The dream detective: being some account of the methods of Moris Klaw

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The dream detective: being some account of the methods of Moris Klaw Page 2

by Sax Rohmer; Internet Archive

  Somewhere beneath the ramshackle exterior we had caught a glimpse of a man of power. From behind the thick pebbles momentarily had shone out the light of a tremendous and original mind.

  "I should be most glad of your assistance," answered my friend.

  "No police must be here to-night," rumbled Moris Klaw. "No heavy-footed constables, filling the room with thoughts of large cooks and small Basses, must fog my negative!"

  "Can that be arranged?" asked Coram of the inspector.

  "The men on duty can remain in the hall, if you wish it, sir."

  "Good!" rumbled Moris Klaw.

  He moistened his brow with verbena, bowed un-couthly, and shuffled from the Greek Room.


  Moris Klaw reappeared in the evening, accompanied by a strikingly beautiful brunette.

  The change of face upon the part of Mr. Grimsby of New Scotland Yard was singular.

  "My daughter—Isis," explained Moris Klaw. "She assists to develop my negatives."

  Grimsby became all attention. Leaving two men on duty in the hall, Moris Klaw, his daughter, Grimsby, Coram, and I went up to the Greek Room. Its darkness was relieved by a single lamp.

  "I've had the stones in the Athenean Harp examined by a lapidary." said Coram. "It occurred to me that they might have been removed and paste substituted. It was not so, however."

  "No," rumbled Klaw. "I thought of that, too. No visitors have been admitted here during the day?"

  "The Greek Room has been closed."

  "It is well, Mr. Coram. Let no one disturb me until my daughter comes in the morning."

  Isis Klaw placed a red silk cushion upon the spot where the dead man had lain.

  "Some pillows and a blanket, Mr. Klaw?" suggested the suddenly attentive Mr. Grimsby.

  "I thank you, no," was the reply. "They would


  be saturated with alien impressions. My cushion it is odically sterilized! The 'etheric storm' created by Conway's last mental emotion reaches my brain unpolluted. Good-night, gentlemen. Good-night, Isis!"

  We withdrew, leaving Moris Klaw to his ghostly vigil.

  "I suppose Mr. Klaw is quite trustworthy?" whispered Coram to the detective.

  "Oh, undoubtedly!" was the reply. "In any case, he can do no harm. My men will be on duty downstairs here all night."

  "Do you speak of my father, Mr. Grimsby?" came a soft, thrilling voice.

  Grimsby turned, and met the flashing black eyes of Isis Klaw.

  "I was assuring Mr. Coram." he answered, readily, "that Mr. Klaw's methods have several times proved successful!"

  "Several times!" she cried, scornfully. "What! has he ever failed?"

  Her accent was certainly French, I determined; her voice, her entire person, as certainly charming— to which the detective's manner bore witness.

  "I'm afraid I'm not familiar with all his cases, miss," he said. "Can I call you a cab?"

  "I thank you, no." She rewarded him with a dazzling smile. "Good-night."

  Coram opened the doors of the Museum, and she

  passed out. Leaving the men on duty in the hall, Coram and I shortly afterward also quitted the Museum by the main entrance, in order to avoid disturbing Moris Klaw by using the curator's private door.

  To my friend's study Hilda Coram brought us coffee. She was unnaturally pale, and her eyes were feverishly bright. I concluded that the tragedy was responsible.

  "Perhaps, to an extent," said Coram; "but she is studying music and, I fear, overworking in order to pass a stiff exam."

  Coram and I surveyed the Greek Room problem from every conceivable standpoint, but were unable to surmise how the thief had entered, how left, and why he had fled without his booty.

  "I don't mind confessing," said Coram, "that I am very ill at ease. We haven't the remotest idea how the murderer got into the Greek Room or how he got out again. Bolts and bars, it is evident, do not prevail against him, so that we may expect a repetition of the dreadful business at any time!"

  "What precautions do you propose to take?"

  "Well, there will be a couple of police on duty in the Museum for the next week or so, but, after that, we shall have to rely upon a night watchman. The funds only allow of the appointment of four attendants: three for day and one for night duty."

  "Do you think you'll find any difficulty in getting a man:


  "No," replied Coram. "I know of a steady man who will come as soon as we are ready for him."

  I slept but little that night, and was early afoot and around to the Museum. Isis Klaw was there before me, carrying the red cushion, and her father was deep in conversation with Coram.

  Detective-Inspector Grimsby approached me.

  "I see you're looking at the cushion, sir!" he said, smilingly. "But it's not a 'plant.' He's not an up-to-date cracksman. Nothing's missing!"

  "You need not assure me of that," I replied. "I do not doubt Mr. Klaw's honesty of purpose."

  "Wait till you hear his mad theory, though!" he said, with a glance aside at the girl.

  "Mr. Coram," Moris Klaw was saying, in his odd, rumbling tones, "my psychic photograph is of a woman! A woman dressed all in white!"

  Grimsby coughed—then flushed as he caught the eye of Isis.

  "Poor Conway's mind," continued Klaw, "is filled with such a picture when he breathes his last—great wonder he has for the white woman and great fear for the Athenean Harp, which she carries!"

  "Which she carries!" cried Coram.

  "Some woman took the harp from its case a few minutes before Conway died!" affirmed Moris Klaw. "I have much research to make now, and with aid from Isis shall develop my negative! Yesterday I learnt from the constable who was on night duty at

  the corner of the Square that a heavy pantechnicon van went driving round at four o'clock. It was shortly after four o'clock that the tragedy occurred. The driver was unaware that there was no way out, you understand. Is it important? I cannot say. It often is such points that matter. We must, however, waste no time. Until you hear from me again you will lay dry plaster of Paris all around the stand of the Athenean Harp each night. Good morning, gentlemen!"

  His arm linked in his daughter's, he left the Museum.


  For some weeks after this mysterious affair, all went well at the Menzies Museum. The new night watchman, a big Scot, by name John Macalister, seemed to have fallen thoroughly into his duties, and everything was proceeding smoothly. No clue concerning the previous outrage had come to light, the police being clearly at a loss. From Moris Klaw we heard not a word. But Macalister did not appear to suffer from nervousness, saying that he was quite big enough to look after himself.

  Poor Macalister! His bulk did not save him from a dreadful fate. He was found, one fine morning, lying flat on his back in the Greek Room— dead !

  As in the case of Conway, the place showed unmistakable signs of a furious struggle. The attend-


  ant's chair had been dashed upon the floor with such violence as to break three of the legs; a bust of Pallas, that had occupied a corner position upon a marble pedestal, was found to be hurled down; and the top of the case which usually contained the Athenean Harp had been unlocked, and the priceless antique lay close by, upon the floor!

  The cause of death, in Macalister's case, was heart failure, an unsuspected weakness of that organ being brought to light at the inquest; but, according to the medical testimony, deceased must have undergone unnaturally violent exertions to bring about death. In other respects, the circumstances of the two cases were almost identical. The door of the Greek Room was locked upon the inside and the keys were found on the floor. From the detector watches in the other rooms it was evident that his death must have taken place about three o'clock. Nothing was missing, and the jewels in the harp had not been tampered with.

  But, most amazing circumstance of all, imprinted upon the dry
plaster of Paris which, in accordance with the instructions of the mysteriously absent Moris Klaw, had nightly been placed around the case containing the harp, were the marks of little bare jeet!

  A message sent, through the willing agency of Inspector Grimsby, to the Wapping abode of the old curio dealer, resulted in the discovery that Moris

  Klaw was abroad. His daughter, however, reported having received a letter from her father which contained the words—■

  "Let Mr. Coram keep the key of the case containing the Athenean Harp under his pillow at night."

  "What does she mean?" asked Coram. "That I am to detach that particular key from the bunch or place them all beneath my pillow?"

  Grimsby shrugged his shoulders.

  "I'm simply telling you what she told me, sir."

  "I should suspect the man to be an impostor," said Coram, "if it were not for the extraordinary confirmation of his theory furnished by the footprints. They certainly looked like those of a woman!"

  Remembering how Moris Klaw had acted, I sought out the constable who had been on duty at the corner of South Grafton Square on the night of the second tragedy. From him I elicited a fact which, though insignificant in itself, was, when associated with another circumstance, certainly singular.

  A Pickford traction engine, drawing two heavy wagons, had been driven round the Square at 3 A. M., the driver thinking that he could get out on the other side.

  That was practically all I learned from the constable, but it served to set me thinking. Was it merely a coincidence that, at almost the exact hour of the previous tragedy, a heavy pantechnicon had passed the Museum?


  "It's not once in six months," the man assured me, "that any vehicle but a tradesman's cart goes round the Square. You see, it doesn't lead anywhere, but this Pickford chap he was rattling by before I could stop him, and though I shouted he couldn't hear me, the engine making such a noise, so I just let him drive round and find out for himself."

  I now come to the event which concluded this extraordinary case, and, that it may be clearly understood, I must explain the positions which we took up during the nights of the following week; for Coram had asked me to take a night watch, with himself, Grimsby, and Beale, in the Museum.

  Beale, the commissionaire, remained in the hall and lower room—it was catalogued as the "Bronze Room"—Coram patrolled the room at the top of the stairs, Grimsby the next, or Greek, Room, and I the Egyptian Room. None of the doors was locked, and Grimsby, by his own special request, held the keys of the cases in the Greek Room.

  We commenced our vigil on the Saturday, and I, for one, found it a lugubrious business. One electric lamp was usually left burning in each apartment throughout the night, and I sat as near to that in the Egyptian Room as possible and endeavoured to distract my thoughts with a bundle of papers with which I had provided myself.

  In the next room I could hear Grimsby walking about incessantly, and, at regular intervals, the

  scratching of a match as he lighted a cigar. He was an inveterate cheroot smoker.

  Our first night's watching, then, was productive of no result, and the five that followed were equally monotonous.

  Upon Grimsby's suggestion we observed great secrecy in the matter of these dispositions. Even Coram's small household was kept in ignorance of this midnight watching. Grimsby, following out some theory of his own, now determined to dispense altogether with light in the Greek Room. Friday was intensely hot, and occasional fitful breezes brought with them banks of black thundercloud, which, however, did not break; and, up to the time that we assumed our posts at the Museum, no rain had fallen. At about twelve o'clock I looked out into South Grafton Square and saw that the sky was entirely obscured by a heavy mass of inky cloud, ominous of a gathering storm.

  Returning to my chair beneath the electric lamp, I took up a work of Mark Twain's, which I had brought as a likely antidote to melancholy or nervousness. As I commenced to read, for the twentieth time, "The Jumping Frog," I heard the scratch of Grimsby's match in the next room and knew that he had lighted his fifth cigar.

  It must have been about one o'clock when the rain came. I heard the big drops on the glass roof, followed by the steady pouring of the deluge. For


  perhaps five minutes it rained steadily, and then ceased as abruptly as it had begun. Above the noise of the water rushing down the metal gutters, I distinctly detected the sound of Grimsby striking another match. Then, with a mighty crash, came the thunder.

  Directly above the Museum it seemed as though the very heavens had burst, and the glass roof rattled as if a shower of stones had fallen, the thunderous report echoing and reverberating hollowly through the building.

  As the lightning flashed with dazzling brilliance, I started from my chair and stood, breathless, with every sense on the alert; for, strangely intermingling with the patter of the rain that now commenced to fall again, came a low wailing, like nothing so much as the voice of a patient succumbing to an anaesthetic. There was something indefinably sweet, but indescribably weird, in the low and mysterious music.

  Not knowing from whence it proceeded, I stood undetermined what to do; but, just as the thunder boomed again, I heard a wild cry—undoubtedly proceeding from the Greek Room! Springing to the door, I threw it open.

  All was in darkness, but, as I entered, a vivid flash of lightning illuminated the place.

  I saw a sight which I can never forget. Grimsby lay flat upon the floor by the farther door. But, dreadful as that spectacle was, it scarce engaged my

  attention; nor did I waste a second glance upon the Athenean Harp, which lay close beside its empty case.

  For the figure of a woman, draped in flimsy white, was passing across the Greek Room!

  Grim fear took me by the throat, since I could not doubt that what I saw was a supernatural manifestation. Darkness followed. I heard a loud wailing cry and a sound as of a fall.

  Then Coram came running through the Greek Room.

  Trembling violently, I joined him; and together we stood looking down at Grimsby.

  "Good God!" whispered Coram; "this is awful. It cannot be the work of mortal hands! Poor Grimsby is dead!"

  "Did you—see—the woman?" I muttered. I will confess it: my courage had completely deserted me.

  He shook his head; but, as Beale came running to join us, glanced fearfully into the shadows of the Greek Room. The storm seemed to have passed, and, as we three frightened men stood around Grimsby's recumbent body, we could almost hear the beating of each other's hearts.

  Suddenly, giving a great start, Coram clutched my arm. "Listen!" he said. "What's that?"

  I held my breath and listened. "It's the thunder in the distance," said Beale.

  "You are wrong," I answered. "It is someone


  knocking at the hall entrance! There goes the bell, now!

  Coram gave a sigh of relief. "Heavens!" he said; "I've no nerves left! Come on and see who it is."

  The three of us, keeping very close together, passed quickly through the Greek Room and down into the hall. As the ringing continued, Coram unbolted the door—and there, on the steps, stood Moris Klaw!

  Some vague idea of his mission flashed through my mind. "You are too late!" I cried. "Grimsby has gone!"

  I saw a look of something like anger pass over his large pale features, and then he had darted past us and vanished up the stairs.

  Having rebolted the door, we rejoined Moris Klaw in the Greek Room. He was kneeling beside Grimsby in the dim light—and Grimsby, his face ghastly pale, was sitting up and drinking from a flask!

  "I am in time!" said Moris Klaw. "He has only fainted!"

  "It was the ghost!" whispered the Scotland Yard man. "My God! I'm prepared for anything human—but when the lightning came and I saw that white thing—playing the harp "

  Coram turned aside and was about to pick up the harp,
which lay upon the floor near, when—

  "Ah!" cried Moris Klaw, "do not touch it! It is death!"

  Coram started back as though he had been stung as Grimsby very unsteadily got upon his feet.

  "Turn up lights," directed Moris Klaw, "and I will show you!"

  The curator went out to the switchboard and the Greek Room became brightly illuminated. The ramshackle figure of Moris Klaw seemed to be invested with triumphant majesty. Behind the pebbles his eyes gleamed.

  "Observe," he said, "I raise the harp from the floor." He did so. "And I live. For why? Because I do not take hold upon it in a natural manner — by the top ! I take it by the side! Conway and Macalister took hold upon it at the top; and where are they—Conway and Macalister?"

  "Mr. Klaw," said Coram, "I cannot doubt that this black business is all clear to your very unusual intelligence; but to me it is a profound mystery. I have, myself, in the past, taken up the harp in the way you describe as fatal, and without injury "

  "But not immediately after it had been played upon!" interrupted Moris Klaw.

  "Played upon! I have never attempted to play upon it!"

  "Even had you done so you might yet have escaped, provided you set it down before touching the top part! Note, please!"


  He ran his long white fingers over the golden strings. Instantly there stole upon my ears that weird, wailing music which had heralded the strange happenings of the night!

  "And now," continued our mentor, "whilst I who am cunning hold it where the ladies' gold feet join, observe the top—where the hand would in ordinary rest in holding it."

  We gathered around him.

  "A needle-point," he rumbled, impressively, "protruding! The player touches it not! But who takes it from the hand of the player dies ! By placing the harp again upon its base the point again retires! Shall I say what is upon that point, to drive a man mad like a dog with rabies, to stay potent for generations? I cannot. It is a secret buried with the ugly body of Caesar Borgia!"


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