Disorderly Cowboys [Lone Wolves of Shay Falls 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Disorderly Cowboys [Lone Wolves of Shay Falls 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 14

by J. Rose Allister

  The aftermath left every part of her throbbing, especially in the spot where Zane had bitten her. Just remembering the moment stirred a rush of giddy power, and she felt dizzy. She tried to center herself the way she did whenever she took part in particularly potent magic. She focused on her breathing and on the ground beneath her, letting the built-up energy drain away into mother earth until she could regain balance. But her techniques didn’t work. Her very energy structure had altered into something foreign.

  A random bubble of energy welled up and burst out of her as a giggle.

  “What’s funny?” Zane asked, sitting beside her.

  “Nothing.” Still, she couldn’t stop from smiling.

  “She’s glowin’,” Jayson said, settling himself on her other side. “Bet I know why.”

  She sat up. “I feel different,” she said. “I guess all women say that, but I’m not sure this is what they mean.”

  “A mate bond ain’t like any other tie between lovers,” Zane said.

  She shivered at the term. That’s what they were now, no denying. She had not one, but two lovers. Two mates. Her eyes took in first one, then the other as they sat naked on the blanket like it was the most natural thing in the world.

  A jab of common sense struck her at that. Perhaps she was regaining equilibrium after all. She glanced around and spotted her sweater tossed over one of the grocery sacks. “We shouldn’t be sitting out here like this. What if somebody sees?”

  “You’re askin’ that now?” Jayson asked with a sly wink. “What about a few minutes ago?”

  She flushed and sat herself up. “I wasn’t exactly thinking straight then.”

  Zane held out her bra, and Lana felt her cheeks go hot as she took it from him.

  “We seem to have knocked most of the flowers out of your hair,” Jayson said in his teasing way. He reached out and fingered her braid. “I’ll admit I’m dyin’ to let this hair down. I want to see long locks flowin’ over those creamy shoulders like Lady Godiva.”

  He took hold of the elastic securing the braid, but when he gave it a tug, she grabbed it and pulled away. “Don’t,” she said. “I need it to stay this way.”

  Jayson’s brow rose. “I thought Zane was the one who was weird about hair?”

  “And you’re the one who can’t keep his hands off it,” Zane replied.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I already explained this to Zane. The braid has a kind of magic in it, a spell that helps protect me so long as I leave it alone. If I undo it, the power goes free.”

  She got up to get dressed, and Jayson jumped up ahead of her and held out a hand. “A spell?”

  After he pulled her to her feet, she sighed. “Yes, a spell. You both might as well know I’m pagan and practice magic. So if you’ve got any misgivings, prejudice, or witch jokes in your system, you better get them out here and now.”

  He picked up her skimpy white panties and twirled them around his finger. “A witch, huh?”

  “That’s right.”

  Her heart fluttered as he eyed her. What if this news was a deal breaker? What if it turned out witches and werewolves were natural enemies? They probably were, now that she thought about it. Why else would pagans be helping Jayel get revenge?

  Jayson’s slow smile seemed to counter the theory. “I’ve no doubt you’ve got magic powers. You bewitched me the second I first saw you.”

  She snatched her underwear from him and shimmied into it. “I didn’t do a spell on you to make you like me, if that’s what you’re suggesting.”

  “Don’t get all defensive, darlin’. You said to get my witch jokes out now, and that’s all I’ve got.”

  “Oh.” She folded her arms. “So my beliefs aren’t going to be a problem?”

  “I don’t care if you’re a witch, darlin’, if that’s what you’re worried about. It’s damn sexy, truth be known.”

  She caught Zane’s odd stare and frowned. “What about you?” she asked. “You’re quiet all of a sudden.”

  “That ain’t sudden,” Jayson said. “He likes to pretend he’s the strong, silent type.”

  Zane seemed to snap out of it. “I already reckoned you had a special tie to magic. I’ve had experience with pagans in the past.”

  Lana squared her shoulders. “Not bad experiences, I hope.”

  Zane’s eyes flashed. “I got no problem with you bein’ a witch.”

  “Good,” she said, heaving out a breath. “I don’t often find this to be a wildly popular revelation, not that it’s anyone’s business what I believe.”

  Lana tried to pull on her pants, but her balance was off and she stumbled. Zane caught hold of her, and she leaned on him while she finished getting the jeans on. “Thanks. Guess I haven’t gotten my sea legs back yet.” She straightened and turned away to slip her bra over her arms. “I’m not used to channeling quite that much energy.”

  “You’re more sensitive to the magic of our bond because of your practices,” Zane said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you can sense full moons yourself.”

  She tugged on her sweater and headed for her shoes. “I can, actually. I know the pull of that moon, the radiant power of it. Maybe it’s the same as what you feel.”

  “I doubt that,” he said.

  The unmistakably animal tone sent a shiver through her.

  “Since you felt our bond so strong,” Jayson said as he shoved a foot down into his boot, “you must know that our plan worked. Not just to make you ours, but to protect you from Tyson.” He stepped forward and took hold of her shoulders while he gazed down at her. “I’m just sayin’ maybe you don’t need that braid anymore.”

  Staring into his eyes stirred up the wild, chaotic energy she was barely getting under control. “Maybe not,” she said. “But I’m not ready to give it up just yet.”

  His lips came down, and she tasted male heaven for a moment. An incessant twitter from his jeans ended the epic kiss, however, and she sighed.

  “Why do your pants start ringing at the worst possible times?” she asked.

  His lips quirked into a smile as he pulled out the phone. “It’s just Abe,” he said with a glance at the display. “Maybe he heard I got the job. I can talk to him later.”

  “Go ahead and take it,” she said. “I’ll help Zane pack up.”

  Jayson picked up the call as she knelt to stick grapes back in the bag. “Callin’ to congratulate me?” he asked.

  She glanced up to see his boyish grin fade. “Who was it?” He listened for a moment and then stiffened. “Where was this? No, you were right to call. I’ll get on it right away. Thanks.” He clicked off and gave Zane a tight look.

  “What it is?” Zane asked, tucking more items in the sack.

  “Apparently I ain’t the only one who’s back in town. An old pack mate’s been sniffin’ around for me.”

  Zane stopped. “Not one of the Forresters?”

  Jayson’s expression gave a clear enough answer. “Sounded like Avery. Abe didn’t like the looks of him when he came by the bar askin’ questions. Abe told him he ain’t seen me since I left town.”

  “Is everything all right?” Lana asked.

  Jayson picked up the blanket and shook it out. “It will be,” he said. “I want to find him and settle this before dark.”

  “That’d be best,” Zane said, “since it’s a full moon.”

  “We should let the others know,” Jayson said.

  “What others?” Lana asked. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothin’ you need to fret over,” Jayson said. “Just some old pack business. You’re safe now, Lana.”

  “But what about you? Who is this Avery guy? What does he want?”

  “He’s one of the bastard sons of my former alpha. And whatever he wants, he ain’t gettin’ it.”

  No further details were discussed while the men took her back to the cabin and dropped her off.

  “Guess you don’t feel the need to protect me now that you think you’ve ended Tyson’s obsession,�
�� she said, hugging herself while she stood in the doorway.

  “I feel that need more than ever,” Jayson said. “We wouldn’t be goin’ if this wasn’t important.”

  “Our bond lets us sense you now,” Zane said. “If you ever get into trouble, we’ll know it.” He leaned in for a brief kiss. “We’ll be back later.”

  They took off in Zane’s truck, and she locked the door right away. Maybe they had broken the Tyson curse, but it wouldn’t be smart to tempt fate.

  She wandered room to room, tidying here, fussing there, all in a semi daze. She’d given herself to two men whose presence she could still feel even though she was alone. A sense of calm settled over the cabin, a blanket of peace and warmth she hadn’t experienced for many months. Maybe they were right about the bond severing Tyson’s chokehold.

  Lana blinked as she realized she was no longer unwilling to think of—or say—that name. What would it be like, no longer having to live with her bags packed and throwing constant glances over her shoulder?

  “It’s too soon to assume anything,” she said to Sage while she plumped her bed pillows. The cat jumped on them to squash them down again. “But I feel a little like celebrating tonight. A full moon ritual, I think.”

  She pictured dancing under a full moon in woods where wild things roamed. There was no way she would risk that. But she could still strip naked and honor the moon in other ways. She spent the rest of the afternoon planning just that.

  Chapter Seven

  The full moon rained lunar energies as it hung low over Shay Falls. More so than ever, Lana felt a powerful longing to be outside beneath that power, letting the raw magic of silvery goddess light wash over her bare body.

  She strode to the living room window, pushing back the large hood on her black ritual cloak while she peered out. Sage was already sitting in the window, gazing at the moonlight. The bright power emanating through the trees was potent and undeniable, particularly to those susceptible to its call.

  “Like witches and werewolves,” Lana whispered.

  Were Jayson and Zane captivated by the same power in that moment? Were they feeling the warm glow in the pit of their stomach, knowing it would grow and spread like moonburn until it overpowered them completely? Of course they were. They understood that power in a way she never would.

  Turning away from the window, she surveyed the room. Furniture had been pushed aside and the rug rolled up so her bare feet would be in direct contact with the natural wood floor. She had given the room a thorough broom sweep, rung the cleansing bell, and lit the candles. It was time.

  She unsnapped the cloak and shrugged it off. She wore nothing beneath. Tossing the cloak onto the chair she’d shoved into the corner, she strolled naked to her music player and docked her cell phone on it.

  “Now, stay out of the circle, Sagie,” she said, but she knew the cat would. The animal sensed the powers of a ritual circle instinctively. She wouldn’t cross the barrier.

  Lana queued up her ritual music, bypassing the usual selections. She was in the mood for something a little different, a little more animal. She settled on a series of increasingly driven tribal drum pieces. The beat was visceral, filling the room with a sound that was in perfect harmony with the primal urges she’d tapped into over the past couple of days. Maybe Zane had been wrong about her. Maybe she understood the feral drive of a full moon more than he realized.

  Wispy tendrils of energy tingled along Lana’s skin, urging her to let magic rise and flow through her. Lana picked up a sage bundle and lit it with one of the candles stationed at five points around the room. “By the power of air,” she said in a commanding tone, “I call forth the circle and cleanse this space from evil.”

  She walked clockwise with the sage, commanding the smoke and her own will to draw out a large circle comprising most of the room. When she reached the top again, she switched to her wooden wand.

  “By the power of earth, I call forth the circle and set this space in a world apart.” She walked the circle again with her wand pointed outward, directing energy to rise like a bubble around her.

  Fire came next, but this time, she danced to the drums, letting her body twist and flex with the rhythm, while she conducted the lit candle around the circle. She finished by welcoming the water element, sprinkling moon-charged waters around the barrier. The circle solidified in her mind and spirit, and she felt the reassuring warmth of energy sealed within its confines. With the circle unbroken, her magic would not release until she willed it.

  Taking an apothecary of sea salt from the middle of the circle, she traced out a large pentagram whose points lined up with the candles set around the room. Then she picked up the silver and gold deity candles and retraced the star with her steps, taking care not to disrupt the salt outline.

  “Lord of antlers, might, and sun,” she called out as she walked along the shape of the star. “Lady of life, nature, and moon. Hear me, I pray. Attend my rite that I may dwell beneath your perfect embrace.”

  Sage was still in the window, but she was no longer paying attention to the view outside. Her tail twitched rhythmically while she watched Lana’s ritual.

  Lana knelt in the center of the circle, right in the belly of the pentagram. A tingle of magic stirred low near her womb, and she felt the warmth rising. Smiling, she set the candles to either side, god on the right, goddess on the left.

  She picked up the knife beside her and raised the blade high. “By all the potent power of the god, I ask for protection. Lord of the hunt, hurl your mighty spear at those who would strike me down. A sacrifice of pain I offer for your favor.”

  Heat flared in the magic circle, hot enough to feel the flush of it on her skin. The god had heard her call. He awaited her offering.

  The drumming intensified while she lowered the knife and picked up the gold candle. Leaning away, she dribbled hot wax on her right breast. She gritted her teeth against the painful sear on her tender skin. “As I will and by the pleasure of the god, so mote it be.”

  Sage’s hiss drew her attention. The animal’s fur had puffed out, and she was staring across the circle at the entryway. A deep, low growl from that direction startled Lana almost into dropping the candle. Her gaze flew to where Zane stood stiffly. His hat was gone, and his jet-black hair hung loose and dangerous around him. His eyes were dark and intense, but the gold in them flickered like the candlelight as he stared at her.

  “How did you get in here?” she asked, covering herself with her arms.

  Her skin prickled when his gaze slid over her. “I still had the key,” he said slowly. “When you didn’t answer, I reckoned I’d better check on you.”

  “I’m sorry. The music must have drowned out your knock.” She glanced at the cat warily. “Why is Sage afraid of you all of a sudden?”

  He took a step forward, and Lana raised up onto her knees. “Wait. Stop. You’ll break the barrier if you walk through it.”

  “I can feel it,” he said, staring at a point in space near the edge of her circle that gave her the impression he could see it too. “All the way from outside the cabin. Your magic is powerful.”

  “And unfinished.”

  He glanced back at her. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  “It’s okay. I just didn’t expect you back so soon.” She got to her feet. “Where’s Jayson?”

  “He’s still out on the hunt.” His voice sharpened. “I’ve been dismissed.”


  “Apparently, I was causin’ too much distraction.” His eyes flashed with eroticism, and her stomach tightened. “Jayson told me to leave so he could focus.”

  He was a distraction, all right. She could feel his maleness oozing right through the magic barrier, a power that rippled like waves all around her. She rubbed her clammy palms on her thighs and then re-crossed her arms, feeling the splotch of hardened wax that had crusted on her breast.

  “I thought you would use the knife in your pain sacrifice,” Zane said.

er eyes jerked to the blade lying on the floor. “I used it as a phallic symbol to invoke the god. Drawing blood is a powerful tool for magic, but there’s something to be said for not deliberately weakening yourself at the same time you’re asking for protection.”

  Zane’s hand slid into his jeans pocket. “You still feel the need for protection even though we’re bound.”

  The thought of his teeth sinking into her prompted a tingle in her shoulder, and she pressed on it with her palm. “Until we know for sure, I think it would be foolish to let my guard down. I need to finish the ritual.”

  He nodded. “So we will finish it.”


  He pulled his shirt over his head, and her heart jumped. His belt buckle was next. “Let me into the circle, Lana.”

  There was a vague threat in the words, but not because he said them with menace. It was more in the throaty tone and the hot smolder in his gaze. Or maybe it was the loose, sensual disarray of his hair. Either way, she knew damn well that if she opened that door for him, she’d be inviting in a lot more than a magical partner.

  She stayed put. “I’ve never let a man into my circle.”

  He gave a wildly erotic grin. “You ain’t let a man into a lot of places you’ve welcomed me.”

  She swallowed. “I have to focus.”

  “I know you can feel me through the barrier,” he said as he kicked off his boots. “You can sense the power flowin’ between us. Let me add that energy to yours, make the magic stronger.”

  He reached into his pocket as his jeans slipped down, and his cock was half erect when he stepped out of them. He came up holding a foil packet, and she knew what was in it.

  “Somehow I think you have other motives for getting into this circle than aiding my magic,” she said.

  “I can’t help what my body wants when I’m near you, darlin’, especially not tonight. But you won’t get a shot at channelin’ a bigger surge of werewolf magic than on a turnin’ moon.”


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