To Win Her Love

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To Win Her Love Page 17

by Mackenzie Crowne

  The button on her jeans popped free and the zipper rasped open under his experienced fingers. Burrowing his hand under both denim and the lace panties beneath, he peeled the garments down over one hip. She shifted, lifting her hips to aid him in their removal. He shoved the materials to her knees and she scissor kicked them free.

  Leaving languid behind, he wasted no time. His open mouth left a hot trail behind as he found her other breast. Pleasure shards sliced at her as he gently bit her turgid nipple at the exact moment the rough pads of his talented fingers unerringly found that for which they searched. He cupped her damp heat in his large palm and with a tweak of her tightly budded clit, she erupted on a scream.

  Need, as hot as lava, rolled through her and seared every molecule of her being. Wave after wave tossed her higher. Her legs fell open and her hips arched, grinding against his kneading palm and chasing a pleasure so keen she was left panting until she didn’t think she could stand any more. When his mouth replaced his hand, she learned the folly in her thinking.

  With tongue and teeth, he drove her to a place she didn’t know existed, where pleasure danced with joy and fire burned hotter than the sun. She rocked against his murmurs of encouragement, whimpering and clenching her fingers in his hair until the harsh sucking of his mouth sent her tumbling over the edge once more in a shower of heat and light.

  Boneless and replete, she struggled to open her eyes several long moments later. Head resting in one palm on a bent elbow, Jake lay on his side next to her. He wore a satisfied smile, but the elevated color on his cheekbones and his burning eyes told a different story. To say nothing of the rigid length pressing at her hip beneath the jeans he still wore.

  Her lips twisted in a guilty grimace. “What was it you said about me being greedy?”

  He grinned. “And I was right, but I wasn’t complaining.”

  She groaned and slapped a hand over her eyes. He chuckled, and the soft cotton of his sweatshirt brushed her side and breast when he leaned forward and kissed her briefly. Musk and spice teased her nostrils. She slid her hand to the side of her face. He continued to lean over her. Humor sparkled in his watchful eyes.

  “That was a compliment. To both of us.”

  “How do you figure? So far, all I’ve done is take.”

  He stroked a hand over her hip. One winged brow arched. “Are you saying we’re done here?”

  “God, I hope not!” The greedy admission slipped out before she could stop herself.

  He grinned and used his wide palm to yank her up against him. He dipped a knee between hers thighs once again and lowered his mouth. “Then I’ll soon get my turn, won’t I? Watching your beautiful body take flight on an orgasm I’ve given you is more than an incredible turn-on. It’s a gift. There’s nothing sexier to a man than a passionate woman who wants him so badly she can’t wait.”

  Delivered in a seductive croon, his whispered words reignited the delicious heat in the folds still swollen from his earlier ministrations. God, the man had a magical tongue. In more ways than one. Who knew a little dirty talk could make her this frigging hot? If he kept that up, she’d be leaving him behind again.

  Well, as the old saying went. Two could play that game. Ripping a page out of his sex whisperer book, she lowered her voice to a purr. “Nothing sexier, huh? Then, I must be the sexiest woman alive.”

  His deep laugh vibrated through his chest to hers, and he dipped his head to kiss her. She twisted away out of his arms and scooted to the far side of the bed. “I mean it. I’m this close.” She held finger and thumb a fraction of an inch apart and made her expression as stern as possible, which wasn’t very, considering how badly her body throbbed. “Unless you want me taking off without you again, I suggest you get naked. Like, right now.”

  He immediately rolled off the bed to his feet. Giggling, she scrambled to sit. Shoving the pillow behind her back, she made herself comfortable propped against the brass headboard to watch the show. She’d forgotten how quickly he could move, or how effectively. Arms and legs flailing, the famous dexterity he displayed on the field was nothing compared to the moves he employed as he shed himself of sweatshirt, boots, jeans, and briefs.

  When he was down to bare skin, he tossed several foil packets on the table beside the bed and turned to face her. Seemingly at ease, he stood still under her inspection with his hands fisted on his lean hips.

  In casual street clothes he was the picture of a superbly healthy, modern male. Dressed in uniform and pads he was larger than life, a fantasy hero of the gridiron. Naked? Oh, Lord. Naked he was an X-rated superhero.

  A six-foot-five impossibly healthy, muscular man of steel.

  Incredibly wide shoulders narrowed over impressive pecs down to a trim waist. She didn’t know if there was a technical name for the sharply cut lines of muscle where his washboard stomach met his lean hips, but the well-cut ridge made her mouth water. As for the imposing evidence of his desire…his cock stood strong and proud between thick thighs. She gulped. Forget eye candy, the man was a freaking candy factory.

  “Wow.” She breathed the word like a benediction.

  His wicked smile should’ve warned her. As if released from invisible chains, he dropped a bent knee to the bed, wrapped long fingers around one of her ankles…and yanked.

  She squealed with laughter as he dragged her forward and didn’t complain when he lowered himself until he lay cradled between her thighs. Propped on his elbows, he locked his gaze with hers.


  She nodded. “Much.”

  “Then come fly with me, princess.”

  Considering how he’d ruthlessly pushed her toward a quick and explosive release earlier, and how aroused he appeared during her inspection, she was surprised by the pace he set, an easy lover completely content to take his time. For her, sex had always been a pleasant passage of time. Not so with Jake. To her joy, she discovered laughing with a lover was more than pleasant. It was fun.

  By nature or design, she wasn’t sure which and didn’t care, he kept her pleasantly off balance with his playful brand of foreplay. The tools in his seduction bag were varied and irresistible. Teasing smiles and murmured praises accompanied trailing touches and penetrating gazes that reached down to tempt the soul. He seemed to sense whenever she ventured close to the abyss, courtesy of a hot, bone-melting kiss or spine-tingling caress, then he’d yank her back from the precipice with nipping teeth and naughty whispers, or a frisky tickle of the ribs.

  He wasn’t the only one with a sensual bag of tricks. He’d teased her about being greedy. He was right. She greedily savored the opportunity to touch him at her leisure. A laughing and naked Jake in her bed was a dream come true. She took full advantage.

  Tucked partially beneath his big body, she turned her head to break his mind-stealing kiss. Sliding her hand down over his stomach, she curled her fingers around the hot length of him and whispered in his ear. “Your turn.”

  He rolled to his back, giving her complete access. She rose on one elbow and shimmied closer to his side. Loosening her grip on his engorged cock, she dragged her fingers up the swollen length to trace circles around the sensitive tip with a fingernail. He shifted his legs, restlessly.

  “Ah, you like that.” She leaned closer, causing her breasts to plump against his chest, and held his gaze. “You’re so hard, baby.”

  His eyes flared with emerald heat and his erection jerked slightly within the cage of her fingers. She laughed, low and quiet. He narrowed his eyes, but a smile tugged at his lips.


  Teeth bared in a pleased smile, she rose to her knees. With her free hand resting on the clenched ridges of his stomach muscles, she held his gaze as she bent at the waist. His breath hissed in sharply when her curls floated over his sensitive flesh. She paused there, suspended over him, her lips a scant inch from the swollen tip. Heated promises glittered in his eyes. Excitement shimmered in wet waves between her legs.

“Tell me. Do you like to be sucked?”

  She didn’t give him the opportunity to answer, surrounding him with her mouth. His low moan thrilled. Hot and hard, the salty taste of him registered on her tongue as she explored his varying textures, silk and steel. Too soon, his fingers slid into her hair and when he tugged slightly, she released him to look up.

  Tension stretched the skin on his cheekbones tight as he reached for her shoulders and dragged her up his body. His arm swung out in search of a condom as he rolled her to her back at his side. White teeth flashed, foil tore, and he fisted the latex over himself before she could offer her help.

  For the moment, her sex whisperer was silent. He mounted her without a word. Gripping her left calf, he guided her leg up and around his waist then flexed his hips. He pushed inside her and her inner muscles stretched deliciously around his invading length. She arched into him, spiraling close to the edge and needing to take him completely. He slid home and immediately began to move heavily.

  Like well-lubed pistons, his hips pumped. She clung to him and matched his pace. His biceps bulged, propping his wide chest above hers, and his shaggy hair curtained his face. Emerald fire burned in the gaze locked with hers. With a grunt, he shifted onto one arm and reached between them, pressing a thumb to her tightened clit.

  “Fly with me, baby.”

  With a keening cry, she answered his irresistible demand.

  Chapter 20

  Saturday morning was spent on the phone, directing a nervous client on the launch of her new website. Once the call ended, deliciously sweet scents drew Gracie to the empty kitchen. The third double batch of cookies in less than a week cooled on the counter. She rolled her eyes and snagged a water bottle from the fridge. Propping her hips against the counter, she selected a cookie and nibbled on the evidence she wasn’t the only one to fall victim to the sexy bruiser in their midst.

  With the exception of Angel, who showed signs of weakening but had yet to surrender completely to Jake’s irresistible charms, the rest of them had melted like Mary’s chocolate chips. The housekeeper had it bad, clucking around Jake like a mother hen, whipping up his favorite recipes and feeding his sweet tooth. As for Charlie, she’d been toast from the beginning, following him around like a doe-eyed groupie.

  Shaking her head, Gracie’s lips curved in a secret smile. She, by far, had been the easiest of his conquests, succumbing to his seduction in record time. Still, she couldn’t be sorry, despite the wispy shadows of doubt and guilt occasionally blurring the sultry waves of contented pleasure at where things stood between them.

  A lovely tingle tiptoed up her spine and she easily shoved aside her misgivings. Whatever the future held, she meant to enjoy this time they’d been given. Besides, how could she regret the hours they spent together in the cottage yesterday?

  Remembered pleasure made her smile. The guy knew what he was about. His talented fingers strummed her body like a Stradivarius in a master’s hand. As bold and brazen as he could be, she’d anticipated sex with him would be earthy and audacious and hadn’t been disappointed. What she hadn’t expected was his underlying gentleness and generosity.

  Hardly a player in the sex department, she couldn’t be considered a blushing virgin either, and yet with Jake she might as well have been. Did the newly accepted love in her heart account for the unexpected intensity of the experience? Perhaps the difference lay in the way he telegraphed his every sensual move, vocalizing his desires and whipping her body into a frenzy of anticipation before delivering all he promised and more. Then again, she’d never been with a man who could make her laugh while in the throes of passion. His bawdy teasing invited her quirky sense of humor and somehow kept her off balance and simultaneously put her at ease.

  Whatever the underlying reason, the thrilling trace of his fingertips over her skin, teasing whispers in her ear, and hot brush of his body against hers delivered her to a place she’d never visited before. A place where inhibitions didn’t tread. A newly discovered sense of feminine power grew stronger with every low moan, sultry smile, and shudder of his big body until she’d teetered on the edge of euphoria.

  And if she was reading him right, she wasn’t alone on her blissful journey to uncharted ground. His intent gaze, boring into hers when she wandered into the kitchen for breakfast this morning smoldered with heat and remembrance. The possibility he’d been as bowled over as she by their encounter kept her body humming throughout the rest of the morning. Even now, when he was nowhere in sight, her nipples puckered in anticipation of a repeat performance.

  He’d named her greedy, with good reason, but her need for him was so much more. Jake Malone was a craving in her soul. She was in danger of becoming addicted.

  Murphy scratched at the back door and she shoved off the counter. Addicted to Jake Malone? A grin pulled at her lips. She could think of worse things.

  At Murphy’s whine, she held his collar as she opened the door. Though the words were unclear, the unmistakable, low rumble of Jake’s deep voice floated across the distance from the barn to her ears. A pleasant shiver rippled over her. Girlish laughter followed whatever he’d said, and her lips stretched in a helpless grin at the happy sound.

  Several muffled thumps made her brow wrinkle with curiosity. What were he and the girls up to? Grabbing a stray jacket from the hook beside the door, she let the dog out and set off to investigate. The noises coming from inside the barn made sense when she rounded the building. Her steps slowed as she eyed the strange pickup truck. The open ramp of the attached horse trailer could mean only one thing and the giddy joy thrumming through her system cooled by several degrees.

  Hercules had arrived at the farm.

  Talk about a reality check. While she’d been floating on a haze of pleasure, Jake had been busy making arrangements. No real surprise, considering how determined he was to win the twins over. He’d said he planned to have the animal brought to the farm, hadn’t he? Before he touched her and made her forget the true reason they were both here.

  Well, she remembered now. If she were a more cynical type, she might think he’d distracted her on purpose, but her heart denied the possibility he’d slept with her simply to throw her off guard. Would a man playing a role experience four orgasms in two hours if he wasn’t truly attracted? She didn’t think so.

  Who was she kidding? With men, her middle name was skeptical, but she couldn’t blame cynicism and couldn’t, in good conscience, blame Jake for her loss of focus, not when she’d willingly fall back into his bed in a heartbeat if given the chance. The sad fact was, the man scrambled her brain and she wanted this…temporary fling with him almost as badly as she wanted to make a family with the girls.

  The trouble was, no matter what her heart might feel, or how exciting sleeping with him might be, when it came to the custody of the girls, she and Jake were at war. No escaping that fact. She’d known going in, sleeping with him would have drawbacks.

  A scrambled brain was apparently one of them and something she’d need to guard against in the future.

  Squinting, she studied the empty horse trailer and cleared her throat against the completely unacceptable fist of disappointment clenching in her belly. His sleeping with her might not be a ploy to win custody, not consciously anyway, but the pleasure they shared certainly hadn’t kept him from keeping his eye on the prize. She’d do well to follow his example.

  She patted a hand to her thigh. “Come here, Murph.” The dog trotted to her side obediently. She gripped his collar tight. Though he got along fine with other dogs, she wasn’t sure what his reaction would be to a horse. She briefly considered returning him to the house but decided against it. This was his home, too—at least for the next few months.

  Heart heavy and steps dragging, she pasted on a smile and led Murphy through the open barn door. Moist warmth and the pungent scent of hay and horse enveloped her. After the bright sunlight, her eyes were slow to adjust to the low light of the large building. When they d
id, she headed down the long center aisle.

  On sneakered feet, Angel climbed the metal rails of the last stall and tossed one leg over the top rung. Mary hovered behind her with Charlie clinging to her hand. “Here now. You be careful. That’s a mighty big animal.”

  Angel didn’t spare the housekeeper a glance. Balancing her bottom on the rail, she leaned forward and peered into the stall where Jake raked a rough-bristled brush over the flank of a huge black horse. “Look how pretty he is.”

  Unnoticed, Gracie came to a stop beside Mary and couldn’t disagree. Like his owner, the proud animal was larger than life and gloriously appealing. Tall and muscular, he exuded strength and power. His glossy, ebony coat gleamed with good health as did his matching mane and long, flowing tail.

  The metal clip on his harness jangled when he jerked his regal head in a lurching nod as if agreeing with Angel’s assessment.

  Warmth bubbled in Gracie’s belly at Jake’s soft chuckle. He straightened, and her gaze followed his wide palmed hand sliding over the horse’s back to his neck. He thumped the strong column twice in a rough caress. The warmth in her belly intensified to a smolder when he glanced up from his grooming and his laughing gaze clashed with hers.

  Pinned in place by the mesmerizing beam of his sparkling green gaze, she bit back a groan. What did it say about her that moisture pooled between her thighs, despite the presence of a grandmotherly housekeeper and two six year-olds? But, damn it, guarding against a scrambled brain was severely problematic with her insides performing a bump and grind shimmy dance to the strippers’ beat echoing through her head.

  It made perfect sense she’d fallen in love with a devil like Jake, since she was obviously going to hell.

  Her breath escaped in a relieved shudder when he glanced away to wink at Angel.

  “I think he agrees with you, Angel face.”

  Pleased color bloomed on Angel’s cheeks.


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