Brothers Black 3 : Toby the Protector (Brothers Black Series )

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Brothers Black 3 : Toby the Protector (Brothers Black Series ) Page 28

by Blue Saffire

  When it’s our turn to head in, Toby turns to me, rocking and swaying his body. He crooks his finger for me to follow him into the tent. I burst into laughter, about to school my husband on some moves.

  Or, at least, I thought I was going to school him. When we step inside, money starts to rain down on us, but Toby keeps his focus on me. I rock my body, squatting low, as I move into Toby. Toby throws his arms in the air, rocking and swaying his body.

  Just when I think I’m going to show off, Wyatt and Noah come to Toby’s sides. I stop, again with my mouth gaping. I cover my mouth in shock, as they break into a routine. I look over to my dad who’s smiling proudly.

  “Oh, my God,” I laugh.

  They are killing it, better than dancers in a Beyoncé video. When Kwäzē, John, Felix, Brax, and Ry join in, I’m floored. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn. Cass, my mom, Nellie, Bean, Heather, and two of my cousins are there dancing behind me. I throw my head back with glee, but start to rock my shoulders and dance in a circle to face my husband.

  I dance forward, when I reach Toby I do another circle. I complete the circle, when my back is to him and his arm goes around my waist. More money rains down on us. I throw my head back and let out a joy that’s been locked so deep inside for so long. The chant comes from my soul through my tongue and lips, and it is filled with happiness.

  It starts a chorus of calls and whistles from both our family and friends. I could not ask for a better wedding. There is so much joy around us, I don’t even think about the real intent behind today.

  Afafa can kiss my Black ass. I hope he hears this message loud and clear. There will be no throne for him. It belongs to me.

  chapter Thirty-Nine



  I’m happy for my brother. I haven’t seen him smile this much since we were little. This is how a wedding is supposed to be.

  Not that Wyatt’s wedding wasn’t great. It’s just, I think we all knew what was coming. It was in the air. Sure, Toby still has some shit to handle, but this is like the victory party. This battle is already won.

  “Look at them,” Dylan chuckles. “They’re the only ones left on the dance floor.”

  “Ach, if I were Toby, I’d be on my honeymoon by now. So I would,” Reilly croons.

  “She’d probably kick ye out of the bedroom for ye stinkin’ feet,” Malcolm taunts.

  “Be surprised when ye wake with one of my toes in ye gub, will ya,” Reilly retorts.

  I chuckle at my cousins. They are hilarious. I sway a little, even though I’m standing still. I’ve definitely had a lot to drink.

  “Not one lass here makes me want to nuck her of her nex,” Uncle Ronan grumbles. “Ye have to give me some funny flour to just sit next to one of these lasses. Look at that one, she has the face of a blind cobbler’s thumb.”

  We all burst into a roar of laughter. I try to catch my breath. My Uncle essentially just said he wouldn’t fuck any of the women here. In addition to saying, the one girl in the purple dress, giving him the eye, is ugly. Oh, not to mention, he said you would have to give him cocaine just to sit next to one of them.

  I swipe at tears. Tonight, they’re all making my stomach hurt. Uncle Ronan says funny shit to begin with. Then there is the way he says that funny shit that brings on the tears.

  “Yer a bit oul to nuck anyone of their nex,” Brooklyn chuckles.

  “I show you oul,” Uncle Ronan tosses a napkin at Brooklyn.

  “Speaking of stealing undies. I see the way yer looking at Alena,” Carrick says, beside me. “Trust me, she’s had enough of our family in her. She’s been wrapped more times than a bad Christmas present.”

  I almost spit out my drink. I’d been looking at a little redhead that slipped her panties in my pocket. I had every intention of returning them personally, very personally.

  “Ach, ye have to do a wee bit better. Ya brother married a queen for Christ’s sake,” Malcolm snickers.

  “Damn, well, that just ruined my night,” I chuckle, drunkenly.

  “Aye, ya don’t want to go there. Carrick speaks truth. She’s been ruined,” Jeremiah frowns.

  “By the likes of you,” Reilly laughs.

  “Maybe, but ye took ya turn too,” Jeremiah shrugs.

  Seeing Toby and Kamara begin to make their way out of the tent. I decide I’m in need of some fresh air. “I think I’m going for a walk,” I sigh, finishing my drink.

  “Don’t get lost, on ye dander. I don’t want to be looking for ye all night,” Malcolm teases.

  I flip him the bird and keep moving. Like I haven’t taken a walk around here on my own before. I know my way around without getting lost.

  Things have pretty much wound down. Only those still drinking and telling tales are still lingering around. To be honest, I’m ready for bed. It’s been a busy past few days and we leave for this mission in two days.

  I shove my hands in my pockets, once I step out of the tent. It’s cooler out than it was earlier. Fatigue sets in and I decide to call it a night. I turn for the house, planning to text my cousins that I turned in.

  The house is a good ways up the hill, from the site of the wedding. I remember running around here, when I was little. Toby, Brax, and I got into so much shit here.

  I smile at the memories. Mom used to threaten to leave us here if we didn’t behave. Chuckling, I pull out my phone to shoot off the text.

  “Oh shit,” a female voice gasps, as her soft body collides with mine.

  Instinctively, I reach out and catch the girl, before she falls on her ass. I’m almost too late. I wrap my arms around her, lifting her to stand on her feet. She’s wobbly at first, causing me to pull her in closer.

  Full curves greet my hands and my chest. It’s like the perfect fit. Her curves just melt into me. I can feel her body soften to meld into mine.

  I lift my eyes to find slanted eyes looking back at me. They’re so dark, they almost look black in this lighting. There’s something sharp about those eyes, even as they struggle to focus.

  My eyes take in her bronzed skin, causing my tongue to dart out. Her dark hair is straight, cupping her heart-shaped face and framing her neck and the tops of her shoulders. Her lips are the perfect bow shape and full as fuck.

  The girl that slipped me her panties was pretty at best, forgettable even. This girl…she’s gorgeous in the keep you up all night, with a hard cock type of way. My arms tighten around her, keeping her close to me.

  “I’m sorry,” she says, breathlessly and a little slurred. “I should have been watching where I was going. I think I got a little lost.”

  She lets out the cutest little hiccup, at the end of her words. My lips twitch into a smile. I search her face again to see she’s a bit tipsy. She’s not just gorgeous, she’s cute, extremely cute.

  Her cheeks are rosy and her eyes are a little glossy. I’m instantly protective over her. She’s a good ways from the tent, to be out here drunk and by herself. She doesn’t look older than nineteen, maybe twenty. She still has a hint of that baby face.

  “You shouldn’t be out here by yourself,” I warn.

  “I…I wasn’t. I went to try to find the bathroom with my friend. I don’t know how I lost her,” she says with another small hiccup at the end.

  “Did you have a little too much to drink?” I chuckle.

  She places a finger to her lips, telling me to be silent. She then holds her fingers up. “Just a little,” she purrs and gives me a saucy smile.

  “If you were mine, I wouldn’t let you out of my sight like this,” I say, before I can catch myself.

  “Ha,” she throws her head back and laughs. “I would never be yours.”

  I frown down at her. “Is that right? And why is that?”

  I hate how offended I feel by her words. In my twisted brain, I already claimed her, at least two minutes ago. Hearing her words feels like a wound to the chest.

  “I don’t date pretty boys like you. You guys never stick around,” she pou

  “Oh, I would stick around alright. I play for keeps. Once you’re mine, your mine forever,” once again, this girl I don’t even know, has me saying shit without a filter in sight.

  Her eyes clear and focus on me. I think she’s just realizing that she’s in my arms. My eyes drop to her lips. Their just so damn inviting. Her fingers flex against my chest and I feel the charge that passes between us.

  I can feel the magnetic pull drawing us together. I’m leaning into the kiss, before I can think better of it. I hear her gasp just as I take her lips.

  She tastes of chocolate and champagne. It’s so fucking sexy. I groan into her mouth, nipping her bottom lip, flicking it with my tongue, then repeating the process with her upper lip.

  I dive into her mouth like I’m looking for treasure and deepen the kiss. I need more of her. I cup her face in one hand, demanding all of her essence.

  Her sweet whimper is everything in the moment. Her fingers go in my hair and she begins to give back, just as good as I’m giving. My mind is blown.

  I’m seconds off of lowering her to the ground and taking her right here. I palm her ass, with my free hand, pulling her into my thick erection. I think I might tear through my pants. I’ve never been so hard in my life.

  Laughter pales through the air nearby. It’s the only thing that cuts through our lust filled haze. I break the kiss letting her up for air.

  “What’s your name?” I rasp, trying to catch my bearings. I don’t know if I’m asking her the question or myself. Shit, I don’t know my fucking name.

  “Huh,” she replies, causing me to chuckle. I guess we’re in the same boat.

  “What’s your name, Baby,” I repeat.

  “Baby,” her brows wrinkle.

  I press my lips to keep from laughing. I kiss the confused line of her brow. Her fingers slowly slip from my hair.

  “I don’t think Baby is your name,” I tease.

  “Nene…Car...Carmen,” she says softly.

  “Okay, Nene, Carmen,” I purr, my lips twitching. “Let’s find your friend. You’re not as sober as I would like and it’s late. I need you safe so I can sleep tight tonight.”

  “Um, yeah, safe. Um, I got it. Thank you,” she murmurs.

  She pulls from my arms and takes off. I go to rush after her, but Mariah Briggs calls out to her. Nene, she calls her. My brain starts to pull up everything I know about Mariah.

  I curse and back off. I need to know more about this Nene, before I go after her. With friends like Mariah, nine times out of ten, I’ll be shitting in a volatile backyard. That shit is just unstable for several reasons.

  Not that anything is going to keep me from this one. No, I just need to know more, before I go after my girl. We have some unfinished business.

  chapter Forty

  Royal Loyalty


  It’s no secret, I’m a freak. You better believe I turned Kamara out from the beginning. The nasty shit I’ve taught my girl could probably get my ass locked up somewhere, but that wouldn’t stop me.

  Tonight, will be no different. My parents have the kids. Kamara and I took the drive out to Mom and Dad’s cottage. It’s not far from my granny’s, but far enough to give us some real privacy.

  I’m going to need all the privacy I can get. The way I plan to have Kamara screaming, may have someone rushing to save her. It’s been a few days, and as beautiful as she has looked today, I’m horny as fuck.

  Kamara steps out of the bathroom in a gold teddy, with a deep v in the front. The contrast of her brown skin against the gold is amazing. I can see her nipples straining against the lacey fabric.

  I hold up my hand with the silk ties and her face lights up. I’m not the only freak in this room. My wife walks over to me swaying those hips, four inch heels on her pretty feet.

  Those heels will be staying on, that’s a must. My cock is twitching, as it points straight at her. Kamara stops before me, placing her hands on my chest.

  “Turn around,” I give the command.

  She turns her back to me and looks over her shoulder. I lean to peck her lips and slap her ass. I quickly grasp the cheek I just slapped and squeeze it firmly, kneading it as well.

  My long fingers slip under the fabric and I find her already dripping wet. I lean into her ear and nip her lobe. She still has on the diamond studs I sent, as a wedding gift this morning.

  “You knew this ass was mine the first time we met,” I breathe in her ear.

  “Maybe,” she purrs with that sassy mouth.

  “Keep that up. I want to see how much you can take when that mouth gets you in trouble,” I croon back, a smile on my lips.

  “I’m going to take it all. You know I always take it all,” She responds.

  “Mm,” I grunt. My finger dips into her juices, I slide it back to her asshole, circling the rim. “We’ll see. On the bed, Sexy.”

  Kamara sits on the bed gracefully, sliding into the center of the mattress. I climb on after her, running my hands up her chocolate thighs. I lean down to kiss her belly button, dipping my tongue inside.

  Kamara let’s out one of those raspy moans, I love so much. It’s pure music to my ears. I nip and suck at her stomach for a few minutes, torturing us both.

  When I lift back up from her delicious body, I straddle her hips. Running my hands up her sides, I take her arms and lift them over her head. I love the way her juicy breasts jiggle with the move.

  I use the silks I’ve been holding, to first bond her hands together, looping the silk to the headboard above her head. I take the other one and blindfold her. The seductive smile on her lips is my queue to know she’s totally game for this.

  I pinch her chin, prompting her to open her mouth. I move to straddle her face. My eyes close and I groan as she takes me into her mouth. The purring and humming that come from her throat are so sexy.

  I rock into her mouth, while reaching behind me to pinch her nipple. Kamara moans and doubles her efforts. Her tongue twirls around me, as I move in and out of her warm, wet mouth.

  I pop from her lips, after a few more strokes. Kamara blindly tries to search for me with her open mouth. I chuckle, turning to reposition myself.

  I cup her thighs, pulling her legs back. Lowering my cock into her mouth, I position my head between her thighs. I roll my hips into her mouth, as I devour her sweet pussy.

  I groan into her hot core, when it starts to get real good. I flatten my tongue onto her pussy and drag it through her juices, back to her ass. I commence to eating her ass, causing my wife to go crazy on my cock.

  My eyes roll, as I hump her face. Kamara has learned a few tricks and built her skills where she once had challenges. It feels incredible. I have to pull from her mouth, not wanting to cum in this position.

  I crawl down her body and turn to face her pussy. I push her thighs further into her chest. This time I attack her ass with vigor, no longer distracted by my own pleasure.

  “Toby, yes,” Kamara cries out, on queue with her orgasm.

  I use my fingers to bring her juices to her ass that’s already wet from my mouth. Just to make it easier on her, I sit up and reach for the lube. I squeeze it between her cheeks, dipping a finger in it.

  I slide my finger slightly into her ass. Her hips wiggle, begging for more. Her arms tug at the restraints. My nasty girl would have her fingernails digging in my back if she could. I toss the lube and grab a condom. I tear into it, rolling it on.

  Lining up with her puckered hole, I gently guide my way in. I groan, as she relaxes around me, allowing me inside. Dipping my head, I wrap my mouth around her tight bud and suck.

  Kamara starts to call out, as I rock into her. We find each other’s rhythm. Kamara uses her legs against my shoulders to rock with me.

  I let her breast pop from my mouth and grit my teeth, it feels so fucking unbelievable. I grab the sheets and start to thrust harder. I look up at Kamara’s face and the sight of ecstasy takes mine’s to a whole new level.

  Her lips ar
e parted, sweat has started to drench her collarbone, neck, and face around the blindfold. I need a taste, I lean into lick a path from the base of her throat to her chin. It’s the best taste in the world.

  “Toby,” she cries.

  “You’re mine. Always have been, always will be. My wife, my queen, my everything,” I growl.

  “Yes,” she cries out.

  “That pussy ready for me?”

  “Always,” she pants.

  “You sure? Tell me how much you want this cock in that tight pussy, Baby,” I rasp out.

  “Please, Toby. I want you. Please,” she gasps.

  My balls start to tingle. I pull out, ripping the condom off and plunge into her tight core. I slide right into the halt. I swivel my hips, wanting to savor this deep penetration.

  “You still with me,” I whisper in her ear.

  “Yes,” she groans.

  “Where’s that sassy mouth now,” I chuckle and start to move my hips in and out of her slowly.

  “It’s still right here,” she purrs and then taunts. “You’re going to have to put in a little more work to shut me up.”

  “It this right,” I slap her ass and pick up the pace.

  I drill into her and have her screaming her throat raw. That smart mouth of hers will be out of commission, by the time I’m done.

  I pull out and flip her onto her stomach. The silks having enough slack to twist with her comfortably. I spread her cheeks and slide in from behind, pounding her into the mattress. My teeth sink into her shoulder.

  I feel her detonate all over my pulsing cock. I feel my orgasm in my toes, as I release right with her. I wrap my body around hers.

  “Round one accomplished. I think I’ll let you rest a bit,” I chuckle in her ear, flicking her lobe with my tongue.



  I have nearly no voice this morning, but it was well worth it. I look over to Toby, sound asleep. It is the most peaceful I’ve seen him in a very long time. The difference a few days can make.

  It is not lost on me that Toby plans to disappear in a few days. It is one of the things that made last night, no, this entire week, something I have committed to memory for me to cherish always. Cass was right.


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