The Disciplined Women of Chapel Island

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The Disciplined Women of Chapel Island Page 10

by Susan Thomas

  I didn't know Dr Fowler was a member, I thought she was staff and she grinned ruefully at me as she started to undress. Mum told me that Jane and Dita had been corrected with her at the last dinner-dance as had Aileen.

  Lady Forbes gave us all a little talk first, "Now then Ladies, I know some of you will be nervous as is normal. Possibly Aileen you have long since lost nervousness..." We all laughed as Aileen pretended to be offended. "But this is what we all desire is it not? You will be treated graciously but corrected properly for your faults. I expect the very best behaviour from you all and I know you will give me that."

  I was really scared now; the whole occasion was quite overwhelming what with the crowd, the lights, the band and being stark naked at the centre of it all. However, I took off my shoes, unzipped my dress and taking it off hung it up. Glancing around I could see we were now all in our underwear and regardless of age or status looking decidedly nervous. Sandra Fowler, who had been kind and gentle with me when I had my virgo intacta examination, was shaking so much she couldn't undo her bra so I did it for her. I got my bra and knickers off quickly and everything in the wardrobe then lined up under Lady Forbe's eagle eye. I was first as the youngest, newest and with only one penalty.

  At that point I thought I was going to throw up or even walk away. I knew I didn't have to stay. Of course if I just walked out now I'd be expelled from membership and probably have to leave the island, but then suddenly I remembered how when I was in a school play I felt like that and just made myself think in character. So I thought of myself as Katherine Freckleton, member of Chapel Island and not Scared Kate. I led the procession of naked women out onto the stage.

  We were greeted with applause and the lights were on us. Mum said she couldn't see much past the lights but I could, though not right to the back. It felt like thousands of people watching us.

  I heard Sir Charnock Forbes begin to speak. "Ladies and Gentlemen, my fellow members, it is that part of the evening we all look forward to and which is such an important part of our island life. Accountability." There was a great deal of applause and I felt as if every man was staring at me. "Tonight, for the first time ever, we have a mother and daughter redeeming penalties, Lady Freckleton and Kate Freckleton both redeeming one penalty." This was followed by another round of applause. "Also redeeming one penalty we have Aileen Dunbar who seems to have reformed, perhaps the birching last time did you some good Aileen." He paused for a moment as the audience laughed, then resumed. "Dita Pawlak and Jane Spence each with three points to redeem are joining Lady Freckleton and Aileen Dunbar in a repeat appearance as they were all present at the last session. I think, Ladies and Gentlemen, they must enjoy being corrected. Also with three penalties we have Samantha Craig, a lady we have not seen here on the stage for some time. Welcome Samantha."

  He waited until the applause had died down and then went on, "Last but by no means least we have our good doctor Dr Sandra Fowler - and if I am not mistaken we have not had the pleasure of seeing you on this stage before, an accomplishment, given you have been part of Chapel Island community for three years. Oh dear though you have been naughty, haven't you. Sandra will be redeeming four penalties."

  I was screaming inside being stark naked like this while he took so long to introduce everyone and then explain how the corrections would work, as if that was really necessary given we were all members, but at last I was up.

  "Kate, time to take your place on the bench while we spin the wheel."

  I walked very shakily to the bench which I had never seen before. I could see what to do and carefully knelt down on the lower part and then leaning over against the slanting piece bent over and found myself with my head quite low down. There was a bar to hold onto and I gripped it so tightly it's a wonder it didn't bend. It wasn't uncomfortable but my bottom was stuck up in the air ready to be thrashed with whatever and so everyone could see.

  I could hear the wheel spinning and an excited buzz from the audience. I was praying it wasn't the cane. The cane they use at the dinner-dance is far nastier than the one at the House of Guardians. This one is longer which gives more force to the bit that hits you. It is also stronger though flexible and they use it with great power. The Guardian that does the caning is noted for his skill. I wasn't sure I was too happy about what I did get - it was the birch. I turned my head when the Guardian marched smartly on with the bucket.

  He swished the birch through the air to get rid of all the water. Some drops fell on me and I shuddered, it looked nasty. It is made of switches from a birch tree. They are long and they bind most of them together to make a long handle which gives great whipping power. The part that isn't bound sprays out and seemed to me the size of my whole bottom. I was only getting two but there'd not be one bit of my bum that would not be hit. I had lifted right up off the bench to look and suddenly Sir Charnock Forbes spoke sharply to me.

  "Miss Freckleton I am surprised at you. Your role is to take your position submissively and await your correction. I regret that you are busy watching what Guardian Thompson is doing. With the powers given to me by the Island Council and as your Senior Man I am adding to the number of strokes you will receive."

  There was a gasp from the audience and then some applause. I wanted to plead but just couldn't do that especially not with my dad in the audience and my mum up on stage as well. I said I was sorry and put myself back in position wanting to cry at my folly.

  "Guardian Thompson, will you please administer six strokes of that birch to Miss Freckleton."

  There was a crisp, "Yes Sir," and I heard him move into position. I lay over the bench, my hands gripping the bar tightly. Suddenly there was a blow across my whole bottom. I cried out in surprise for it was nothing like the cane. It was more like being hit by a powerful wave in the sea, it sort of crashed against my bottom which exploded into a monstrous sting. It was just everywhere and I cried out with the shock of that stinging.

  When the second stroke landed it took me by surprise. I had heard nothing at all and again it didn't feel a powerful blow like the cane or paddle. It was more like I was bending over letting strong waves hit my bottom, but there the comparison ended. It was as if I had been stung all over my bottom by a whole nest of wasps and I gasped.

  I shrieked when the third landed. It took the sting of the first two and multiplied it by about a thousand or so it felt. I began to wriggle on the bench a bit, I simply couldn't keep still. I gripped the bar tightly, wringing it like I was strangling it, and then the fourth crashed down in its wave-like way sending the stinging into the stratosphere. I bucked and writhed with it, I am sure the audience loved it but with two still to go I felt sick. Being thrashed like this just wasn't fun at all.

  The fifth landed a little low, partly on the top of my thighs and it was terrible. The stinging seemed to get into places it shouldn't and I let go of the bar for a moment and partly knelt up with a great cry. I knew that wasn't good enough and in spite of the most terrible stinging sensation absolutely everywhere, I forced myself down into place and heard applause as if in the distance. The sixth seemed the worst of all. It crashed down hard, a most powerful wave and my tender thrashed bottom erupted into another stratospheric sting that had me shrieking again and writhing in the most undignified way, probably showing Guardian Thompson a lot more than he should see.

  I knew my 'correction' was over but one is not meant to stand until told to; it is all part of being submissive to the process or some such thing. When I was allowed to stand I couldn't stand still, it was just too much for me. Perhaps if I had Aileen's cast iron bum I might be able to but I am only nineteen and only recently experienced in this sort of thing. The audience though loved my wriggles and gave me lots of applause and thumbs up.

  Mum got two with the paddle and I knew what that felt like but had little time for sympathy with my bottom feeling as it did. Aileen was blasé about her two with the martinet. I couldn't help it, and to the audience's amusement instead of standing in line I turned round
to watch the martinet at work. Sir Charnock didn't notice what I was doing which amused them even more.

  Then of course there were the three penalty ladies each getting a total of six strokes of something. None of them were silent. Dita howled under the strap which didn't surprise me as I watched, it was a horrible looking thing, thick and heavy. Jane sobbed her way through six with that brute of a cane and Samantha who was the oldest woman up there, was noisy as she was paddled.

  I watched them all, and the audience was delighted, I could tell. It had an effect on the others too. By the time we got to Sandra, instead of standing in a nice line facing front, hands by our sides as we were supposed to, we were in a sort of curved line turned to watch. I think Sir Charnock just assumed we were all doing as we were meant to and was concentrating on his job. The audience were buzzing with it all.

  Sandra was about thirty-five, not tall with a neat but full figure. She had much larger breasts than me and a fuller bottom. She was composed as she took her place on the bench. The wheel was spun and although the audience chanted, "birch, birch" it ended on PADDLE. Four penalties meant eight swats.

  The paddle looked identical to the one used on me. Guardian Thompson took his position behind her and unleashed the first swat. I could see he was not going easy on her, it was a full blooded one hitting her bottom with the oddest sound and compressing it.

  Her cry sounded like a singer going up scales for practise and she really reacted on the bench and although her hands kept on the bar her whole bottom moved violently. The second swat powered down. Sandra jerked hard when it landed and screeched loudly. There were two huge nasty red marks on her bum, only a quarter through and I had some idea of what she was feeling.

  "Aaaaah, no, no, no, no... it hurts." The third swat made her buck and cry out and I suspected that Guardian Thompson was more effective at using the paddle than Sir Charnock.

  She screeched loudly at the fourth and bucked violently on the bench, one hand coming round to her bottom and hovering before reluctantly going back to the bar. When the fifth crashed against her bottom momentarily flattening it there was left behind not only a writhing crying Sandra but an angry darkly red bottom that looked quite frightening.

  The last three swats were taken at a slower place because after each crashed down hard, Sandra reared up and shrieked and took some time to go back down. While up her bottom moved around while she tried to master the pain, exposing her in a most unladylike way.

  When Sandra was permitted to stand and join us she moved very slowly, tears running down her cheeks. But she managed to join the line and wipe the tears with her hands and received a huge round of applause. We all expected to be dismissed at this point but Sir Charnock stood silently until a deep hush fell over everyone.

  "Ladies and Gentlemen, my fellow members, I know some of you may think I am growing old and indeed I am, but not so old that I don't still have eyes in the back of my head." There was laughter from the audience and with a sick feeling I thought I knew where this was going. "My old eyes tell me that some of our ladies here to be corrected, who should be on their very best behaviour, were in fact moving position and turning around to watch proceedings." There was laughter and applause. "I cannot allow that to pass now can I?" There were cries of 'no' and 'shame' from the audience. "Guardian Thompson, please come back on and bring your cane with you."

  Chapter 13

  Guardian Thompson came marching on, the cane in his left hand and exactly in line with the seam of his trousers. He came to attention like a guardsman which perhaps he had been.

  "My dear Sandra, you are not included in the group of rather naughty ladies who left their position. They were in fact all watching you at the end. I would be grateful if you would remain on stage but just to one side while I have the behaviour of these other ladies corrected."

  Sandra was looking very unhappy and holding her bottom while shifting constantly on one spot. She took her tear stained face and walked to the spot indicated.

  "Now then ladies," he was addressing the rest of us, "you all know the conduct expected of you at Accountability but you fell short."

  The moral side of my character prompted me to act. I put my hand up as if I was in school and Sir Charnock paused and asked, "What is it Kate?"

  "Please Sir Charnock it is all my fault. I started it, the others just sort of copied me. Please punish me but not them."

  My sensible side was screaming, "No, no, no. You fool don't do it. Shut up, shut up." The audience broke into huge and sustained applause and Sir Charnock smiled fondly as if I was his favourite granddaughter who had just done something cute.

  "Ah how good that is to hear that Kate. How refreshing in a young lady, honesty and bravery, integrity and responsibility. Noble qualities indeed. However, all these other ladies are older and more experienced than you. They must take responsibility for their own failures. I award each of you two strokes of the cane on your bottoms and one on the hand. That is all except you Kate. You do bear some responsibility for starting this so you will have two strokes on the hand. In line ladies. We'll go in reverse order starting with you Samantha - bend over and touch your toes."

  Samantha's bottom was already badly bruised from her six swats with the paddle but she bent without comment and touched her toes. The frightening swish of the cane was heard, we didn't dare look anywhere except the front and then came a horrid crack. Poor Samantha shrieked with the pain of it but already another swish was heard and then another fleshy crack. Poor Samantha was sobbing when she stood.

  "Jane, bend over please."

  Jane took, what was for her the seventh and eighth strokes of the cane, with almost no composure. She was very noisy and I heard her in floods of tears when they had been applied. Dita managed a little better than she had with the strap but she was still fairly vocal. Aileen on the other hand made no sound at all and seemed rather amused by the whole thing judging by the several quips she made. Mum was better than Dita or Jane but she did shriek when the cane landed with its fleshy crack and I could hear her snivelling. Then it was me and I felt sick again.

  "Now then Kate, bend over my dear."

  I bent and touched my toes and no sooner had I done so then there was a huge blow across my bottom followed by the most terrible burning pain. I cried out a long wavering "Aaaaaaaaah!" and rocked forward slightly so my fingers left my toes and touched the floor. There was a pause as I re-positioned myself and then the cane struck again. Thankfully it was below the other one but it hurt terribly and I screeched loudly and burst into tears. Dad told me later that at that moment all the ladies on the stage, Sandra included, were crying to one degree or another except Aileen.

  "Now then we will deal with the hands. We will have you caned not on the dominant hand but the other. When I ask you to hold out your hand you must hold out the correct one. Samantha hold out your hand straight to one side, palm up thumb back. Do not withdraw your hand at the last moment."

  We were allowed to look as we had to get it right. Her hand was straight out from her side at a right angle, no bend at all and her thumb pulled back as far as she could take it. Guardian Thompson rested the cane on her hand, lifted and put it back several times and then raised it high over his head and brought it down with a vicious crack across her palm.

  Samantha shrieked, pulled her arm into herself and sort of twisted round. She then began shaking her hand up and down before shoving it under one armpit, holding the elbow in with her other hand and rocking slightly. The rest of us flinched and turned back to our positions wishing it was all over.

  Jane was crying before the cane even landed, I could hear her but evidently she kept her hand out for I heard the crack, her screech and the sounds of her trying to deal with the pain. Dita evidently had problems holding her arm out and keeping it still but eventually there came that wicked crack as the cane landed on her hand. She made the usual sounds of distress. Aileen also yelped loudly when the cane landed on her hand and by the sound of it wasn't too happ
y with the pain afterwards. Mum screeched and out of the corner of my eye I could see her bending double trying to ease the pain in her hand with it stuffed under one armpit.

  "Kate, hold your hand out, nice and straight if you please."

  I put my hand out, my arm as straight as I could get it, but I could see the tremble in my fingers. I turned my head to one side and shut my eyes because I thought if I had to watch the cane come down I might pull my hand away. The blow when it landed was terrible. It seemed to cut through my hand and there was the most horrid shock that went right up my arm to my shoulder. I screeched and did what everyone else did, first sort of wave my hand around, then shoved it under one armpit. But there was no respite for me.

  "Kate, your other hand if you please."

  I could barely do it for shaking and I looked at Sir Charnock, tears running down my cheeks, and said, "Please may I hold my arm up? It won't stay still." The whole ballroom was silent as everyone held their breath to hear his answer. He gave his permission so I held out my hand but used my other hot smarting hand to hold up my elbow and keep it all steady.

  Guardian Thompson is a big strong man who knows all about applying instruments of correction. Just because he was hitting my hand a second time he didn't spare me. He put every effort into bringing the cane down hard. I heard the crack even as I felt it. It was agonising and I ended again with my eyes gushing tears and holding my arms across my breasts with my hands under opposite armpits.


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