He Owns My Wife

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He Owns My Wife Page 2

by Tinto Selvaggio

  Suddenly, I hear a couple of loud bangs and realise the fire-door is being kicked from the inside.

  Without thinking, I dart behind the bins and crouch down. I grimace and move my foot away from a discarded condom on the ground beside me.

  The fire door has opened and light floods into the gloomy alleyway in front of it. Standing at the top of the steps in an open-necked white shirt and with a glass of half finished beer in one hand is a thick-necked, heavily built guy with tightly cropped grey hair about 6ft tall. Pretty much the way Lisa has described Mick.

  He has the look of a head doorman that clearly still works-out but should have probably retired a few years back. He starts to step down into the alley when I see behind him, fully dressed in her little short black party dress, is my wife.

  I’m holding my breath as I crouch here, suddenly aware that Mick is holding Lisa’s hand as he leads her outside.

  My head feels like someone has it in both hands and is trying to crush it. Lisa carefully watches her own shapely legs and heels as they negotiate the steps down into the alley behind her boss. Her free arm raises a slender hand and dark painted nails move a lock of her long hair behind an ear. For a second it makes her gold hoop earring swing and it catches the light.

  Once they’re both in the alleyway, Mick turns his back to the bins and faces my wife. He shoves the fire-exit doors together with a foot then moves Lisa away from the doors so that she is up against the wall this side of them. She smiles at him then looks down at the ground, her arms fidgeting a little awkwardly at her sides.

  “You looked fucking hot in your underwear before” he tells her in a loud, deep voice.

  “Hmm,” she says, without looking at him, “I bet you say that to all the girls” she tries to smile but still looks a little awkward.

  “Well whatever, you’ve made one old man very happy on his birthday, I’ve got to tell you.” He says to my wife then asks: “Have you really never been with anyone else since you got married?” Then he answers his own question with: “What a fucking waste”

  She laughs quietly then whispers something into his ear. Mick takes a big gulp of his beer then bends to sit it down on the floor alongside them.

  When he’s back facing her he looks at her again then slowly takes a fistful of her thick blonde hair and pulls her head towards him. Lisa lets out a moan. “Oh,” he says, seeming surprised, “You like that do you?” I watch with my hand over my own mouth. Lisa’s eyes are closed and her lips slightly open.

  Mick twists the handful of her hair and pulls her face right into his. She moans again and throatily he tells her: “You’re not so different from the rest of them then are you? Just a bit more uptight maybe.”

  His hand is tangled so tightly in her hair that she’s grimacing a little now.

  “You do know that only dirty girls like it rough don’t you Lisa. So what do you think that makes you – for all your airs and graces? ”

  Without waiting for an answer he lunges forward devouring her mouth with his own.

  Seconds later he yanks her head backwards to pull her away for a moment and she gasps loudly. Releasing her hair, Mick’s hands move behind her as he begins working on the zipper at the back of her dress.

  “Your tits looked so good through your bra when you were stripped off before.” He tells her, lowering the zipper down her back as far as it will go. “Let’s have this dress off”. He orders her.

  Squatting here by the bins I’m wondering whether what I’m seeing is actually happening. A gold bangle on Lisa’s wrist slides down her arm as Mick lifts the dress up over her head. Once again she’s displayed in just her panties, bra and heels for this man I don’t really even know.

  The half cut balcony bra extends and presents her huge breasts to him almost obscenely in the circumstances.

  Without taking his eyes from Lisa, Mick lets my wife’s dress fall from his hand to the floor at their feet.

  “Take your bra off Lisa” he orders her, his voice firm though a little wheezy, betraying his own excitement.

  She looks awkwardly at him and hesitates for a moment. “Come on...” he says, slowly grabbing her hair again in a clenched fist and raising his voice a little, “You might get away with being a little prick tease like that with your husband but you won’t with me. Especially not on my birthday”.

  For a minute I wonder whether she’s doing this under duress, whether I should interrupt and try to put a stop to it.

  “Hang on a second” she asks and he releases her hair again. Her arms move behind her back reaching for the clip of her black bra. I don’t know whether she’s nervous but it seems to take her a moment or two longer than when she normally removes it in the warmth of our bedroom at home.

  She eventually unclips it for him and her arms return to her front, pressed against herself, covering her breasts and holding the bra in place, the black bra straps lying loosely on her shoulders.

  “There’s no need to be shy about those babies.” He tells her. “They’re fuckin’ gorgeous and so are you“. His thick forearms move towards Lisa and he pulls her arms away from her chest and sweeps her opened bra off and away from her in one movement. It too falls to the floor and my wife’s bare 36” breasts bounce free in front of him, her nipples stiffened like ripe strawberries.

  Mick studies her for a moment then slowly shakes his head. “Beautiful” he tells her.

  Even though the late afternoon air is still warm I shiver and wonder whether Lisa, now almost naked, feels it or is too excited to care. This man, who was doubtless having sex years before Lisa was born, raises both open palms and then for a moment holds them still up against my wife’s breasts. His hands obscure her swollen nipples as he lets them lay there for a moment or two, seemingly savouring her firm warm flesh against his.

  “Beautiful” he says again then gently rotates his palms on her breasts like some pornographic window-cleaner. Lisa’s eyes are closed and she’s sighing gently.

  Abruptly, causing Lisa to gasp, he pushes her backwards up against the wall of the building. His hands are all over my wife’s tits, his knuckles tightening as he slowly but roughly mauls and works them. He has her pushed up so hard against the wall that she seems on the very tips of her toes in her heels. “Fucking lovely tits” he’s saying “Lovely”. Then his head lowers and his mouth is smothering her chest loudly sucking and kissing. His head bobbing and weaving like the boxer he once was, but in slow-motion.

  Without warning he seems to kind of latch-on, and his head slowly pulls back up and away from Lisa making her move forward towards him, her breast stretching and a nipple snared between his grinning teeth.

  Their feet scrape the gravel as Mick moves the position of them both in what looks almost like some sort of furtive, stuttering dance. Around one of his broad shoulders I briefly make out Lisa’s eyes, screwed tightly closed in contrast with her mouth which gapes open as if gasping for air.

  Like a dog toying with a bone and with one of Lisa’s nipples still locked in place in his mouth, Mick moves his head slowly left then to the right. With each movement of his head Lisa lets out a little cry until he releases her nipple and she sinks back down from her tiptoes panting.

  Suddenly his mouth is on her again making loud and obscene sucking noises on her young tits.

  Here behind the bins, if it wasn’t for the musty smell of trash I’d think I was hallucinating. I feel I’m going out of my mind.

  Without breaking from sucking and biting at Lisa’s breasts, one of Mick’s hands begins clawing at her g-stringed panties. As he’s doing so, the painted red nails on Lisa’s left hand stroke along the grey stubble on Mick’s head. Then as he starts to lower Lisa’s little lace thong over her creamy white hips she wiggles her body a little to help her boss ease the underwear I bought for her down over her curves. The little triangle of trimmed hair between my wife’s legs is revealed and I genuinely feel I might pass out.

  Once he has Lisa’s panties peeled down as far as her knees he
can reach no further and at last releases her nipple from his teeth.

  “Take them right off” he orders her. I’m not sure why he needs her totally nude here in the alley but my wife isn’t questioning him. She bends forward and down then raises one long leg a little to get her panties over her heels and off.

  The thong lies on the ground at Mick’s feet like a mini wreath of tiny dark flowers.

  “Let’s have a good look at what you’ve been hiding” he says, stepping back to survey her.

  She leans back against the wall as if needing it for support. She’s naked except for her heels, her hands by her side while Mick studies her, ostentatiously scratching his chin and smirking. He moves to one side to stroke down the side of one of her thighs and I become aware of a large, angry purple bite mark he’s left on her right breast.

  I’m desperately trying to keep my breathing under control, trying to remain unheard. For a moment I wonder whether what appears to be stiffness in my wife’s reddened nipples is from feeling cold with no clothes on here, or arousal after the mauling Mick has given them.

  Suddenly he raises his left hand and brings it down hard onto one of Lisa’s exposed breasts with a loud “CRACK!”

  She cries out and he immediately does it again to her other breast causing her shoulders to slump forward and her breasts to jump indecently. Mick’s laughing and I’m panicking. I need to try to put a stop to this but then Lisa straightens herself up against the wall and I see the way she’s looking at Mick. Then one of her hands moves down between her own legs

  Mick moves in close to her mumbling something I can’t hear. I crane my neck enough to be able to just make out his thick fingers now burrowing their way in between my wife’s bare legs.

  She’s moaning loudly. Mick’s elbow is moving slowly in time to the gyrations of Lisa’s hips as he coaxes the most intimate part of her body.

  “Mmmm, soaking wet” he tells her ear. “You fucking, dirty, married, slut”” he says slowly.

  His elbow speeds up and Lisa sounds like she’s gulping for air. Mick devours her mouth again as he fingers my lovely wife. He moves position slightly and I see her long slender fingers start to tug at the front of his grey pants. Frantic, but so desperate to remain undiscovered that I hardly dare to breathe, my hands fumble at the front of my own pants.

  Mick stops fingering Lisa and brings the hand he was using up to his face. He inhales his fingers theatrically in her face then sucks them loudly so that she turns her head away in embarrassment.

  Then his same hand is yanking at the belt of his own pants. He tears the zip down and almost immediately Lisa’s hand dives in foraging.

  Mick moves his hips to help her hand get down and into his shorts. A moment later they’re both groaning as she seems to find what she was after. Her arm and wrist rise and fall in a slow delicate rhythm, almost like a ballet dancer’s arm. Far too delicate to be associated with what she’s actually doing.

  Mick moves my wife’s hair away from the side of her face then presses his head close in and mumbles something into her ear. Then there’s a scraping sound as moves his leg to drag Lisa’s discarded dress across the rubble-strewn ground with one of his boots.

  Mesmerized, I watch my naked young wife slide unsteadily down to the floor until her knees rest on her dress at the feet of this 50 year old man.

  Using his thumbs Mick yanks his white underpants down further in my wife’s face. His bloated and angry-looking purple and dark pink cock recoils and vaults upwards like a veined forearm with a tightly clenched purple fist as its head.

  Lisa waits patiently on her knees, looking upwards, her bare ass cheeks so pale on the back of her black heels beneath her.

  I notice one of her shoulders moving to a slow rhythm and realise in amazement that again she must be touching herself.

  My stomach has tightened at the thought of her anticipating a cock that looks twice the length and several sizes thicker than the only other one that’s ever been near her in the flesh.

  She moves the position of her head and I get a view of Mick’s huge hairy balls which look so swollen with need for my wife.

  To my shame and confused frustration after all those times masturbating or having sex with Lisa at the thought of her with men like Mick, now it’s happening, my cock hangs limply down in front of me. Its over-excitement, my head whirling out of control with so many other emotions inside me cascading around and crashing off each other. It feels impossible to focus. I curse myself for my over-thinking instead of being a man of action like this giant in front of my wife.

  Around six feet from me on the other side of these bins my wife continues to wait on her knees on the floor at the sight towering above her blonde head. She lets out a little whimper as Mick’s thick fingers form a plump claw and again grab a fistful of her hair. He roughly, and in the circumstances I think needlessly, tugs Lisa’s head to his groin.

  I watch crouching and motionless, barely able to think let alone pleasure myself – even if my cock wasn’t betraying me.

  The back of Lisa’s head surges forward like a rag doll’s towards Mick’s cock and balls and her boss lets out a loud and harsh roar almost as if clearing his throat.

  I watch her thick mane of hair slowly bob up and down between Mick’s powerful legs as she sucks his monstrous erection. His eyes are closed now and his half open mouth gasps desperately but rhythmically as if running the final part of an uphill marathon.

  After a moment he abruptly opens his eyes almost like he remembers something. He grabs her head with both hands and for a second the light from the fire exit sign catches his gold watch half-buried in my wife’s dishevelled hair. Then, with his tongue stiffly poking out of the corner of one side of his unshaven mouth he begins to rapidly and roughly fuck Lisa’s face. Pumping his hips, he stabs his swollen erection back and forth between lips that have kissed and spoken softly to me so often. He’s plunging himself so deeply into Lisa’s mouth that it’s as if trying to force his whole cock and balls down her throat.

  Suddenly I hear my wife gag then splutter. Mick pauses for a moment as Lisa’s head limply rock backs.

  “Are you alright?” he asks.

  My wife coughs once or twice then nods her head. “You must have sucked a cock before Lisa“ he tells my panting wife, her chest rapidly rising and falling. He leans forward a little and his thick fingers stroke the side of her head. “You’re gonna need to do better than that”.

  My wife looks up at him: “I’m sorry Mick. It’s just so big”. She shifts position on her knees then takes his still fully erect giant cock into one of her little hands.

  Mick looks down at her and she lifts his cock above her eye line and frantically smothers the underside of his swinging balls with kisses. When she’s finished she feeds his straining manhood back into her stretching mouth. At once Mick’s off again, stooping slightly as he cups her head between both his hands and hurriedly and relentlessly rams his tightly trimmed grey-haired groin at her.

  Suddenly, out of nowhere he lets out a huge throaty bellow. Then with a quick backward movement he yanks his startled cock from my wife’s worshipping mouth. He takes it in both fists and as it tries to spasm uncontrollably he swivels his hips, directing each spurt of his knee-rocking orgasm into Lisa’s upturned face, hair and all over her bare chest. I can’t believe how long the orgasm seems to go on for or how much come he splatters my wife with. There’s so much of it I wonder if it can be normal.

  “Fuck..... MEEEE!” He groans once he’s finally drained the last of his seed all over Lisa.

  Her head moves and I see a thick rope of his come swing from her chin and slide down onto her heaving and already drenched breasts. Mick slumps back with his bare ass against the alley wall, his trousers crumpled around his ankles.

  Lisa, still breathing deeply but now more slowly, reaches out from her knees and takes his wilting, reddened cock into one of her manicured hands. Even now only semi-erect, it appears so much larger than my own is when

  From the bottom of the alley a speeding car roars along down the street. Oblivious to everything accept what is before her, Lisa slowly kisses each of Mick’s balls in turn then continues up the length of his recently discharged cock until she reaches the head. Once there, her tongue laps then gently sucks and cleanses him.

  With no warning, dance music and lights explode into the alleyway as the fire exit doors burst fully open.

  A guy in an open-collared shirt and tie and a brunette in heels stagger out arm in arm, carrying drinks.

  Startled I jump with fright and surprise and half crash into one of the bins.

  “Fuck off back inside the pair of yer!” shouts Mick as the couple stare wide-eyed at him with my nude wife at his feet on her knees.

  “In future use the fucking main door around the front!” he yells.

  The intruders hurry back inside but before I can stop it, the bin I hit topples onto its side, sending its contents of food waste and cardboard spilling out on the ground.

  Mick turns away from the fire door and looks over at me his face twisted with confusion and anger.

  “What the FUCK? “He yells taking a stride towards me, his pants still around his ankles.

  “No Mick!” shrieks Lisa, her arms tightly gripped around his knees, his now-limp cock swinging through her hair. “It’s my husband, it’s Neil!”

  “What???” yells Mick, stopping in his tracks and starring down in bewilderment at my wife.

  “I had no idea he was here! Honestly Mick!” she cries, her bare tits squashed up against his legs as she struggles to hold him there.

  I’m frozen to the spot with my limp cock still out, but now a look of amused recognition has spread across Mick’s broad face.

  He looks over at me then back down at Lisa below him. His amusement changes to a grimace, revealing deep lines around his piercing pale blue eyes.

  “Get off on this do you?” he demands looking at me aggressively. I can’t speak.

  “I guess we’d better give you something to really watch then” he smirks. Lisa is trying to struggle to her feet but Mick has a hand firmly on her head holding her down there in place on her knees.


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