[Runes of Argyl 01.0] The Runes of Argyl Trilogy

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[Runes of Argyl 01.0] The Runes of Argyl Trilogy Page 118

by Jessica Savage


  The air was hot and dense and Destiny felt overcome almost immediately. The bar was rammed, full of bodies, booze and smoke and everyone in there seemed to be euphoric and in lust with the person they were with. Hawk squeezed her hand tightly as he led her toward the bar and she looked around nervously, just hoping that there was no one there who would want to start a fight.

  “Are you okay?” Hawk asked as he pulled out a stool at the bar and let Destiny slip up onto it. He put his arms around her on either side in a protective V and kept her close to him. She felt her heart racing in anticipation, she could feel the intensity building between them. With each second they were getting closer and closer.

  “Yes,” she said. “I’m just nervous, maybe this was too soon…”

  She looked at some of the eyes watching her from the other side of the bar and she knew what they all must be thinking… that’s the girl who betrayed the Forsaken… what the fuck is she doing here?

  “The sooner you immerse yourself around here, the better,” he said as he ran a soft hand through her hair. “No one will touch you when you’re with me, and soon the word will spread about what really happened. No one has anything on you.”

  Destiny nodded and looked into his eyes. She had to trust him. Even though she didn’t know him well, she felt as if she knew that he wouldn’t betray her or put her in harm’s way.

  A girl wandered over to them and nodded at Hawk.

  “Usual?” she asked as she chewed a stick of gum harshly.

  “Sure,” Hawk said. “And for the lady?” he looked down at Destiny.

  “No thanks,” she smiled. “I don’t drink.”

  Hawk’s eyes lit up and he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

  “Neither do I,” he whispered.

  Destiny looked up at him. She didn’t know whether he was joking or not… she was yet to meet a biker that didn’t love knocking back a gallon of booze most evenings.

  “Come on,” he said. “Let’s get out of here… I wanted to bring you down and show you the place, get you out of the clubhouse, but now I know that was the wrong move… I don’t want to share you with all of these people… I want it to be just us. With no complications or outside influences. I want to get to know you properly, one on one… not what I’ve just observed for months on end.”

  “So I guess you must feel like you know me pretty well huh?” Destiny said cheekily.

  “All I truly know is that I’ve been waiting for a moment like this since the second I lay eyes on you.”

  His eyes were so dark and enveloping, and as he ran his hands through her hair Destiny felt her body quiver.

  “Take me back to the clubhouse,” she whispered.

  She didn’t know where she had got her bravery from. Maybe it was because he had been so kind to her and made her feel so at ease with him and the situation, but she just wanted to be with him, as he had said, one on one.

  He slipped his hand into hers and pulled her from the stool. The barmaid rolled her eyes as Hawk shook his head to cancel his drinks order and flashed her a wicked grin as he dragged Destiny into the crowd and toward the doorway.


  He kicked open the door of the clubhouse and pulled Destiny in behind him. There was noise and the sounds of men talking and joking in one of the rooms downstairs, but Hawk had no intention of stopping to chat to them. He clearly had only one thing on his mind.

  Destiny felt her pulse quicken. She was so nervous, she felt as if she had never been with a man before. The way he was making her feel was like nothing she had ever experienced. He seemed genuine and kind and not only that but he had a killer body and a bad boy edge that was driving her so wild she found it hard to contain herself whenever she was around him.

  He pulled her further into the house and they climbed the stairs all the way up to the top floor. Destiny’s room was right in the eaves of the house and the thought of her warm, welcoming bed, and this incredible man being in it with her was like the most exciting dream she could ever have.

  He closed the door to her bedroom behind them and took hold of her gently. He cupped her face in his hands and looked deeply into her eyes. Her lips were tingling, waiting for his to touch hers, and she couldn’t hold on to the anticipation, it was killing her. When he finally dipped her back and kissed her, it was the most earth shattering kiss she had ever experienced. It was as if the ground had opened up beneath her and she was falling through it, spinning and twirling in passion. Her breath was taken away and she never wanted it to end.

  “Hawk,” she panted. “You have no idea how long I’ve dreamed of a man like you…”

  He brushed a strand of hair away from her eyes and smiled.

  “It works both ways Baby,” he whispered. “I’ve wanted you for months… ever since the second I first saw you.”

  She felt her legs trembling and her desire building. There was no way she could forbid her body from experiencing what she knew it needed more than anything in the world. She needed the touch of a man who wasn’t going to hurt her, one who was going to care for her and love her until the end of time.

  Hawk lay her back onto the bed gently and climbed on top of her. Even though he was huge and his muscles bulged above her, their bodies seemed to fit together so perfectly it was as if he was weightless.

  He reached down and parted her legs with his big hands and pulled at her jeans. In one swift motion he managed to unzip and pull them down, before his hands were working their way back up and were slipping inside her panties. Destiny gasped as he found her sex and massaged her slowly with his forefinger. He was touching her so slowly and so sensually, she was being taken to new heights of pleasure, ones she could never have imagined to exist before she had met him.

  He took her hand and guided it down to his jeans where she could feel an impressive bulge protruding and he moaned as she ran her hand over it. She greedily pulled at his fly and unleashed his huge manhood. When she saw it for the first time, she gasped and grinned.

  It was like nothing she had ever seen or had before. She had always dreamed what it would be like to find a man with a cock so big she was afraid to take it, and now she had one in front of her, but she couldn’t wait to have it inside of her, even if it meant it caused her pain.

  She opened her legs wide and Hawk lifted her hips up to meet his rock hard thick length. As he pushed himself inside of her, she felt as if she was being split open, but it didn’t hurt. The pleasure was so exquisite she gasped and gripped him tightly with everything she had. He rolled over and pulled her on top of him, and as she rode him over and over she came in a crashing wave of ecstasy before he flipped her onto her back and climbed onto her for more.

  Her body was a quivering mess, but as his breathing quickened and his grunts got louder, she felt herself on the edge again. She looked up at him, at this amazing man who was making love to her so passionately and intensely that she knew she wasn’t going to be able to control herself.

  At the exact same time they both came in a squall of sweat, gasps and saliva. Hawk gripped onto Destiny’s throat as he pumped his huge load inside of her and emptied everything he had into her tight pussy. Destiny trembled beneath him and her legs felt as if she would never be able to walk again. As he pushed himself into her for one last time before he was completely spent Destiny looked up at him and knew that it was real. She was falling for him, and now she had shared her body with him, she never wanted to let him go.

  Hawk cradled her in his arms as they lay in her clean white tangled bedsheets. Her chest was still heaving with exertion and the aftershocks of her orgasms were rumbling through her. Even after all of that, she was still turned on. The sight of his naked torso and the Hawk tattoo that spread up his entire left side made her heart dance and her clit throb. She squeezed her legs together to try and quell her urges.

  “You’re naughtier than I ever could have imagined,” he said to her and he pulled her close and kissed her hard on the lip
s. “The girl I watched for months over in Ironhill was so timid I never would have imagined that she could have been such a wild and untamed lover…”

  “Well,” Destiny kissed him lightly on the chest, “I would say I’m a product of my environment, I respond to how I’m treated.”

  “I did good then…” he winked.

  “You did better than that,” she smiled. And she wasn’t joking. Hawk had brought her back to life. He had reached inside her soul and found the Destiny that had gone missing the moment she set foot in Ironhill and met Levitt Cleveland all those months before.

  “You’re safe now,” he said gently. “You do know that, don’t you?”

  “I trust you,” she whispered. “So I’ll believe what you tell me.”

  “I wouldn’t lie Destiny,” he said. “We knew bringing you back here was a risk, but it felt so right, and now you’re here and the rest of the Forsaken know what truly happened, you’re absolved. They will love you like they do anyone else who comes into our fold and lives with us here at the clubhouse.”

  She blinked back happy tears and kissed him again. She was being given everything she had ever wanted, and yet she had no idea how to accept it. It was as if she was waiting for the catch. She just hoped it would never come.

  “And what now?” she asked as Hawk got to his feet and walked to the other side of the room naked. He looked out of the window and his torso rippled with sweat and moonlight.

  “Now, we keep you safe here and make sure Lev doesn’t get anywhere near you.”

  “He’d kill me if he thought I was here,” Destiny whispered. “He’s an evil man.”

  “He won’t get the chance,” Hawk said angrily.

  Destiny looked at him and knew what he was insinuating. The feud between the two clubs was only really just beginning, and now she was in the thick of it and was being told more about it, she knew there was only one way it would end.

  One club had to triumph.

  They couldn’t both exist side by side.

  One would live and the other had to die.

  The question was, who was strong enough?

  “I’m scared,” she said as he rushed back to her side and swept her up in his arms.

  “Don’t be,” he said. “We have a plan, and there’s no way the Iron Riders are going to win… trust me…”

  She looked deeply into his eyes and she knew what he meant when he said that. And she did trust him.

  The Forsaken Riders were the rightful winners of the battle, but she had seen both sides and knew the Iron Riders wouldn’t give up without a fight.

  There was a long road ahead of them, and a lot of blood to be shed. But Destiny had escaped her tormenters and she was where she wanted to be, with a man she could only have imagined in her wildest dreams.

  As she lay her head down to sleep that night, she knew she could finally stop torturing herself over what had happened all those months before when she had been manipulated into working in Red X. The truth had been set free and so had she.

  She was part of the Forsaken now… And she would do whatever she could to help them fight and conquer. The storm was only just beginning.


  What the Outlaw Must Have

  Samantha Leal

  Copyright ©2015 by Samantha Leal. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Thank you so much for your interest in my work!

  Table of Contents










  Holly collapsed on the stool and rubbed the soles of her feet. They were red hot and tired. She had been working since eleven that morning and now as it approached 1:00 am, her whole body ached. Her shoes fell lightly to the floor, and Elle almost swept them up with the edge of her broom. The girls laughed, half with amusement and half with exhaustion.

  “What a shift,” Holly sighed as she stretched and pulled a strawberry milkshake closer to her and took a long, much-needed sip.

  “Tell me about it,” Elle said as she set down the broom and sat on the stool next to her.

  “Pass me mine,” she smiled, motioning to the other tall glass next to Holly.

  Holly slid it along the countertop, and Elle began to stir it with her straw.

  “Happy Friday,” she grinned. The two girls clinked glasses.

  “Yeah, who needs to go to a bar when you can serve truckers and indulge in these once a week?” Holly joked.

  Elle laughed and slapped her playfully on the arm.

  “We need to get lives, don’t we?” Elle scrunched up her mouth as she pouted and looked out across the parking lot. It was now deserted, but just an hour before it had been filled with trucks and cars, and the diner had been full of men and women either traveling somewhere or just looking for someone to talk to. Their small town could be a lonely one and they regularly got people in there who simply had nothing better to do.

  “I’m just glad tonight is over.” Holly rubbed her eyes. “I’m so tired, I feel like I could sleep for a week.”

  “Are you off tomorrow?” Elle asked as she got back to her feet and continued to sweep up the remnants of French fries and pie crusts that had made their way onto the floor.

  “Yep,” Holly grinned. “And I intend to sleep all day.”

  “Don’t waste it,” Elle said seriously. “Go shopping, catch a movie, or even better…come in here and see me!”

  “Haha,” Holly laughed. “No chance.”

  “Spoil sport,” Elle pouted.

  Elle knew that even though they had the milkshake ritual every Friday night, she couldn’t stomach the thought of finishing hers. She pushed it away and got to her feet. Without her shoes, she tiptoed behind the counter and began to clean the counters before heading over to the cash register and counting the money.

  “Randy would kill you if he saw you without shoes,” Elle laughed. “Fired on the spot.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing he isn’t here, then,” Holly winked before arranging all of the cash into neat piles and putting it in the safe. Randy would be in at 6:00 am to collect it and no doubt check that the girls had done everything exactly how he liked it. For a boss, he could be a pain in the ass, but at least he left them alone regularly to just get on with things. Holly didn’t exactly like working as a waitress, but she was grateful to have a job that allowed her to pay her way and put a roof over her head. Since she lost her parents, she also didn’t mind not having so much time on her hands… She didn’t like being left alone to think.

  “Seriously, though,” Elle said as she turned off the neon lights that lit up the windows out front. “Don’t waste your day tomorrow… I’m stuck in here until six and then back in on Sunday. What I wouldn’t give to have the weekend free.”

  Holly thought about it for a moment and realized her friend was right. She should do something worthwhile rather than just lying in bed and churning everything over.

  “Okay,” she smiled. “You’re right. I’ll get out and seize the day.”

  “Carpe diem,” Elle nodded with pride.

  “Indeed,” Holly laughed.

  As the girls left the diner and made their way to Holly’s car, she had an overwhelming rush of affection for Elle. She really had been a great friend to her when she needed someone the most, and she was grateful to have found her. When she had taken her job at the diner, the last thing she had expected was to find a friend for life. Now the two of them were the longest serving waitresses there and well-known fixtures in their local community, as well as with the hundreds of truckers who traveled down their stretch of highway day in and day out.

  As Holly pulled up outside of Elle’s small ranch house, sh
e kissed her on the cheek.

  “Have a fun day off,” Elle bounced out of the car. “I’ll see you Monday?”

  “Sure,” Holly smiled. “Have a good weekend.”

  Elle smiled and waved over her shoulder as she made her way to her front door. Holly looked ahead and at the dark road in front of her. She had a whole weekend with only herself for company, and it seemed to stretch out ahead like a terrifying abyss.

  “Come on,” she coached herself as she pulled away from the curb and started on her way home. “Time alone isn’t so bad.”

  But she wasn’t fooling anyone.

  Least of all herself.


  The next morning, the sunlight blazed through the curtains and illuminated Holly’s bedroom. She was flat on her back, wrapped up under the sheet, and she blinked as she came to. She sat up and stretched and rubbed her eyes. The day did look inviting. She could tell it was going to be a hot one and there would no doubt be plenty of people down by the lake waterskiing, fishing and swimming, but she couldn’t bring herself to go down there alone. With each passing week, her confidence was dwindling. It had been such a long time since she had had a boyfriend, and after the death of her parents she found herself becoming more introverted.

  She felt alone in the world, and it was starting to weigh heavy on her. Elle was the only person she really had that she could rely on and trust, but they couldn’t be together all of the time, and Holly knew that she had to make herself stronger on her own.

  She got out of bed and walked slowly into the kitchen. Her house was similar to Elle’s but maybe slightly smaller. It was all on one level and had two bedrooms instead of three, but the girls often marveled at how strange it was that the layouts were almost identical.

  When the kettle boiled, she poured herself a huge cup of tea and made her way through to the adjoining room. She slipped down onto the couch and yawned. Even though she had slept until almost noon, she was still exhausted.


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