Final LockDown

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Final LockDown Page 22

by Smith, A. T

  I sit around, not knowing what to do to myself, whilst my family plans this battle. I hear of their torturous ways, the violence they plan to exhume on the opponent. I hear of the conniving and well-formed strategies and I can't make ends meet. Everything is a blur and I don’t know what to do to make it all seem normal. There is no beginning, middle or end to this day, everything is just blending as one big cluster-fuck of heartbreak and I cannot concentrate.

  “We need to sneak, approach when they least expect,” I hear Scott announce and I turn my head to look at all of them crowded around the kitchen island, scheming.

  “No, that isn’t what you want to do,” I interrupt, giving my input.

  “No offence, sweetness, but it seemed to work last time your husband went after Phillip,” Scott replies, his voice a little snappy.

  “Firstly, do not talk to me like that again Scott. Just because you’ve now fucked me doesn’t give you the right to talk to me like that. Secondly, that is precisely why it won't work. They will be waiting, all of the time. There will be no time where they aren’t prepared for your attack. You need a better plan to be honest. Maybe we need to go completely off the radar or announce something massive that draws them to us. We are best off waiting them out, waiting for them to fuck up and come to us rather than you guys go to them.” I rush out, my mind in overdrive, now plotting my own plans.

  I know my first and only plan to save my family went shit, but now I have the experience of dealing with these arseholes and I know how sadistically they think.

  All eyes turn to me, eight men, with sixteen intense eyes of various colour of shape. “You could be on to something there, Angel.” Leighton talks and I can visible see the clocks and cogs inside his head turning as he takes my ideas on board.

  “A death.” Nate now talks. It is strange, hearing him joining in. He is always so quiet and withdrawn, only there when needed. To know that he thinks so bizarrely is a shock to my system. I can see, that he is normally this way but hides it from me. Thomas gives him the sexiest of smiles, almost as though seeing his boyfriend’s inner violence and sadistic tendencies turns him on.

  I look to Nate shocked, his bright blue eyes scrutinising me, forever doubting his ability to be on par with the other guys. He is big built and solid as stone, but I never figured him as hungry for chaos as the other men, he always seems like the wallflower of the group. Being corrected is definitely a kick to my education, jolting me into a reality I’m not sure I want to be a part of.

  “Fuck I can't believe I’m considering this, but it could work.” Leighton’s voice is hoarse and dangerous, making my own body hum to life. I love him when he is passionate, his eyes darken and that sexy voice he holds inside for times of arousal and anger, comes out to play. “Baby, when did you become so smart about all of this?” he asks me, putting his hand out for me to take. I walk to him, placing my clammy palm in his. He yanks, hard, landing me straight in between his parted legs. “Help us?” he asks me, raising a brow at me. I nod, biting my lip. “And then, when they have all gone, I’m going to lay you out on this worktop and feast on your dripping pussy till you come apart under my tongue,” he whispers into my ear, holding me to his hard form, hard everywhere.

  I gasp quietly, groaning into his kiss as it lands on my tender lips. They tingle with anticipation and need, hoping this meeting hurries up so I can have my husband.

  “So, Antonio, you work with the boys and develop a plan that will draw them in and I will plan what we do when it happens. I want this bulletproof guys, I don't want any casualties on our side. But this is to end, lads, for good. I don't need my misses looking over her shoulder anymore, or any of you for that matter.” Leighton pep talks, encouraging his men to concentrate on developing a foolproof plan.

  “You got it, boss. We’re on it, like a mother-fucking car bonnet,” Scott says, budging the twins aside to look over Antonio’s and Marcus’ shoulders. I trust Marcus will create a plan that will work. He has been in this place more than once, with his forced career.

  “Good. Let’s get ‘em, boys.” My husband speaks one final time before dragging me by the hand, through the kitchen and to the outdoor pool. “I need you, Angel,” he informs me, dragging me to the water’s edge and quickly removing all of my clothing, tossing them aside on the sun lounger. The August heat is already above average, a burning twenty-five degrees already at eleven AM. “Hold your breath, baby. I'm about to steal it away.” My heart melts at his words before his arms surround me, lifting me from the floor. Suddenly, I'm gasping for breath under the water surface.

  I splash and struggle under the water, finally pushing through and inhaling a large breath. The laugh around me makes me growl in false anger. I love playful Leighton and I know he’s after me. “You’re a fucker, Mr Lock,” I yell, turning around to find him.

  “I am indeed, Mrs Lock, and I’m about to fuck you.” He grabs me from behind, pulling me into deeper water, so my feet no longer touch the floor. His feet are rooted to the tiles, keeping us afloat. I'm turned in his arms, his chest level with mine as he lifts me to wrap my legs around him. One hand secures my safety under my backside, the other moving to cup the side of my face. “I would die for you, Abigail. I love you so much it hurts.” He gently uses his thumb to stroke my cheek, jaw and then softly over my lips.

  “I'm going to kiss you now, Abigail. Then I’m going to rock your world. Every time you move today, every step you make you will be reminded of me inside of you.” He lifts me up, slowly gliding me down onto the erection pressing at my soaking entrance. He stretches me, almost beyond my capability. He’s been in me so many times, but every time it still feels like he will split me apart with his length and width.

  “Leighton.” I moan, gripping on to his shoulder with my fingers. The water slaps around us, ripples cascading through the pool.

  “I feel you, Abbi. I get you, I understand you and I love you more than I’ve ever loved another in my life.” His hands lace in my hair, securing my body to his, chest to chest, face to face and cock to pussy. He grips my hair tightly as he moves in and out of me at a leisurely pace, making every fibre inside of my being, ignite.

  “I want this and you, forever and always, Leighton.” I admit my love, pressing my lips to his, allowing my tongue to dance and mate with his own, so expertly and precise. My moans become louder and higher, my body rising above anything it ever has before, the explosion ahead like a comet heading straight for me.

  “This life, baby, was meant for only you and I. You’ll have it forever, I assure you,” Leighton tells me, his cock beginning to throb inside of me, pulsing as his release nears.

  His words drive me insane, pushing me towards the splendid light of my climax. “I'm gonna cum, baby,” I warn him before screaming out my release and shattering around him. He follows suit, spurting his essence inside of me and for a few short seconds, I pray that maybe we have made another child.

  I can’t bear to lose him, but knowing I have another piece of him if I did, would somehow make his loss a little more bearable. Who am I kidding? Nothing in this world could replace or dim the pain losing my husband would cause. I will be an empty shell of a woman, unable to function, live or breathe without my soul mate to guide me.

  “I love you, Abigail. I don't know how many times I can say it to you, but it will never be enough. You are the most precious thing to me, you and our children. I will do everything in my power to protect you and keep you safe.”

  “I know you will. My hero.” I kiss him again and relax into his naked body, the cool water and warm sun elating me and making me feel so perfect.

  Chapter Thirty-Three Leighton

  It has taken a week, but our plan is perfect. The boys spent every hour of every day creating a mastermind concoction of ideas. It is going to be hard to pull off, especially as Abigail and the other girls have no idea it is happening.

  Everyone is in place, ready to kick-start this hell. I am at my office, my team in random locations aroun
d the premises. The twins are shopping for our final supplies and the women as far from this house as possible. They are locked away, unbeknown, in Antonio’s house, full security in place.

  I tap away at my keyboard, keeping my mind busy whilst I wait for the signal to proceed with our plan, then suddenly my phone chimes, jolting me from my seat. Luke’s number shows up and my brow creases, expecting it to be Thomas in the computer suite.

  “Luke, what’s up? Where are you two?” I ask, closing down my PC and slipping my keys into my pocket.

  “Fuck, man, it’s bad. It came out of nowhere, Brad, he’s hurt, bad. Blood, so much blood.” Luke mumbles through the phone and I can clearly hear the tears behind his words.

  “What do you mean, it came out of nowhere?” I ask, curious as to why he is in a state of panic.

  “A bullet. He was shot, Leigh. He isn’t breathing. We were by the car, packing the supplies in the boot and then he fell like a bag of fucking cement. He can't die, he can't fucking die Leighton. I swear to God, I’m going to find these cunts and rip them apart. FUCK!” Luke screams and I hear the distinct sound of something breaking, his fist smashing against a wall.

  “Sir, if you cannot calm down I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” I hear the voice of someone in the background.

  “Fuck off, you prick. My brother, that’s my fucking brother. Fucking save him.” He is panicking and kicking off. It is rare for either of the twins to lose their temper, they are always so calm and calculated, but they live and breathe for one another, joined at the hip their entire lives.

  “Luke, calm the fuck down now. Where are you?” I ask and he rattles off his location. “Stay put and just hold tight. We’re on our way,” I tell him.

  “Don't tell Maria. Please, I beg of you Leighton. She cannot know until we know for certain.” Luke pleads, his voice wobbly from his distress.

  I hate keeping something so important from family members, but if this is what Luke wants I will grant it. One of my men, one of our family, is dying and it doesn’t take a genius to find out who did it. How could I have been so neglectful to allow them to leave without backup, it is clear they were waiting us out the same as we have been them.

  “Okay. I’ll get the guys.” I hang up, hoping he will keep himself calm enough to not be kicked out from the hospital. His brother needs him strong so he will have to damn well try to be. I call Ant and get him to relay the message on, being extra sensitive when calling Nate, it is also his brother after all. He has always been the carer for their family after their father had left, he cared for his brother and mother. It will obliterate him to know Brad has been hurt.

  I drive fast and dangerously to the hospital, running through the car park after leaving my car over two spaces. Most of the guys meet me on the way through, our bustling bodies budging through people to find our friend.

  “NOOO!” We all hurry up with the piercing sound coming from the hospital waiting room.

  Skidding to a halt at the door, my eyes tear up as I witness Luke in a ball on the floor, rocking back and forth as the continuous “No, No, No!” tears from within his throat.

  “No? Please God, no. Luke please, tell me, please, kid, fucking tell me!” Nate shouts, his body already trembling as he strides to Luke’s side. Luke’s head snaps up, acknowledging our presence. He looks only to his older brother.

  “Nate.” He speaks sadly, tears trailing endlessly from his eyes and onto the floor by his knees. He shakes his head left to right, his shoulders shaking and his chest heaving.

  “NO!” Nate mimics the high-pitched wail his brother had released minutes before.

  “FUCK!” I scream, my fist finding the closest wall.

  “No!” Antonio stands dumbfounded, his own eyes beginning to water. His sister, the mother to his niece and nephew had just lost one of her soul mates.

  “Now the fucking war starts,” Scott growls out, his anger emanating like waves of radiation from him. He storms from the room, unable to comfort his friend.

  I can't move, I can't breathe as I watch my friends falling apart around me.

  Bradley, the other half of Luke, the other half of Maria’s heart, the father to two beautiful babies, is dead.

  I drop to my knees, unable to bear or control the emotions inside of me. I cry, allowing the built up anger and hurt to release. Sobs sound around me, Nate and Luke are screaming with their heartache, Ant remains stock still unable to move, Marcus lingers in the corner unsure of how to react. He doesn’t really know this family, so his emotions are probably edging more on anger and revenge than heartbreak.

  “Baby!” We turn to the door as Maria busts through, running to her boyfriend and brother-in-law on the floor. “What’s happened, please tell me,” she begs. “The hospital called, said I needed to come for Brad. What’s happened? They wouldn’t tell me over the phone.”

  “The... there was an accident, baby,” he trembles out, his lips quivering and soaked with his tears. “He’s gone, Maria, he’s gone.” His face buries into Maria’s neck and he cries once more.

  “What? Please, tell me this is a joke, please, no, please baby, he can't be, please?” I don't know who she is begging to, whether it’s the God she so loves to believe in or Luke, but her own tears surface and start to pour.

  Luke continues to cry, gripping onto Maria’s shirt tightly. She pushes him away, her hand suddenly flying through the air and landing on his chest. “NO!” she continues to scream it, kicking and punching at Luke.

  “Maria, calm down,” Antonio chimes in, lifting his sister from Luke’s lap.

  “You were supposed to protect him, you were his brother, you were supposed to keep him safe. I hate you, I fucking hate you.” Maria’s words are harsh and bitter as she screams them through the room, flaying and kicking out as Ant sits her down on his lap and restrains her to him. “I FUCKING HATE YOU!” It leaves her mouth once again before she breaks down and weeps into her brother’s chest. “He was supposed to protect him,” she quietly says as Antonio strokes her hair gently.

  “I'm sorry… He was my brother, I was supposed to protect him. Fuck, this can't be real. Get me the fuck out of here.” Luke stands up barging through Nate and to me.

  “Where are you going?” I ask, wiping a tear from my eye.

  He laughs sadistically. “Going to finish the game, Leighton. The end is now,” he answers me, pushing past me.

  “You need to stay here with Maria and Nate, Luke,” I instruct him, knowing he is needed by them more. Nate will most likely hit a wall with his sadness soon and be on self-destruct mode.

  “No, I am not. You heard her, she hates me, it’s my fault. I have to make this right Leighton. Now move.” I stand in his way, not allowing him to exit the room.

  “I SAID, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY NOW, LOCK.” Luke growls out his words, rage pouring from him. I will stand my ground here, I don’t want him regretting the decision of leaving when Maria and Nate need him most. It could break something that was unfixable. They need to grieve together, come to grips with the fact that Brad is gone.

  “Please, let me go, please I have to go, Leighton.” His words are softer this time, tears falling once more. His body sags against me, instead of resisting. “He was my brother.” He cries into my chest, his fist holding so tightly to my shirt, if I move it will rip. “He can't be dead, no, please Leighton, do something. He can't be gone.” I wipe furiously at my own face as my own tears flow freely, dripping down my cheeks and off my chin. My nose is blocked and my skin sore as I mourn the loss of a friend and brother.

  “I know, let it out, Luke. Let it all out. He was our brother.” I cry with him, both of us holding on to each other like our lives depended on it.

  “Leighton?” I hear the voice, distantly, of my wife. I turn my head, keeping Luke into me still, allowing him to release his sorrow.

  “Baby,” I answer her, looking down sadly as my tears escape.

  “What’s happened?” she asks me. “Georgia stayed home with
the babies. Maria left so abruptly. I'm worried,” she explains, coming to my side. She looks around the room, taking in Luke in my arms and Maria on her brother's lap. “Where’s Brad?” Her eyes are wide and sad as she tries to work it out.

  “Baby,” I choke out, unable to finish the sentence.

  “Leighton, where is Bradley?” she asks again and a sob breaks from my throat. Everything is just so real and so painful to deal with.

  “He’s gone,” I simply answer, trying to comfort my friend as he continues to cry and scream.

  “Where to?” Abigail quizzes me and it is obvious she is already in denial.

  “He’s gone forever, baby. He’s dead,” I tell her, flinching at her gasp and the following piercing cry.

  “No, he can't be. I just saw him this morning. You promised me Leighton, you promised no one would get hurt. He can't be dead. He can't.” The guilt overtakes me, the overwhelming guilt of my failure as a boss and friend. Abigail is correct, I had promised no one would get hurt, let alone die.

  “I'm sorry.” I choke on my words, unable to breathe properly.

  “This is your fault, Leighton. Your fault,” my wife tells me, shattering my fragile heart into a million pieces.

  She walks away, her face furious and sad at the same time. She sits beside Antonio and takes Maria’s hand, crying with her.

  Nate remains on the floor, his legs drawn up into himself, his forehead to his knees. Thomas is beside him, holding him to his side. His gentle kisses joined with his own tears fill the room.

  I am scared, of everything. I am scared I can’t win this battle, that my friends and family will no longer be okay, that Nate will return to his old ways, the way I find him, when times are too hard for him.


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