STEEL: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 1)

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STEEL: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 1) Page 20

by Wilder, Chiah

  “Just trying to help.” The young man glowered. “You need to treat me with respect. My brothers don’t fuckin’ like the way you’ve been treating us.”

  “Do I look like I give a fuck? Your brothers are a bunch of morons. You live in this godforsaken county. Why in the hell didn’t you let me know an outlaw MC controlled the area? They have a fucking deal with the sheriff’s department to keep hard stuff out of the county.” He spat into a tissue; his phlegm was yellow. On top of all of this, I probably have a goddamn sinus infection. I hate this fucking dry heat. “How long does Dustin want to cool it?”

  The blond shrugged. “I dunno. He didn’t say.”

  “And what do we do with our customers? Just tell them we’ve closed shop?”

  “Nah. They’ll go to another county or something. Quit asking me so many fucking questions.” The young man paced.

  “We’re done. You and your club of dumbasses lay low. I’ll talk to Dustin. I’ll figure it out.” The only positive thing in this disorganized mess was that the Skull Crushers—he hated the name—would be out of the picture, and he could have all the control. He preferred working alone. He had no intention of “laying low” until Dustin gave the word. As far as he was concerned, all these outlaw biker clubs were morons, including the Night Rebels. He just didn’t like that he had to worry about a crazed president trying to play vigilante. He’d sell off the smack and then set up shop in another state, but he sure as hell wasn’t losing a hundred and fifty thousand dollars because Dustin fucked this up. He also had a drawer full of EBT cards he had to sell.

  He fixed his stare on the club member whose blotchy red face made him sick. “Why the fuck are you still here?”

  “I said watch it.” The distributor gazed at him placidly. “I’m going because I want to, not because you said so.”

  The man didn’t say a word.

  The Skull Crusher shoved his hands in his leather jacket and slinked out.

  The brown-haired man picked up the phone, dreading the call to Dustin. He was sick to death of working with incompetent criminals. He couldn’t wait until he could move on to another location. Just a couple more years of this, and I’ll be on easy street.

  Paradise was not so far away.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Steel smiled as Breanna walked around the house, opening cupboard and closet doors. He couldn’t believe how much she meant to him. He’d fought it, not wanting her to complicate his life, but not having her was what was making his life difficult. She complemented him, and he couldn’t imagine why he’d fought it so long. He hadn’t told his mother yet; he knew she’d be thrilled and smug since she’d had the visions. He planned to tell her when he went to the reservation later that afternoon.

  “I think this will be wonderful for you and Chenoa. I love the stream that runs through the backyard. And you’ll have privacy since the next neighbor’s house is several blocks away.” She wound her arms inside his jacket and around his back. “I’m sure Chenoa will love it.”

  “I hope so.” He lowered his head and kissed her gently on the lips. “I gotta admit it’s gonna be fucking strange not being at the clubhouse. I’ve lived there since I started the Night Rebels. It’s so damn quiet here.”

  “It’ll take you some time to get used to it, but your brothers can come and hang with you here, and having Chenoa will help.”

  “Yeah. I can’t wait for her to live with me. When I went looking for a place, I’d hoped you’d be moving in with me as well.”

  She rested her forehead against him. “I know, but we already talked about that. I’d love to be here with you, but you need this time alone with Chenoa. It has to be about her. Besides, I’m still keeping a low profile about our relationship. I don’t want people at work finding out, especially my supervisor. I don’t want to risk causing you and Chenoa any problems. I don’t think the department would be too happy about me loving a high-risk client’s father. It would throw suspect on my report.”

  “When are you gonna come out of hiding? We can’t fucking pretend we’re not together. I don’t wanna wait too long for you to move in with me and Chenoa.”

  “Give it some time with Chenoa. Once everything settles, then I’ll move in. She’s going to need a lot of support and attention.”

  Steel nestled his face in her hair, the scent of gardenias filling his nostrils. He loved it. “I know. I just hope she’s fucking honest with me. I don’t want her sneaking and doing shit behind my back.”

  “You need to be supportive and patient.”

  “To a degree. The hardest part of all is where the toughest and most unselfish love is. I’m not sure she’ll get that. I just hope she still has the will to fight and the hope to dream.” He rocked back and forth slightly with Breanna in his arms. All of a sudden his heart was heavy, and he wished he could speed up time and have all this behind him and Chenoa. He was ready for the task, but so much depended on her. If only he could take her burden upon him. If only he could fight it all for her. But he couldn’t.

  A knock at the door made Breanna pull away from his embrace. He walked over and opened the door, a man in his late forties with graying temples smiling back at him. “Sorry I’m late.” He walked in. “Did you have a chance to inspect the house?”

  “Yeah,” Steel said. Breanna came over and stood next to Steel, her arm pressed against his.

  “This your girlfriend?” The man took out several papers from a manila folder he had in his hand.

  “Yeah, she’s my woman.”

  She extended her hand. “I’m Breanna.”

  The man shook it. “I’m Les. I own the house. Do you like it?” She nodded. “Good. Are you moving in with Steel and his daughter?”

  “No,” she said.

  “Well, if you do move in, I’ll just need to know. When’s your daughter moving in again?”

  “In a week. Is that the lease agreement?”

  Les nodded as he handed it to him. “Review it and let me know if you have any questions. If it’s all good, go ahead and sign it. I brought a couple of copies.”

  Steel took the papers from Les and read them. “Looks good.” He signed the lease and gave it back.

  After the landlord left, Steel picked up the set of keys Les had given him and turned to Breanna. “I gotta talk to Mika. I’m going to the rez.”

  “I have a client I need to see, but I’ll be at the rez later. We should celebrate your new house tonight. Dinner? My treat.”

  He draped his arm over her shoulders. “Dinner sounds great, and it’s my treat.” He placed his finger on her mouth. “And don’t fucking argue with me about it ’cause I’m not gonna change my mind.”

  She brushed his finger aside. “I wish you’d let me do something for you. You’re always paying and helping me out.”

  “You can give me a killer blowjob after dinner.” He winked and smacked her ass. “I gotta go.”

  She giggled. “You’re so bad.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  “You know it.” She swung her arm around his neck and drew his face close, then kissed him deeply. “Just a preview,” she whispered.

  His dick jerked. “You’re making me hard, baby. If we don’t get outta here, I’m gonna throw you against the wall and fuck you hard.”

  She laughed and grabbed his hand, and they walked out together. As he sat on his Harley, waiting for her to drive away, his phone rang, Chenoa’s name flashing on the screen.

  “Hey, sunshine. What’s up?”

  “Hi, Dad. Nothing. I just wanted to say hi. What’re you doing?”

  “I just signed a lease on our new place. I hope you like it.”

  “Do I get my own bathroom?”

  “Yeah. This place has three bathrooms and three bedrooms. The basement is finished, so you and your friends can hang out there without your old man around.”

  She laughed. “Sounds perfect.”

  He smiled and his heart swelled; her voice was bright, like sunlight dancing on a crystal
clear lake. “I can’t wait to spend time with you. It’s been something I’ve always wanted to do.”

  “Me too. I’m so glad Ms. Quine pushed for this. She’s the best social worker I’ve had. She acts like she really gives a shit.”

  “She does.”

  “Did you talk to Mom yet?” she asked in a low voice.

  “I’m heading over there now. Don’t stress over this. I’ll take care of it.”

  “I don’t want her to think I don’t wanna be with her or see her. I love her and all, but I just want some time with you.”

  “I know, sunshine, and your mom will get that. Leave it up to me.”

  “Thanks, Dad. I can’t wait to get the hell out of this place.”

  “Tired of the fucking accommodations?” She sniggered. “I’ll stop by later and see you. I gotta get to the rez.”

  “Say hi to Análí for me.”

  He hung up, the heaviness he’d felt earlier beginning to dissipate. As he rode to the reservation, the sun beat down from a blue sky where not even a wisp of cloud was apparent. Heat licked at his tanned face and bounced off the road, sending up a wavering haze. On each side of the two-lane highway, the scorched sand shimmered beneath the intense white rays of the sun. Sweat trickled down the back of his neck as he veered to the left and entered the reservation.

  He decided to stop in and see his mother first before heading over to Mika’s place. A few houses down from his mother’s, he spotted Mika and her dirtbag boyfriend walking her dog. Mika looked up and waved.

  He pulled over and killed the engine. “Hey,” he said as he got off his motorcycle.

  Mika held her hand up in front of her face as if to block the sun from it. “Hi. How’s your mom?”

  “Okay. I’m headed over to see her, but I wanted to talk to you.” He glanced at Roy who stood behind Mika, a frown creasing his forehead. “I just signed the lease on a place in the Pleasant View neighborhood.”

  Mika put her hand down and covered her open mouth. “I never thought you’d move from the clubhouse. What made you do it?”

  Steel stood in front of her to block the sun. He took off his sunglasses and placed them inside his cut. “Chenoa. She told me she wants to live with me for a while.”

  “What the fuck? No. My daughter is staying with me.”

  “She’s my daughter too, and you’ve had her for seventeen years, Mika.” He took off his cut and placed it carefully on the bike’s seat. A sheen of sweat glistened on his bare back and chest.

  “You’re trying to take her away from me.” Mika’s voice hitched.

  “I’d never do that. She’ll always be close to you and love you. It’s just that she and I want some time together. I also need to make sure she stays clean. She needs to be in a new environment. You know, away from the rez. The lure of heroin is powerful, and I wanna give her a fighting chance. She also needs to be in school.”

  “I just can’t believe you’re taking her from me.” She wiped the tears rolling down her cheeks.

  “Mika, how can you think that? I’d never take Chenoa from her mother. She’ll always be in your life. It’s just that our goal as parents should be to do whatever’s best for her so she doesn’t get pulled back into the arena. We’re working together here, not against each other.” He knew she was hurting, but it was natural for Chenoa to want to live with him and get to know him better.

  Roy stepped from behind Mika. The stench of stale sweat rolled off him. “This is fucked. Chenoa’s used to our house. She needs her mother. Too much change is gonna set her back.”

  Steel’s face flashed into a menacing sneer. “Stay the fuck outta this.”

  “I think I have a say in this since I’ve been supporting your daughter for a while now.”

  “What you think doesn’t mean shit. And you haven’t given a fucking penny to her.”

  “I’ve supported her emotionally.”

  “Why the fuck are you still talking?” Steel’s fists clenched and his muscles tightened.

  Mika wiped her cheeks with both hands. “Come on, you two. Roy, take Buttons and I’ll meet you at home. Steel and I have some things we have to talk about.”

  “I have a right to be here,” Roy protested.

  “That’s where you’re fucking wrong.” Without warning, Steel’s balled fist collided with Roy’s jaw, knocking his head back like a willow caught in the wind.

  He stumbled backward and brought his hand to his jaw. “What the fuck?” he yelled as he regained his balance. “I think you broke it, you goddamn asshole.” He lunged forward, and soon the two men were sweating, grunting, and punching.

  Mika rushed over and grabbed Steel’s arm, but he yanked it away. “Fucking back away. Now!” His voice was raw and brutal. She did as he ordered, and soon several people came out of their houses to see what the ruckus was all about. From the corner of his eye, Steel saw a group gathering. With his steel-toed boot, he kicked Roy hard in the shin. Roy went down on his knees, crying out in pain. Steel pushed him to the ground with his foot and then sat on his chest, pummeling Roy as he held up his hands to ward off the blows.

  “Steel, you’re going to kill him!” Mika screamed.

  His unleashed anger propelled him to beat Roy harder, ignoring Mika and the growing crowd. All he wanted was to annihilate the piece of shit. All the building rage from the previous months came through him as all reason escaped and hatred rooted within him. “You fucking sonofabitch!” he raged.

  Then a familiar voice yelling “Stop!” echoed in the distance, pushing through the fog of fury, and he paused and turned. He saw Breanna jumping out of a car and rushing toward him. He looked down at Roy’s face, which was beginning to swell, and shoved off him. He stood up and Mika ran over to her boyfriend, cradling his head and whispering something in his ear.

  “What’s going on here?” a toned man with short brown hair asked.

  “Stay the fuck outta this,” Steel growled as he wiped blood from his nose.

  “Steel, this is Special Agent Raley. Special Agent Powers is behind him. They’re FBI agents,” Breanna said in tight voice.

  Steel glanced at them, then turned his head and spat blood on the grass.

  Raley and Powers went over to Roy and helped him up. “You fuckin’ asshole. You better stay the fuck away ’cause I’m coming for you.” Roy took the tissue from Mika and sopped up the blood on his lip.

  Steel lunged for Roy. “Come for me now, you sonofabitch. I didn’t see your pussy ass beating mine.”

  Powers pushed Steel back. “Will you calm the hell down? You wanna end up in the back of our car?”

  Steel glowered. “You can’t do shit about this.” Just then, an SUV with the bronze words “Navajo Tribal Police” emblazoned on the sides pulled up. Raley and Powers threw warning looks at Roy and Steel, then walked over to talk to the officers.

  Breanna took a bottle of water and a few tissues out of her tote. She opened the water, soaked the tissues with it, and wiped his face. That simple gesture touched his soul. He smiled at her and swept his fingers down her arm.

  “Unbelievable. Figures you’re fuckin’ the social worker,” Roy said loudly as he shook his head.

  Steel looked up and caught Mika’s piercing stare. “Tell your asshole to shut the fuck up or I’m gonna finish what I started,” he said through gritted teeth.

  The two FBI men whipped around, their gazes on Breanna, who was turning various shades of red.

  Contempt burned in his throat as he jumped forward and sank his fist into Roy’s stomach. “That’s for insulting my woman, motherfucker.”

  Roy bowled over and groaned.

  “What’s going on here?” one of the tribal policemen asked.

  Steel spun around, his face breaking out into a wide smile. “Sam. How the fuck are you?”

  “Dude.” Sam bumped his fist against Steel’s. “It’s been too damn long. How’s your ma?”

  “Okay. Yours?”

  “Getting old. Fuck, we’re all getting old.”
He laughed as his partner came up beside him. “I don’t know if you remember Sani. He was a few grades behind us in high school.”

  Steel shook his head. “Nah, I don’t remember. Sorry, bro.”

  Sani smiled. “No sweat. I was just a freshman when you were a senior. I’ve heard a lot of stories about you. Not sure how many of them were true.”

  “If it deals with chicks, they’re all true. I can attest to that. This guy was a woman magnet back when we were in school.” Samuel punched Steel lightly in the arm. Steel glanced quickly at Breanna; she was talking with the two FBI men.

  “So what happened here?” Sani asked.

  Samuel turned to Mika. “Hey, Mika. Is this dude with you?” He pointed to Roy. She nodded. He looked at Steel. “Why don’t you tell me what happened.”

  Steel crossed his arms. “He’s trying to cause disruption between Chenoa and me. I told him to fucking butt out. He didn’t.”

  Samuel nodded, then asked Roy, “Do you agree with that?”

  “No. I’ve been living with Mika and Chenoa, and I have a right to be involved in what happens in her life. The bastard is a hothead. He’s always hanging around here, flirting with Mika. He threw the first punch.”

  “Did you adopt Chenoa?” Samuel asked as Sani wrote in his notebook.


  “Are you her stepfather?”

  “I’m like one.”

  “But are you legally her stepdad?”


  Samuel wiped the sweat off his face. “Did you see who threw the first punch, Mika?”

  She nodded. “Steel.” He stared impassively at her.

  “Did you throw the first punch, bro?” Samuel asked Steel.

  “Fuck, I don’t remember. I just know he pissed the shit outta me. He was getting in my face, and then we were going at it.” Several people in the crowd agreed with him, stating that they’d seen the whole thing and Roy threw the first punch.

  “They’re fuckin’ lying! They’re protecting him because he’s one of them. I’m the outsider.” Roy broke away from Mika’s grip and came closer to Samuel. “I didn’t throw the first punch. He did. I was just protecting myself.”


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