Cadence of Love

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Cadence of Love Page 11

by Willow Brooke

  “Hey! I don’t stretch like this!” She giggled, loving the light scoffing.

  “Now there you are wrong, sugar. I specifically remember you stretching more than this last night.” Brody’s seductive voice sent an instant heat through her veins. He laughed at the pink flush that crept over her cheeks, holding her arm to keep her steady and not falling to the floor when Leland released her.

  “You two are ornery.” Alaina snickered as she walked off, shutting the door behind her. After taking care of business, she glanced over and saw the tempting shower. It was small but was stocked with scented body washes and hair supplies that had definitely been bought by a female. Thank you, Alex. Alaina cranked on the hot water and stepped inside, washing away the last bit of anguish that remained. Each lick of the steaming water massaged her stiff and sore muscles, relaxing and rejuvenating her. She lathered up every inch of her body, reveling in the sweet smell of Japanese Cherry Blossom the soap provided. When she got to her sex, she flinched. Her folds were swollen and deliciously tender, bringing the nights events back into thoughts like a mental replay. Grinning, she rinsed and got out.

  Chapter Nine

  Brody woke with his heart lifted more than he could ever think possible. The little beauty that had been tossed into their path had changed his life forever. Getting out of the Army had been the toughest decision he had ever had to make, and up until running into Alaina, he had second guessed himself every day. The military was all he knew. Not having the structure it provided had proved to be more of a problem than he had originally anticipated. All of the crew seemed to be struggling adjusting into the civilian world, until yesterday. They got to do the one thing they loved—bring the hammer of justice down and make the world a better place.

  After they had taken care of the bastard and his hoe, Zane, a.k.a. Hulk, stepped in to put his specialty skills to work. He had trained in explosives and bombs, and could make or disarm just about anything. Arson was more of a hobby but came in handy with their job. The crew worked together like a finely tuned machine, knowing without a drop of hesitation what to do.

  “When we get home, the first thing that is getting built is a bigger shower. It is a shame she is all alone right now.” Brody looked at Leland, knowing by the look on his buddy’s face he was having the same thoughts.

  “Agreed. It is a pity her hands are doing all the touching and we are laying here in a bed together.” Leland’s pout was evident. Brody had to laugh. They had all been a bit too up close and personal over the years, having to shit, shower, shave, and sleep together in all of the toxic environments they had been dragged through. This was a whole new level of brotherhood.

  “A bigger bed goes on that list too. I don’t want to wake up snuggling your ass every morning either.”

  Before Leland could respond, a knock on the door sent both men leaping for their discarded clothing. They had their jeans up in record time. Leland unlocked the knob and opened the door, surprised to see Wesley propped against the frame smirking. “Hey, Romeo, what’s up?”

  “I think you both are jacking with my reputation. We started a betting pool on how long you two would last. I won two hundred bucks thanks to you.” He flashed a cheesy grin, working the best of his smartass personality.

  “Shut up, ass. You better keep your mouth shut and not say anything in front of Alaina. She isn’t used to our crap yet.” Leland went on the defense, half secretly glad they knew she belonged to them now, and the other half angry at the idea of anyone thinking about her being naked. He took the hint and dropped it, getting straight to the point. “You guys gotta come see this.”

  “What is it?” Brody had kept his tongue during the other piece of the brief conversation, knowing Leland well enough to know the protective beast would come out to play if Wesley didn’t shut the hell up.

  “Just come here.” He turned and walked back down the hall, with both men on his heels.

  When they entered into the living area of the bus, Zane was perched on the couch clicking the buttons of his laptop with a couple of the others hovering over him. They all scooted, making room for him and Leland to see. Zane clicked play, and let the video stream.

  “This morning, authorities and firefighters worked together to put out the flames in what has been declared a drug lab gone bad. Investigators state that a meth lab exploded sometime late last night, torching a residence in the country community of Honey Hill. The remains of two victims were found, but identities were unable to be made due to the high phosphorous levels and extreme temperatures of the fire. No foul play has been suspected at this time, making this the second drug related tragedy in less than four months in Adair County.

  Now let’s have a look at our weather forecast. Ollie?”

  Zane stopped the video, glancing up at him and Leland. Smiles of relief broke out on all of their faces. “Another job well done, everyone.” A few high fives were exchanged, and the group embarked into conversation. A few had taken up a poker game at the table, and Elizabeth was seated in the mix with a hand full of cards and a bowl of ice cream in front of her. Brody was the first to notice Alaina standing just inside the doorway. Her face was as hard as stone, seeming conflicted. He walked over and kissed her cheek, hoping to ease whatever was bugging her.

  “What is wrong, love?”

  “Nothing. I heard the news report. It is like a brick wall has been lifted off of my chest. I can finally focus on the future for me and Lizzy. I have been worried to death that this would be traced back to all of us. You all are a very talented bunch.” Alaina leaned forward and rested her head on his chest, exhaling a deep breath. “I know it is probably not the right thing to say, but I can’t thank you enough for doing something so extreme… and brutal.” She was torn between feeling remorse for the things the team had to do, and feeling relief for the demon that had been haunting her since she had clicked on the secret file months before. With that solitary click of the mouse, her whole life had been altered. How could someone she had known most of her life be in to something as wrong and disgusting as kiddy porn? It had changed her, and left her not only feeling the loss of the man she had been so in love with but also the realization that she didn’t know who he was after all those years. She was so angry, relieved, sad, and hurt all at the same time. Lizzy finally took notice of her mother’s presence, and smiled. “Hey, Mom! I am learning how to play Texas Hold ‘Em! I am up fifty MMs! Oh! And guess what I found in bed with me? Brand new babies! I have so many new animals I am still trying to give them all names! My bed is pink, what color is yours?”

  The group at the table burst out laughing, making it impossible for Alaina to stay in her troubled gloom. Elizabeth’s rambling of excitement warmed her heart. She laughed, rolling her eyes at the others. “I am sure you will come up with names by the end of the day. Take them for everything, baby.”

  “Hey, don’t tell her that! I swear she has been hustling us. She has been sitting on a boat for the past four hands!” Drake threw his hands up in the air in a mock defeat, which of course led Elizabeth into a giggle fit, drawing Alex to her aid.

  “She can’t help it if you suck. Maybe if you spent more time concentrating on your own cards instead of trying to get a peek of ours, you might get somewhere.” Alex high fived Elizabeth, getting her focused back into the game. Once Elizabeth was back to playing, she sent a smile and a wink across the room to Alaina. Alaina was so relieved that they were hanging out with her, making her feel like a part of something. In all the years that Brian was around, he never once played a single board game with them or ran through the park. He was either watching television, on his cell, or sitting on the park bench like a bump on a log. This was refreshing.

  “How long has she been up?” Alaina asked Jeremy.

  “Ah, about three hours or so. Kodiak made her chocolate chip pancakes, and pointed her in the direction of cartoons. She is such a good kid.”

  “Oh my gosh I am so sorry. I should have been up. Usually she wakes me up the seco
nd her eyes pop open.”

  “Why? I think she has been taking care of these goons. She is more mature than they are, that’s for sure. She was going straight to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal and Kodiak offered pancakes. No one resists his chocolate supremes.” Zane laughed, knowing all too well how addicting they were. He had traded everything from chores to details just to get a stack on the weekends.

  “Well, she can take care of herself, but I didn’t want anyone to think I just dump my kid on anyone around, that’s all. Thank you for hanging out with her.”

  “Shi-oot. Thank you for letting us. That little girl is more sunshine than we have had in a very long time. She is just as good for us as we are to her. Now, are you ready to fall prey to Kodiak’s chocowonder cakes?”

  Her belly answered for her. It grumbled and groaned, rumbling loud enough Zane laughed. “Kodiak! We need a stack of cakes! I think the bear in Alaina’s stomach is going to break out and whip your big ol’…butt!”

  Nick jumped up and headed to the kitchen. “Roger, SGT Major.” He pulled various items from the cabinets and fired up the grill. Within minutes, the sweet smell of chocolate goodness turned her already hungry belly into starving to near death. Both Leland and Brody guided her over to the couch and they sat, with her tucked between them. She leaned back, relaxing and content. Jeremy hollered from the front of the bus and Leland went up to check on him. Brody wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her over to lean against him, butterflying a kiss against her temple. “You okay, babes?”

  She leaned over, snuggling down against the hard bulge of his shoulder. “Better than I have been in a long time.” She sighed, casting out all of the stresses that had been pent up. Before Leland could get back, Nick was standing in front of her with a tray containing a heaping stack of pancakes, smothered in chocolate syrup and whip cream and a cup of hot coffee. When she met his gaze, he was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

  “Here you go. The two greatest things for breakfast—loads of sugar and caffeine to wash it down.”

  She took the tray and returned his smile, restraining from cramming the whole plate into her mouth at once. “Wow, I guess! Thank you, Nick.” She sat the tray on the wooden coffee table and dug in, feeling like she hadn’t eaten in years. The chocolate chips melted in her mouth, tugging uncontainable ‘mmm’s’ from her.

  Nick shot her a wink and turned to Brody. “I love it when a woman moans for me.” Brody dead legged him, punching him in the thigh hard enough to leave a charlie.

  “Aw, did that hurt? Go make me some pancakes, smart ass.” Brody laughed as Nick hobbled away, playing it up a little more dramatic than it was.

  The rest of the day was great conversation and hanging out. She had checked in with the very worried Mrs. Sanders, Vince, Violet, and Gina periodically, having to seek privacy away from everyone to go into details about Leland and Brody to Vince. The man was a hoot. He had vowed to come visit as soon as she was settled, and she couldn’t wait. Mrs. Sanders seemed to miss them very much already. She was the hardest to leave behind. Having taken over the motherly role, Alaina only wished she could have come along too. Gina was busy as always, and consumed by the manager position she had just received at the hotel. Violet was…Violet. She wouldn’t be surprised if the girl had already started packing up her house to move with her. As her absolute best friend in the world, she had felt it necessary to text her on the hour.

  They switched out drivers every few hours, only stopping to fill up on gas. Come nightfall, they had all fallen into a routine that functioned like a normal family in a normal house, sharing chores and working together seamlessly. Elizabeth had been tucked in by each of them, and read five stories before Alaina had put a stop to the mayhem. She had laughed, loving that they all were softening and letting go of some of the hard, cold exterior she had seen before. They were all amazing people. Alex had taken on the roll of her best friend, and had jumped at the chance to assist with any parental duties. It was evident the woman’s motherly instincts were kicking in. She had even mentioned wanting a baby for quite some time. With the job, it wasn’t an option. Now that she was back to being a civilian, she had started rolling the possibilities around again. Alaina had listened, and loved giving advice. Under the Xena Warrior Princess was a soft, caring woman.

  The huge bus pulled to a stop at a campground in the middle of nowhere. The movie ‘RV’ came to mind, and she had to stifle a laugh. If any of them were going to play the part of Robin Williams, it would have to be Drake. She swore his nickname should be Joker instead of Dracula, given that he had played pranks and teased the entire day, keeping everyone happy and in a great mood. “Hey, Drake!”

  “What’s up, Momma?” he answered.

  Momma? Do I look old enough to be his mom? “Momma?” she responded.

  “Yeah. You're the mom of the bunch, and taking it upon yourself to take care of us all day. We are getting spoiled.” A quirky smile tugged at the corners of his lips, reaching his eyes.

  “Dang, I knew I was getting old but shit. They have your nickname all wrong. I still don’t see how Dracula fits you. You should be called Joker instead. You are always the life of the party.”

  “You do not look old…that’s not how I meant it. I am twenty-six for shits sake. I can’t call you MILF without getting the shit kicked out of me, so I thought momma was a little more appropriate.” He dodged a swinging fist aimed for his bicep and laughed. Leland was on him, following each zig and zag until he landed a solid blow. They rustled around the room until Jeremy stopped them.

  “Hey, morons, there is a little girl trying to sleep. Plus, this is too tight of quarters to be rough housing. Take it outside.” His demanding tone fit his personality perfectly, being the highest ranking of the bunch, he was their leader. They both grumbled a bit before mumbling a simple ‘Roger’ and headed out the door.

  Alex went into the kitchen, pulling out a variety of alcohol bottles, juices, mixers, and fresh fruit. Shot glasses were lined up and filled before she called everyone. Leland and Drake came back in, covered in sweat and dirt. They all gathered around the table, leaving Alaina to sit on Brody’s lap. A shot was passed to each of them before Alex lifted hers. “Here is to kicking ass and taking names. Another parasite gone from the human gene pool.” She lifted it to her lips and downed it, signaling her and the others to do the same.

  The sharp burn coated her throat, creating an instant warmth that spread through her stomach. She kept her nose plugged off to avoid gagging, knowing that in this group she would never live down her sensitivity to hard alcohol. She had always been more of a fruity drinker, sticking mainly to wine and mixed drinks. Shots were definitely nothing new but weren’t a norm for her either.

  All of the glasses slammed down on the table in unison, rattling the hard wood against her thighs. Alex refilled each one before getting up and pulling out two crystal glasses. Tequila, apple pucker, and a couple other things were added before she dipped the rim of each glass in a sugar and cinnamon combination, creating apple margaritas. When she returned, she sat one in front of Alaina and one for herself. The guys were all locked in light conversation, laughing and shooting the breeze. “Hey—one more toast. Here is to love and new beginnings.”

  Again, the shots were drank. Alaina had to fight to not do her normal shimmy shake and sourpuss face, and gulped the margarita to ease the taste. The flavor burst on her tongue surprised her. It was the best margarita she had ever drank. “Oh wow, Alex, this is delicious!”

  Alex grinned. “Thanks. I have worked for a long time perfecting the recipe. I had tasted an apple-flavored margarita in Mexico a few years back. The bartender wouldn’t give the secret ingredients away, but I eventually figured it all out.”

  “Yes, you did. I bet these are better than that though! You are officially my new bartender. Leland, tip the lady.” She playfully nudged his arm, giggling. Instead of him laughing it off, he pulled out a quarter from his pocket and flipped it at her.

bsp; “Here you go, Vice. Don’t spend it all in one place.”

  “Oh, ha ha. You are so funny.” Alex laughed. The group engaged in conversation, eventually rolling into stories about their Army days. The more memories shared, the more alcohol that was consumed. Alaina was feeling the tingling effects of the booze, but still could see the underlying issues that each hid behind every story. This group of people had seen and done more horrendous things than nightmares could produce. There was one statement that had stuck in her head, and played over and over. She had asked how they keep from letting nerves and fear stand in the way of completing their job.

  After a long pause, Wesley had been the one to answer. In a half slurred, half dead gaze, he said, “When you go to any mission, you have to know that you are going to die. Once your brain accepts that and you understand, nothing stands in the way. If you live, it is a hell of a good surprise. If you are caught in a life or death situation, you fight with a vengeance and no restraints.” All of the others fell silent, nodding. They all seemed to agree, only unable to speak those words. Wesley said out loud what all of them thought. It was crazy to her. How could anyone accept death, much less welcome it? The chatter quickly turned more serious, losing the fun sentimentality it had started with.

  Zane had started the more intense topic. “I wish we could have made a real difference. After seeing that last town, knowing there were hundreds more just like it, I can’t help but feel like I failed.”

  “What, you mean like breaking protocol and taking out all of the terrorists?” Drake piped up. He seemed to be a bit more wasted than the others but was still able to focus enough to understand Zane’s words.

  “Hell yeah, like breaking protocol. It shouldn’t have been breaking orders to do what is right. Those bastards will never be prosecuted like they should. They will continue to rape, kill, and mangle innocent people. They don’t stand a chance against a group of heavily armed insurgents. Most of them have never touched a weapon—much less own one. Lives are lost in multiples every day. Women and girls are ruined forever. It is fucking bullshit.” Zane pounded his fist on the table in anger, dumping whisky in the shot glass and slamming it twice. The alcohol calmed him some, but only by locking all of the horror back inside of him.


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