Mistress, Inc.

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Mistress, Inc. Page 21

by Niobia Bryant

“What kinda business?”

  Jessa shook her head. “That’s for me to know and you to find out later ... if you don’t fuck me over.”

  She ended the call on that note.

  Darla cut her eyes over at her daughter. “Wanna tell me about it?” she asked, taking the bottle out just long enough to belch the baby before letting her finish the rest of the small bottle.

  “Not yet, but I will.”

  Her phone vibrated again, but it was Tyson and so she let it go to voice mail. She was avoiding him and Henry was avoiding her. With a possible custody battle looming, the last thing she needed was man drama to preoccupy her time and her thoughts. There was truth in Henry’s observation that Tyson wasn’t particularly demonstrative toward Delaney, but their chemistry had been undeniable. Henry was completely in love with her baby, but Jessa never thought of him as anything but a friend. The battle of a good fuck versus a good stepfather for Delaney would have to be fought another time.

  She dug a folded lightweight blanket out of the bag and put it over Delaney’s pudgy little legs as she felt it become more breezy. She was pressing a kiss to her cheek when she spotted Renee, Aria, and Jaime coming up the walk with Aria pushing a stroller.

  Jessa ignored them. The days of trying to be a factor of any kind in their lives had passed. The friendship was over. She was making no more apologies. She honestly could care less if she ever saw them again. Seriously. It is what the fuck it is, she thought, using her thumb to wipe her lip gloss from Delaney’s fat cheek.

  As they neared, Jessa opened the blanket and covered her mother’s shoulders and arm to shield Delaney from their curious eyes.

  Darla frowned. “Jessa, why you covering her up like that?” she asked.

  “I don’t need them bitches to see my baby,” she muttered.

  “Who?” Darla asked, looking around.

  “Don’t worry about it, Mama,” she said, taking the empty bottle and putting the cap back on it before she pushed it into the diaper bag.

  The ladies walked by on the paved path behind the benches. Their voices carried.

  “I bet she’s beautiful,” Renee said in a low voice.

  “Ms. Kingsley said she is,” Aria said.

  Jessa rolled her eyes.

  “Well, we’ll find out today if she’s Eric’s bastard or not,” Jaime added.

  “Jaime!” Aria and Renee snapped in reprimand.

  Stupid bitch, Jessa thought.

  “Jessa, take Delaney,” Darla said. “My arm is killing me and I think she needs her diaper changed.”

  Jessa forced the anger caused by Jaime’s words from her body as she took her daughter. She buried her face in her neck and inhaled deeply of the scent of innocence and love.

  “I dare you to call my grandbaby a bastard again,” Darla said coldly. “I triple double dare you, bitch, for you to do it again.”

  Jessa’s eyes popped and she whirled around surprised to see her mother had made her way over to get straight up in Jaime’s face.

  “Matter of fact, you don’t have to say it again,” Darla said, then swung.


  Jessa’s mouth fell open as the slap sent Jaime’s entire body to roll down the slight incline and into the lake with a splash.

  “Oh shit!” Aria cussed.

  “Who is that?” Renee asked.

  They both rushed forward to help Jaime, who stood up waist deep in the water with green algae covering her hair and face. “Are you crazy?” she roared at Darla across the distance.

  Darla calmly slid the baby bag on her shoulder. “Some things are just fighting words, Jessa. You hear me? You don’t let nobody call your child a bastard and get away with it. And I mean it. You hear me?” she asked again, still fired up, as they walked away from the scene.

  Jessa nodded and pressed her face into Delaney’s neck as she smiled. Her cell phone rang and she reached in her pocket for it. “Yes.”

  “Jessa, this is Lincoln. We got the paternity results and Eric Hall is indisputably the father of baby Delaney Logan.”

  Jessa arched a brow. “Of course.”

  “Of course,” he conceded. “As you know, the Halls also have received notification of the results. The ball is in their court. Now for you and the case against Eric’s estate, how do you want to proceed?”

  “Drop it,” Jessa said without any doubt.

  “You sure?” he asked.

  “Yes, I have to focus all of my time and resources on the Halls. My gut tells me they are going forward with it and I don’t have time to play with Jaime anymore. Keeping my child is more important to me than winning money.”

  “I agree and don’t forget you’re eligible for social security benefits on behalf of the child. This paternity proves the eligibility and I would go forward with that and leave the rest alone.”

  “Okay, I’ll look into it,” she admitted.

  “Not that you need it, but it is hers and there’s no reason you shouldn’t get it.”

  Jessa ended the call. All of her stressors were kicked up a notch. Were the mistakes of her past going to completely shatter her future?

  Later that evening, after Jessa dropped her mother back at the sober house to make her curfew, she made her way home. She had just turned into her driveway behind her Jag when she spotted Dina. What did this bitch want?

  “I need your help,” she said as soon as Jessa got out her vehicle.

  “Dina, I got problems of my own, and right now I am going inside to kiss my baby and enjoy a glass of wine while I figure out how to help my damn self,” Jessa told her coolly before breezing past her to climb her steps.

  “I think my husband is cheating again.”

  Jessa turned with an incredulous expression. “Duh, I’m not surprised. Are you?” she snapped. “I showed you proof he was begging me for pussy and you stayed with him. What the hell do you want from me now?”

  Dina came close to the base of the steps. “But I am done and I want to catch him and use it to make sure I get all the alimony I can.”

  Jessa sighed. “I don’t have the video anymore,” she said, finding patience for the woman. “I deleted it.”

  Dina looked nervous as she wrung her hands. “I talked to my attorney and he said we could call you as a witness—”

  “What!” Jessa exclaimed.

  Dina jumped back. “I’m sorry—”

  “No, you’re not sorry, but you’re going to be if you pull me into you and your perverted husband’s bullshit,” Jessa told her in no uncertain terms as she came down the stairs to stalk toward the petite woman, who looked ready to shit her pants.

  Dina started to cry hysterically.

  Jessa flung her hands up in the air. “Seriously, are you twelve?” she asked in exasperation, reaching in her tote for napkins to push into the woman’s hand.

  “I thought you were going to hit me,” Dina said, wiping her eyes.

  “I’m too pretty to fight,” Jessa said truthfully.

  Dina smiled through her tears.

  “Look, if I help you catch him, will you keep me out of court?” Jessa asked.

  Dina held up her right hand to God. “Yes, I swear.”

  Jessa reached out and pulled her hand down. “This is not godly, let’s not involve him,” she said dryly.

  Dina nodded.

  “Give me about a week to get some things set up,” Jessa said. “Do not tell anyone, especially your husband, and we’ll catch him. Can you deal for another week?”

  “I been dealing with him since we were twelve.”

  Jessa frowned. “That is way too long with the same dick. You raised it like a child.”

  Dina smiled. “Yeah, and it’s not even full grown,” she snapped with a little spice.

  Jessa held up her hands. “Terrible damn situation!”


  Jessa took out her cell phone. “What’s your cell phone number?” she asked.

  Dina recited it and Jessa saved it in her contacts. “Go home, keep up th
e front, and I’ll call you in a week or so. Good?”

  “Great!” Dina reached out and hugged her.

  Jessa’s body remained stiff and she gave the woman a forced smile as she finally walked away and carried herself home. Where she belongs instead of on my damn porch.

  She finally entered her house, then locked the door securely behind her. She kicked off her shoes and massaged her own neck. “Yari, I’m home. I’ll be up in a minute,” she called up the stairs before she padded barefoot into her living room.

  At the fully stocked bar she poured herself a full glass of white wine before she settled in one of the club chairs situated by the windows. She sipped and looked out at Richmond Hills. Her thoughts were full and heavy and varied.

  Her fears of her secret being exposed remained in the forefront. Maybe God will be on my side. He knows the whole truth. He has to understand.

  She missed calling Henry and hearing his guidance, receiving his comfort and security. His presence always calmed her. Reassured her. Made everything seem better. But she didn’t love him and didn’t want to marry him. Did I lead him on? she wondered, as she had many times in the last week.

  Jessa forced herself to push those thoughts aside as she filled her mouth with wine and savored the flavor and aroma before swallowing it gently.

  Her publicity events were becoming few and far between. Her book was almost done, but there was no guarantee anyone would want to read her story when it dropped later in the year. The modeling agency was still interested, but Jessa was still on the fence about it. She hadn’t heard from Myra in over two weeks—a first since they first started working together. And in truth, it didn’t bother her. Delaney made her yearn for her privacy again.

  The idea she had for a new business was CRAZY and she knew that, but she saw firsthand that there was a need for such a thing. Business was all about supply and motherfucking demand.

  Jessa took another sip just as her phone rang. She reached for the cordless. Someone from the security gate. “Yes?”

  “Keegan Connor is at the gate.”

  “Let her in. Thank you.” Jessa dropped the phone in the chair and rose to pour another glass of wine, which she carried to the front door. She sat one of the glasses on the floor to unlock the door and then picked it up again just as Keegan walked through the door.

  Jessa handed her the glass.

  “Good,” Keegan said, immediately taking a sip. “Chardonnay?”

  “Of course,” Jessa assured her as she led her back to the living room.


  “I want to run something by you,” Jessa said, reclaiming her seat as Keegan took the one directly across from her.

  “I want to run a business with hired mistresses who help wives catch their husbands cheating.” Jessa stood up to retrieve the entire bottle of wine to replenish their goblets.

  Keegan frowned. “Like prostitutes, sugar?”

  “Hell no,” Jessa balked. “I’m not a pimp selling ass. No sex involved. Just pretty women—or men—to reel him in just enough to show his hand or that he’s willing or that his ass is not to be trusted.”

  “Side note: You’re cursing again?” Keegan asked.

  Jessa waved her hand dismissively. “I’m stressed the fuck out and sometimes it takes a well-placed “fuck you” to get your point across. God understands.”


  “Hell, I was thinking it, so I might as well say it. You can’t fake it with God.”

  Keegan just smiled into her goblet as she took another sip.

  “An-y-way ... what do you think?”

  “To be honest, when I wanted to catch the wandering dick ex-husband of mine, something like this would have been right up my alley, darling,” Keegan admitted.

  Jessa gazed out the window at the lit homes of Richmond Hills. She thought of all the wives who clamored around her door the day after she announced that one of her neighbor’s husbands was actively pursuing her.

  “There are so many women with doubts about their husbands who just want to know if the man they love is to be trusted.”

  Keegan looked thoughtful.

  “And who better than a former mistress to help them offer their husband Eve’s apple?” Jessa asked, her voice soft but still filled with excitement.

  “You’re serious about this?” Keegan asked, moving to sit up on the edge of her seat as if she was being pulled into Jessa’s words.

  Jessa settled back in her chair and crossed her legs. “I think so. And what better way to fix the negative karma of being a mistress than to help wives catch their own cheating husbands.”

  Keegan settled back in her chair and flipped her red hair behind her shoulder as she eyed her friend. “I want in, sugar,” she said.

  Jessa arched a brow. “What? Why? You have a business.”

  Keegan arched a dyed red brow. “I need some of that good karma too, and maybe the next man I marry won’t live life like he ain’t used to pussy.”

  Jessa felt all of her red trust flags waving around her. She dampened the appearance of her excitement. She was regretting telling Keegan about it. Big time. “First, I have to see what’s going on with Eric’s parents. Today they received their confirmation that their son is indeed the daddy like I said,” Jessa said, picking up the remote to swivel and turn on the flat-screen television over the fireplace.

  An image of the nursery filled the screen. Delaney was sleeping peacefully.

  “Nanny cam?” Keegan asked.

  “Of course.” Jessa switched to another view and found Yari in her own room reading a book as she sat in the windowsill with the baby monitor beside her.

  “I hate that she’s sleeping because I’m sure going to wake her for some kisses before I leave here tonight,” Keegan said.

  “Oh no. Night duty is all mine, you kooky redheaded bitch. Don’t you do it,” Jessa warned her playfully.

  Keegan laughed as she refilled her glass.

  “If you keep drinking, your ass is not going anywhere.”

  Keegan shrugged. “We can put on our jammies and talk about Henry all night.”

  “Henry?” Jessa balked. “You’re confused. It’s Tyson the captain that was ... blessed.”

  “I’m know exactly whom I’m talking about. Henry is the one I heard about all this week. Henry is mad. I didn’t know Henry wanted to marry me. You really think Henry loves me? I wonder what Henry would say about that?” Keegan mimicked her. “Henry, Henry. Henry. Not Tyson. Not once. Haven’t heard a peep out of you about Tyson or his good dick.”

  True. Very true.

  “Well, I don’t have time for either one. So fuck them both right about now.”

  Keegan rolled her eyes. “Whatever, you delusional weave-wearing bitch.”

  Jessa ran her fingers through her hair. “This is not a weave.”

  “Yeah, okay, honey bunch, and my pussy hairs ain’t blond either.”

  Jessa and Keegan laughed at that.

  “I did not need the visual!”

  “Oh, right now it’s as bald as your baby’s,” Keegan drawled. “I swear.”

  Jessa laughed until tears filled her eyes. “Oh, Keegan, thank you for coming over. I needed a good laugh,” Jessa admitted.

  Keegan shook her head. “What you need is a good business partner,” she said, her eyes serious. “Come on, darling, two brains and pussies are better than one.”

  Jessa eyed her as Keegan extended her goblet into the air between them. Maybe I should keep her close since I opened my big mouth about the idea. “Okay, if I decide to go forward and if the Halls do not sue me for custody, then I will think about starting this business with you as an investor,” Jessa said.

  “Sounds like a plan, sugar,” Keegan said. “And your ex-friend across the way gave you the perfect name.”

  Jessa knew exactly what Keegan was referring to. “Isn’t that tacky, though?”

  “No, it fits perfectly.”

  Jessa finally raised her glass in toast as well.
“Okay, then here’s to Mistress, Inc.,” she said before they touched glasses.


  The next morning, Jessa skipped church; she was not ready to face Henry. Although he never made his feelings clear, she knew him seeing her getting sexed—and well—by Tyson had to have hurt him. Yari had the day off, Keegan had already headed home, and Jessa was lounging in bed rereading the last couple of chapters of her book to reclaim the rhythm and flow to finish. Delaney slept on the bed beside her and the house was quiet as she read.

  Hindsight is 20/20.

  I know now more than ever how true that is. But it is too late for regrets and what-ifs. The time to make different—better—decisions has passed.

  It’s ironic how the thought of stepping forward into my future without my man, my lover, my everything had been hurtful. Scary. Disappointing.

  I cannot help but recognize that I drove the car that led my life down this road. I was the maker of my own destiny. The ruler of the domain of my life. Keeper of my pussy.


  Now I know that welcoming him into my life and my bed was the biggest mistake ...

  A cold shiver passed over Jessa’s body as she looked away from the page. She had written her actual thoughts up until the moment Eric tried to choke her to death. She remembered the night with vivid clarity.

  Setting the manuscript aside, Jessa lay on the bed on her side and lightly rubbed Delaney’s back. As she had many times since she discovered she was pregnant, she wondered what the future held for a child born to a mother who was almost killed by her father.

  “I will do right by you. I swear. I will make everything right,” Jessa promised in a whisper.

  Brrrrnnnggg ...

  Jessa picked up her cordless phone. “Yes?”

  “Mr. and Mrs. Hall at the security gate for you.”

  Jessa sat up straight in bed. “No. Hell no,” she said.


  Jessa dialed her attorney Lincoln’s cell phone number. It went straight to voice mail. “Shit,” she swore.

  Do they have a court order or something? What the fuck do they want?

  Jessa tried Lincoln’s number again. And again. And again. “Okay, this motherfucker is so fired,” she snapped, pacing as her heart pounded. I hate this shit. I hate it.


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