Hit & Run Bride (Hit & Run Bride Contemporary Romance Series)

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Hit & Run Bride (Hit & Run Bride Contemporary Romance Series) Page 17

by Malone, Nana

  Becca swallowed hard as she swerved through traffic on the 805. She really should stop having phone conversations with Van while driving, even if they were hands-free. “You would break up with me?”

  “Yep. Of course, we would be those exes who couldn’t get enough and would go back on the break up and meet up for mani-pedis still, but you get the idea.”

  Becca snorted with laughter. “You just can’t quit me?”

  Her friend laughed. “No. But I would have angry eyes for eunuch Ken doll all the time. You and I both know he doesn’t make you happy. How you’re even entertaining him is beyond me.”

  “I’m not exactly entertaining him. I’m just taking another look at our relationship and what I want. On paper, he’s great. Doesn’t that deserve another look?”

  “It’s all about how he makes you feel. Paper has nothing to do with his ability to make your toes curl or his ability to make you laugh while you’re forcing him to watch a rom com.”

  “Okay, I hear you. I’m looking at everything closely.”

  “Just make sure you’re giving your feelings top billing, okay?”

  “Thanks, Van.”

  “For what?”

  Becca shrugged even though her friend couldn’t see her. “You know, giving a shit.”

  “I would make a crappy best friend if I didn’t. And speaking of best friend running interference for you, you’re on your way to meet Addison right? She left a million messages here at work for you.”

  Becca groaned. “Yeah, I’m on my way to meet her now. I just can’t believe it. I go from a jobless loser to having one of the best swimmers in the world stalking me so she can talk to me.”

  “Just remember, I always said you were awesome. And honestly, what’s not to believe? What I don’t believe is how everyone is running around the office preening like they always knew you would pull it all together. The Tribot collective is acting like they fucking know you. It pissed me off so I started screwing with them, asking them what your favorite kind of Girl Scout cookie was.”

  “Oh Van, you didn’t.”

  “I did. I let those vapid little robot girls take their best guesses before telling them how wrong they were. That you hated Girl Scout cookies and preferred Oreos. Good thing I’ve already got my hand basket decorated for hell, right?”

  Becca giggled. “God, what would I do without you?”

  “I dunno, be sitting in your apartment eating Oreos and watching 27 Dresses for the hundredth time.”

  “Good point.” Becca found the house she was looking for and parked the car in the driveway. “I’m here. Wish me luck.”

  Van scoffed. “You don’t need luck when you’re as awesome as you are.”

  She hung up with her best friend and trudged up to the front door. As she rang the doorbell, she prayed Van was right.

  Addison Torres yanked open the door with a big, wide grin. “At last. You must be Becca Daniels. I have to say I was wondering if we’d ever meet. You’re like a ghost.”

  Becca couldn’t help but smile in return. “I’m sorry about that. Things have been a little crazy. Not at all how I wanted to kick off a campaign endorsement.”

  Addison waved off her apology and drew her into a hug. “I’m pretty laid back. Nothing really unsettles me. Must be the Aussie in me. Though technically, I’m more Aborigine than I am Aussie.”

  Ahh, okay, that would explain the russet undertones to her skin and her wildly curling hair. Becca made a mental note to ask her what she used to keep the curls so springy. Because after all her swim lessons, her regular conditioner wasn’t cutting it. “I didn’t realize you had a house in La Jolla. I thought you lived in Huntington Beach.”

  Addison smiled over her shoulder as she led her through the completely white interior of the marble-tiled living room and out to the back patio with a killer view of the ocean. “I see you’ve done your research.”

  “I like to be prepared.” Becca halted and took in the full view of the water. “This view is incredible.”

  Addison smiled. “Yeah, I love it. I’ve got beach access too, just down the path there. And it’s my own private beach.”

  “God, I can’t even image.”

  Addison gestured for her to have a seat. “I guess you’re wondering why I’m stalking you.”

  Becca groaned. “Actually, before you start. I just wanted to apologize for the harassment you’ve endured on my behalf. I know Liam was trying to help, and then of course Dive and its agents were going after the endorsement. And then Holden from Elite Sports jumped into the mix. It’s not how I like to do business. And I appreciate you still wanting to meet with me.”

  Addison grinned. “Well, you’re not the only one who does her research. I know your track record at Bloomingdale’s. I know your merchandising history, and I know that everyone you’ve ever worked with wants to work with you again.”

  Wow, Addison Torres had looked her up? Becca clamped her jaw shut to keep from squealing. “Thank you for saying that.”

  The other woman shrugged. “It’s the truth and it’s why I’d like you to come and work for me as the Director of Marketing for a new swimwear company I’m starting.”

  Becca’s brittle smile stayed in place as her brain tried to sync the words. “I—uh—I don’t understand. I thought you wanted to do the endorsement for Dive.”

  Addison leaned back in her seat. “That’s what your boss tried to talk me into doing when I called Dive looking to meet with you. Then when I went to the place, a less than delightful moron called Howard tried to do that thing where he made it sound like it was a done deal. Honestly, I would have bypassed Dive altogether, but I’ve been unable to reach you on your cell all week.”

  Blood rushed in Becca’s ears. “I’m sorry. I’m really confused right now. Who’s Howard?”

  Addison frowned. “About six feet. Spray tanned, Chiclet-white teeth, demeanor so slick you want to take a bath with Joy when you’re done?”

  Becca barked out a laugh. “Oh, you mean Holden. Oh my God, that description is spot on.”

  Addison’s brows furrowed. “I thought Holden was your fiancé.”

  Damn him. “No. He isn’t. We were engaged, and he’s trying hard to get me back. His latest attempt being that he landed this arrangement with you.”

  “Is that what he told you?”

  What? Becca’s stomach flipped. “He said that he’d spoken with you and pitched me to you, and that’s why you wanted to work with me.”

  Addison laughed. “Well, that’s partly true. We did speak. And I do want you working with me. But it has nothing to do with him. And he didn’t pitch you. You were on my radar because Liam pitched you and vouched for you. I was just home in Oz for six weeks running a clinic, so I didn’t have time to ring him. But I reached out the moment I got back.”

  The burn of the manipulation bore a hole into Becca’s gut, but it didn’t surprise her. That was Holden. Always looking for an angle. What really burned her was that he’d managed to convince her that she needed to look at who was better on paper. To look at her future analytically, instead of following her heart. “You called me because of Liam?”

  “He’s a mate from way back. And one of the most solid guys around. When he recommends someone, it’s a good idea to sit up and pay attention.”

  Shit. She’d screwed up. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “I hope you’ll say thank you to Liam. Without him, I’d have posted this job and be taking my chances with someone who might not be as well suited.”

  “I honestly didn’t realize how all this went down. I definitely owe him my gratitude.”

  Addison cocked her head with a sly smile. “Liam’s a good egg. And last I saw him, he was busy working out his frustrations over losing his girlfriend by punishing himself in the pool. Looked like he missed her. A lot.”

  Becca couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips. Even after everything, he still missed her? She hadn’t heard from him in a week and she’d figured
he’d given up. Yeah she’d told him she needed space, but she’d hoped that he would fight for her.

  Think about that later. She couldn’t focus on her feelings for him right now. She was in the middle of an interview. “Why don’t you tell me more about the position?”

  “How about I show you? Let’s head down to the beach.”

  Once the sand filtered between her toes, Becca sighed in bliss. She loved the beach. Just not so much the getting in the water part. But the sand and sun part? That was awesome.

  Addison filled her in on her desire to make swim sportswear that was sexy and still fit a woman’s body the right way to give support and shape. As they talked and batted around ideas, the surf rolled in, edging closer and closer to their feet. The familiar sense of panic hit Becca as the invisible band tightened around her chest.

  Addison stopped, noticing Becca had frozen. “Are you were afraid of the water?”

  Becca swallowed hard. “I—didn’t want to say anything. You’re a swimmer, and I’m technically on a job interview for a swimwear company.”

  Addison laughed. “That doesn’t matter to me. I want you to do the marketing side. You don’t have to be able to swim for that. Though since this house will be the main office, the beach is a perk, if you’re interested.”

  Wait. This place. She would work here? Holy Mary, mother of Gucci. “Wow. It’s a hell of an office.”

  “It’s not bad. Have you ever considered learning to swim?”

  Becca dragged in a deep breath. “Liam was actually teaching me. It’s how we met.”

  “And then you stopped.”

  Becca ducked her head. “Things got a little complicated, but I’d like to continue. I was getting better. I mean, I’m not ready for open water yet, but I’m okay in a pool. We’d just started on strokes.”

  Addison grinned. “That’s great.” She turned her attention to the surf. “The water is the place I feel most comfortable. You know, where I’m completely myself. No one can judge me and I can do what I love.”

  “You sound like Liam. Watching him swim is like a revelation. He’s so strong and at ease in the water. And he’s happy. You should see him smile when he’s done doing laps. That smile is the best.” She wanted more than anything to see it again. She loved him. She just wished things had turned out differently. That he’d fought more for her.

  Addison’s voice was soft. “Does he know?”

  Becca met Addison’s gaze and frowned. “Know what?”

  “That you love him?”

  Becca shook her head. “We never got that far before things crumbled.”

  Addison shrugged before turning her attention back to the water, her home. “Maybe you should tell him.”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Come to the city pool at 8 pm, Liam texted Becca. I have to see you tonight.

  For twenty agonizing minutes, he paced.

  Finally, she texted back, I’ll be there.

  Liam jumped in the air and let out a whoop that echoed through the pool, causing the swimmers to raise their heads and look at him.

  Then he went to work rounding up Henry and his classmates.

  At two minutes to eight o’clock, the kids were all in position. Even Henry was there, wearing a big grin as he hustled around in the water, making sure the swim noodles and dive rings spelled out the correct letters. He stopped, looked at the clock, then at Liam. The kid’s face showed he was as nervous as Liam was.

  Liam gave him a thumbs-up, and they waited.

  At five minutes after eight, Liam started pacing. Was she not coming, or was she just late? Odds were, with her track record, she was late.

  His gut still felt tight.

  In the pool, the kids were antsy, but quiet. Another minute passed.

  And then he heard the sound of hurried footsteps from the hall. He snapped his fingers, and all eyes turned to him. “Ready?” he mouthed.

  The kids nodded, taking deep breaths and sinking under the water. Only the noodles and rings were visible.

  Becca burst through the door, out of breath like usual. “Sorry, I’m la—” She froze, looking at the pool, then at him, then back to the pool. “Liam? What is this?”

  He didn’t answer. Instead, he grabbed her by the waist and kissed her. Her body felt right in his arms, her lips melting under his. She clasped him tight and kissed him back.

  He parted her lips with his tongue and…

  Henry’s voice cut through the Becca haze in Liam’s brain. “Um, yo, Liam, my man. People are holding their breath down here.”

  Liam broke the kiss, and Becca released him. He turned her so she could see the pool again. “This is me, saying I’m sorry, and I hope you’ll give me another chance.”

  Her eyes took in the one-hundred and fifty tea lights surrounding the pool, then she quirked her head as she read the words the kids were spelling out in the water. “I lave you?”

  “Love!” He smacked his head with a hand. “Henry, code blue on second word, letter o!”

  Henry dove under the water and the “a” became an “o”.

  “I love you,” Liam said. “With all my heart.”

  Becca’s laugh started low and soft and spread until she threw her head back and laughed loudly, the wonderful sound echoing off the walls and ceiling. “Clever, Liam. Very clever.”

  Was it clever enough? “I left you alone and gave you space, but I couldn’t hold off any longer. I want you in my life, and I’m here to tell you that Holden may be the perfect guy for you, but I’m the one who really loves you. I’m not holding back anymore, so be ready, because I’m going to fight for you, Becca.”

  She faced him, and there was a weird light in her eyes. Or maybe that was the pool reflection. “Have you been talking to Van?”

  “What? No.”

  “Yo, Liam.” Henry waved from the deep end. “Hate to interrupt your smoochie session but can the kids take a breath?”

  Crap. “Of course. Tell them to come up.”

  Becca watched the kids bob up from their places under the letters. Noodles and dive rings scattered and all eyes were on her.

  After everyone came up for air, Henry floated on his back. “So what’s your answer, Becca? You gonna hang with my man, here?”

  Becca grinned, took a step sideways, and before Liam knew it, she pushed him into the pool.

  He hit the water and went under, floundering for a second. Once he rose to the surface, he brushed hair out of his eyes. The kids were hooting and hollering at him. “What was that for?”

  “For waiting a week to do this,” she said from the edge.

  Then, fully clothed, she jumped in beside him.

  The water was deep, and he automatically reached for her, but she rose fine on her own, laughing and grabbing hold of his arm as she broke the surface. She paddled in place, her feet bumping into his legs as she bobbed in front of him. “Are you going to agree to continue giving me privates?”

  “Private lessons?” He saw the gleam in her eye and tried to keep a straight face. “Are you going to agree to go out with me tonight and every night for the rest of the week so I can prove how right we are together?”

  “Hey, Henry,” she yelled.


  “Can you have the kids make those letters again?”

  “Sure thing.”

  As the kids worked on reforming the words, Becca let go of Liam and swam to the side. He followed. “What are you doing?”

  “Look,” she said, forcing him to look at the letters. “Does that answer your question?”

  “It says, ‘I lome you’, but I’ll take that as a yes, you’re going to date me if I give you private lessons?”

  She pushed off the edge and into his arms. “I love you, and you better fight for me, but I’ll cut you some slack if you continue with my lessons, ʼcuz I know I’m a bit of a challenge.”

  He gave her a quick kiss. “I love a good challenge.”

  Her legs went around his waist, and her breasts pressed
against his chest. “I’m serious about the lessons. I have a new job, and I want to learn to swim in the ocean.”

  “The ocean? Wow, when you go for something, you really go for it.”

  “That’s why I’m here.” She grinned. “Think we could start those privates tonight?”

  “Henry?” Liam called.


  “Time for everyone to get out of the pool.”

  “You got it.”

  As the kids swam by them to leave, many grinned, giggled, and poked fun of him, but Liam didn’t care. Henry was the last to leave, and Liam thanked him for choreographing everything. Once he and Becca were alone, he hugged her tightly. “I was thinking we need fewer clothes on.”

  “I was thinking the same thing,” she said, and the next thing he knew, she was taking off her shirt. Her luscious breasts were on full display due to the fact her bra was soaked.

  “About that lesson,” he started. “Maybe it should wait until tomorrow night.”

  Reading his mind, she laughed. “My place or yours?”

  “Mine. It’s closer.”

  Helping her out of the pool, Liam kicked a noodle out of the way. Becca looked back over her shoulder. “I love the water now. Thank you.”

  Liam’s heart did a funny skip inside his chest. “Just wait until I teach you to dive.”

  She froze and looked at him as if he’d lost his mind. “Dive? Are you nuts?”

  Maybe. He leaned over and planted a kiss on her lips. “Only when and if you’re ready.”

  She relaxed and after a second, nodded her head. “I just might try it.”

  Gotcha. “Let’s go.”

  Together, they left the pool hand in hand.


  Six weeks later

  “Let’s be really clear, I’m not wearing sea foam green.”

  Becca quirked a brow at Van. “Give me a little credit here, would you? I might be the bride to be, but I will not be putting my bestie in a hideous dress so I can look better.”

  Van grinned. “I mean, if it was Cavalli, I might not sneeze at it.”


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