Destined (Vampire Awakenings)

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Destined (Vampire Awakenings) Page 26

by Davies, Brenda K.

  He sighed softly as he forced himself to remain patient. “It has to be done Isabelle. I need to do it, and soon. I would rather have you be willing, than snap and take it forcefully from you one day.”

  “You won’t,” she breathed.

  “Yes, I will. I have to; the demon in me has too. I have to mark you as mine, I have to establish that connection, otherwise I will snap. I’ve been holding back because I know that you’re scared, but it’s getting harder to control every day, with every moment that goes by. As long as you don’t fight me, it will only hurt for a second, and then it won’t hurt anymore.”

  She studied him apprehensively, her eyes dark with dread. “Do you promise?” she whispered tremulously.

  “Yes.” Isabelle swallowed down the fear that was threatening to choke her. “You can taste me first if you don’t believe me.”

  “I’ve never bit anyone,” she whispered as a little thrill shot through her at the idea. “I’ll hurt you.”

  “No, you won’t. You’ll know what to do, and I want you too.”

  She wanted to do this for him, but she wanted it more for herself. She clearly recalled how tempting his blood had seemed the other night. She wanted to taste him, to have him fill her. Something inside of her thrilled at the idea, and craved it. Her hands curled in her lap as she closed her eyes against the fierce bloodlust that ripped through her, bringing the beast surging forth. Stefan pulled her tightly against him as she began to tremble fiercely.

  He closed his eyes as he rocked her gently, the need that suddenly radiated from her enflamed his own. He lifted her gently and placed her on the bed, standing swiftly. He had to get away from her so that he could get a hold on himself. She kept her eyes firmly closed as she fisted her hands in her lap. With the soft white nightgown, and her hair flowing freely around her, she looked so vulnerable, so innocent that it ripped at his insides and brought a blast of need tearing through him.

  He turned away from her, yanking his shirt off with fierce, vicious movements. The beast in him was clamoring to get free. He was beginning to fear that he had waited too long, that he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from hurting her. If that happened she would never forgive him, and he would never forgive himself. He tore his jeans and underwear off, and took a deep breath before turning back to her. She still sat with her head bowed, her trembling hands clamped tightly in her lap.

  He took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down before moving back and lifting her up. He settled her back on his lap and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. He realized too late that he never should have touched her, never should have put himself this close to her, that he should have waited until tomorrow when he had more control over himself. He could see the fierce thumping of her heart pulsing through the vein in her neck; smell the tantalizing, sweet scent of her.

  She shook against him, a soft whimper escaped. “Isabelle,” he grated hoarsely. “Look at me.”

  Her shaking grew fiercer. She bit into her bottom lip in an attempt to try and stop it, and then cried out as her teeth pierced her skin. She was losing it. Never had she felt this consumed by hunger, by need. She couldn’t look at him, he would see it, he would know, and she was certain that the sight of him would cause her to snap.

  “Look at me.”

  Isabelle’s eyes flew open, wild and savage. Stefan’s body clenched as he saw the thin thread of control she possessed. It almost snapped his tenuous hold. He pushed her slightly back, snagged hold of the bottom of her nightgown and tore it off to reveal her magnificent body. His jaw clenched as he took in her full breasts, porcelain skin, narrow waist, and delicate, flaring hips. The triangle of dark hair between her thighs caused lust to surge through him, mingling with his hunger. Her eyes snapped shut as she whimpered softly and buried herself against his chest.

  His arms tightened around her as she instinctively nestled closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck she buried her head in his shoulder. His erection pressed tightly against her thigh, throbbing and warm, and awakening another hunger instantly. Turning in his lap, she pressed her wet center against him. Pleasure and desire shot so fiercely through her that it ripped away her remaining control. She cried out as her teeth elongated against his shoulder. She buried her head tighter against him as she struggled to keep it at bay.

  “Don’t fight it Isabelle.” His voice shook from his fierce need as his hands clenched into her velvety skin. “Don’t fight me.”

  She shuddered again, but this time it wasn’t from fighting against her urges, but the anticipation of what was to come. She moved her mouth to his neck. His breath froze in his lungs with expectation, and she knew a moment of satisfaction as she realized that she held him in thrall. That he was as affected by her as she was by him. She lifted her hips and slid onto him at the same time that she bit deep. The pleasure that slammed through her ripped a wild cry free as his blood flowed into her, and his hard shaft filled her.

  She felt savage and wild as she clung to him, riding him with abandon. His hands braced her hips as he drove in and out of her, and his mind surged and blended with hers. She could feel his bliss as she rode him; feel his satisfaction as his blood mingled with hers. She could feel his deep and unconditional love for her, along with a need for her that more than matched her own. He tasted so wonderful, felt so wonderful that she could barely stand the delicious torment. For a moment she feared that she would shatter from the exquisite ecstasy that was consuming her entire body. The power that encompassed him shook her as it poured into, and through, her veins. She wanted to cry from the extreme joy and wonder of it all.

  Stefan waited until he was sure that all of her fear was gone, sure that she would not fight him. Waited until he couldn’t wait anymore. He was trembling with need, with hunger, as he brushed her hair back from her neck. She moaned softly, her hands digging into his back, clawing into him as she clung tightly. Her need consumed him as it blazed into his mind.

  He groaned loudly as he bit deeply into her. Pleasure consumed him, nearly devouring him in its intensity as her sweetness filled him, and a feeling of utter contentment tore through his veins. She tasted just as sweet as he had known she would, just as wonderful. Her mind poured into his, her fierce love nearly shattered him. He trembled as he clung tightly to her, his hands wrapping into her thick hair.

  Isabelle pulled away from him, a savage cry escaping her as she trembled and shook from the extreme bliss threatening to consume her. She clasped the back of his head tightly to her as his mind seared into hers. She desperately tried to convey her love, and need to him, as he had done to her. She leaned back in his arms, riding him with savage abandon as a feeling of utter completeness, and happiness, engulfed her. She had no control over herself, no control over anything as all of her inhibitions melted away. She screamed wildly as the orgasm ripped through her, shaking her to the very core of her existence.

  Stefan plunged into her, as she tightened convulsively around him, ripping an earth shattering orgasm from him. He poured all of his essence into her as she collapsed against him, tremors still shaking through her, and into him. He held her sweat slicked body tightly against his, breathing in the enticing smell of their lovemaking. Closing his eyes he relished in the feeling of serenity, and belonging, that filled him. It was almost more than he could bear.

  “I love you Stefan.”

  Her words shook his core, tearing at him as he clung tighter to her, his heart almost bursting with joy. For a moment he was unable to speak through the lump in his throat, through the emotions consuming him. She tried to pull away from him, but he refused to let her go, pulling her more fiercely against him as she stiffened within his arms.

  “I love you too Isabelle.”

  She went limp against him, her tears of joy ran down to wet his shoulder.


  Isabelle was in the best mood of her life the next day as she helped her mother prepare for Ian’s going away party. For this party, instead of being miserable
and brooding, she was so unbelievably happy that she was fairly bursting with it. Vicky and Abby were staring at her in disbelief as she slipped a platter of hamburgers onto the kitchen counter and flashed them a blindingly bright smile. Her mother was biting her lip in order to keep from laughing out loud, and Willow had quickly vacated, mumbling something about morons, and love.

  The only moment that almost spoiled her happiness was when Jess came downstairs with her suitcase in hand. She cast Isabelle a scathing look, but quickly lowered her head, and hurried out the door. Kathleen and Delia came down behind her, suitcases in hand. “You’re leaving?” Isabelle cried, as a wave of guilt flooded her.

  Kathleen smiled brilliantly as she dropped her suitcases on the ground. “Yes, I need to take Delia clothes shopping, and get her ready for school. Delia, why don’t you go out and help Jess.”

  Isabelle waited until Delia was gone before turning back to Kathleen. “It’s not because of me is it?” she asked worriedly. She would simply hate herself if Kathleen was leaving because of her, and her mother lost her friend, again.

  “No dear, it’s not.” Kathleen reached out and patted her hand reassuringly. “If you’re even as close to happy as your parents are, than I wish you all the joy in the world. He wasn’t happy with Jess.” Isabelle felt tears well up in her eyes as she clutched Kathleen’s hand tightly. How did she have such unhappy daughters? Isabelle wondered as Kathleen pulled away from her and walked over to hug her mom tightly. “I miss you Sera. This time, let’s not lose touch.”

  Tears streaked down her mother’s face as she embraced her friend. Isabelle looked up as Stefan’s presence filled her senses. He stood in the doorway, his large frame taking up more than half of it as he surveyed the kitchen before meeting Isabelle’s gaze. Is everything all right? The thought blasted into her mind, warming her to her toes as she smiled happily and nodded.

  He remained standing in the doorway, not fully believing her. He had felt her distress outside, and with Kathleen present, he wasn’t sure if she was just lying to keep him calm. He knew Kathleen, and he actually liked her more than her daughters, but a mother would always protect her children first, and he didn’t want Isabelle hurt because of that. He turned slightly as Liam appeared beside him, his brow furrowed as he watched Sera pull away from Kathleen with tears streaming down her face. Liam relaxed and brushed past Stefan to enter the kitchen.

  “Ah, here they both are,” Kathleen said, wiping the tears from her eyes. “And where’s the rest of the clan?”

  As if on cue, Jack, David, Mike, and Doug appeared to say their goodbyes. Stefan walked into the kitchen and made his way over to Isabelle. She smiled sweetly at him as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against him. Some of his tension eased as she melded against him. Kathleen quickly said goodbye to the stooges, hugging each of them tightly before she moved onto the twins. When she was done hugging everyone, and saying her goodbyes, she walked back over to grab her suitcases.

  “You’d better treat her good Stefan. There’s a hell of a crew here that’ll kick your ass if you don’t!” she said laughingly.

  “I will,” he said softly.

  Kathleen lifted her suitcases and stood staring at them, a lost look on her pretty face. She sighed wearily and shook her head as she dropped her suitcases and spun toward Sera. Stefan stiffened slightly, it was glaringly obvious that Kathleen had more to say, and he was scared of what that might be. Instead of speaking, tears poured down her cheeks and she rushed back over to embrace Sera again. They hugged for a long time before Kathleen reluctantly pulled away, grabbed hold of her suitcases, and hurried from the room.

  Liam walked over to Sera and pulled her tightly against him. Everyone silently left the room to give them some privacy. They headed down the back steps to the group gathered in the backyard. Some of Ian’s old high school friends, and some of his college friends, had come for the party. They were gathered by the volleyball net, leisurely batting the ball back and forth as they waited for more people to join.

  “Let’s play,” Isabelle said eagerly.

  Stefan raised a dark brow in amusement as she smiled up at him, her violet eyes bright with happiness. He couldn’t refuse her anything, and she knew it. She seized hold of his hand and pulled him to the volleyball net. He stiffened as he noticed the lustful stares directed her way, his eyes narrowed warningly on the overeager men. They stared back at him for a moment before quickly lowering their gazes. She squeezed his hand reassuringly as she stopped next to Ian, and the stooges walked over to join them.

  “Do you have chosen teams for volleyball too?” Stefan asked.

  “Of course,” Jack replied. “Same as football, except I don’t think Liam will be back for awhile. You can take his place on David’s team, and Kyle can play again.”

  Isabelle scrunched her face as Stefan dropped a quick kiss on her forehead and moved to the other side of the net. Kyle came eagerly forward, happy to be included in the game again. She watched him for a moment, a soft smile playing over her mouth as he bounced eagerly on the balls of his feet. Looking at him now it was hard to believe that he had been at deaths door only days before, and she was extremely grateful that he was still with them now.

  Casting Stefan a soft, grateful smile, she moved to the end of the line, taking the ball from Ethan as she prepared to serve. The game moved quickly by in a blur of laughter, and pains. Kyle received a bloody nose, Ian sprained his finger, Ethan was mumbling about a groin muscle, and David and Mike got the wind knocked out of them when they both charged the net in an attempt to spike the ball.

  Stefan enjoyed watching Isabelle as she played. She was fluid and graceful, an easy smile on her face as she laughed and joked with everyone. He returned the secret, soft smiles she gave him, as his mind continuously brushed against hers, sending wicked, meaningful messages to her. He forced her to mess up more than a few times while serving and she had returned the favor in kind.

  However, it wasn’t just Isabelle that was causing him to enjoy the day so much, it was the whole atmosphere. He had felt welcomed by them before, but for the first time he felt truly accepted. As if they were actually his family too. Which, he realized, they were now. With Isabelle, came all of her siblings, her parents, and the stooges. With Isabelle came the family that he had lost long ago, and never expected to have again.

  He wiped the sweat from his brow as the game ended with David’s team, his team, winning the best two out of three. Mike’s team, including Isabelle, were all scowling unhappily as they moved over to join them on the other side of the net. “We’re going to have to redo the teams now that Stefan’s here,” Jack mumbled as he pulled his T-shirt back on.

  “Kyle’s old enough to become a permanent member.” Kyle’s chest puffed out as he straightened his shoulders. “And with Ian and Aiden gone most of the time, we can just put him on David’s team,” Ethan said.

  “Liam and Stefan are not staying on the same team!” Mike protested.

  Lighthearted banter broke out as they made their way back to the picnic tables. Stefan wrapped his arm around Isabelle’s waist, pulling her tight against his side. She grinned up at him as she leaned her head against his shoulder. “What if I take Isabelle?” David asked.

  “No way!” she cried, her head jerking up. “I’ve been on Mike’s team since I was twelve years old!”

  “Don’t worry Issy, you’re not getting traded,” Mike assured her. “Why doesn’t Stefan join our team?”

  “Are you insane?” Doug cried. “He’s the only one that can catch her!”

  “And we all know that she can catch him,” Jack replied with a grin and a wink.

  Isabelle laughed as she rested her head against his shoulder again. His arm around her waist was warm and secure. She could no longer remember what it was that she had been so afraid of with him. “Why don’t we argue about this later?” Ian demanded. “It’s my party, and I say it’s time for a little fun.”

  Isabelle lifted her head from
Stefan’s shoulder to grin at him. “Weren’t we already having fun?” she asked.

  “You know what I mean Issy,” he said with a grin.

  She knew exactly what he meant. “You’d better go get your friends,” Jack told him.

  “They’ll follow us. Ready for one of our family traditions, Stefan?”

  “If someone would tell me what it is,” he replied.

  They flashed bright grins as they looked quickly at one another. “Who’s going first?” Mike asked.

  All of their gazes landed on Isabelle. “No way!” she retorted. “I went last year, its Ian’s turn.”

  “It is Ian’s turn,” Jack said thoughtfully.

  Ian took a step back as they all turned toward him. “Hey! Come on, this was my idea!”

  “Which is even more reason why you should go first,” David retorted.

  Ian grinned at them as they took another step forward. “Fine!” he cried throwing his hands up.

  He took off running, and they all turned to watch as he darted past his friends, kicking off his shoes as he ran. He dove into the lake, and came up sputtering. “Cold!”

  They all began to laugh as he turned onto his back and kicked himself out toward the middle of the lake. With a war like cry Mike, Doug, Jack, David, and Ethan darted past them, shedding their shoes as they ran toward the lake. “Oh great!” Vicky cried as she appeared at their side with Abby beside her. “Who started it?” she demanded.

  “Ian,” Isabelle answered over the loud splashes and yells.

  They both sighed wearily as they shook their heads. “Well, we knew it was coming. Let’s go Abby.”

  Stefan watched in amazement as the twins also ran forward, they usually avoided the group activities. “What is going on?” he asked.

  Isabelle grinned up at him. “The end of summer swim,” she answered. “We do it every year, although we usually do it a little earlier than this. The lake is fed by a natural stream that comes out of the mountains; it has to be really cold now.”


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