Cadence of Love

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Cadence of Love Page 6

by Willow Brooke

  “Don’t you thank us, baby. Thank you.” Leland hugged her and said goodbye, nodding for Brody to follow.

  When Brody leaned in to hug her goodbye, she whispered quietly in his ear, “Please don’t leave me alone tonight. I promise I will make it up to you somehow, someway.” Brody’s heart skipped a beat. He hugged her tighter and kissed her head.

  “Leland, take Lizzy on home. I am going to hang out here for a while and talk to the doctor when he comes in.” He hoped his subtlety was enough to make Leland get the hint.

  Leland’s eyes narrowed on him for a slight second before easing into a subtle grin. “Okay, I will pick you up after I drop her off. See you both in a bit.”

  When the door shut and the room was quiet again, Brody stood and walked over to the side of the bed. Without saying a word, he slid beside her and hoisted her into his arms, snuggling down onto the pillow. He flipped the television on and muted the sound before pulling the covers over them both, then tucking them under her chin. His body was caught in a fight. He loved the feel of her against him, but said feeling sparked a fire making the threatening hard-on next to impossible to tame down. Her eyelids fluttered, fighting sleep once again.


  “Yes, sugar?”

  “Thank you for staying with me. Your arms feel like the safest place in the world.”

  “Thank you for asking me. I wouldn’t want anyone else in my arms. You feel pretty good yourself.” With that, she smiled and nodded off to sleep. Brody sighed, knowing that one thing was for certain—his life no longer seemed complete unless she was in it. Before he realized it, he himself nodded off with her tucked tightly under his chin.

  Chapter Five

  Alaina woke up feeling better than she had in over six months. The strong arms that wrapped around her made her stiffen in fear. When she caught sight of Brody behind her, she immediately relaxed. What am I doing in the arms of a total stranger? And I let another stranger be alone with my daughter! They did save our lives. They are leaving soon. Then what? Where does that leave us? Alone again, and back to where we were two days ago. Sadness filled her heart, and she wanted to cry. She couldn’t help the tears that streamed down her cheeks. She didn’t notice the change in Brody’s breathing when he turned her in his arms and wiped the moisture from her eyes.

  “What has a beautiful angel like you in morning tears? Do I have rank morning breath or something? Did I drool on you?”

  His jokes made her giggle, allowing the tension to drain and her to relax back down against him. “No. I just am so happy that I met you both. I hate that you guys are both leaving soon, and we will go back to our normal, fucked up life. I haven’t seen Lizzy this happy in a long, long time.”

  “Alaina, look at me. Neither Leland nor myself have been this happy in a long time. Leland and I are doing some planning, and I am not supposed to spill the beans before we get a chance to get things planned. What I can tell you is that you don’t need to worry about anything anymore. You are not working at either of those damn jobs again. Before you start to argue, let me tell you that what your ex did was below despicable. Abandoning you and that precious little angel was as low as one can get. No matter what happens between you and Leland and I, you will be taken care of and given a better life. That you have no say in the matter.”

  Alaina’s head filled with confusion. She raised up on her elbow, looking down at his sincere expression. Had she heard correctly? They wanted to take care of a strange woman and kid that they had just met. And to top it off, did he say something about both of them being with her? Is that even legal? Why are my nipples throbbing and my panties getting wet at that idea? Oh hell stop thinking like that! As if that will happen. Men see kids as baggage, and me as damaged goods. Tears flooded again. She tried to choke them back before he caught sight of them, but failed. Instead of quizzing her or coming up with lame lines, he pulled her back down and held her tight. She couldn’t hold it after that. She flew into pieces, releasing all of the pain and heartache Brian had left. He didn’t hush her or try to calm her down. Instead, he petted her hair soothingly and murmured sweet, calming words. Minutes melted together, making time stand still and the only thing that existed was her in the strong hold of a strange man—who cared and offered her more than her husband and first love had in their whole relationship. Is this how it is supposed to be? Was I fooled to think that he truly loved me all of those years? The random thoughts bounced from positive to negative, bombarding her brain and making her get lost in the chaos. She chanced another look at Brody, expecting to see the normal ‘guy’ look men gave when a woman was upset, but she was met with a sweet smile and tender eyes. He reached over, grabbed a napkin off the bedside table, and wiped her face before holding it over her nose.

  “Blow.” His one word command made her eyes bug in surprise. She reached for the tissue, only to have her hand swatted away. “Alaina, blow. A little boogie isn’t going to kill me.” She hesitantly blew softly, hoping the nasty goop didn’t actually blow out into the paper. “Alaina, stop being embarrassed and blow hard.” This time, she honked her nose, feeling her face heat at the embarrassment that washed over her. “There. Here. Finish getting the bats out of the cave.” He grinned, undoubtedly amused at her discomfort. She took the wadded up tissue and cleaned her nose again, hoping nothing was sticking out.

  Before she could get up and run from the less than entertaining situation, he leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. It was so sweet and delicate, giving her plenty of room to back away or stop him. The warmth of his breath skated across her lips, igniting something inside that had been forgotten for a long time. She sat motionless, frozen with fear as to what she should do. He patiently feathered kisses across her firmly closed lips, gently making her relax into the moment. Brody pulled away and looked into her eyes, waiting for the go ahead before he proceeded. She fluttered her eyes shut in invitation, welcoming the new feelings he brought. Ever so slowly, he eased into the kiss, lingering against her mouth. When she didn’t pull away, he took it a step farther, parting his lips and softly tracing his tongue against her. She began to kiss him back, gently opening her mouth with each swipe of his tongue. He deepened it, exploring first the opening of her mouth, before sliding inside to seek out her tongue. Before she realized it, she was in a full on, mind blowing, consuming smooch with this panty dropping sexy soldier. Instead of going straight for second base, he melted her into a puddle of lust and backed off gently. When their lips parted, he smiled.

  “Damn. Now that was a kiss. It is a shame those lips have been wasted for so long. I think we need to put them back into use more often.” His smile morphed into a lopsided goofy Roger Rabbit grin.

  Before she could respond, the door swung open and Leland barreled inside. “Alaina sweetheart, please get dressed as fast as you can. Brody, I need to speak to you in the hall, now!” He tossed a bag on the bed beside her and bolted back out the still swinging door. Brody jumped up and took off, leaving Alaina to rummage through its contents. She quickly removed a pair of jeans and her favorite Lynyrd Skynyrd t-shirt and clean undergarments. After shucking out of the scrubs the nurses had been so kind to let her wear instead of the ass baring hospital gown, she shimmied into her clothes and went in search of her shoes. They were propped on the window seal, and still sopping wet. She went back to do another look in the bag, hoping he had thought to grab her old sneakers that were in her front room. With a sigh of relief, she found them under the four different outfits he had brought her and smiled. What man remembers shoes even? What a sweetheart.

  Brody and Leland walked back in while she was tying the remaining hot pink shoestrings. She immediately looked up. “What is going on?” The way the two were acting, she would have assumed the world was being invaded by aliens or something. Leland and Brody both appeared at each side, grabbing each of her hands in theirs.

  “It seems the cops caught up with your ex,” Leland started, pausing as if unsure what to say next.

  “Oh, that’s great. Did they call or something? Maybe they can get all the back child support out of the bastard.” She watched the worry lines that etched on both of their faces and frowned. “Wait, why are you two upset then?”

  “Well, I got a call from Mrs. Sanders a few minutes ago. I rushed over there immediately, and sat with her while she gave her statement. I guess Brian decided that to avoid paying, he would take Elizabeth. He broke in and got her this morning. There was a cracked out woman with him who held her at gunpoint. He threatened to kill Elizabeth if she tried anything. The cops are all on the search now.”

  “What! Are you serious? How…how can this happen! She was just pulled out of a damn flooding car last night! Oh my God, what have I done? I have to find her now!” Alaina tried to bolt for the door but was caught in four iron gates.

  “Hold up, baby girl. Leland already made a call. We have our own search team flying in as we speak, and will be here within the hour. Let’s go get them from the airport, then we will decide what the best plan of action is.” Brody rubbed tiny circles on her wrist with his thumb. Her temper flared at the situation, making tears burst from her eyes once again. Both men instantly wrapped their arms around her and held her tight until she calmed down.

  “There are a million places he could have ran. His parents were well off before they passed, but left everything to his estranged sister. I know there is no way in hell he went to her, but maybe out to the hunting cabin?”

  “We will start there. Come on, let’s go pick up the cavalry.” Brody grabbed her bag and other belongings in a rush and Leland hurried her out the door, shaking off the nurses that tried to stop her from leaving without being discharged first. Instead of taking the elevator, Leland opened the door to the staircase and they all ran down in a rush.

  They hopped in the truck and peeled out of the parking space. “Which way is the airport?” Brody asked, stopping at the hospital exit.

  “Left. It’s about twenty-five minutes away on the outskirts of the city.” Alaina pointed. Brody turned out onto the main road and gunned it. He ran two red lights before merging onto the highway, but they were soon cruising five over the allotted eighty mph.


  Leland’s blood boiled. He did his best to contain his emotions for Alaina’s sake, but he couldn’t wait to get his hands on the deadbeat. What Alaina was unaware of was the cops were never called. Mrs. Sanders had called Leland first on the number he had jotted down before they had taken Elizabeth to the hospital to see her mom, along with a long list of references, addresses, and his parents’ number. When he arrived, the older lady had explained what had happened and voiced her opinions on how the situation should be handled. He had been more than surprised at her reaction, but he was glad she thought the same way he did. She didn’t want him getting a slap on the wrist for this, and he agreed totally. The justice system was so fouled up. When it came to kids, it seemed that rape, molestation, abuse, and kidnapping were all treated way too calmly. If they caught a kid with weed on him, he got the full sentence. It was bullshit.

  Mrs. Sanders had assisted in the purchase of a disposable cell phone and made the plane reservations under her late husband’s name for his team. In their previous conversation, he had explained to her the reason his team and he had departed from the Army just weeks before, and she had taking a liking to him immediately. Now, the woman proved to be more savvy in military procedures than he had expected. Her knowledge of covert identities and working under the radar had showed the soldier that her husband had been. It would have been an honor to shake the man’s hand. Without any instruction, the elderly woman had managed to variate numbers and credit cards using some of her Tuesday rummy friends to ensure no traceable trail. She was a resourceful woman, that was for sure.

  This fucker was going to get what he deserved. The only thing he disagreed with her on was her insistence on going with them. The elderly woman was tough as nails, and he had no doubt she meant what she said. The idea of the woman standing before him clad in a moo moo carrying an assault rifle made him snicker. The funniest part was, she had pulled a trunk of weapons out of the closet and shocked the shit out of him. Inside was a full arsenal, complete with hand grenades and full assault rifles. As she explained her stash of goodies, he had learned that Mr. Sanders was big on family protection, and had been stock piling for the fall or catastrophe of the government when he had passed. She had loaded him up with enough weapons to take down a small country. One thing was for certain—if zombies took over or aliens invaded, he wanted to be side-by-side with the old hell cat. She had made him promise to take care of the girls, and that was something he had gladly agreed to. He had hopes that it would be more than a friendly offer, but either way these girls would have the world.

  Chapter Six

  Alaina glanced at each of them, noting the same stone cold, lethal look they both shared. She could feel the power and intensity radiating off them. Brody’s jaw clenched repeatedly, where Leland’s nostrils flared. They were definitely pissed. If Elizabeth wasn’t involved, she would find them both dangerously sexy. She hoped the stupid bastard wouldn’t ever hurt his own daughter, but who knew the person he had become. Her head began to pound, fueling a migraine with the adrenaline and rage that pumped through her veins. Her loss of Brian had just changed. What once was mourning for their lost family now became relief that he was gone, and anger toward the selfish, stupid asshole he was. With shaking hands, she reached over and turned on the radio, hoping it would calm her nerves.

  Much to her surprise, AC/DC blasted from the speakers, singing “Highway to Hell”, which fit the situation perfectly. Brody and Leland only spoke when they needed directions, or to gather information about Brian and the property where he could possibly be hiding. The remaining miles seemed to drag on, but she finally spotted the airport sign and released a sigh of relief. Brody and Leland must have picked up on her emotions, because each of her hands were once again cradled in one of theirs. Without a single word or so much as a glance, they still thought to reassure her in their own way.

  The big truck pulled to the sidewalk and Brody jumped out. Leland stayed behind this time, turning to look at her. He grasped both of her hands in his enormous ones, making hers disappear. “Sweetheart, I promise you on everything that is holy, we will get her back. These guys aren’t your normal everyday Joe. They are hardcore, and I wouldn’t trust anyone more. They can be a bit intense and aren’t really social, but they have huge hearts and are willing to die for you and Elizabeth.”

  “Why would they do that? They don’t even know us. I can’t pay you all…” Her words trailed off as hopelessness set in. Once again, her financial shit hole left her handicapped.

  “Alaina, we wouldn’t take money even if you could. We fight for what is right. We defend what is ours, and we do not tolerate women or children being mistreated. We may have just met, Alaina. But you and that little girl are a part of our life no matter what.” He leaned over and kissed her on the lips. A demanding, desperate kiss that left her weak in the knees and made her glad she was sitting. When he pulled back, he flipped open his phone. After punching a few buttons in what she could only assume was a text, he quickly pecked her on the cheek and opened the door. “I will be right back. I know you are freaking out, and I wouldn’t expect anything less. But just know that you have your own personal army now.” He hopped out, swinging the door behind him and disappeared into the building.

  Alaina couldn’t think. She had went from one tragedy to another in less than twenty-four hours. To top it off, there was not one but two sexy-as-hell in a breadbasket men who seemed to be interested in her…and kissed her. The only threesome relationships she had ever seen were on pornos, and were nothing like this. For one, they hadn’t just tried to get her to their hotel room for a quick romp, then be done with it. This was odd, and yet somehow seemed kind of…nice.

  Before her quick thoughts continued, a group of muscled, frightening, intimidating badasses flood
ed through the doors. There were at least five of them, all in cargo pants, toting black duffel bags. It looked like something off a movie with Duane Johnson and Vin Diesel, only these boys made them look like wimps. As they all walked up to the truck, she noticed a female amongst them. The woman had the most gorgeous eyes she had ever seen. They appeared to be a deep turquoise, like the depths of the sea. Her long dark hair was pulled into a high ponytail and was braided down her back. She was clad in the same black cargo pants and sported a black tank top that hugged her large breasts and showed every rippled bump of her abs. Women can look like that? Alaina gasped. She was gorgeous, and still looked like she could beat the shit out of every guy here.

  Brody walked over to the passenger side door and opened it, offering her his hand. She reached for it and slid out, unsure as to what to say or do around the group. They all stood and just stared at her, making her want to crawl in a hole. Thankfully, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pointed to the closest man.

  His head was shaved bald, making his green eyes stand out like beacons. He was tall like Brody and Leland, standing a good six four and weighing in at a good two-thirty. “This first character here is Zane Monroe. We call him Hulk.”

  The guy reached out a very muscled arm, then swallowed her hand in his rather large one for a quick shake. “Nice to meet you. Is Hulk because you are huge and your eyes are green?” Alaina asked innocently.

  “Nope. It’s because you won’t like Hulk when he’s angry.” Zane grinned, revealing the whitest smile she had ever seen. She grinned back, loving the playfulness in his persona.


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