ‘bout to make me lose my mind. Now lock it,” he demanded.

  Denise ran to the door and locked it with a quick click. Then she came back, pulling up her skirt over her shapely hips. Georgie grabbed her by the back of the neck and brought her face to his, devouring her tongue with a passionate moan. She always loved the way he kissed her as if he was always so hungry, making her feel wanted and wetter.

  He pulled her up on the bed to straddle him. As she mounted him, she broke the kiss to say, “Wait, I have to take off my…”


  He grabbed the seam of her panty hose and ripped it apart, lustfully reaching inside and pulling her panties to the side. Denise reached underneath and gripped his long, thick dick, giving it a rough squeeze before guiding the head inside her tight, wet pussy. They both cried out, her with a gasp, him with a grunt as if the connection was electric, causing their bodies to clap and grind.

  “Ohh yesss, oh fuck, I can’t get enough of this young dick,” she cried, throwing her hips into his every thrust.

  “Tell me you like it,” Georgie growled, bouncing her on his dick in a long, steady motion.

  “You know I do. Oh God you know I do!”

  “Tell me!”

  “I – I, oh shit Georgie, alreaddyyyy!” she squalled, her pussy exploding with a creamy orgasm.

  She collapsed on his chest, but he cocked his knees up and kept fucking her.

  “Baby, give me a minute,” she gasped, totally out of breath.

  “Naw, you gonna take all this dick,” he demanded, dragging his dick in a grinding motion, making the base rub up against her clit, while he slid his thumb in her asshole.

  “Ssssssss,” she sucked in her breath, dragging her fingernails across his chest. “You know that shit drive me crazy.”

  Georgie thumb-fucked her ass and pushed her to sit up on his dick. Denise threw her head back and rode him like a wave. He ran his hand up her nurse’s outfit, up to her neck then ran his fingers along her lips before she took them in her mouth.

  “Tell me.”

  “I – I love youuuuu,” she sang, lost in the rhythm of his stroke.

  He stoked her harder, firmly gripping her neck.


  “Oh it’s yours, Baby. I love you!”

  He saw her bottom lip begin to quiver and he knew she was close. He arched his back for better leverage and started long-dicking her furiously.

  “Oh Georgie, I can’t, I – I – not again!”

  Her second orgasm was so intense that she saw stars. Georgie let himself go and came deep inside of her.

  “I love you too,” he remarked, caressing her cheeks.

  “Don’t play with my emotions boy. You know you just want to fuck,” she answered, maintaining her womanly wall.

  He looked her dead in the eyes and said, “I never just fuck you, Ma… Look at you. You’re beautiful. You glow, you know that? I love the way your lip quivers when you’re about to cum, the way you scream my name,” he said then kissed her lips gently.

  Denise’s heart danced in her chest. Men rarely told her that she was beautiful. They said she had a fat ass and pretty lips, but never that she was beautiful or that she glowed. And no one had ever noticed her quivering lip. Despite her wall, her eyes misted over.

  “You’re something else, Georgie Mills.”

  Kiss the girls and made them cry…

  “Boy, you want to stay here?!” Stephanie called out.

  Georgie smiled at himself in the mirror as he pulled his hair back into his trademark ponytail, then put on his shades and stepped out of the hospital bathroom.

  “Chill Ma, you know I have to look good for my fans,” he smirked, striking a GQ pose.

  Stephanie laughed, waving him off.

  “Fans? Boy, bye! Only fans you got is the ol’ cockeyed girls in the yellow bus, wit’ your ugly self.”

  “You know you wrong for that,” he laughed.

  “Just come on, you know I hate hospitals. I ain’t tryin’ to spend no more time here than I have to.”

  Georgie grabbed his leather coat off the bed and started for the door, but Stephanie stopped him and just looked at him.

  “What? I thought you were ready to go? Why you lookin’ at me like that?” he quizzed.

  “’Cause you mine, and I can look at you any way I want,” she sassed, but she had tears welling up in her eyes. “Now come here and give me a hug.”

  She pulled him close and held him extra tight. Georgie could tell something was wrong when she pulled back and he looked in her eyes.

  “Ma, what’s up?”

  “Nothing,” she answered, avoiding his gaze, “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  “I had to be. Somebody gotta keep an eye on you,” he quipped.

  Stephanie mustered a smile then pushed him out of the door.

  They drove along Market Street listening to Power 99, the local radio station. Georgie seemed to turn up the volume with every song.

  “Georgie, turn it down.”

  “Come on Ma, this Craig Mack!,” Georgie protested, bobbing his head and rapping along to Flava In Ya Ear.

  “I don’t give a damn, turn it down,” she growled.
  He sighed hard but turned the knob to the left. He could tell that his mother was tense because she loved loud music as much as he did. He reached over and gave her shoulder a squeeze.

  “Ma, I’m good. It’s all over.”

  “I know.”

  “Then what’s up?”


  Georgie let it go. They came to 17th Street, which was the one they usually took to get to their house, but Stephanie kept straight.

  “We ain’t goin’ home?”


  Georgie shrugged it off and didn’t pay it any mind. That is, until they pulled up in front of the bus station. Georgie looked around with a slight frown.

  “What we at the bus station for? Who we pickin’ up?” he asked.

  “Nobody. We droppin’ somebody off,” she said. Then turned to him with tears streaming down her cheeks.

  The look on her face said it all. Georgie started shaking his head.

  “Naw Ma, what you talkin’ about?! I ain’t going anywhere!”

  Georgie, don’t tell me what you’re not doing! You are!” Stephanie blazed right back.

  “For what?! ‘Cause I got shot?!”

  “You think I’m stupid, boy?! Do you? You forget I was runnin’ these damn streets way before I even thought of you! I know everybody and everybody know Steph! You got robbed? That was the best you could come up with, with your chain around your neck and money in your pocket?” She spat, flipping the thick herringbone around his neck with her finger. “You think I don’t know you and Keon be in the park hustling people on them courts?! Shooting dice? Huh? Well, joke’s on you muhfucka, you gettin’ on that damn bus today!”

  Georgie pinched his nose and squeezed his eyes as if he were trying to press himself into another reality.

  “And where am I supposed to go?”

  “To stay with your Uncle Michael in New York.”

  “Wow, New York? Good choice Ma, I’ll never get shot there,” he quipped with bitter sarcasm.

  Without hesitation, Stephanie slapped his face—not hard, but hard enough to let him know that she was serious.

  “Don’t play with me, boy. This ain’t about you gettin’ shot, it’s about what happens next. I know what you and Keon was talking about. I know how the game is played. Well, not with me it won’t be. Keon is a good boy, but he’s about to make a bad decision. That I can’t help, but I can help the decision you make, and that decision better be gettin’ your ass on that bus!” Stephanie fumed.


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