Rip It

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Rip It Page 9

by A. D. Herrick

  Tristin rolled me onto my back, his lips locking onto mine the moment my back touched the mattress. His fingers daftly continued their ministration of my most private of areas. We swallowed one another’s moans as his tongue sought out mine and caressed it. My brain was on overdrive unable to process all the new sensation my body was experiencing.

  Tristin continued to work me over, his middle finger sinking into me as he worked my nub with his thumb. I blushed at the thought of what he was doing. Unable to be bashful for long, Tristin stole my breath as he began to pump his finger in and out of me. My hands fisted his hair. My body bucked and writhed against him.

  I felt a tightness begin in my core. It continued to build and build. My intimate parts began to pulse and throb. My moans turned into cries of pleasure. Tristen swallowed them all down. I bucked and writhed beneath him like a cat in heat.

  Stars began to dance behind my eyes. I felt my lower region wind up tight. Tristin inserted another finger, his callused thumb rubbing tight circles on my clit. I shattered into a million pieces. My hips bucked off the bed and thrashed against Tristin’s hand, my inner walls clamping down on his fingers. I could feel my juices release coating Tristin’s hand.

  Immediately I was embarrassed. I couldn’t believe I did that. I closed my eyes. I couldn’t bear to look at Tristin knowing that I had just wet myself on his hands.

  Tristin peppered me with kisses. He removed his hand from between my legs. I cracked my eyes in time to watch him slide his wet fingers into his mouth. I stared at him appalled. He licked his fingers clean with a moan.

  “You taste fucking delicious.” He moaned.

  I was shocked into silence when he crashed his lips into mine. I had no choice but to kiss him back. He tasted sweet and I couldn’t get enough. I couldn’t believe what I was doing. I licked and ate at his mouth like a starved cub.

  His lips smelled like me and tasted delicious. I was immediately aware that I had not wet myself the way I thought. The juices I tasted on his lips were of a different sort altogether. Tristin had made me cum.

  Tristin deepened our kiss, his hands fisting into my hair. I wanted him. All of him. My hands fisted his shirt, dragging it from his body. Tristin released me long enough to pull it over his head. His lips came crashing back down on mine.

  A loud banging at the front door pulled us apart with a jolt. It was like a bucket of ice water had been dropped on us both. I could hear Ms. Grace calling our names.

  Tristin jumped from the bed and threw his shirt back on.

  “I have to answer the door.” He said. His voice was shaky.

  “I know,” I said still in shock.

  “I have to tell her.” He said giving me one long look.

  At first, I was confused. Was he going to tell her what we just did? As if he could read my mind, Tristin clarified.

  “About your fall.”

  I inhaled deeply and relaxed. That I could deal with.

  “Okay,” I said. I knew Ms. Grace would be wondering why Tristin was here in the house with me all day.

  Tristin headed for the door while I tried to straighten up my clothing and look innocent. My heart was hammering in my chest with guilt, panic, and adrenalin. I couldn’t believe what we had just done… what I was about to let him do…

  I had just finished pulling my hair back when Ms. Grace came running into the room.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you got hurt?” She demanded visibly upset.

  “It wasn’t bad. I fell on the flat ground.” I tried to sound casual.

  Ms. Grace snatched back the blanket to inspect me.

  I had hoped there wasn’t any evidence of what Tristin and I had just done in my bed. I really didn’t know what to look for.

  “Oh my word,” Ms. Grace exclaimed, her hand rose to cover her mouth.

  Her eyes were as big as saucers. Immediately I froze up. Oh my Gawd, she knows.

  “Your elbow is the size of a softball.” She screamed.

  I hadn’t felt anything when Tristin was touching me, but now that Ms. Grace pointed it out I could feel the instant throbbing. I winced slightly when she touched it. Pulling my arm and bending it to check for any breaks.

  “It’s just swollen like my hip. It will go down in a few days.” I assured her.

  Ms. Grace had patched me up more times than I could count so I knew she would understand.

  “Why didn’t you tell me that you were over here tending to her Tristin?” Ms. Grace whirled on Tristin demanding answers.

  “I asked him not to,” I said, cutting her off to defend Tristin.

  I didn’t want him getting in trouble because of me.

  Ms. Grace looked hurt that I would keep this from her.

  “I didn’t want you to worry. You asked me to take Tristin to the reservoir and I knew that if I got hurt there that you would feel responsible.” I quickly tried to calm her fears.

  “Tristin begged me to be careful and to not try anything crazy with the new board but I didn’t listen. It’s all my fault.” I explained.

  I saw some of the hurt leave her eyes.

  “What were you doing?” She asked.

  I explained everything to her and even told her about Cindy getting engaged. After several minutes of interrogation, Ms. Grace was finally calmed down and no longer angry or upset.

  “Tristin, if anything like this happens again you tell me immediately. Do you understand?” She said giving him a pointed look.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He said quickly.

  “Haven may threaten to kick your ass, but just know I’m a scarier foe.” She reminded him.

  She turned to me.

  “Little lady, you pull this stunt again and you will need a wheelbarrow.” She threatened.

  “It won’t happen again,” I promised.

  “I’m going to go make some dinner. Tristin, pack a bag for Haven and bring her to the house, she knows the drill.” She said before turning on her heels and leaving the room.

  Once we heard the front door shut we both collapsed against the pillows on the bed.

  “What did she mean by wheelbarrow?” Tristin asked confused.

  I laughed.

  “It means she is going to give me a ton of shit,” I said between giggled.

  Tristin laughed too.

  “She sure is a pistol.” He said.

  I nodded my agreement.

  “Okay, since I have to pack your things, what do I need to grab?” He asked as he rose up out of the bed ready to get things moving.

  “I got it,” I said.

  I tried to sit up but my hip began to scream out in pain. I hissed out a breath of air between my teeth.

  “Nope, you lay down. I’ll pack.” Tristin said rushing to my side to help me lay back down.

  I groaned in dismay. I hated being helpless.

  “Baby, Please.” His pleading deep blue eyes burned into me.

  I couldn’t refuse him. I knew right then I couldn’t refuse him anything.

  “Why do you call me baby?” I asked.

  Unable to help myself, I had to pick at whatever this was until it either festered or I knew what it was.

  Tristin climbed on top on me, careful to not hurt or further injure me. He pinned my hands to the bed above my head. The weight of his body felt good against mine, it felt right.

  “Because you’re mine.” There was no hesitation in his voice.

  I felt a thrill go through my body.

  “What if I don’t want to be yours?” I asked.

  I immediately regretted it as I watched a flash of pain cross his face

  “You will.” He said flatly.

  “What does it mean to be yours?” I asked eager to know and hoping to wipe the pain from his features.

  Tristin rolled off of me, onto his side, releasing my hands. I immediately miss the heat and weight of his body on mine.

  “It means that this,” He pointed to my head.

  “…and this…” his fingers gently ran across my lower

  “…this…” He trailed his fingers down my chest and rested his palm across my heart.

  “… and most definitely this…” this hand caressed down my stomach and ended cupping my sex.

  “… Are all mine. No one touches them or gets them but me.” He stated matter of fact.

  There was no teasing in his eyes. He meant every word he said and god did it turn me on. His hand stayed cupped to my sex and I could feel the heat pooling between my legs.

  “You’re mine, baby.” He whispered roughly against the side of my neck.

  I mewed and bucked against his hand like a wonton woman in heat.

  “Now, I’ll ask you again, what do you want me to pack?” He whispered roughly against my neck.

  I cried out when his lips locked onto my tender flesh and I felt his teeth sink into my delicate skin. I needed him. I needed him like my last breath.

  “I…I need you.” I cried out.

  He released my neck, his lips locking onto mine. He thrust his tongue into my mouth and I let him. He gripped my sex tightly then removed his hand, his lips following. I was left desperate for his touch.

  “What do you want me to pack?” He asked again.

  “I don’t care,” I said breathlessly.

  Tristin got up from the bed and started rummaging through drawers.

  I was left lying in bed in a state of shock. How could he be so hot one moment and the next all business? It infuriated me. I wanted him, needed him even.

  I scrubbed my hand across my face and finally pulled myself up from my bed.

  I knew he would never be able to find anything, even if I told him.

  I went to my closet and pulled my overnight bag from the top shelf. My body was stiff and protested but that didn’t stop me.

  Tristin was at my side in a flash. His rock hard body pressed against mine. His hand wrapped around my waist holding me steady on my feet. I swayed against him, not from my injuries but from the feel of his body pressed to mine.

  “I told you I would do it.” He gritted out.

  I could hear the heavy irritation in his voice.

  “You were looking in the wrong spots,” I said matter of fact still wounded from him leaving me wanting in bed.

  “Hold my bag,” I said thrusting the black canvas bag at him roughly.

  I pulled a pair of sleep pants and a hoodie out of the closet. Next, I walked to the dresser and opened the top drawer. I tossed my undergarments in the bag along with a pair of socks and a tank top.

  I slipped on my house shoes and walked into the bathroom, Tristin trailing behind me fuming. I could see the vein in his neck pulsing. He would just have to stay mad.

  I tossed my brush and toiletry travel bag into the canvas bag. Tristin trailed behind me as I walked back into the bedroom.

  ”Can you wait outside the door for a minute, please,” I asked sharply.

  Tristin inhaled harshly but stepped out of the room. I shut the door and locked it before going to fetch my laptop. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Tristin. I just didn’t know him. Plus, I was still ire with him.

  My laptop was stashed away with all the money I had saved that hadn’t been deposited into the bank. I had it locked in a fireproof safe that I hid in a faux drawer in my desk. The drawers were much shorter than they should have been.

  I made sure to keep enough money on me just in case I ever needed to make a quick run for it. It wasn’t like my life was ever in danger but it was nice to know that I was always prepared.

  Chapter Twelve


  It took me longer than normal to get the drawers out so that I could get to the safe. A part of me wished that Sam was here so he could help me. I wished I could trust Tristin but trust was something earned, not given. I may have given him my body but I couldn’t yet hand over my life.

  I swore loudly as I banged my hip against the desk.

  “Haven, are you okay?” Tristen called out alarmed from the other side of the door.

  I could hear the door handle rattling. I hoped that I could get what I needed before he decided to bust through the door.

  “I’m fine,” I called out to him weakly.

  I was anything but fine. My hip was throbbing so bad I had tears running down my face.

  “Haven?” I heard Ms. Grace call my name.

  Thank god, she could help me. Ms. Grace was the one that helped me customize the desk and who bought me the safe. That was after my mom stole my laptop for the third time, to sell for beer money. Thank Gawd my mom had no clue how much some of my decks cost.

  “Ms. Grace, can you come in here alone?” I asked nearly in tears.

  I heard my bedroom door being unlocked. Ms. Grace had a key to my house and my room. She was the only one other than me and Sam. My own mother didn’t even have a key to my room let alone the house. Though that never seemed to stop her from breaking in when she showed up and I wasn’t home. A few minutes later Ms. Grace was by my side, my laptop case in her hand and the desk was put back together.

  “You know, Tristin could have helped you with this.” She said her eyes assessing me.

  I swished my lips and looked away.

  “I don’t really know him, like that,” I said softly.

  I wasn’t trying to imply he would steal from me. I just didn’t know him well enough, period.

  “I promise you, he’s a good boy. He may be a little rough around the edges, but he is a good boy.” She gave me a reassuring smile.

  Ms. Grace helped me to her house. Tristin was nowhere to be seen. I was surprised when I didn’t see him waiting outside my bedroom door. I was even more shocked when I didn’t see him in Ms. Grace’s living room. The room sat empty with my bag lying on her couch.

  I felt the disappointment resting heavy on my chest. After what we had just shared I didn’t expect him to brush me off so quickly.

  “He will be back later.” Ms. Grace said from beside me sensing my disappointment at not seeing Tristin.

  I wasn’t sure how much she knew or what she thought I was feeling. I could only assume that the disappointment was showing on my face. Sam always said I was transparent and wore my emotions on my sleeve and on my face.

  “Where did he go?” I asked.

  There was no sense beating around the bush. She knew I was disappointed in not seeing Tristin here waiting for me.

  “You hurt him, Haven.” She said cutting to the chase.

  “How?” I asked confused.

  I couldn’t understand how asking him to step out of the room could hurt him.

  “He wanted to help you and you cut him off at every turn. I know you’re used to doing everything on your own. Sometimes you have to let others help you. Even if you don’t feel like you need their help, but especially, now, when you do need help.” She said not cutting me any slack.

  That was the thing about Ms. Grace. She was loving and compassionate like a parent, but never held back. She was always straightforward and to the point. There was no guessing what she was thinking or what she meant. She told it like it was, whether you liked it or not.

  “I don’t know him that well,” I said weakly.

  Yeah, I didn’t know him that well but it didn’t stop me from allowing him to touch me in ways I had never even touched myself. It also didn’t stop me from sleeping half the day away with him in my bed. I was a walking talking contradiction.

  “You apparently were fine with him long enough to spend the day cooped up in your bedroom alone with him.”

  My face immediately flushed. She had said it. I wasn’t sure how much she knew but she definitely had put me in my place.

  “That was different,” My excuse was feeble and sounded lame to my own ears.

  “How was it different?” She asked.

  I could hear the tightness in her voice. I immediately regretted the words once I spoke them.

  “We were sleeping,” I said my head hung in shame.

  “So what you mean to tell me is that you fel
t comfortable sleeping in the same bed as him while you were injured, but you don’t feel comfortable enough to allow him to help you pack your bag or grab your laptop?” She asked.

  She had a point. There was no talking my way out of this one because she was spot on correct.

  “I let him hold my bag?”

  Ms. Grace said nothing as she looked down at me. The disappointment was evident in her sharp blue eyes. I felt ashamed of myself.

  I had no idea why I had even said it. The words were hollow and I could feel my cheeks darken with shame. Tristin had taken care of me and treated me with such care, consideration, and kindness among other things and I had just treated him like a second-class citizen. I felt horrible.

  “I’m a dick, aren’t I?” I admitted.

  “Well, I’m glad you at least realize it.” Was all she said before turning away.

  I hobbled over to the couch and collapsed into the welcoming cushions. I pulled my laptop out of my bag and switched it on. Since I was out of commission on the board I could at least get some work done.

  I opened my site up to find I had thirty-seven orders waiting. My eyes nearly bugged out of my head. I couldn’t believe it. I usually received ten to twenty orders a month. This was thirty-seven in less than a week.

  I immediately opened up my design software and began to work on the orders. I needed to sketch out the designs, adjust my measurements and send them off to the company I used to cut and ship them. It had taken me a few years of designing and cutting my own decals before I found a company that would work with me at an affordable rate.

  I had to make sure my profit margins stayed in the positive or I could drown in the blink of an eye. I had to pay for my site, account for the fees associated with the monetary transaction, pay for the materials and the cost associated with the cutting, packaging and mailing the design to the client.

  When I first started I was creating small decals that could be attached to boards, cars, walls, you name it. I still had a small market for them but I had graduated into the big sellers, custom skins that you placed over the bottom of your deck.

  Clients would send me pictures of their deck and would tell me what they wanted, hated, or hoped to achieve. Some even left me to my own devices. I would compile a skin design that incorporated multiple decals layered that would enhance not only the board design but also the way the deck would ride.


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