Destined (Vampire Awakenings)

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Destined (Vampire Awakenings) Page 20

by Davies, Brenda K.

  His hand slid to the juncture of her thighs, groaning as he discovered her already wet, and hot, for him. He slid a finger into her, stroking and loving her as she gasped in surprise and arched wildly against him. Stefan knew that he should take more time, prepare her more, but the feel of her tight, hot sheath clenching his finger was more than he could stand.

  He seized hold of her hips as his mouth reclaimed hers. Everything was happening too fast, a part of him knew that, and tried to stop it. But the other part, the bigger part, was beyond any sense of control, or reason. He needed her, he had to have her. He was on fire, burning with the intensity of his emotions, and the passion that seized him. He drove into her, tearing through the barrier of her virginity with a fierce cry of possession.

  Isabelle cried out, her nails clawed into his back as pain tore through her. He was so large, so big that he filled her to the point of bursting, and for a moment she feared that he was going to rip her in two. A whimper of pain escaped as he went still inside her, the muscles of his back tightened beneath her hands.

  “I’m sorry Isabelle,” he grated hoarsely in her ear, his body hard, and hot against hers.

  An emotion so fierce welled up in her that she almost started to cry again. She clung to his hard, sweat slicked body as her muscles slowly began to loosen around him and she eased to his invasion. He kissed her neck softly, nibbling lightly on her ear as he slid out of her, and slowly back in. Isabelle eased even more around him as the pain began to fade, and the passion of moments before began to return. She clung to him as his mouth seized hers again and his tongue slid slowly into her, imitating the slow, undulating movement of his hips.

  He kissed and touched her everywhere, unable to get enough of the feel of her silken body against his. He stroked her breasts, kneading and massaging her as he seized hold of one of her nipples with his mouth again. Her hands dug into his back as she arched against him, delicious whimpers of pleasure escaping from her. Now that he was inside her, now that he had her, the fierce urgency had receded, and he was able to slow himself down a little. He was able to take the time to enjoy the sensations that she arose in him. He had never felt anything as wonderfully tight, and warm, and wet as she was. Never experienced such pleasure in his life.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he grated against her lips.

  Her eyes opened, clouded and dazed with passion as she wrapped her long legs around his waist. A soft cry of rapture escaped her as the movement caused him to slide even further into her. Stefan groaned; he clenched his teeth against the urge to spill as her legs tightened around him. He watched her as he moved, enjoying the play of emotions that slid over her face, the desire that darkened her eyes to deep purple. Her lids started to close.

  “No, watch me,” he ordered.

  Her eyes flew back open, wide and startled. Then, she smiled softly and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her hips began to rise and fall with him as she found, and matched, his rhythm. He watched her intently as his hands fondled and caressed her, watched the passion that parted her lips, caused her breath to quicken, and her body to quiver. He knew that she was nearing release by the flicker of fear and surprise that crossed her face.

  He slid his hand between her thighs, stroking the quivering bud that begged for his attention. Her eyes grew wider as soft cries began to escape her, and she wildly met his fierce, pounding rhythm. “Now,” he commanded. “Now Isabelle!”

  He drove hard into her as he reached his snapping point. She cried out loudly, her body tightening around him as the force of her contractions ripped his orgasm from him. The fierceness of it tore a bellow of satisfaction, and delight, from him. Never had he experienced anything as wonderful, or as fulfilling. He hadn’t thought that it could exist.

  He nearly collapsed on top of her, but managed to catch himself in time. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her and rolled her to the side as small tremors continued to shake her body. He remained inside of her as her head settled onto his shoulder; her hands lightly stroked his chest. His breathing was still rough and ragged, and he was pleased to note that hers was too. Their bodies were coated with sweat as he pulled her tighter against him, a feeling of utter contentment stealing through him. This was where he belonged, he realized.

  “You left me,” she whispered softly.

  His hands tightened on her as he gently nuzzled the top of her head. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t do it again.”

  “I won’t,” he promised.


  She snuggled closer to him and was instantly asleep. Stefan smiled softly as he held her tight against him, savoring in the scent of their love making, and the feel of her delicious body against his. He knew that he should be afraid of how much he had come to care for her, knew that the darkness inside of him was not something that he should have ever exposed her to. However, for the first time in his long existence, he actually felt at peace. He was never going to let her know about his past, never going to look back again. He savored in the feel of her as he drifted slowly to sleep.


  Isabelle woke slowly the next morning, instinctively nestling closer to Stefan’s warm body. His arm tightened around her as he drew her closer. “Good morning,” he murmured in her ear.

  She smiled softly as she rolled over to face him. His hair, tussled from sleep, fell across his forehead with a boyish appeal that warmed her heart. Her smile deepened as she gently brushed the hair off of his forehead. His arm tightened around her as a small smile played at the corners of his mouth. The impact of that smile was enough to make her melt.

  “Did you miss me while I was gone?” he asked softly.

  “I hardly even noticed,” she lied.

  His smile deepened as his hand began to lightly stroke her back, causing a small tremor to work its way through her. “Really?”

  Isabelle bit her lip; her body tightened in anticipation as he lightly stroked her hip, and came slowly back up to circle her breast. Her nipple hardened as his finger traced around it. “Maybe a little,” she whispered breathlessly.

  His smile deepened as he bent and lightly licked her hardened nipple. Isabelle gasped as she arched into him. He pulled away from her, his smile lazy and satisfied. “Just a little?”

  She bit into her bottom lip as she stared into his bright, gleaming eyes. “Did you miss me?” she demanded.

  “Did I miss being avoided, run away from, tortured, tormented, and sexually frustrated?” Isabelle scowled angrily at him as he smiled happily down at her. “Yes, I did.” She smiled brightly as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “More than a little?” he growled as his hand tightened on her waist. Isabelle smiled softly as she pressed tighter against him. A small thrill shot through her at the feel of his hard, hair roughened chest against her sensitive breasts.

  He slid his leg between hers, pushing her thighs apart. Isabelle’s breath froze in her lungs as his hand slid down and he began to lightly stroke her. A small gasp escaped as his finger slid inside and her hips began to move slowly with the pace that he set. “More than a little?” he murmured against her lips as his other hand leisurely fondled her breast.

  Isabelle could barely think through the pleasure that was beginning to consume her, let alone speak. His hand slid away from her. Isabelle groaned her protest as she wiggled closer to him. Chuckling softly, he nibbled lightly on her bottom lip. He grabbed hold of her hip, pulling her against him and rubbing the tip of his hardened shaft teasingly against her aching, wet loins. Isabelle opened her legs to accept his invasion, but it didn’t come.

  “More than a little?” he demanded.

  Her lips parted as he continued to rub against her. She couldn’t take anymore of the sweet torture that he was putting her through, at the moment she would have conceded anything to him to have him ease her torment again. “Yes!” she cried.

  He smiled victoriously as he slid slowly into her. Isabelle gasped in delight as she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck an
d drug his mouth down to hers. The world fell away as his body moved over her, enveloping her with his strength, security, and warmth. He caught each of her soft sighs and gasps with his mouth as he leisurely explored and tasted her, making love to her slowly. She touched him everywhere, relishing in the feel of the strong muscles that corded his back, his chest, his thighs, and buttocks as they grew slick with sweat.

  Her hands dug into his back as he drove her closer to the brink of ecstasy that he had pushed her over last night. She gasped loudly as she clung to him, her only anchor in the sea of pleasure that she was engulfed in. He seized hold of her hands, dragging them above her head and pinning them down as he drove more fiercely into her. Isabelle’s legs tightened around him as she eagerly met his fierce, eager movements. He seized her wrists in one hand as he reached between their bodies to rub against her quivering, hardened nub. She screamed loudly as the world splintered around her and waves of ecstasy tore through her.

  He drove fiercely into her, spilling everything into her as her body contracted fiercely around him. He collapsed; his breathing ragged as he pulled her against his chest, absorbing the tremors that shook her. He rolled her to the side as he tried to calm the fierce pounding of his heart, and catch his breath. It was only then that he thought about what he had just done, how roughly he had taken her, twice now. He should have taken it easier on her, been gentler; she had to be sore from last night still. He had hurt her then, and he had to have hurt her again now.

  “Are you okay?” he grated.

  “Ah huh,” she replied contentedly, nuzzling against his chest.

  “Did I hurt you?” he demanded.

  Isabelle frowned at the worry, and concern, in his voice. She lifted her head to look down at him. He was studying her with intense, dark eyes, the worry apparent in the pinched lines around his mouth and eyes. “No, why would you think that?”

  He continued to search her face intently, obviously not believing what she had told him. “I know I hurt you last night.”

  “Only a little,” she assured him.

  “And today, it was too soon, I should have waited a day or two before taking you again.”

  She smiled sweetly down at him as she shook her head. “I would have taken you.”

  He laughed loudly as he pulled her down for a long, lingering kiss. “Would you now?” he murmured against her lips.

  “Yes, I would,” she said with a fierce nod and a soft smile.

  “I wasn’t too rough with you?”

  “No,” she assured him, her fingers lightly curled into the hair on his chest. To his utter amazement he felt himself growing hard again as she smiled seductively down at him.

  “Next time, we’ll go slowly and I’ll teach you how to make love.”

  Her forehead furrowed as she stared at him in confusion. “I thought we already did.”

  He laughed softly as he shook his head. “No, there is so much more to learn, and I am going to enjoy teaching you all of it.”

  Her eyes darkened as she bit into her bottom lip. “I see,” she whispered.

  Isabelle lowered her lashes before he could see the hurt that tore through her. She had managed to forget all of her fears about her inadequacy in her happiness to see him, to have him, but they all came flying rapidly back to her now. His words had made her realize just how little she did know, and how very much he did.

  She wanted to crawl out of the bed and run away from him, but she didn’t want him to know how hurt she was. It would help if he would at least say something to reassure her, tell her that she hadn’t been a disappointment, or even worse, completely awful, but she would die before she ever asked him about it.

  “Isabelle.” She turned back to him, hopeful that he had somehow sensed her insecurity and was going to reassure her. “I told you you wouldn’t kick me out of your room.”

  Her mouth dropped open as her eyes widened in shock. There was a teasing gleam in his eyes, but his words, coupled with her doubts, brought a surge of anger spurting forth. She rolled instantly away and climbed quickly out of the bed. “Hey, come back here!” he protested laughingly.

  Isabelle’s anger flashed boiled at the sound of his mocking, taunting laughter. “No!” she snapped as she made her way to the bathroom.

  “What the hell is the matter with you?” he demanded.

  She spun to face him, planting her hands on her hips as she glared angrily at him. “Why can’t you ever just say something nice? Why do you always have to be such an arrogant ass!?” she nearly screeched.

  Stefan’s eyes widened in surprise, he would have been amused by her obvious ire, and especially her stance, if it wasn’t for the hurt blazing fiercely from her eyes, a hurt that he didn’t understand. He had only been teasing her, but it was apparent that she had taken it the wrong way. “Isabelle...”

  “You know what, just get out! Get out now!”

  Anger snapped through him as he thrust the tangled sheet away and sat up. Isabelle’s eyes narrowed as she fiercely met his gaze. “I am not going anywhere,” he growled.

  “Yes, you are. I want you to leave.”

  Normally he wouldn’t have gotten so incensed, but after the torment of the past three days hearing her telling him to get out was not something that he was willing to tolerate. Hell, he knew she had been just as miserable as he had, but she was more than willing to toss him out of her life again, and the last thing he wanted was to lose her. It was that knowledge that made his anger escalate to rapid, volatile proportions. He had no idea how he had allowed her to get so much control over him, when it was obvious that he had almost none over her. It absolutely infuriated him.

  “I don’t care what the hell you want!” he snapped. “I’m not going anywhere just because you can’t take a joke!”

  Her eye blazed with anger and unshed tears. “You’re an insensitive, cruel, idiot! Get out, and don’t come back!”

  The tears nearly blinded her as she whirled quickly and darted into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. She was acting like an idiot, she knew that, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself. The last thing she wanted was for him to leave again. She had just wanted him to reassure her, to ease all of her doubts and fears. Instead, he had managed to make her feel even weaker than she had already proven herself to be around him, and even more insecure. His words about teaching her how to make love, telling her that there was so much that she didn’t know, on top of his smug superiority about getting into her bed, were more than she could handle.

  There was no way she could ever compete with the women of his past, and she didn’t want to. All she had wanted was for him to tell her that she was special, that she was different, that she wasn’t just another conquest. Not to remind her that she was just like every other woman that hadn’t been able to refuse him. She slid onto the counter, drawing her legs up as she buried her head in her hands and tears slid freely down her face.

  “Isabelle, come out of there,” he ordered from the other side of the door.


  Stefan forced himself to take a deep breath before he ripped the door off its damn hinges and drug her out. He knew that there was more behind her anger, and hurt, than what he had said. The tears in her eyes had proved that, but he couldn’t think of what it could be, and he wasn’t in the mood to puzzle it out. His anger was growing by the moment. He’d had enough of fighting with her, and he wasn’t about to let her lead him around. It was beyond time she learned that he was the one in charge. He grabbed the handle and pushed the door open. She quickly shoved it shut again.

  “Let me in that room, or I’m going to rip this door off its hinges!” he bellowed, his patience snapping as he shoved the door back open.

  Isabelle scrambled forward, kicking the door quickly shut again. The breath froze in her lungs as he grew eerily quiet on the other side. For a moment she feared that he truly would rip the door off, but when seconds ticked by with no sound, and no further attempt to enter, her shoulders slumped in relief, and
her head bowed.

  The loud crashing snapped her head up. Her eyes widened in surprise, and a strangled cry escaped her as the door, and part of the wall, was torn away and flung easily aside. Stefan stepped into the room, wrath radiated from every inch of his body as he towered over her. Unable to move, her breath froze in her lungs as his eye blazed a violent red at her. Pure terror spurted through her veins, her heart jack hammered wildly in her chest, and a thick lump constricted her throat. She would have jumped up and fled the room, but there was nowhere for her to go. He blocked her only chance of escape.

  “Get up!” he hissed.

  Isabelle knew that her legs wouldn’t hold her, so she never even attempted it. Instead, she shook her head numbly, unable to tear her gaze away from his thunderous expression. She hadn’t thought it was possible, but his eyes blazed even brighter. The fury radiating from him beat against her in waves that threatened to drown her within their terrifying depths. She started to recoil, but he seized hold of her arms, lifting her easily, and striding out of the room.

  Isabelle didn’t even attempt to struggle for fear that he would truly kill her if she did, he certainly looked irate enough to do it. She was fairly certain that he would never hurt her, but she wasn’t about to take her chances in the face of his hostility. Instead, she hung limply, waiting to see what he was going to do as fear hummed through every inch of her body. Never had she seen him this mad, never had she thought it possible. But, even though he was trembling with rage, his hands upon her arms were not painful, or overly tight.

  He threw her onto the bed, climbing on top of her so that his knees were on either side of her hips, and his hands clasped her arms tightly at her sides. She stared breathlessly up at him, trembling slightly with dread as he glowered fiercely down at her. Power and strength radiated from him. She clearly recalled how he had ripped the door from the wall, and tossed it aside as if it weighed no more than a feather. She didn’t even want to think about what he could do to her if he truly wanted to.


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